The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 160 See through the trick

Chapter 160 See through the trick
Jiang Tao is now full of anger, when he has time to see Wu Sangui's special envoy, he said with a straight face: "Let the third uncle entertain that fellow, and see him later."

At this time, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi and others received Gu Yanwu's letter, and they had come to serve Jiang Tao together. They were beside Jiang Tao. These were all outstanding thinkers in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. These few.

Huang Zongxi even moved his family here, and invited his two talented younger brothers, Huang Zongyan and Huang Zonghui, along with him. He had been watching with cold eyes, when he suddenly heard the word Wu Sangui, he woke up suddenly, and blurted out: "Wait a minute, General!" , the Qing army took the initiative to back down, it must be to let Wu Sangui and I kill each other, ah, no, the Qing army will run away!"

"Why do you see that?" Jiang Tao was shocked. The Qing army stationed more than 40 troops in the small Hubei, and they are now the regular army. How could they retreat without a fight?

Among them, Wang Fuzhi was the youngest. He had a natural look of grief and indignation, and he said uprightly: "Brother Huang is right. If it is as expected, the Qing army will definitely abandon Hubei and retreat to Shandong and Henan. The tiger army fights with Wu Sangui and others, and once Wang Fuchen is wiped out, the Manchu Qing can advance and retreat or defend! The situation of our black tiger army is very bad."

After Jiang Tao was reminded, he also understood that now the Black Tiger Army has blocked the way of Geng Jingzhong in Fujian, and Wu Sangui has occupied the entire Jiangxi, bordering Anhui and Zhejiang, he said helplessly: "Do you really want to form an alliance with Wu Sangui? "

Huang Zongxi and the others looked at each other and nodded towards Wang Fuzhi, who then said seriously: "The alliance is not with the Black Tiger Army, but with the old and cunning Wu Sangui. If we want to take the initiative now, we must attack the Qing army in Hubei to avoid The people of Hubei have suffered similar unwarranted disasters, and I am afraid that no matter how much the general loves the people, he will not be able to rescue millions of compatriots."

"No way, that's millions of people. The Qing army is so strong to rob, and... Besides, how can we attack if we don't have enough troops? Wouldn't it block Wu Sangui even more if we attack? Then we will be pinched by the main force of the Qing army and Wu Sangui. !" Jiang Tao asked in disbelief, if the Qing army continued to loot the property of the people's homes, what should the Black Tiger Army do then?

Wang Fuzhi nodded approvingly, and said solemnly: "There are three strategies. First, hundreds of thousands of households have been looted by the Qing army. The general is dividing the land and donating food. As long as the general ascends to the top, Immediately, 30 young men can be recruited, and 20 elites can be selected to cooperate with the [-] elites under the command of the general. "

"Second, for the time being with Wu Sangui and Shewei, let Wu Jun cooperate with the Black Tiger Army to pinch the main force of the Qing Army. At that time, the Black Tiger Army will take the initiative to withdraw from Hubei and give Hubei to Wu Sangui."

"Thirdly, the Black Tiger Army took advantage of Geng Jingzhong's weakness and invaded Fujian in one fell swoop, threatening Wu Sangui's side, so that he would not dare to fight easily! Although Wu Sangui is a national traitor, it is best to destroy the Tartars before trying to kill them!"

Jiang Tao was stunned when he heard this. Arming another 30 troops is easy to say, but it is not easy to do. For cold weapons alone, the Black Tiger Army is short of more than [-], not to mention military uniforms and military pay.

If another 30 people are armed, the Black Tiger Army will expand to 60 horses, and the military salary alone will cost 200 million taels a month. In half a year, the Black Tiger Army will go bankrupt.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tao couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. After struggling for a long time, he made up his mind and said, "Okay, I'll do it, but it will be troublesome if I can't pay the military salary by then."

Gu Yanwu laughed and said, "General, why did you forget that Jiangning, Suzhou, and Hangzhou are the three major weaving mansions, plus the tea and other materials from Jiangnan, the business tax of the Black Tiger Army will be as high as 150 million in one month alone in the future?" More than two, even if nothing is achieved by sending troops, it can be maintained until the beginning of next spring, and after this crisis is over, it will be disarmed."

Hearing this, Jiang Tao's confidence doubled, and he immediately ordered Jiang Shi and Wang Dashan to be the main generals of the recruit battalion, recruited 30 recruits, and trained them with all their strength.

After this catastrophe, the people in southern Anhui have long regarded General Heihu as a living Bodhisattva, and when they heard that the Tartars were about to be beaten, they all enthusiastically joined the army.

While Jiang Tao was relieved, he ordered Jiang Wuji to lead the [-] elite troops in southern Anhui, expand the sharpshooter guards, train them strictly, and actively prepare for the battle.

He also sent an order to Wei Donglai to make some adjustments and take the opportunity to raid Geng Jingzhong in Fujian and force him to surrender.

After Jiang Tao finished his work and was on his way to meet Wu Sangui's special envoy, Huang Zongyi, Gu Yanwu and other think tanks offered another plan to solve the food shortage problem: First, Chaohu Lake, Hongze Lake, and Taihu Lake are all within the territory of the Black Tiger Army. You can increase the amount of fish you catch, and you can also go out to sea to catch them. If you can't finish them, you can salt them into salted fish to reduce food consumption.

Second, you can go to other places to buy in large quantities.

Third, it can reclaim unowned wasteland and increase the total grain output of the Black Tiger Army.

Jiang Tao agreed one by one, and seeing that Huang Zongxi had unique insights into resuming production, he ordered him to be the head of the household department and take charge of the matter.

After a period of pondering, Jiang Tao originally decided to reform the Black Tiger Army and let the puppet Third Prince Zhu ascend the throne. Jiang Tao proclaimed himself King Huaxing, and restored the functions of the Ministry of Households, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of War, Ministry of Punishment, and Ministry of Rites. Minister, the chief executive of a province who manages government affairs is a senior official, the chief executives of all state capitals are the governors, and the chiefs of each county are county magistrates...

As for the army, there has been little change. The general is the commander of the entire army, but the military salary is paid by the Ministry of War.

But now that things have changed, Jiang Tao has no time to think about these things. He is worried about the stability of Zhejiang Province, so he appointed Gu Yanwu as a high-ranking official in Zhejiang Province, and Dai Jiao as a high-ranking official. solid backing.

Jiang Tao only left Wang Fuzhi, who is well-educated and talented, and the rest of the learned men were all sent to the military academy at the base to learn the policies and programs of the Black Tiger Army.

When he arrived in Liu'an, he immediately summoned Wu Sangui's special envoy.

Hu Guozhu had been waiting in Lu'an for many days, and his heart was already impatient. When he came to the lobby and saw Heihu's appearance as a reckless man, he immediately underestimated three points in his heart, did not salute, and said with a sneer: " General Heihu has such a great posture, it seems that the prince is looking up to you."

"Bold, who are you to be so rude!" Wang Fuzhi shouted with a sneer on his face.

Thinking of Wu Sangui's confession, Hu Guozhu snorted, gave a slight salute, and said unkindly: "I am the President's Grand Marshal of the World, Land and Water, and Xingming is a general under the command of the Great General who seeks captives. It is reasonable and sensible, you should invite the third prince Zhu. , and gave it to General Wu for protection, where is the third prince Zhu now?"

Jiang Tao and Wang Fuzhi looked at each other, and thought to himself, "Could it be that this bastard is here to find fault?"

"Hehe, this is the Jade Seal of Zhen Guo. This general was entrusted by the third prince Zhu to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and to lead the whole country's rebel army. How dare you be rude, come here, and throw this person out." Jiang Tao is not easy to talk to. The man took out the Zhenguo Yuxi from the golden kit, and said with a gloomy sneer, what does Wu Sangui mean? Could it be that he deliberately found fault and wanted to start a war?
He didn't notice a piece of golden silk cloth fell off, but Wang Fuzhi happened to see it, picked it up and looked at it, he was not sure for a while, and planned to go back to study it and return it to the general.

"Wait a minute!" Hu Guozhu was startled, and said with a smile honestly: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am here for no other reason than General Heihu."

Jiang Tao waved away the wolf-like guards, and said with a playful smile: "Oh, yes, Jiang has a big gift for General Wu. I wonder if the special envoy would like to listen?"

Hu Guozhu couldn't utter a single word of the routine he had thought up for a long time, and his face flushed immediately. Only then did he realize that this black man was not simple, so he nodded and said, "Please speak up, General!"

"The Qing army is about to run away. You and I will join forces to attack the main force of the Qing army in Hubei. Then Hubei will belong to you, and our Black Tiger Army will not want a single piece of land. How about it?" Jiang Tao said loudly, then ignored Hu Guozhu.

Hu Guozhu swallowed, looked at Heihu suspiciously, and said after a while, "Since this is the case, this envoy cannot be the master, and still needs to report to General Wu."

"Okay, remember well, if General Wu doesn't send troops within half a month, just treat him as if I didn't say what I said above, and see off the guests."

Hu Guozhu left in a desperate manner. The key is that he was sent away without explaining his purpose. He is also a smart person. After this incident, he found that the black tiger is a disobedient master. It is too difficult for the prince to subdue this black tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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