Chapter 140
As soon as Dai Cang and his son came back from the investigation, Jiang Tao got the news. They wandered around the territory of the Black Tiger Army for half a month, and someone came back to report every word and deed. However, the father and son are quite wealthy. Will they join the Black Tiger Army? Jiang Tao really had no idea, and thought: "If you really want to serve the Tartars, you will have to be ruthless."

Time does not wait, he walked towards all their courtyards with anxiety.


At this time, Dai Cang's family was sitting in the house silently, and after a while, Dai Cang looked directly at his son and said, "Zi'er, what do you think of the Black Tiger Army?"

Dai Zi sighed and said: "Father, the Black Tiger Army already has the strength to compete with the Qing soldiers, but the number is too small. If the Black Tiger Army can really break the siege of the Manchu Tartars, the world will surely be bloody. However, Dividing the land to fight the local tyrants, but still gaining the sincere support of the poor people, the future is simply unpredictable."

Dai Cang was stunned for a while, then pondered: "The dragon and the tiger are fighting, a wolf is trapped, and my Dai family is deeply trapped in the wolf's den. It is a dilemma. Zi'er has to think carefully, because the father is old and can't live. It’s been a few years, and the key is this family.”

"Father, didn't Heihu once say that he can go and stay without hindrance?" Dai Zi was shocked and lost his voice. In fact, he was also in conflict. Dare to be angry, dare not speak out, keep a low voice, the dignified Chinese people have fallen into such a situation, but Heihu is a bandit after all, how should he choose?

"Hehe, Zi'er is confused. Heihu must have heard that you and I are good at making firearms, so he sent someone to plunder him. How could he let us go so easily? Son, you can see the status of the craftsmen in the Black Tiger Army?" Dai Cang He smiled lightly and shook his head. After all, his son rarely interacts with people, and he has never seen the sinister heart.

"This!" Dai Zi's complexion changed drastically, he glanced at his mother, wife and children, and was speechless again.

Jiang Tao just heard it, he was overjoyed, he pushed the door open and said, "Old man Dai is very knowledgeable, even if Jiang is a villain once, he will definitely not let the Tartar get the help of two great talents, but the Tartar doesn't dare to reuse it." Ladies and gentlemen, how many Han ministers hold real power in the court? However, our Black Tiger Army is not that simple. If the opponent is a good gentleman, we will never persecute them. Besides, every time they rise, the world will undergo great changes. Wealth will be redistributed, if it changes, blood will be shed, it will be the blood of the Han people, or the blood of the Tartars, or the blood of the powerful, but compared with the prosperity of the whole of China, what are these?"

"The famous Black Tiger General was eavesdropping outside the door, Dai admires it, but what if your blood is drained, and you still haven't defeated the Tartars?" Dai Zi asked unconvinced when he saw Jiang Tao's eloquent words .

"If the blood does not bleed dry, death will never stop. If the blood bleeds dry, the loyal soul will linger!" Jiang Tao said firmly, looking directly at Dai Zi.

"If the world is settled, so what?"

"The world is unified, the world is peaceful, open up wasteland, lighten taxes, promote industry and commerce, increase sea trade, open up people's wisdom, make the country rich and strong, and all nations will come to congratulate! Do you know how the Manchu Manchus were only a million, but they were able to rule billions of countries? ? Do you know the founding history of Wuhu Luanhua, Yuan Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty? Do you know why Han people are always bleeding and being slaughtered by barbarians..."

"This?" Dai Zi's face turned pale, his hands were shaking, and he could no longer speak.

At this time, Dai Cang let go of his heart, his son has been very stubborn since he was a child, and he was really afraid that his son would go his own way regardless of his grandson's life or death.

"I also invite the two great talents to join our Black Tiger Army. If Jiang has something to do to the Chinese nation in the future, he will be struck by lightning and die! I also invite the two of you to be witnesses!"

Seeing this, Jiang Tao hurriedly bowed and said solemnly.

"No way, the old man is willing to serve the general!" Dai Cang pushed his son and said calmly.

"General, Dai is so disrespectful, I hope you will forgive me!" Dai Zi recovered from his grief and said solemnly.

"Haha, it's too late to be happy. With the help of two great talents, China's prosperity is expected! The two of you will be directly promoted to the rank of commander, and you can walk in the Black Tiger Hall. If you find any shortcomings in the Black Tiger Army, you can directly report it."

Jiang Tao was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he just felt that happiness came so easily.

"The general is deliberately looking for Dai and his son to make firearms?" Dai Cang asked straight to the point.

"Not bad!"

"My subordinates are best at making firearms, so don't let them lead troops to fight, you will die when you are old!" Dai Cang stroked his beard and laughed.

"The firearms in "Wu Bei Zhi" and "Tian Gong Kai Wu" can be manufactured by my subordinates, and my subordinates have even developed the Lianzhu firearm!" Dai Zi replied seriously, looking full of arrogance!
"Okay, but this time, we need to build a musket with rifling in the barrel first, and then add Minie bullets, the effective range will be increased to more than 400 meters, and the Minie bullets are..."

After Jiang Tao finished speaking, he looked at Dai and his son again, and saw that they had already stood there in a daze.

It took a long time for Dai Zi to come back to his senses, and laughed loudly: "Okay, it's really a magic weapon, haha, father, let's go to the Shenjiang Camp!"


Dai's father and son really didn't build it, but they produced the rifled barrel in nine days, but the production cycle of this musket was extended by two days, and Jiang Tao didn't ask what happened, after all, he specialized in art.

While ordering his subordinates to reduce the output of round paper shell bullets, he changed the abrasive tools to make tapered paper shell bullets. Mini bullets are famously simple and easy to make, and the Black Tiger Army has collected a lot of lead materials.

He also ordered the craftsmen to manufacture a large number of waterwheel drilling machines in Jinzhai County. If they want to mass-produce the new guns, they can only rely on the power of science and technology. Some time ago, the craftsmen have manufactured more than [-] captive guns. Jiang Tao Directly ordered the sharpshooter guards to expand to a thousand-man staff, practice bayonets in the morning, and shoot targets in the afternoon. As for the problem of insufficient guns, only two people can share one, and they can only wait for the gun, not the gun.

The muskets using Minie bombs could not fire downwards, which did not stop the production of muskets.

bang bang bang...

Gunpowder smoke everywhere, smoky.

The new musket has been tested, and the effective range is only about 280 meters. After 93 rounds of continuous shooting, the barrel has not deformed, but the accuracy has deviated. The barrel did not deform until [-] rounds were fired continuously.

It seems that the quality is barely sufficient. In fact, the new rifle is a replica of the Miru musket, but the barrel has been rifled and replaced with Minie bullets.

But Jiang Tao was dissatisfied, so Dai and his sons had to find out the reason. They had to improve the rifling process and increase the power of the musket. No matter how rich the Black Tiger Army was, they couldn’t spend it like this. After all, the Black Tiger Army consumed at least 30 taels of silver to manufacture a musket. , the main reason is that the treatment of craftsmen is too high.

It was not until a month later that the new guns began to be mass-produced. It turned out that the previous muskets had too large a caliber and were not air-tight. Now the caliber has been reduced, which not only reduces the weight of the guns and ammunition, but also greatly increases their power. The effective range reaches 360 meters. The maximum shooting range is 550 meters, and the barrel is all made of high-quality steel. It shoots [-] rounds continuously without deviation in accuracy. It can fully support a high-intensity battle, after all, there is a bayonet.

The three-edged bayonet, handle, and barrel of the new musket are all painted black, exuding a cold light, and it is named Mieqing musket. In addition, the bayonet is 1.6 meters long, the caliber is 11 mm, and the total weight is [-] catties. .

In this month, the Black Tiger Army's waterwheel drilling machines have reached more than 130 units, which means that they can produce [-] firearms in one month. Jiang Tao felt relieved and ordered the craftsmen to produce firearms with all their strength.

Two months passed in a hurry, Mingzhu didn't look for trouble during this period, but blocked the Black Tiger Army, but he regularly reported some good news about the bandits to Kangxi, but Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and other places have undergone earth-shaking changes .

PS: a bit late
(End of this chapter)

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