Chapter 156
The battle outside Shucheng lasted only a quarter of an hour. When the Qing army called for gold and retreated, the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army who stayed in the first trench continued to throw fire and thunder bombs until all the fire and thunder bombs were consumed. Only then lay exhausted in the trench.When the gunpowder smoke cleared, all the generals of the Black Tiger Army discovered that the Qing army had retreated. The trenches were full of stumps and broken legs within 50 meters. The yellow land was directly dyed black and red, and the entire battlefield was terribly silent, not even a single groan.

Jiang Wuji was dumbfounded, why didn't the Qing army attack?Is that how he won?

After counting, I found that my own casualties were also very heavy. A total of 300 soldiers and horses were deployed in the trenches, with more than [-] casualties, and more than [-] sharpshooter guards. More than [-] pieces were lost, and there was not even a single one of the powerful Huo Lei Bang left.

After a while, I came to report that the Qing army closed the gate of the village tightly, and there was a panic in the village, and they were all fleeing into the city.

Seeing that his subordinates were all exhausted, Jiang Wuji did not dare to take the risk of attacking the Qing army. He directly ordered his subordinates to clean up the battlefield without having to deal with the Qing army. The fire and thunder burst, and the sharpshooter guards couldn't hold the position at all. Such an ingenious trench with fire and thunder is absolutely perfect, and the general is still wise.

In Shucheng, Yue Le was in a coma for three hours before waking up. Scanning the audience, he saw that everyone was terrified, and his heart ached even more. "All the officers and men listen to the order, and we will fix it for a few days. Although our army is frustrated, the bandit army must have suffered heavy casualties. Don't panic, the generals. As long as I hold back the main force of the bandit army, the rest of the Black Tiger Army will definitely not be able to defend it." , Now the Holy Majesty has dispatched more than [-] troops to attack Jiangsu, but they will be able to join us in a few months, and then the Black Tiger Army will die! Another point, you must not tell what happened today, otherwise you will be punished by military law. Keke..."

Yue Le coughed for a while and couldn't continue, waved his hands repeatedly to make all the generals retreat.

In fact, after this great defeat, he already knew in his heart how powerful the Black Tiger Army is, and it is definitely not something that can be wiped out in a short time, but it is true that [-] Manchus and Eight Banners were lost in one day?

Yue Le tugged at his thigh, and finally let out a long sigh. If this news gets out, the world will definitely be shaken. At that time, Wu Sangui may join forces with the Black Tiger Army. Is the Black Tiger Army the nemesis of the Qing Army?

By the way, now Mingzhu is training recruits in Hubei, why not invite him to help?

Yue Le raised a glimmer of hope again, and sighed secretly again in a flash, that's all, Mingzhu's troops are all recruits, and even the elites of hundreds of battles are no match for the Black Tiger Army, so what's the use of more recruits?

Alas, let's hold on to it first, since the bandit army's firearms are excellent, the Qing Dynasty can also develop excellent firearms.

It's a pity that the fire guns of the bandit army were not obtained.

Based on his observations and the narration of the surviving Qing soldiers, he discovered a terrible conclusion: the firecrackers of the bandit army can shoot 500 meters away!And it can penetrate armor!
This is impossible!
But it really exists.

Yue Le suddenly became cautious. As far as he knew, the firecracker with the longest range in Ming Dynasty was the Lumi blunderbuss, with an effective range of 150 meters, but it was extremely difficult to make. No, no matter how difficult it is, a batch must be made. Make a note to the sage, otherwise he will not be able to compete with the bandits.

Manchu iron cavalry were equipped with heavy arrows, with a range of only 60 meters, but the number was too small to reach the bandit army, and most of them were shot and killed before they got close to the bandit army.

By the way, why did I forget the iron thunder of the bandit army? It is estimated that today's big defeat was related to this thing. Yue Le took a long breath. The Qing soldiers picked up several iron mines that did not explode when they attacked the city a few days ago. Lei, the artisans accompanying the army all said that this item is not difficult to manufacture. First, artisans were recruited in Hubei to manufacture it in large quantities.

Hey, the bandit army is a bandit army after all, how can it be compared with the whole Qing Dynasty, when there are a large number of Lumi guns and iron thunders, why be afraid of a small bandit army!

.................. ..
A well-founded memorial was delivered to Kangxi, and Kangxi felt furious. What's the use of firearms?Could it be that Prince An is really old and useless?
No, it is simply incompetent!

The riding and archery skills of the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are invincible in the world, and they lost [-] elites in the small city of Shu!

How many [-] Banner cavalry can the Manchu Qing have?Those are all the disciples of the Eight Banners who are serious!It is the cornerstone of the Qing Dynasty's rule of thousands of miles!

Kangxi almost fainted to the ground, he just wanted to deliver the decree to behead Yue Le immediately, but finally endured it, Yue Le is the prince after all, and now he commands hundreds of thousands of troops, it is not good to say that the hundreds of thousands of troops will be killed by thieves, On the contrary, if that old thief Wu Sangui was taken advantage of, the Qing Dynasty would really be over.

However, he already had doubts about Yue Le's ability, so he decided not to reuse this person, and directly sent the imperial minister to Anhui to deliver an edict: "General Ping Kou worked hard to resist Wu Sangui and the Black Tiger Army. Two, and I miss you very much, please go back to Beijing to talk about it, and discuss a good strategy to destroy the thieves!"

Kangxi snorted, but encountered a problem again, who should be the chief general to suppress the thieves?

Kangxi eliminated several Han generals in a row, not because of lack of ability, but because he was worried. It seems that he still has to find among the princes of the Qing Dynasty.

Yue Le waited for the imperial envoy to come, she was very grateful, but also very ashamed, after several months of suppressing bandits, she has lost troops and lost generals, the Holy Majesty not only did not blame him, but praised him greatly, what virtue and merit does he have?
In my heart, I only feel that the Holy Spirit is extremely wise, and the matter of making firearms must be told in person to make the Holy Spirit make up his mind. As long as the Qing Dynasty summons craftsmen from all over the country to make excellent firearms, and equip a hundred thousand strong troops, the little Black Tiger Army is almost gone. In other words, even Wu Sangui can't dance for a long time.

Without any hesitation, he directly arranged for the soldiers and horses to slow down the attack, and all stood guard until he returned to the army. He himself brought hundreds of fine cavalry and galloped towards the Forbidden City.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Wu Sangui knew about the defeat of the Qing outside Shucheng and the loss of tens of thousands of cavalry.

He woke up suddenly, and then put the Black Tiger Army in the same position, because even he was not sure that he could eat 3 Manchu cavalry in one day. With [-] horses and excellent equipment, the key is to wipe them out.

However, he was also puzzled, how could the strength of the Black Tiger Army soar?Being able to face off against more than [-] elite Qing troops has already explained everything. Now that the Black Tiger Army has no contact with the Wu Army, is it possible to join forces with the Black Tiger Army to fight against the Qing?
Wu Sangui shook his head. When he went to contact the army, not only did he not see the leader of the Black Tiger Army, but the special envoy he sent was kicked out by one of Jiangsu's top thieves. It's really unreasonable!
Wu Sangui pondered for a while with a gloomy face, and then he called in Xia Xiangguo, Hu Guozhu, Ma Bao and other advisers: "Everyone tell me, how should our army deal with the newly rising Black Tiger Army?"

Xia Xiangguo heheed, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, why worry, this gang of bandits will not last long, because they have offended the powerful landlords in the world, and my subordinates think that we should remain unchanged until the Tartars wipe out the Black Tiger Army." , let's take advantage of the momentum to attack again, attack the Forbidden City in one fell swoop, and capture the little Kangxi tartar alive!"

Ma Bao and the others also said yes again and again, and after a while, Wu Sangui sighed: "It's not that simple. The Qing army gathered hundreds of thousands of troops to rush to attack the Black Tiger Army, but the Black Tiger Army refused to give up an inch, and it was said that the one who suffered was the one who suffered the most. Qing army."

Xia Xiangguo was taken aback, and then smiled and said, "My lord, why has he forgotten the principle that two tigers fight and the fisherman wins? We just have to wait. No matter who wins, it doesn't matter. At that time, only the defeated and tired will be left." Army, how can you stop the million-dollar army of the prince!"

Wu Sangui laughed loudly, suddenly his heart moved, and he said seriously: "I wonder if this king can subdue this black tiger?"

"My lord is still wise. As long as the Black Tiger Army surrenders, my lord may arrive in the Forbidden City in a year. My subordinates are willing to try it out." Hu Guozhu thought that the opportunity to make meritorious service had come, and said happily.

"Okay, um, you must be courteous and considerate. Go and tell Heihu that as long as he submits to this king, this king will agree to whatever he wants, and even this king's precious daughter can marry him!"

Wu Sangui applauded loudly, and said with a smile, to be honest, he couldn't wait any longer, the black tiger army that appeared suddenly was just his savior.

Ma Bao and the others licked their lips. Now Wu Sangui only had an unmarried youngest daughter, who was born to Chen Yuanyuan and was recognized as a great beauty. He only lamented the good luck of the great bandit Heihu.

(End of this chapter)

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