The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 139 Leaping over the Dabie Mountains

Chapter 139 Leaping over the Dabie Mountains

"Hmph!" Dai Cang suddenly interrupted Jiang Tao's laughter, and said seriously: "A general is considered a hero, but his actions are hypocritical, making the world laugh at him for no reason. What if Dai does not surrender?"

Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he was just a small person before crossing, and he was always modest and reasonable to others. Now he is looked down upon by others, and he just wants to get angry. But thinking of the preciousness of talents, what if he feels wronged?

He is a real man who can stretch and bend, he was stunned for a long time before he calmly said: "Do you still hope Mr. Dai will teach me?"

Dai Cang let out a long sigh, lost the interest in irony, and said indifferently: "The old man asked you, is the Third Prince Zhu in the courtyard next door real or fake?"

"Ah!" Jiang Tao was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm, and said truthfully, "This man's name is Yang Qilong, and it is fake, but the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo in the hand of this general is real."

Dai Cang nodded approvingly, looked at the sky and lost his mind slightly, as if thinking about something.

Jiang Tao waited for him to come back to his senses, and then pondered: "Mencius said that the people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the least. Dai Lao is so big-minded, will he be rigid about this? Besides, the Ming Taizu was just a grassroots person. Those who are kings and those who lose are bandits, the main body of my China is the Han people, as long as the Han people are prosperous and strong, what else is there?"


Dai Cang was speechless for a moment, he didn't want Dai Zi to come over fearlessly, and said with a sneer, "To put it lightly, apart from being able to fight and kill, you thief, what else can you do to stabilize the country?"

But Dai Cang felt that his son was a little too much. From what he said, he could see that this black man was not as simple as he appeared on the surface.

"Don't get angry!" Jiang Tao heheed, and said calmly: "Why don't you two go to my Black Tiger Army to look around, facts speak louder than words, if you still refuse to serve China's prosperity, stay or stay Do as you please, this general will never force you."

Then he shouted to the school lieutenant outside the door: "Come here, take this general's black tiger order, and lead the two of you to play around. There must be no mistake."

Dai Zi also sighed in his heart, such a bandit is really rare in the world, could it be that he was really wrong?
After ten days of training, Wang Junyi and others have finished their preparations, and now only the small road leading to Huoshan County is not clear.

Jiang Tao was still worried, and ordered the left navy to intimidate Huoqiu County, and at the same time personally led bloody guards, sharp spear guards, sturdy guards and more than a thousand people to attack Huoshan County.

The Green Battalion soldiers in Huoshan County also entered the mountain to encircle and suppress the Black Tiger Army at the beginning, but they were defeated repeatedly and suffered heavy losses. There was a stalemate with the Black Tiger Army.

Jiang Tao looked condescendingly at the camp of the Qing army, and asked softly, "Does Commander Luo know how many Qing troops there are at the foot of the mountain?"

"General, there were originally only a thousand Qing soldiers at the foot of the mountain, but now the number has increased to more than [-]. As long as our troops leave the mountain, the Qing troops will immediately find them and defend them directly. Look, those arrow towers are very difficult to deal with." Luo Qian pointed The arrow towers with different heights at the foot of the mountain sighed.

It was only then that Jiang Tao realized that the enemy village was extraordinary. Although the Black Tiger Army was condescending, the mountains had slopes. The place where he was standing was one of the high places at the foot of the mountain. With the current weapons of the Black Tiger Army, they could not hit Qing Army, unless artillery is used, but artillery cannot be transported.

As long as the Black Tiger Army goes down the mountain, they will be attacked by bows and crossbows, and there is a barracks blocking them. Even if the Black Tiger Army has all kinds of strength, they will not be able to use it.

Jiang Tao pondered for a while, then frowned and said, "Is there any other paths?"

"There is a cliff ten miles away, and messengers usually go down from there, or deliver news." Luo Qian looked at the enemy's stronghold with hatred, and said expressionlessly.

"Let's go down and play, and quickly pass the order to Deputy General Wang, and then descend from the cliff, advocating safety and concealment." After Jiang Tao gave the order seriously, he grabbed a round iron shield, held a waist knife in his right hand, and wore a Shan Wenjia's elite sword and shield hand walked down the mountain.

Luo Qian didn't try to persuade Jiang Tao, but just stood in front of him and kept his eyes fixed on the front.

They didn't hide, and went down the mountain carelessly. Jiang Tao yelled directly: "Kill! Black Tiger soldiers, kill!"

How could the green battalion soldiers at the foot of the mountain not know such a big movement?They have already bowed and stringed, with swords and guns in hand, ready to go.

Jiang Tao sneered, waved his hand, and more than three hundred elites filed down, holding their shields, and lined up in three rows, neither advancing nor retreating.


Dozens of arrow towers isolated outside the camp immediately shot down a rain of arrows, and there was a clanging sound and some inaudible groans.

Jiang Tao just used a shield to protect his face, but he was worried in his heart: "I hope Wang Junyi and others can withdraw safely."

The commander-in-chief in the camp frowned and looked at the bandits bathed in the rain of arrows with a ferocious expression. He didn't back down even if he was injured, and murmured to himself in a flash: "Are these bandits crazy? Could it be that the other party wants to lure us over?" ?”

Mr. Qian next to him interjected cautiously: "My lord, this subordinate is willing to try the strength of the bandit army."

"No need, the bandit army is well-equipped. Most of our brothers don't have any armor. Besides, there are many people on the mountain. Why should we go to die? Let the archers stop first, and then shoot arrows when they get close."

The commander-in-chief gave Jiang Tao a disdainful look, and immediately moved the grand master's chair. He wanted to see how the bandits broke through his camp.

Dozens of ropes were lowered on the cliff ten miles away, and several elites who slid down the cliff uttered the bird cry of "cuckoo cuckoo". Wang Junyi relaxed, looked back to the north, sighed secretly, and shouted softly: "Let's go! "

The elite strong bow guard first held the rope and slid down...

An hour later, Wang Junyi and others all reached the ground, only to see that the surroundings were quiet, they turned over a hill, and after walking for more than ten miles, they met Zhao Gui, Jiang Hu and others who came to meet them.

"See Deputy General Wang, all the subordinates are ready!" Zhao Gui said with a smile in his brocade clothes. Now he is a big businessman in Luzhou Mansion (Hefei). With the support of Zhenwu Escort Bureau, he is very happy in Luzhou Mansion. , he is good at eating, drinking and having fun. Not only is he generous, but he also loves to make friends. Whether he is poor or rich, he treats each other with courtesy. Can walk strong.

Jiang Hu happily patted Wang Dashan on the shoulder, and asked anxiously: "Brother Wang, how is everything going with the young master?"

"Okay, the young master has been talking about you kid." Wang Dashan continued the meeting with him, and then looked at Wang Junyi.

"Presumably everyone knows what the general means, but now the situation has changed, and the generals will obey orders."

Wang Junyi glanced at the two hundred or so strong men who had come to meet him, and saw that they were all in high spirits, wearing gray tights, with knives pinned behind their quilts, and pushing hundreds of wooden carts. He was very satisfied, and then he said it seriously Jiang Tao changed the order before leaving:

Zhao Gui and Wang Dashan led more than a hundred trained elites and were responsible for the construction of the base in Anhui Province.

Jiang Wuhui took Qiang Bow Camp to Hubei.

Jiang Hu took more than a hundred elites to support Jiang Dazhuang in Zhejiang Province.

Wang Junyi sneaked into Jiangsu Province with other people, and Master Yuankong's more than a thousand soldiers will also sneak into Jiangsu Province to join Wang Junyi.

The commanders of each army must fight wits and courage to create a new world.

Jiang Tao had his own reasons for changing his mind temporarily. The stall was too large, and one person was sent to each county. This is very conducive to the establishment of base areas, and these places are tax-heavy provinces. As long as these provinces are disturbed first, the Qing army will have no stamina.

Waiting for the base areas in these four provinces to become more stable, and then mobilize elites to go to Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangxi and other provinces, it will be much safer.

When Jiang Tao learned that Wang Junyi and others had come out of the mountain safely, he ordered the withdrawal of troops. He said with a playful smile, let you Qing soldiers be proud for two days first.

PS: There are so few recommendations, there will be another update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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