The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 138 The Value of Talent

Chapter 138 The Value of Talent

"and many more"

Jiang Tao suddenly remembered the information sent back by Master Yuankong a few days ago. With the supplies of the Black Tiger Army and the assistance of the generals, he repelled several attacks by the Qing army. Now there are more than a thousand trained elite soldiers, and the situation is chaotic. Good luck, and asked again to enter the base to jointly resist the encirclement and suppression of the Qing army.

It happened to transfer this army to Wang Junyi.

With the backing of more than a thousand soldiers and horses, Jiang Tao has the confidence to divide them into several groups, sneak into the weak spots of the Qing army, and assist the Black Tiger Army to establish a few base areas first, and then use these base areas as fulcrums , Spreading everywhere, I don't believe that the Qing army has the energy to catch them all, even if there is a black tiger army, they can also fight guerrilla warfare.

When Jiang Tao said this, everyone was shocked, but Wang Dashan scratched his head and said, "Young master, why did you bring those children? It's a mistake and bothering you!"

"Try to choose orphans. The youth army has already undergone preliminary training. The younger ones are not attractive, and the second ones have been tempered so that they can grow faster. The elder brother should not only protect their safety as much as possible, but also train them well."

Although Jiang Tao couldn't bear it in his heart, he still explained lightly.

Wang Junyi sighed, nodded solemnly and said: "I will live up to the general's entrustment, and my subordinates will go to prepare now."

"Don't worry, the staff is here. Let's discuss how to establish a base area and how to mobilize the masses. The selected elites will have to attend lectures. There are a few main points you must keep in mind. One is to gather the hearts of the majority of the people. Hitting the local tyrants and dividing the land is the basis for the Black Tiger Army to gain a foothold. However, if there are good gentry with a decent reputation, let them go for now. The signboard of the third prince is to develop the confidants of the Black Tiger Army, to be the master of everything for the people, and not to bully others; the third point is to carry out effective guerrilla warfare, not to participate in the war between the Qing army and Wu Sangui, but to continue small battles, and gradually disintegrate the Baojia of the Qing army The system weakens the ruling foundation of the Qing Dynasty; the fourth is to eliminate the traitors, to be self-reliant, and to truly integrate into the common people, regardless of each other."

After Jiang Tao finished speaking in one breath, seeing everyone nodded in admiration, he paused and said, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

The three looked at each other, and Wang Junyi took a deep breath and sighed: "Can the allocated land be paid? How can it be integrated into the common people?"

"For the time being, no tax will be collected, mainly relying on the voluntary support of the big households and the common people. This is why we need to integrate into the common people. Take Lu'an Prefecture as an example. We don't need to deal with it in the city, but the countryside is the base of everyone. If there is no absolute The military strength of the army should be rooted first, rather than interacting with the people, especially the poor, desperate, and refugees, etc., secretly developing their forces. Fight when you pass, hide when you can't fight, wait for the Qing army to leave, and then come out to mobilize the masses. You must be flexible, not deadly, and try your best to protect the safety of the people. The countermeasure is to dig tunnels to hide or hide in advance."

"So the information must be timely and accurate. At that time, the base may be surrounded, and the support from the base may not be available for a short time. At that time, you must respond to each other, support each other, and strive to fight stronger."

"If there is a huge gap between the enemy and ourselves, try to make sure that the enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy camps and we harass, the enemy is tired and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we pursue. The main thing is to strengthen ideological education. A team of 100 people needs to add a position, called captain, and The school and lieutenant are at the same level, specialize in military law, and guide the army's ideology. Internal complaint meetings should be held frequently to strengthen the determination of the soldiers to fight against the Qing. For the common people, they must be mobilized to stand up against the Qing and stand up to protect their own. field..."

"This is a small base. You need to build a large base, like Jinzhai County. This location must be chosen well. You can choose a place where the Qing army is weak. The big base can be modeled after Jinzhai County. If you have strength, We need to attack more actively, and when the time comes, General Ben and Wu Sangui will stand up to the main force of the Qing army, and you can rest assured that you will boldly develop and grow, and let the seeds of anti-Qing float to every inch of China's land."

"For talents, our Black Tiger Army will always open the door. Whether it is craftsmen or scholars, the more the better, but we must grasp the military power well."

"Let Wei Junshi transfer a group of documents with experience in dividing the land and fighting against local tyrants. You have to go to Jinzhai County to study for two days, and then return to the base to continue your studies. You will set off in ten days, and you must stay at that time. The rat tail braids, the bald ones all wear wigs and melon caps..."

Jiang Tao talked for half an hour, his mouth was dry, so he gave up.

Both Wang Junyi and Han Yong were pleasantly surprised, only then did they realize that the power of the black tiger can be said to be so powerful, if such a grand plan comes true, then the whole world will really be turned upside down.

Thinking that they are one of the founders, they can no longer be at peace in their hearts.

After Jiang Tao personally selected the manpower, he and Wang Dashan went to Dai Zi's residence. This time, Jiang Tao spent a lot of money, and most of them were veterans, and most of them were military officers. Among them, hundreds of people were his uncle's sons. With his brothers, the combat effectiveness of the Black Tiger Army has dropped a lot.

Jiang Tao knew all this, but the construction of base areas was the foundation for the development and growth of the Black Tiger Army, and it was also a sharp weapon for weakening the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

However, the focus of the Black Tiger Army at the base is to develop firearms troops. The advantage of firearms is good training. Now the Shenjiang Battalion has produced more than 230 captive guns. It turned out that they did not work overtime day and night before. Jiang Tao only discovered it more than ten days ago. , hurriedly asked the craftsmen to work in two shifts, so that the monthly output could reach [-] pieces.

Jiang Tao was still dissatisfied, hey, I am so stupid, Jinzhai County also has waterfalls.

He was overjoyed that the production of firearms and artillery can not be ignored nowadays, but with Dai Zi's help, the Black Tiger Army could produce rifled firearms and even-ball firecrackers.

According to the "Drafts of Qing History", in the 13th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1674), when Prince Kang Jieshu was ordered to go to Zhejiang and Fujian to recruit Geng Jingzhong, he heard of Dai Zi's talent and hired him to join the army.Dai Zi once presented "Lianzhu Fireball" to Prince Kang.

Afterwards, the Dutch government sent envoys to China and paid tribute to them with "boiled shotguns", which were actually rifled muskets. Dai Zi was ordered to forge 10 guns, and Kangxi returned the imitated guns to the Dutch envoys.Soon, he was ordered to imitate "Flange" (cannons made in Spain and Portugal), which took only 5 days to complete.

But now that this person has been captured by himself, he can no longer serve the Manchu Tartars. With a rifled gun and the "artifact" Miniature bullets, the combat power of the Black Tiger Army is hard to say. The Qing iron cavalry only had to be shot, and Jiang Tao's heart jumped again.

You must know that there is a conical cavity at the bottom of the bullet of the Minie bullet, and a wooden plug blocks the bottom of the hole. The gap between the guns prevents the gas from leaking out, and allows the warhead to rotate at a high speed under the pressure of the rifling.The Minie bullet solves the problem of difficulty in loading front-loading rifled guns and the low range accuracy of smoothbore guns, and increases the effective range of muskets to more than 400 meters. The charge distance of general cavalry is 200-300 meters, and Mongolian horses are shorter. So conceivable.

Ah, compared to the old captive guns, it was just rubbish. Jiang Tao gasped, he must persuade this person, this person is definitely more useful than ten thousand young men.

As soon as I stepped into the courtyard where Dai Zi lived, I saw an old man in his early 50s painting on a stone table in the courtyard with a very focused expression.

I saw him wearing a brocade suit, with a long beard fluttering, and his right hand swaying freely. He has a refined temperament that people can't help admiring, and he doesn't look old.

Jiang Tao was about to approach him to talk, but Wang Dashan whispered, "This man is the boy's old father."

Jiang Tao nodded slightly, stood five meters away and waited, and told Wang Dashan to keep silent.

A quarter of an hour has passed...

The man changed a piece of paper, still as still as water...

An hour has passed...

"This black man has a kind of tenacity. If a reckless person can achieve such an achievement, it really doesn't come true!"

Thinking of this, Dai Cang threw the brush aside, looked straight at Jiang Tao and said, "Why bother? The old man's family is already the general's prisoner, so how unwise it is to stand so stupidly!"

"Hehe, I made the uncle laugh. It's already Meng Lang who dared to invite the uncle's family here. How dare I offend you any more." Jiang Tao moved his stiff neck slightly, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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