The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 155 Short but Effective Killing

Chapter 155 Short but Effective Killing

Seeing that the Black Tiger Army was defending, Yue Le sneered, and Shu Cheng went to the Black Tiger Army's camp. In front of a large number of cavalry, this meant that the Black Tiger Army was looking for death. Why didn't the Black Tiger Army defend against danger?Is it just relying on those thousands of muskets?

He had observed clearly just now that the Black Tiger Army could shoot at most [-] cavalry at a time, and then pause for a moment. With this blink of an eye, the cavalry under his command would be able to break through the bandit army's defense.

However, in this way, the casualties of the Eight Banners cavalry must be very heavy, Yue Le sighed, and finally made up his mind, ready to suppress all the remaining [-] Eight Banners disciples, he saw that the casualties of the infantry must be Bigger, maybe [-], maybe [-]. These infantry are all the elite of the Green Battalion and the Eight Banners of the Han Army, and they may not be able to attack. Cavalry can cause more than [-] casualties at most.

The loss of his own strength is too great, so he will definitely not be able to stop Wu Sangui, who has recharged his energy. To defeat Wu Sangui, he still needs to rely on these elite Han people. Ten Thousand Green Battalion Soldiers.

Yue Le directly ordered the army to set up camp against the city wall, and the more than a hundred thousand Qing soldiers were also very upset. These bandits are really iron roosters. The uncles took the city with great difficulty. They can't even find a copper coin in the city. It's really bad luck. They look good.


In the early morning of the next day, the sun was shining brightly, but Jiang Wuji was very nervous. Although the general said before leaving that this formation would definitely block the Qing army and kill the Qing army in large numbers, he also told him how to guard against artillery attacks.

But in front of the tens of thousands of armored cavalry, Jiang Wuji couldn't be confident at all. Just because these soldiers and horses can really stop the Qing cavalry?
The old and long horns sounded, and nearly 600 cavalry slowly ran, but they were only [-] meters away from the Black Tiger Army's position in an instant.

The earth shook, and the shouts of killing went straight to the sky. All the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army were not what they used to be, and each of them held their guns calmly, waiting for the bloody battle to come.

However, in 20 seconds, there was only a distance of 300 meters left, and the speed of the Qing iron cavalry had reached the extreme, rushing towards the Black Tiger Army at a speed of at least 20 meters per second.

Jiang Wuji wanted to order to open fire, but he held back. After all, there was still a distance of 50 meters between the trench and the musketeers. When the Qing army approached another 40 meters, he gave the order. He was in the fifth trench. In front of the musketeers, the orderly next to him directly waved the command flag giving orders.

Now that there are too many gunmen in the Black Tiger Army, and the battlefield is too noisy, the previous passwords can't be conveyed at all, so we have to wave the battle flag to give orders. The battle flag is red all over, with a huge "1" embroidered on it, which is black , which represents the first line of fire!

Each row of musketeers has four captains and captains, and five messengers. The captain is responsible for supervising his subordinates, and the captain is responsible for checking the loading status of the musketeers. As long as more than 80.00% of the musketeers in the queue have loaded their ammunition , the messenger will raise a black flag with yellow numbers on it, which means which queue has loaded the ammunition, so it is clear at a glance.

Jiang Wuji could direct the battle without any mistakes without checking in person.

Fortunately, Jiang Tao attaches great importance to the sharp gun guards. Each of them shoots at least [-] rounds of live ammunition, and more than [-] rounds of simulated shooting. Every movement is extremely skilled, and everyone is literate. Under the circumstances, many musketeers who couldn't keep up with the rhythm were eliminated, and the whole scene was fairly orderly. Only a few people were nervous and didn't shoot the bullets in their hands in time, so they could only wait for the next round.

As soon as the first column finished shooting, they squatted down, skillfully picked out the paper-shelled bullets from the deerskin bag, bit open the paper shell, then poured black particles of gunpowder into the gunpowder pool, and pulled the tunnel trigger to hold it The whole process is simple and orderly.

bang bang bang...
As soon as the seven rounds were finished, the gunners in the first row reloaded their ammunition, and the Qing cavalry rushed in densely, almost without missing a shot. At least two thousand casualties were fired. Another three rounds of salvo were fired, and the Qing cavalry still approached. up.

Seeing that there are only 20 meters left from the front trench.

Yue Le was overjoyed, and directly concluded in his heart: "The Black Tiger Army is over."

At this moment, a loud noise interrupted his thoughts.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

The sound of gunfire remained the same, but it was also mixed with more than [-] consecutive explosions, which were earth-shattering, and the sound was no less than the sound of tens of thousands of cavalry trampling on the ground.

It turned out that more than [-] people who were in the first trench threw hundreds of fire and thunderbolts at the Manchu cavalry.

Since the Black Tiger Army expanded the Lu'an Ordnance Institute, the daily output of Huoleibao has reached more than [-] pieces. Yesterday the new army brought in tens of thousands of Huoleibo.

Since the trench was two meters deep, the generals in the trench just now had a one-meter-clear view of the movements of the Qing army with the help of benches.

When the Qing army approached 20 meters, they decisively ordered their subordinates to throw fire and thunder at the Qing army.

The Manchu iron cavalry that was charging was immediately blown into a rain of blood and sieves, and the horses following behind heard the explosion that resounded all over the world and suddenly became chaotic. Many Tartars were thrown to the ground, trampling each other to death countless.

But the Qing cavalry had no way of retreating, and they couldn't stop at all, because they were surrounded by their own people, so they had to move forward, and the black tiger army in the trench had no choice but to shoot fire and thunder in order to survive.

The sound of thunder and gunfire has never been heard. Under the barrier of smoke and dust, both sides lost their sight, but there was still a tragic hissing sound.

Occasionally, a lucky person escaped the hail of bullets and fire and thunder, but could not escape the stabbing of countless spearmen. The most despicable thing was that the cavalry of the Manchu Tartars could not reach the black tiger army in the trenches unless their The horse stumbled and landed in the trench, but the spearman could easily stab the Tartar on the horse to death.

After a while, the trenches were filled with the corpses of Tartars, but the Black Tiger Army projected more than [-] fire and thunderbolts in a very short period of time.

The faster the iron cavalry rushed, the more people died. The Manchu Qing Tartars who wore several layers of armor were not spared. As long as they were hit by bullets or shrapnel, they would either die or be injured!
After the thunderous battlefield, Yue Le's heart was bleeding. Although he couldn't see the battle situation ahead, but the Eight Banners of Manchu and Qing rushed to the enemy's line continuously, but there were continuous explosions and screams. Could it be The thieves are screaming?
So why isn't the fight over yet?
Could it be that the thieves are blocking the Qing cavalry with their flesh and blood?

Yue Le's face became more and more ugly, he threw away all his assumptions, and shouted gloomyly: "Fire! Fire!"

Although the artillerymen were very puzzled, it would be easy to accidentally injure the Eight Banners, but who would dare to disobey the prince's order!
Boom boom boom...
Hundreds of cannons were fired, and more than a hundred round projectiles roared towards the position of the Black Tiger Army, and there was a burst of screams, among them were the Manchu Tartars who were accidentally injured.

Jiang Wuji saw that the casualties of the infantry in the trenches were not large, and the Qing army's hit rate was not high, but the elite musketeers still suffered more than a hundred casualties, and the Black Tiger Army also began to panic in the face of death.

Jiang Wuji hurriedly ordered all the soldiers to continue shooting. At this critical moment, there must be no chaos. Although he had a way to avoid the shells, the Manchu and Qing cavalry were still attacking non-stop. Without the support of the musketeers, the Black Tiger Army would have They may not be able to hold their positions, and then there will be a series of defeats. In front of a large number of cavalry, there is no chance to escape.

Later, there was a military judge, and the Tartars treated the captives extremely cruelly, and all the soldiers knew the fate of the defeat. The gunfire rang out again after a pause of more than ten seconds. Fortunately, the trench design was ingenious. Under the bombardment, only a few Tartars broke through the line of defense, and a small number of cavalry did not have an advantage in front of groups of spearmen.

Knowing the hiding place of the Black Tiger Army, the Manchu iron cavalry also began to shoot bows and arrows, but many of them were killed by bullets or knocked down by startled horses before they could shoot the arrows in their hands. .

A large number of arrows were shot in the space between the trenches, and the death of the Black Tiger Army in the trenches was not large.

After an interval of several minutes, the cannons rang out one after another, but they couldn't suppress the series of explosions.

The battle is still going on, and there is no end to death!
When all the Manchu iron cavalry rushed into the smoke and dust, Yue Le's heart quickly lifted. Thirty thousand iron cavalry can fill a space 500 meters long and 500 meters wide, and the camp of the bandit army is only this big. Victory?

Also, the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are invincible. Although the fighting power is not as good as before, the infantry of the bandit army cannot compete. Thinking of this, Yue Le sneered. Hey, no, why are the gunshots of the bandit army still ringing out?Why does this hateful thunder still explode?

Thinking of the terrible result, Yue Le felt dizzy for a while, and subconsciously ordered: "Ming Jin withdraws!"

The Qing cavalry came back, but only a thousand people came back, and all of them were dark-faced and lost their souls, and there was no trace of the arrogance of the Eight Banners.

Yue Le pointed to the front, trembling, and he didn't believe it when he was killed. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Black Tiger Army killed [-] elite cavalry of the Qing Dynasty.

After asking, he found out that the Manchu cavalry did not break through the position of the Black Tiger Army from the beginning to the end. Yue Le only felt that he fell into the cold ice cave, spat out blood, and fell off the horse.

"Hurry up and save the prince!" The surrounding soldiers, guerrillas, and generals all turned pale with fright. They helped Yue Le and ran towards Shucheng in a panic. They all thought in fear: "These black tiger troops must have God and man help each other, otherwise how could there be thunder and fire?"

And the surviving more than a thousand Manchu Eight Banners still stayed outside the camp dumbly, as if they were all stupid, and some were crying in pain. All the green battalion soldiers could not help but shudder. So what?

(End of this chapter)

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