Chapter 157
However, Jiang Tao has been supervising the battle under the city of Nanjing (Jiangning) these days. Since the city of Nanjing is more than ten meters high, after a few days, the Black Tiger Army has used a lot of fire and thunder, but due to the solidity of the city, it has not captured the city so far. Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Moreover, the city guards in the city are extremely brave, and they are serious Manchu Tartars. There are more than a thousand elite vests in the city. The Black Tiger Army has repeatedly boarded the city and was driven down by them.

Chengshouwei is the official name of the Eight Banners garrison generals in the Qing Dynasty. He is the third rank and is responsible for the defense of important prefectures.

Jiang Tao sighed secretly, a dog would jump over a wall when cornered, not to mention these Eight Banners soldiers who were besieged to death?

When he received the good news from Shucheng, he was really relieved in his heart, and he stopped rushing to attack the city, and dispatched [-] troops to help Hezhou.

He also summoned carpenters to build dozens of wooden cart platforms slightly higher than the city wall. Ten people can be accommodated on one platform. There are thick multi-layer baffles near the city wall, which can block the attacks of bird guns and arrows.

Under the cover of thousands of archers, these dozens of wooden cart platforms were pushed five meters away from the city wall. Jiang Tao gave an order, and at least [-] fire and thunderbolts were thrown directly on the city wall. Pieces danced wildly on the city wall, raising bloody smoke and dust.

Boom boom boom...

Hundreds of fire and thunder exploded again, still falling on this city wall, iron and blood shot wantonly, who can compete with it!
The armored guards of the Black Tiger Army took the opportunity to climb to the top of the city. As the army continued to enter the city, Jiang Tao was finally convinced. However, these soldiers were all under Wang Junyi's command and had not undergone systematic training. The wanton destruction caused Luo Qian to choose [-] elites to set up a temporary military justice department to maintain order in the city.

The sporadic fighting in the city lasted until the afternoon before it settled down. During this period, the navy of the Qing army approached Nanjing several times to rescue the Qing army in the city, but they were all repelled by the Black Tiger Army. In the end, Jiang Tao gathered thousands of archers and condescendingly fired rockets , the navy of the Qing army had no choice but to retreat.

Jiang Tao had just entered the city of Nanjing, and his first order was to raid the homes of the Qing Tartars, and arrest all the Tartars and their families. At this time, more than a thousand people were arrested, and the rest were all killed in battle. , Confiscated a huge amount of 500 million taels of various properties, Jiang Tao took out 50 taels to reward the three armies, 50 to compensate the fallen soldiers, and beheaded all Tartar men.

The second is to set the list and secure the people. Except for the 1 guards, the rest of the troops will be stationed outside the city for reorganization and training, and Wang Dashan will replace Jiang Shi, who will be responsible for the training of the [-] soldiers and horses outside the city.

The main guard of the city will be Luo Qian, and all the soldiers and horses in the jurisdiction will strengthen cultural learning and ideological education while conducting military training.

The third is to set up a recruiting hall to recruit all kinds of strange people.

In this battle, the Black Tiger Army invested a total of more than 7 soldiers and horses, with more than [-] casualties, annihilated [-] Qing troops, and captured more than [-] green battalion soldiers. This battle opened the situation, and the Black Tiger Army finally broke free from the defensive position. After coming out, as long as the [-] troops outside the city are trained, Jiang Tao can also gather more than [-] soldiers and horses at any time to ensure that other directions can be defended, so that a fierce offensive can be launched.

The Black Tiger Army can only continue to grow in strength if it keeps attacking, otherwise it will not be able to defeat the Qing Army with less than the strength of the two provinces.

As for Wang Junyi's arrangement, Jiang Tao felt a little embarrassed. The arrangement above meant stripping him of most of his military power, but he knew that in front of power he couldn't talk about brotherhood, and it would be wrong to be too big to lose, so he hurriedly recruited Wang Junyi.

"See the general, the subordinate is guilty, please punish the general!" Wang Junyi knelt on the ground as soon as he entered the lobby and said unhurriedly.

Jiang Tao could feel the importance of it, and hurried forward to help Wang Junyi, he laughed and said, "Brother is wrong to blame my virtuous brother, the black tiger has no other meaning, it's just that although the soldiers and horses under my brother's command are brave, they always feel messy , is not conducive to the long-term development of the Black Tiger Army, and must be reorganized and trained, which is also the tradition of the Black Tiger Army, what do you think?"

Wang Junyi is also a person who is familiar with history books, good bows are hidden, lackeys cook, this is the unchanging truth, but the situation of the Black Tiger Army is not good now, is Brother Black Tiger a little too hasty?

Seeing the sincerity on Jiang Tao's face, he felt a little bit of faith in his heart, his complexion straightened, and he said emotionally: "At the beginning, the general saved Wang's family and more than ten thousand fugitives in the mountains, and now he is saving thousands of compatriots. Junyi has always kept this action in his heart, and he has long forgotten the honor and disgrace of everyone, and is sincerely willing to do his best for the general, no matter what the general arranges, his subordinates will have no complaints."

Jiang Tao saw that he was very aggrieved, and knew that he was overthinking, so he hurriedly said seriously: "Brother, don't blame my brother for being reckless. Now Jiangsu Province has all been included in our Black Tiger Army. Only loyal and reliable talents can govern. Brother, I wish no?"

"This? What is the virtue of this subordinate!" Wang Junyi hesitated a little, but finally agreed under Jiang Tao's persuasion. With an army of at least [-], the military strength has surpassed that of the general, and no one can rest assured. Alas, I should have surrendered my troops on my own initiative. Fortunately, I didn't trust those villains who sowed discord, so I couldn't keep them, lest they will cause disaster to the world.

He sighed unceasingly, but in fact he knew in his heart that the black tiger used soldiers like a god, and was by no means invincible to ordinary people. Besides, the generals among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were all under the command of Master Yuankong and the old men of the black tiger army. He also promoted many anti-Qing righteous fighters, but in comparison, Hei Hu's trained elite troops were able to lead troops well.

Thinking of this, he finally felt at ease, and cut off all unreasonable thoughts.

As soon as Jiang Tao sent Wang Junyi away, the guards outside the door came to report: "An old man came to see him, saying that he had a major military report!"

Anyway, Jiang Tao was fine, so he directly ordered him to come. As soon as the old man entered the hall, he couldn't stop laughing. All the strong guards around him drew their waist knives and stared angrily. The old man bestowed the seat, what can the elder give me?"

The old man became serious all of a sudden, sat down with a golden knife on his horse, stared at Jiang Tao with piercing eyes, and said seriously: "The old man laughs at the general for being unwise, the second for being unkind, the third for being unfaithful, and the fourth for being unrighteous." .”

How could Jiang Tao not be angry when he heard this, but he still smiled calmly and said, "Please come with the elders one by one."

"It's unwise not to understand the timing, it's unkind to kill the strong and strong Han people, it's unfaithful to imprison the third prince Zhu, it's unrighteous not to make progress and appoint cronies, what does the general think?" He picked up his teacup and sipped tea.

Jiang Tao saw that his hair was gray and he was dressed in shabby gray cloth, but he was full of energy, his face was like chicken skin, but he showed a faint sense of righteousness, and he didn't change his face when facing dozens of tigers and wolves. He knew that this was not an ordinary old man, and There is some truth in what he said, and he hurriedly said seriously: "The old man is right, these four sentences are true, but what should be done to kill Haoqiang? Can Haoqiang represent the Han people? Thousands of people, because only poor people dare to resist the Tartars!"

The old man's complexion changed drastically, he looked at Jiang Tao in surprise, and praised: "The general is really a hero, with an extraordinary mind, and the people are the main body of the Han people. I didn't expect the general to understand the mystery. It's really wonderful." .”

"Okay, I don't know where the old man is sacred. May he turn against the Qing Dynasty and restore China, and restore the great rivers and mountains of the great man!" Jiang Tao clapped his hands in appreciation, and looked at the old man eagerly. As long as he is a talent, the Black Tiger Army will want it, let alone Anti-Qing talents.

"Although the old man is not well-known, he is very enthusiastic about the anti-Qing Dynasty and is willing to serve the general!"

Jiang Tao didn't expect the old man to hesitate without any hesitation. He saw that when he finished speaking decisively, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, but they didn't flow down.

After Jiang Tao inquired, he found out that this person was the famous Gu Yanwu. It is said that he had been participating in the Anti-Qing Rebel Army for the first half of his life, and wandering alone in the second half of his life, devoting himself to writing books.Moreover, his biological mother had his right arm cut off by the Qing army, his two younger brothers were also killed by the Qing army, and his adoptive mother was martyred. Jiang Tao could understand his feelings, and directly appointed him as an army counselor. It asks for advice.

Gu Yanwu saw that Jiang Tao was so important, he felt that he had met the master of the Ming Dynasty, and recommended more than ten learned scholars to Jiang Tao, including Wang Fuzhi, Huang Zongxi, etc., and suggested: "Now we can make the third prince Zhu the emperor and restore the Han people's anti-corruption. With Qing's confidence, righteous men from all over the world will definitely move upon hearing the news, but the Black Tiger Army is very dangerous now. Even if it blocks the Qing army in the north and defeats the hundreds of thousands of Qing troops caught in the middle, it will also face hundreds of thousands of Qing troops. Wu Sangui and Geng Jingzhong, who are recharging their strengths, will the general have a perfect plan then?"

Jiang Tao shook his head again and again. This is indeed a big problem. The Black Tiger Army may not be able to do what they want in a multi-party battle, so he hurriedly asked, "Can Mr. Gu have a solution?"

"Back then, Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, first ruled the south, and then conquered the north. Now the Black Tiger Army is at a strategic disadvantage, and can form an alliance with the Zheng family in Taiwan. After the Black Tiger accumulates strength, it will gather a partial army a few years later and attack Guangdong from the sea. Land, only by destroying the old thief Wu Sangui first, can the general go on the Northern Expedition unscrupulously, other than that, the old man has nothing to do." Gu Yanwu also sighed, it is a miracle that the Black Tiger Army can survive until now, and now we can only do our best and obey the destiny , I hope that Heihu can use his national policy of benefiting the country and enriching the people, and he may be able to overwhelm the crowd by then.

"That's right, now Heihu suddenly realizes that the time when the three provinces are pacified is the time when the third prince Zhu will proclaim himself emperor!"

Jiang Tao finally had some ideas in his mind. Now the key is how to stop the encirclement and suppression of the Qing army. The Qing army stormed Xuzhou in the direction of Shandong. Jiang Xin only had more than [-] people, and he was under great pressure. He knew very well that it seemed that he had to continue recruiting , otherwise it would not be able to stop the Qing army at all. Fortunately, the finances of the Black Tiger Army can still keep up, and there are no worries about soldiers.

As for the Qing army in the direction of Hezhou, they suddenly retreated, and the main force of the Qing army in Shucheng also remained motionless. Although Jiang Tao was puzzled, he did not act rashly. He just sent spies to spy on the situation of the Qing army.

But within a few days, Niu Mang and Xue Yan were invited out of the base to recruit and train [-] new recruits, who were stationed near Xuzhou.

At the same time, a batch of fire and thunder was transported to Xuzhou, and the Manchu and Qing Tartars outside the city suffered heavy casualties and temporarily stopped their attacks.

Jiang Tao only prepared [-] elites for Niu Mang and others, and they depended on themselves for the rest. Now everything is ready, the only difference is that the soldiers and horses are not well trained.

Jiang Tao is not in a hurry, after all, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. What the Black Tiger Army needs most now is time. With enough time, the chances of winning in his heart will be greater.

(End of this chapter)

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