The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 150 The Battle of Shu City

Chapter 150 The Battle of Shu City (2)

On the way, Wei Donglai sent another good news: the entire territory of Huoqiu County has been taken, and hundreds of defeated soldiers have been captured.

Now the Black Tiger Army is struggling to cope with the encirclement and suppression by the Qing army and the powerful landlords. Only by recovering the front line of northern Anhui and linking Jiangsu with Anhui, Zhejiang and other provinces can the strength of the Black Tiger Army be a whole, and there will be time to recuperate and rest. space.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tao hurriedly ordered: "Let Wei Donglai be the general who conquers the North, select [-] warriors from the recruit camp, and then lead the tiger and leopard cavalry and the archer battalion to quickly conquer Chuzhou, Fengyang, Suzhou, Fuyang, etc. Contact Wang Junyi and others as soon as possible to implement the policies of the Black Tiger Army, so we can act cheaply."

He also ordered Li Gu to lead the [-] garrisons in Hefei to attack Hezhou, and after the capture, he stayed where he was.

Ling Jiang Bao was the chief of the Luzhou government, and Dai Jiao was the deputy chief, responsible for the civil affairs and grain and grass dispatching within the jurisdiction.

Jiang Tao had no choice but to let Jiang Bao be a civil servant. He still couldn't trust Dai Jiao, and now the situation is critical. Only warriors can understand the suffering of soldiers. They are used to obeying military orders and they will not doubt Jiang Tao's orders. In this way, The policy of the Black Tiger Army can be truly implemented.

In fact, the system of the Black Tiger Army has begun to take shape, and Jiang Bao only needs to supervise and nod and sign.

"Then order the county magistrates to recruit artisans in the area under their jurisdiction, and pay attention to and recommend all kinds of talents, the number is not limited!"

Jiang Tao couldn't help but smile when he thought of Jiang Bao sitting upright in the yamen. Thinking of the lack of talents, there was nothing he could do for the time being. He remembered that there were many talents in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, such as Wang Fuzhi. Martyrs, you must invite them in person when the time comes.


When Jiang Tao rushed to Shucheng with his army, Wang Dashan had just repelled the Qing army's attack.

Jiang Tao didn't dare to take a break, so he took his soldiers up to the top of the city. He saw that the top of the city was in disarray, piled up with corpses of the Qing army and the Black Tiger army, and it was extremely smelly, with flies flying around. He immediately frowned. Wanting to reprimand the generals, it can be seen that Wang Dashan and others are all gray-haired and dirty-faced, with bloodshot eyes, probably exhausted, their hearts softened all of a sudden, and they shouted in a deep voice: "Deputy General Wang listens to the order and immediately takes all the soldiers down to rest. Commander, immediately clean up the top of the city, and bury the brothers and the Qing army separately!"

"Obey!" Qi Datou didn't dare to show dissatisfaction, and hurriedly responded loudly. In fact, he has always longed to make achievements on the battlefield, and he doesn't want to be a logistics leader. However, he has never slack in the training of the logistics camp, and He may have trained harder than other main battle troops, because he believed that General Heihu would reuse him, and now he has become a general commanding thousands of people with just a helpless cowherd boy.

The blood-clothed guards and sharp-spear guards went up to the top of the city one by one, and Wang Dashan let his troops go down to rest, and mobilized some soldiers to help clean up the scene. Then he came to Jiang Tao and said guiltily: "General, although the Qing army is still attacking the city day and night, But yesterday's explosion of fire and thunder has taken away the courage of the Qing army, and the Qing army's morale is exhausted, so there is nothing to worry about. The general can lead the army to attack other places. With three thousand reinforcements, his subordinates will be able to defend the city, and the fire and thunder are extremely strong. It is easy to use and can be mass-produced.”

"Don't underestimate the Qing army. If the Qing army sends hundreds of cannons to bombard the city, how will you deal with it?"

Jiang Tao didn't dare to be careless. There were 5 to [-] people outside the city, and there were more than [-] cavalrymen covered with Qing white flags. As long as the Black Tiger Army did not have the protection of the city, it would definitely not be able to stop the Qing army, which is superior in numbers, and it is possible The army was defeated like a mountain.

"This?" Wang Dashan couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. If this was the case, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

"However, the Qing army should not be able to mobilize so many cannons for the time being, and it will be hard to say in the future. Moreover, this general estimates that there are at least hundreds of thousands of Qing troops along the Yangtze River. The Black Tiger Army must grow as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the Qing army mobilizes It would be bad for the army to deal with us."

Looking down the city, Jiang Tao said with a tense face. To be honest, the current Black Tiger Army is no match for the full-strength attack of hundreds of thousands of troops. If Wang Dashan and others were not eager for success, he would not have left the mountain so early. The Tiger Army has been developing for three years, each province has established a complete base, secretly trained [-] troops, and carefully trained [-] firearms troops equipped with new guns and artillery in the base. .

And three years later, Wu Sangui and the Qing army had become exhausted after a bloody tug-of-war. The Black Tiger Army was not afraid of any enemy at all, and could defeat the Qing army in a grand manner. At that time, the potential and strength of the Qing Dynasty had also dropped to a very low level. , I am afraid that even the military salary will not be paid by then.

However, Jiang Tao didn't say clearly that he couldn't bear the loss of Wang Dashan's life in vain, nor could he bear the catastrophe suffered by more than ten provinces for eight years. However, the main force of the Qing army was caught between Wu Sangui and the Black Tiger Army, so how should they choose?
Did you contact Wu Sangui?
Jiang Tao immediately ruled out this idea in his mind. Wu Sangui is one of the biggest traitor leaders in the history of China. He is a bandit himself, and he is not ashamed to cooperate with him.

But before eliminating the main force of the Tartars, try to exercise restraint, Jiang Tao's heart sank, and he hoped that Wu Sangui would not be so confused.


At this moment, there was another loud cry of killing. Jiang Tao looked down and saw more than [-] braided soldiers in various clothes rushing towards the city wall. The group occupied a crenel, and there were blood-clothed guards on both sides of the crenel. The sharpshooter guards who were not equipped with muskets retreated for the time being, and ordered three hundred sharpshooters to station at the city gate, so they felt relieved.

The reason for this arrangement is that the new type of musket cannot shoot downwards. Once the muzzle is lowered, the miniature bullet, which is one point smaller than the barrel, will slide down. The production of gunpowder.

In addition to the effective range of the Mielu gun, it is not as far as the Mieqing gun, and it is not as accurate as the Mieqing gun. Within a distance of 60 meters, its power is greater than that of the Mieqing gun. As long as it hits the target, the opponent can hardly survive. Shooters can still hit every shot.

Jiang Tao thought about it for a while, and decided that when enough craftsmen were recruited, he must open up another production line to produce Milu guns and supporting paper shell bullets.

bang bang bang...
When the Qing army approached 60 meters, the sharp spear guards started the first round of salvo, but the results were not good, only killing a hundred people, but the Qing army's offensive was obviously stagnant.

The Qing army moved closer again.

bang bang bang...
The sharpshooter guards opened fire one by one, with a total of four rounds of salvo, killing more than [-] people in total, with zero casualties. The Qing army couldn't stand the blow and retreated directly.

The main reason for such great results is that the Qing army lacked long-range units and charged over in a crowded manner. Some of them were more than [-] meters away from the city wall. With such a short distance, even untrained ordinary people could hit the target.

Jiang Tao was dissatisfied. During the battle just now, the sharpshooter guards were obviously not strong enough psychologically, and their combat methods were not advanced. In each group, one musketeer finished shooting and retreated, and the next one would shoot again. With a powerful firepower net, as long as the opponent does not retreat, he can still attack the city.

He immediately ordered the members of each group to select an excellent shooter. This shooter was only responsible for shooting and killing the Qing army, and the other three were responsible for reloading. , can effectively kill the Qing army.

For two days in a row, the Qing army suffered more than 3000 casualties every day, and the city was so dead that even the generals in the army did not dare to lead troops to attack the city, because the Black Tiger Army gave priority to shooting generals.

The Qing army also arranged for shotgunners to shoot against the Black Tiger Army, but the shotguns were not powerful and had a short range, so they were not opponents at all.

Hajir, the commander of the white flag, was watching coldly. He had been shocked by this group of bandits many times. He really wanted to try the strength of the Black Tiger Army. Feeling timid, his intuition told him that this place was no safer than Yuezhou.

Fortunately, the Black Tiger bandit army just stood firm, so he simply ordered the remaining [-] people to guard the camp and confront the bandit army. At this time, the powerful landlords did not dare to force their men to attack the city, because more and more deserters , some shrewd Huizhou merchants packed their bags and sneaked away, after all, a gentleman will not stand under a dangerous wall.

(End of this chapter)

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