The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 158 Commoner Guards and Looting

Chapter 158 Commoner Guards and Looting
Only two days after the restoration of Nanjing City, the bustle of the past was restored, and there were more small vendors on the streets.

The main reason was that there were [-] more black tiger troops around Nanjing City, which needed a lot of vegetables and fruits, and many soldiers of the black tiger army asked for leave to mix in with the crowd, and flocked to the magnificent brothels and major tea houses and restaurants.

Jiang Tao was on the street at this time, and he had been visiting incognito for half a day, and Gu Yanwu was the only one beside him besides the guards who secretly protected him.

The more he watched, the more irritable he became, and he remained silent with a stern face. He thought to himself: "With myself in command, the soldiers dare not do anything wrong, but if everyone is rich and powerful, if they eat, drink and play for a long time, how can they have the thought of fighting to the death? I don't know the situation in other places. How? Without him sitting in town, I’m afraid there will be lawlessness.”

Gu Yanwu has been watching with cold eyes. Seeing Jiang Tao's angry appearance, he stroked his beard and smiled directly: "Why should the general get angry? This situation is not bad. The general must have never been to the Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty. Everywhere is the world of the princes of the Qing Dynasty. There are opportunities for the Han people to have fun."

"This is not a small problem. Many soldiers asked for leave to go to brothels, drink and make trouble. Although they did not cause trouble, but now is not the time when swords and soldiers are put into storage and horses are released in Nanshan. Isn't the Eight Banners soldiers just greedy for pleasure, and this is why the combat effectiveness has dropped. I black Most of the soldiers of the Tiger Army are poor people. If they see such a colorful world, they will probably become addicted. It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.” Only then did Jiang Tao realize that the black tiger army’s leave system in the past was stupid. What the times emphasize is autocracy and centralization. Talking about democracy and human rights will only increase troubles, especially in the military. He has to try to correct it. It is okay to ask for leave.

"What the general said is very true. There are generals in Huaxia, so the old man can rest assured, but it's better to avoid it than to block it. The general makes up his own mind."

"Not only that, the tax department also has to control the types of goods imported and exported. For example, grain, iron and copper, sulfur, and salt can only be imported and cannot be exported. The three major weaving prefectures of Suzhou and Hangzhou can appropriately increase the price of silk, and tea can be sold in large quantities.”

"All miscellaneous taxes can be eliminated, including poll tax, and we must find ways to prevent money from being wasted."

Gu Yanwu suggested one by one based on what he saw and heard on the road.

Jiang Tao was secretly surprised, seeing that Gu Yanwu's words made sense, it seemed that he could not underestimate the destructive power of the merchants, if he wanted to do business with the Black Tiger Army, he had to follow the laws of the Black Tiger Army, and he could not act as a spy of the Qing Dynasty. Otherwise, there is only one dead end.

Jiang Tao didn't have the mind to hang around anymore, and when he returned to the General's Mansion, he issued a series of orders, announcing the new tax law, ordering the tax department to strictly implement it immediately, and ordering Jiang Shi to lead the [-] new troops outside the city to Hezhou immediately, and then He trained Luo Qian, Jiangning's guard, to strictly enforce military discipline, strengthen training, and severely punish those who violated discipline.

And notify all prefectural and county officials in the territory to put an end to the collection of any miscellaneous taxes. The county government is only responsible for collecting taxes and forbidding others.

As for the fire loss, we can only wait for the time being, after all, the territory of the Black Tiger Army is still too small.

Jiang Tao is now reminded that it is empty talk to enforce government orders and put an end to corrupt officials. There have always been policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. In this way, how can the Black Tiger Army last long.

Jiang Tao thought hard for a long time, and selected five hundred students over the age of 15 in the military academy. Jiang Tao personally trained and trained them, and invited several surviving Jinyiwei from the former Ming Dynasty to train these students.

These students are not only well-versed in civil and military skills, but also young and energetic, with the most obvious hatred in their hearts. Many of them have listened to Jiang Tao's class, and they are in awe of Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao took a fancy to this, and secretly set up the Commoner Guard. The main responsibility is to supervise the implementation of the officials and the Black Tiger Army's policies, and to truthfully reflect the living conditions of the people. It acts as Jiang Tao's eyes and is only responsible to Jiang Tao.

But they only have the right to report and are not allowed to intervene in military and political affairs, and they are not allowed to reveal their identities as civilian guards until critical moments.

As the name suggests, the commoner guards wear the clothes of ordinary people, blend in with the common people, and protect the interests of the common people. Jiang Tao does not dare to rest assured, so he recruits five hundred elites from the army, also called commoner guards. Acquaintance, but doing the same thing.

Jiang Tao planned to deploy two civilian guards in a county at the same time, one from the youth army and one from the army, in order to prevent them from concealing and lying.

They will systematically learn the policies of the Black Tiger Army and other survival skills.

For seven days in a row, Jiang Tao was brainwashing the commoner guards. He didn't want to be a spy, but he told Jiang Tao an amazing news: Yue Le returned to Beijing, the Manchu Qing had no general to command the army, and the garrisons all over the place stayed put.

Jiang Tao was mixed with joy and sorrow when he heard the news. He was afraid that the news would be false. He would fall into the trick of the Qing army. After discussing with Gu Yanwu and others, he felt that the opportunity was too late to come again, and the [-] soldiers under Jiang Shi's command had already been able to do what he ordered. , and then decided to send troops.

First of all, Jiang Wuji's Ministry was ordered to take the initiative to attack and contain the main force of the Qing army.

Jiang Tao himself came to Hezhou and assembled an army of [-] to approach Wuwei Prefecture.

The [-] Qing troops who had originally attacked Hezhou gathered in Wuwei Prefecture at this time.

Seeing the strength of the Black Tiger Army, the general of the Qing army dared not go out of the city to fight, but just stood firm.

Seeing that Wuwei State was in a hurry and difficult to capture, Jiang Tao decisively ordered Jiang Shi and Wang Dashan to lead an army of [-] to detour to Lujiang City, while he himself led his troops to station in Wuwei State and built siege equipment.

One day later, Wang Dashan and others really lived up to their expectations, quickly captured Lujiang City, and dug many trenches in Longhe Town, blocking the retreat of the main force of the Qing army.

Seeing this, Jiang Tao hurriedly ordered his subordinates to attack Wuwei Prefecture with all their strength.

The more than [-] Qing troops in Shucheng were all panicked when they heard the news. The small Shucheng didn't have much food and grass, and it was blocked at this time. There was no successor food and grass, and the food in the army would last for ten days at most.

All the commanders and guerrillas combined and thought it was safe to retreat. After all, the Black Tiger Army in front had the help of gods, and it was simply impossible for humans to deal with it.

They left behind a commander-in-chief who led three thousand old and weak people to defend the city, and the rest of the troops flocked to Longhe Town.

When I took a closer look, I saw more than ten uneven trenches blocking the way, spreading hundreds of meters long, and more than ten thousand people stood upright behind the trenches.

All the green battalion soldiers were forced to a dead end, but they were not stupid, and ordered hundreds of cannons to fire non-stop.

Half an hour later, until there was no black tiger army in sight on the battlefield, they rushed towards the trench in a swarm.

However, the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army had already prepared Huo Lei Bo and torches. As soon as the green battalion soldiers approached 20 meters, hundreds of Huo Lei Bo flew out of the trench.

Boom boom boom...

But in the blink of an eye, the Qing army suffered thousands of casualties, and the rest of the Qing army didn't dare to wait any longer, they all retreated in a hurry.

The commander-in-chief and guerrillas of each army wanted to cry without tears. It turned out that the Black Tiger Army was full of fire and thunder, and this battle could not be fought. Tiger Army.

The generals of the Han people dared not speak out. They looked at each other and said understandingly: "Let's bombard with artillery for now, and fight again tomorrow!"

The Manchu generals were about to draw their knives on the spot, and they were about to fight, but Tanma suddenly came to report: the guard Qian Zong had surrendered, and tens of thousands of black tiger troops were chasing and killing them.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone turned pale with fright, and once again assembled a large army to rush towards the trench of the Black Tiger Army.

The booming explosion sounded for half an hour, and finally stopped. The Qing army paid a price of 2 people and rushed to the front of the trench. Suddenly, more than a thousand spears stabbed out of the trench. The Qing army rushed too fast and had no time to dodge. Hundreds of people were stabbed to death on the spot.

The Qing army reacted and jumped directly into the two-meter-deep trench, and repeatedly broke free from the trench with the Black Tiger Army. The rest of the Green Battalion continued to rush forward, and finally collided with the main force of the Black Tiger Army.

After fighting desperately for a quarter of an hour, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

At this moment, Jiang Wuji came with reinforcements. The guards of the Qing army couldn't withstand the volley of fire guns and collapsed, while Jiang Wuji's subordinates chased after them. In the fight, they had to attack Wang Dashan and other positions desperately.

Although Wang Dashan and others resisted desperately, the Qing army still broke through the line of defense and fled with all their strength.

The soldiers of the Black Tiger Army pursued with all their strength, but they still released more than 3 people and captured [-] people. The Qing army actually killed more than [-] people.

Wang Dashan deployed 3000 people in more than a dozen trenches, and 7000 people behind the trenches. After this battle, more than 4000 people were killed or injured, and Jiang Wuji's subordinates also killed or injured more than 2000 people. They dare not delay , leaving some soldiers and horses to guard the prisoners, and the rest rushed to Hezhou. Although some Qing troops were released, the Qing troops in Wuwei Prefecture hadn't escaped yet, and the war had just begun.

At the same time, Yue Le was under house arrest by Kangxi, and all the troops on the Yangtze River were handed over to Prince Jian Labu, and an order was passed to wipe out the black tiger army within half a year, otherwise they would be punished for several crimes.

After waiting for a few days, Prince Jane Labu received the imperial edict, his face almost turned green, and now he is sitting in Jiujiang.

Yue Le is one of the few great generals in the Qing Dynasty. Now he is the only one who can fight the most, but Ao Bai is imprisoned and Yue Le is also under house arrest. La Bu feels dizzy for a while. Yue Le, and now the Black Tiger Army has defeated Shucheng's more than [-] troops, and also defeated Hezhou's soldiers and horses. The soldiers are pointing directly at Anqing Mansion, so it is not easy to defeat.

Thinking of this, Prince Jian couldn't help cursing in his heart. While rectifying the troops and horses, he contacted the Pearl of Hubei, and at the same time contacted the princes and ministers to write to the court, saying that the strength of the Black Tiger Army must be released, and Prince An Yue Le must be released, otherwise the bandit army will be invincible !
(End of this chapter)

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