The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 164 4 Fireworks

Chapter 164
At the end of June 1673, the Black Tiger Army and Wu Sangui signed an armistice treaty, as follows: First, the Black Tiger Army withdrew from Nanchang, and Fuzhou, Shangrao, Jingdezhen and other places belonged to the Black Tiger Army. .

Second, Wu Sangui paid 600 million taels of silver, [-] war horses, and one million shi of grain to the third prince Zhu, and paid them within ten days.

Third, the two armies attacked Hubei at the same time in July and a half, when Hubei returned to Wu Sangui.

Jiang Tao had arrived at Anqing Mansion at this time, and he was overjoyed when he received Jiang Wuji's report. The reason why he didn't want Hubei was because he wanted Wu Sangui to attract some Qing troops to ease the pressure on the Black Tiger Army.

The Black Tiger Army has not yet seized the strength of the world, and can only wait.

If the Black Tiger Army seizes Hubei, it will be placed between Wu Sangui and the Qing Army. At that time, the Black Tiger Army will have to defend on both sides, and then it will be passive.

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Tao ordered Wei Donglai to continue to lead the army to attack Fujian, and ordered Jiang Wuji and Han Yong to return to Anqing Mansion first with the sharp spear guards. stationed, and the remaining [-] elite returned to Anqing.

After this battle, the Black Tiger Army not only occupied a corner of Jiangxi, but Jingdezhen was a cash cow, and the Black Tiger Army showed its strength to Wu Sangui, and it was no longer a small role to be bullied.

Moreover, a large amount of weapons, food and other materials were seized in this battle, and more than one million people were captured. The influence of the Black Tiger Army is slowly expanding.

Jiang Tao was not happy, because the foundation of the Black Tiger Army at this time is still too shallow, and as long as it is defeated once, it may be completely defeated, so he secretly reminded himself that now he has a little wealth, and he is no longer a lifeless one. After all, the Black Tiger Army still lacks time.

In early July, the Artillery Battalion arrived at Anqing Mansion.

On the eighth day of the seventh lunar month, Wu Sangui honestly handed over the silver, horses and food.

On July [-]th, the elite [-] Black Tiger Army returned to Anqing.

When Jiang Tao shared his guess with the whole army, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, especially the 20 recruits, all of whom gritted their teeth and wanted revenge.

There are still more than ten days until the rice harvest season, Jiang Tao dare not take this risk, if this time the Qing army once again snatches the food of all the people in Hubei, the Black Tiger Army will not be able to save millions of people with food.

Jiang Tao asked the whole army to rest for a day, and waited until July and a half, it was a sunny day, Han Yong led [-] recruits to guard Anqing, and Jiang Tao personally led an army of more than [-] to Yingshan County in Hubei.

At this time, the Qing army gathered tens of thousands of troops in the small Yingshan County. Recently, the Anqing Mansion has been increasing its troops. Yue Le is very clear. He knows that the Black Tiger Army is targeting Hubei, but he did not expect that the Black Tiger Army The battle with Wu Sangui ended so quickly, and the Black Tiger Army came so quickly.

He was extremely depressed, knowing that if he didn't act at this time, the whole plan would be aborted.

Fortunately, the local landlords recently heard that the Black Tiger Army was about to invade Hubei, so they took the initiative to unite and assembled [-] landlords to serve.

With an idea, Yue Le left [-] Manchu Eight Banners soldiers and [-] landlords in Yingshan County.

On the front line of the Yangtze River, 25 Chen soldiers defended Wu Sangui. Yue Le ordered Kang Jie to take [-] elite troops to the main roads and passes in Henan to defend on the spot. All prefectures and counties quickly robbed the people's homes of food and burned the rice that was about to mature in the fields. After three days, regardless of success or failure, the entire line retreated, and all food that could not be taken away was burned.

The Manchu and Han Eight Banners and the Green Battalion soldiers were all good at burning, killing and looting. When they heard this order, they all screamed and rushed towards the villages like hungry wolves.

With this inhumane order, the entire land of Hubei was immediately filled with black smoke. The Qing army not only burned, killed and looted, but also raped women, doing all kinds of evil. Only now did the people see clearly the ugly face of the Qing army, and many people desperately resisted.

But sporadic resistance, how can they be the opponents of the Qing soldiers, the Qing soldiers who are red-eyed will kill everyone when they see them.

Back then, the surviving Black Tiger Army soldiers under Jiang Wuhui's command took the opportunity to revolt, but a small number of people could not affect the overall situation in the end.

Yue Le saw that everything was going smoothly, but the progress was very slow. He sighed in his heart: "It would be great if it was launched ten days ago. Hubei will become a dead place by then. The plague alone can stop the bandit army for a while. Maybe it can drag down the bandit army.”

Now is the hottest time, Yue Le wiped the sweat off his forehead with his horseshoe sleeve, and left the bloody Hubei with a sinister smile...

The saddest thing is the powerful landlords in Yingshan County. Their families are under the slaughter knife of the Qing army, but they are complacent in the head of Yingshan County. After all, the Black Tiger Army, which even the Qing army fears, was killed Blocked under Yingshan County, and there are more than 20 black tiger troops.

Indeed, the Black Tiger Army had been blocked by the Qing Army for three hours at this time. It was not that the Black Tiger Army could not defeat the Qing Army, but that the Qing Army had escorted thousands of people in the city to the city wall, while the Qing Army was hiding behind the Black Tiger Army. behind the army.

If the Black Tiger Army wants to attack the city, it will definitely kill innocent people. For the Black Tiger Army who is often indoctrinated to restore the country and protect the people, it is very difficult to do so.

Jiang Tao was furious, but he had no choice but to open fire on innocent people.

At this time, there are many generals under his command, including Jiang Shi, Jiang Wuji, Jiang Yan, Qi Datou, etc., but all of them have lost their temper. They have never seen such a despicable method, and there is no proper solution.

Wang Fuzhi, who has always been upright and knowledgeable, was also sweating and trembling at this moment. Jiang Tao saw thick black smoke floating in the distance, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and asked in surprise: "Old Wang, at this time Why is there so much smoke?"

"General, I dare to speculate. I am afraid that the Qing army knows that the situation is not good and is committing crimes in southern Anhui, and it may be even worse. The general ordered to attack the city. At this time, I can only be ruthless." Wang Fuzhi uttered two lines. Tears, said with a trill.

"Impossible! Mr. Wang..." Jiang Tao said uncertainly. Could it be that because of the rise of the Black Tiger Army, the Qing army has already torn its face and exposed its hidden fangs?
"General, the millions of Li people are the big ones, and the thousands of innocent people are the small ones. We can't wait any longer." After Wang Fuzhi said these words with difficulty, he passed out immediately.

"Please call for a doctor!" Jiang Tao was shocked, struggled for a while, and was about to order the siege, when the scouts who didn't want to send out panicked to report: "General, something is wrong, the Qing army went crazy and set fire everywhere. Lots of casualties."

"What!" Jiang Tao's hairs started to rise, but the last thing he wanted to happen still happened. He immediately regretted it, and without hesitation, he immediately announced the matter to the whole army, and ordered viciously: "Kill, Kill all the Manchu Tartars!"

(End of this chapter)

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