The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 161 Very arrogant

Chapter 161 Very arrogant
When Hu Guozhu saw Wu Sangui, five days later, Wu Sangui was really furious when he heard that, this little Black Tiger General was too rude.

However, with hundreds of thousands of troops, the Black Tiger Army was so arrogant with this capital, Wu Sangui calmed down in an instant, how could this continuous movement of the Qing army escape his discernment?

No matter in terms of strategy or people's morale, he knew that it was not the time to deal with the Black Tiger Army, and he would only have to trouble the Qing Army.

However, there are hundreds of thousands of Qing troops gathered in Hubei, which is so easy to deal with.

Wu Sangui looked at Xia Xiangguo, Xia Xiangguo frowned, and said seriously: "My lord, we can only fight. The harder we fight the Qing army, the safer we will be. If we take down Hubei again, we will actually control Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and other six provinces, let's stabilize Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places. After all, Shang Zhixin and Geng Jingzhong are not reliable. As long as they recuperate for three years, the prince can easily raise millions of soldiers. The Black Tiger Army is now on our behalf. Hundreds of thousands of Qing troops have been restrained, we must win them over, as long as the Black Tiger Army conquers the north, the prince will support it appropriately, and as long as the Black Tiger army goes south, the prince will deal with them resolutely."

"So, let's go to Hubei?" Wu Sangui asked calmly, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

"That's right, with the help of the Black Tiger Army, we will surely defeat the Tartars, and we will beat the Qing army! As long as Hubei is occupied by our army, the Black Tiger Army will be completely locked up. What about the tigers in cages?" ?”

Xia Xiangguo sneered and said, Wu Sangui was about to applaud, and said in his heart: "Monk Geng Jingzhong and Zhixin, these two juniors are too out of line, it's time to give them some color."

At this time, the messenger came to report: "The Black Tiger Army has sent [-] troops to attack Fujian urgently, and it is unstoppable."

"What?" Wu Sangui couldn't help but smile bitterly, and after a while he shouted with a stiff face: "It's unreasonable, this black tiger's picture is not small!"

Xia Xiangguo's expression also changed, and only then did he know what it meant to lose sight of the other, so he could only whisper, "I'm asking the prince to make the decision!"

Wu Sangui glanced at him, feeling conflicted in his heart, and secretly said: "How many soldiers and horses does this Black Tiger Army have? How did the power of the three provinces raise so many soldiers and horses?"

After thinking hard for a long time, he gave the order: "Ma Bao led an army of [-] men to threaten Huizhou, try not to start a war, and send a letter to Heihu to order them to withdraw from Fujian, otherwise, the Grand Marshal will exterminate him, a traitorous official!"

Xia Xiangguo asked eagerly: "Your Majesty, there is no way. Heihu is a bandit, and he cares about face the most. If he attacks me with all his strength, it will make it easier for the Manchu Tartars. Besides, we don't want Hubei?"

"Hmph, yes, of course, but not now, let's talk about it after a few battles between the Qing army and the Black Tiger army! Hei Hu wants face, but this king doesn't want face? Don't mention it again, that bandit is always bullying, hmph, I want to wrestle with Wu Sangui, he's still a little tender!" Wu Sangui felt a pain in his heart when he thought of the big battle outside Shanhaiguan, and suddenly realized that this time he was going to be the killer behind the scenes, let's fight, with this half of the country, we Wu Sangui is not afraid of anyone.


After half a month of preparation, the 30 recruits were finally recruited and equipped with weapons. They all had high fighting spirit, but the formation was a bit messy, and they hadn't been tested by the war so they didn't know how effective they were.

At this time, Jiang Tao did not wait for Wu Sangui's special envoy, but instead waited for Wu Sangui's army. The [-] army was stationed ten miles outside Huizhou City, threatening the Black Tiger Army to withdraw from Fujian, or attack the city immediately.

Jiang Tao smiled sadly in his heart. As expected of the old and cunning Wu Sangui, he thought hard for a long time and felt that he could not back down, and he wanted to beat Wu Sangui. Most of Wu Sangui's troops were gathered in Hunan. After all, the Qing army in Hubei had not withdrawn yet. Also guard against the Qing army.

Jiang Tao first severely reprimanded Wu Sangui in the name of the third prince Zhu, and then issued a series of orders: order Wei Donglai to withdraw troops, raise 20 troops to enter Jiangxi from Zhejiang, and order Wang Dashan to order [-] recruits to enter Jiangxi from Chizhou. Ten thousand recruits guard against the Qing army in Hubei. "

And he himself brought [-] elites to Huizhou. He could only gamble, betting that the Qing army would not dare to invade Anhui, and betting that Wu Sangui would not dare to start a full-scale war!
He not only wanted to scare the Qing army, but also Wu Sangui, to be honest, otherwise, with Wu Sangui making trouble nearby, the Black Tiger Army would not have the strength to attack Hubei. Not only would they not be able to save the people, but they might even get into trouble.

His biggest bargaining chip is that there are already 7000 sharpshooters under his command, including [-] Mielu guns and [-] Mieqing fire guns. The other [-] infantry are also the elite of the bloody battle. Wu Sangui's soldiers and horses.


Ma Bao threw the Black Tiger Army's gauntlet aside, and directly ordered the whole army to go out of the village. He wanted to show off his power in a battle. Thinking of the prince's instructions, he only felt that the prince had become timid, so what if there are too many small thieves and soldiers?
When he came two miles away from Huizhou City, he saw that the Black Tiger Army had formed eight columns, with only about 8000 soldiers. The soldiers in the front row squatted holding torches, and the soldiers in the back row were holding firecrackers.

Ma Bao sneered, and ordered five thousand iron cavalry equipped with three-eyed guns to directly attack the infantry column of the Black Tiger Army, and ordered thirty thousand infantry to follow. He wanted to defeat the bandits in one fell swoop and attack the city.

bang bang bang...

Wu Sangui's iron cavalry galloped at full speed, and was 300 meters away from the position of the Black Tiger Army, when it was hit by a mini bomb, and a group of people turned their backs on their backs.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more gunshots, and Wu Sangui's elite cavalry had killed more than 150 people before they rushed 2000 meters in front of the Black Tiger Army column.

Ma Bao, who was rushing in the rear, was stunned for a while, and muttered to himself: "What kind of firecracker is this? Absolutely impossible?" In the blink of an eye, he saw that his iron cavalry was less than a hundred meters away from the Black Tiger Army. He regained his composure, and the effective range of the three-eyed blunderbuss was 70 meters. When the three-eyed blitz shot continuously, the Black Tiger Army would be finished.

At this moment, there was another series of bang bang bang sound, which lasted for about a dozen breaths. Thousands of cavalry seemed to be blocked at once, and most of them fell down in the blink of an eye. The rest of the cavalry were about to retreat in shock. Unexpectedly, there were bursts of clear gunshots from the Black Tiger Army.

In less than a minute, the 1 cavalry were almost wiped out. Ma Bao was completely shocked, as were the [-] infantrymen who were charging, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers watching the battle were also shocked.

When all the sharpshooter guards loaded their ammunition again, Jiang Wuji waved his hand, and one thousand grenadiers and seven thousand musketeers marched towards Wu Sangui's [-] troops in neat steps.

And Jiang Tao, who was watching the battle on the top of the city, also ordered soldiers from all walks of life to rush towards Ma Bao's camp, like [-] soldiers and horses pressed up like a black cloud. Shake up.

Ma Bao just woke up at this time, he has always been extremely brave, at this moment, he glanced at the countless black tiger army in front of him, he couldn't help but shuddered, and shouted four words with a trembling voice: "All troops withdraw!"

Only then did he know how the entire army of the 10 Banners cavalry was wiped out. He knew that if he lost the [-] people, the prince would definitely not let him go.

Immediately more than [-] people retreated in panic, running faster than rabbits, but the Black Tiger Army still approached unhurriedly.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Tao arrived at Ma Bao's camp. He saw that the camp was in a mess, with a large amount of food, grass and ordnance piled up like a mountain, and he felt amused in his heart.

Wang Fuzhi also sighed, and only then did he realize that the Black Tiger Army really deserved its reputation. He didn't know what the Black Tiger's plan was going to be, so he hurriedly asked, "General, do you really want to fight Wu Sangui?"

"Hehe, Mr. Wang found out. At this time, Man Qing, Wu Sangui and my Black Tiger Army are very similar to the Three Kingdoms era. It should be more of the Three Kingdoms. Only our Black Tiger Army is slightly weaker. Fighting, I believe Wu Sangui should know how powerful our Black Tiger Army is. The stronger our Black Tiger Army is, the more fearful Wu Sangui will be, and the less he will dare to fight with all his strength. , this general wants Wu Sangui to come and apologize in person." Jiang Tao laughed heartily, expressing his thoughts.

Now that the Black Tiger Army's hundreds of thousands of troops have invaded Jiangxi together, he wants to see how the old fox Wu Sangui resists.

"The general is right, now the old man is at ease, come and see, general, what is this?"

Wang Fuzhi nodded in admiration, and took out something while speaking, it was a piece of silk cloth the size of a sea bowl.

Jiang Tao took it and suddenly remembered that this was the silk cloth that was put together with Zhen Guo Yuxi. "

"General, this is the treasure map left by Emperor Chongzhen, and the treasure house is in Jiangning's palace, maybe there are treasures inside." Wang Fuzhi said solemnly, and his wrinkles relaxed.

"Jiang Ning? Treasure?" Jiang Tao's eyelids twitched, swallowed his saliva, jumped on the horse, and rushed to Jiang Ning with hundreds of guards and Wang Fuzhi. not go down.

As for the war in Jiangxi, Jiang Wuji was handed over to them, and he sent an order to them. Wherever they fought, the fields would be divided, and the ideas of the Black Tiger Army should be spread.

In the past, I was afraid that no one would join the Black Tiger Army, so the land division measures were somewhat conservative.

Now the Black Tiger Army has too many soldiers and horses, and there are still many vacant fields that have not been allocated, so the land allocation measures have also been changed. If a family of ordinary people, if young and strong join the Black Tiger Army, they can get 25 acres of land. No one joins the Black Tiger Army, and depending on the population, they can get ten to fifteen acres of land.

The poor people in Jiangxi have long been looking forward to the arrival of the Black Tiger Army. When the Black Tiger Army arrives, the simple people will either pass on the news or join the army. Ma Bao lost more than a hundred miles of land and tens of thousands of troops in a few days. , He even had suicidal thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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