The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 151 Comprehensive Reform

Chapter 151 Comprehensive Reform
For several days in a row, Jiang Tao felt relieved when he saw that the Qing army outside the city had become more honest, but he was not sure about defeating the tens of thousands of Qing troops outside the city, so he ordered Wang Dashan to guard the city, and he brought three hundred sharpshooters back to Liuzhou. Anzhou.

The first thing is to set up the Lu'an Ordnance Institute.

All the craftsmen in the territory were called together, and there were more than a thousand craftsmen in total, and more than a hundred craftsmen were mobilized from the base to make all the gun barrels and firecracker accessories.

However, the grinding of the barrel is the most critical and the most time-consuming.

There are very few waterfalls in Lu'an, and it is impossible to manufacture too many waterwheel-type drilling machines and blunderbuss machines. Jiang Tao had to use livestock-type drilling machines. This drilling machine was improved on the basis of the original drilling machine in the Ming Dynasty. The grinding disc, the grinding disc drives the large gear a few meters away through the strong branch. The large gear is one point smaller than the grinding disc. After one revolution, all the big and small gears also start to rotate, and the drill bit at the end will rotate rapidly. Compared with it, the efficiency is higher, but it is still not as good as the waterwheel drilling machine.

Jiang Tao couldn't take care of so many, since he didn't have advanced tools, he used the number of machine tools to supplement them.

One month later, the Lu'an Ordnance Institute had 500 drilling machines, with a planned monthly output of [-] Mielu blunderbusses. However, the Ordnance Institute had just started, with unskilled craftsmen and many defective products, and only produced more than [-] Mielu guns. firearms.

However, the good news kept coming during this period. Wei Donglai, the general who conquered the north, was unstoppable along the way. He divided his troops into three groups and successively recovered the entire northern Anhui and Chuzhou mansions. He was completely connected with Jiangsu and blocked the Qing army in Nanjing. retreat.

The situation in Jiangsu is even more gratifying. Except for a part of Jiangning Mansion, the rest of the land has fallen into the hands of the Black Tiger Army. Under the temptation of the fields, the poor people enthusiastically joined the army.

Although Jiang Dazhuang and others only occupied a part of Zhejiang, they blocked the [-] Manchu and Qing troops in Shaoxing and Fuyang, and there were [-] Manchu and Qing troops dealing with Geng Jingzhong. There was a momentary stalemate among the loyalists, but the Manchu Qing army was already in a precarious strategic situation.

Only bad news came from Hubei. The main force of the 1 black tiger army was attacked by the Qing army inside and outside. They resisted the Qing army in Shiyan for two months, and finally ran out of food and grass. Death, or being murdered, the life and death of the main general Jiang Wuhui is unknown.

Hearing this news, Jiang Tao was heartbroken, and thinking of Jiang Wuhui who had worked hard, he felt guilty for such a ruthless method. He actually murdered them all. He felt like a fire was burning in his heart. He hurriedly informed the whole army of this news, and vowed to avenge blood and blood. .

At this time, Wei Donglai had [-] troops under his command. Jiang Tao ordered Jiang Xin to be the general of Zhenbei, with [-] troops stationed on the border of Shandong to deter the Qing army and strengthen training. Luo Qian was the general, with [-] troops to block the city of Nanjing. retreat.

He also ordered Wei Donglai to be the chief general, Jiang Dazhuang and others to be the deputy, responsible for recovering the whole of Zhejiang, and in charge of the military and political affairs of the whole territory. He must implement the policy of the Black Tiger Army, entrust the fields, stabilize the people's hearts, restore agriculture and mulberry, and stabilize the law and order.

Jiang Tao is only worried about the situation in Jiangsu Province. Now Wang Junyi has [-] strong men and almost only listens to him alone. The leader of an army cannot be judged by martial arts. He was thinking about whether to transfer his brother-in-law to a civil servant. Then he thought, Nanjing City has not yet been broken, so there can be no accidents at this time.

Jiang Tao rubbed Rou's temples, and thought with some distress: "What's wrong with me? Doesn't anyone believe it anymore? Could it be that I have also been eroded by power?"

No, I was doing it for the rise of the entire nation, and for the Black Tiger Army to prevent major chaos. This was just a last resort. Jiang Tao was relieved when he thought of this, and ordered Wang Junyi to recover Nanjing as soon as possible.

He also made Cheng Zhang the governor of Anhui, in charge of Anhui's government affairs, but now more than half of the state capitals in Anhui have not been recovered.

Only then did Jiang Tao discover that the positions of the generals were all relatively low, so he immediately divided up the generals: Wei Donglai was the general of the military division, Wang Dashan was the general who conquered the west, Wang Junyi was the general who conquered the south, Jiang Dazhuang was the general who conquered the south, Jiang Xin was the general who conquered the north, and Jiang Wudao He is General Zhenxi, Jiang Wuji is General Sharpshooter, Jiang Shi is General Military Law, and Jiang Tao is still General Black Tiger.

Jiang Hu, Han Yong, Luo Feng, Yao Jun, Jiang Yan, Li Gu, Xueyan, Niu Mang, Jiang Bao, etc. were all promoted to generals, basically they were promoted to two ranks, and everyone was happy. Father and son are two generals in one discipline. Only the generals of the navy have not been promoted. The navy is jealous, and the desire to fight is even more urgent.

Jiang Tao just asked the two navies to increase their troops to 1 each. The right navy was stationed on the Huaihe River, and the left navy was stationed in Lianyungang, Jiangsu. They were familiar with the vast sea and mobilized a large number of ships. Build miracles."

The navy general had no choice but to spread his grievances on the recruits, and the intense and rigorous training began.

At this time, Wang Junyi had 8 men, and Jiang Dazhuang and Han Yong also had 6 men. Together, the total strength of the Black Tiger Army exceeded 20.

This figure is terrifying. The monthly salary alone is as high as 60 taels. In addition to other expenses, the Black Tiger Army spends at least 100 million taels of silver in January. Jiang Tao was dumbfounded. He got 800 million taels of silver, which means that the Black Tiger Army can support it for up to eight months, but after eight months, the tax should have been collected.

However, the taxation of the Black Tiger Army is very low. Even if they occupy three provinces by the end of the year, they will never be able to collect tens of millions of taels of silver. A maximum of 300 million taels will be fine. An Hui merchant who broke ground on Tai Sui?And the development of commercial trade is the bulk of taxation.

At the same time, the Black Tiger Army established a tax department, and promulgated the One Whip Law for Commodities in the territory, which means that no matter whether the goods in the Black Tiger Army are imported or exported, or produced, they only need to pay the tax once, and all other miscellaneous taxes are cancelled. , the tax rate is one-tenth of the commodity price, but luxury goods are subject to a 30.00% tax.

If you don’t pay taxes, once found out, all the goods will be confiscated, and you will be punished with ten times the fine, and the person in charge will also undergo labor reform.
As long as the goods have been taxed and the invoices issued by the government are in hand, they can pass through the territory of the Black Tiger Army unimpeded. If they are intercepted by gangsters, the Black Tiger Army will be responsible for recovering them. If not, the original price will be compensated for the loss.

Because the land in the territory is not enough to distribute, Wang Junyi and others just got rid of the bullies and rebellious landlords, and did not distribute the land on a large scale. Jiang Tao thought of what the Huizhou merchants did, and suddenly made up his mind that the landlords would not care about him at all. You can't have both, you can only choose one of the two, and you can only choose the poor people.

Moreover, most of the land is in the hands of big tyrants, which will seriously threaten the rule of the Black Tiger Army. Although some have no bad reputation, they secretly flirt with the Qing Army and ruin the reputation of the Black Tiger Army. In order to be able to farm, the tenants under their jurisdiction, He can only become an obedient thug for the powerful.

He didn't care about that much anymore, and directly ordered Jiang Bao and Dai Jiao to preside over the work of dividing the land in the whole territory, and forcibly took back the fields in the hands of the big tyrants. , so that everyone has a field and a house for everyone. For those tyrants, they will follow the prosperity, and those who rebel will perish. But it is only for the fields and minerals. If you voluntarily hand over the fields, you must not rob property or kill innocent people. Then all of them were owned by the Black Tiger Army, and a real change began.

PS: There are urgent matters in the past few days, and there will be very few updates. Please forgive me, fatten up first and then kill.

(End of this chapter)

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