Chapter 165

Eighty 24-pound heavy cannons bombarded Yingshan County in just a few rounds, and blasted a gap in the low city wall. How could the hastily assembled landlord armed forces be the opponent of the angry Black Tiger Army? In the rear, although there were 6 people in the city, in the face of a large number of casualties and advanced firearms, the landlord's armed forces still could not stop their defeat.

Jiang Tao ordered the Black Tiger Army to pursue and kill them with all their strength. By evening, the Black Tiger Army had hunted and killed for [-] miles, captured more than [-] people, and the remaining [-] people were still fleeing.

At this time, Jiang Tao got the exact movement of the Qing army. It turned out that the Qing army had been divided into fifty groups, with 5000 people in one group, and they were still harming the village. One of the retreat routes of the Qing army.

At this moment, 7000 of the [-] landlords who had fled came back, and all of them burst into tears. The leading leaders fell to their knees and cried out in unison: "We deserve to die! I also ask the general to kill the Tartars and avenge my father and fellow countrymen!"

After finishing speaking, more than ten people committed suicide and died, and the remaining dozens of people also wanted to commit suicide but were stopped by Jiang Tao.

"Everyone is so remorseful, why don't you stay and kill the Tartars to avenge your father and fellow villagers?" Jiang Tao suppressed the impulse in his heart, calmed down, and said with difficulty.

Taking their crimes to a thousand cuts is not considered cruel, but at this time the key is to stop the atrocities of the Tartar army.

Jiang Tao secretly said: "Since the Qing army has not withdrawn, then don't leave. Just under the guidance of these guides, they concentrated their forces to defeat the Qing army one by one, and appeared in front of the Qing army without anyone noticing tonight. .”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly ordered the remaining nearly 20 soldiers and horses to rest for two hours, and wait for them to recover enough before sending out troops.

All the soldiers of the army are full of anger, but how can they sleep peacefully?

However, Jiang Tao knew that he could not eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he ordered the generals of the army to go down to comfort the soldiers. After all, people are not machines, and it is impossible to chase and kill the Qing army endlessly. Only by cultivating enough energy can we fight more effectively. start.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night...

Wu Sangui saw that the sky was dark, and when he looked across the river, he could only see the flames on the opposite bank. He was in a moment of surprise, and feared that the Black Tiger Army was looting. Going, the navy of the Qing army saw that he was abandoned by the Qing army, so he surrendered Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui was overjoyed and shouted: "God help me too!"

He personally crossed the river to sit in the central army, he didn't want his subordinates to take down several small counties easily, but it was shocking along the way, and saw countless people die tragically, a lot of people were displaced, most of the rice in the field was swallowed by flames, and it was pitch black Blowing thin blue smoke.

Even though Wu Sangui is a rare villain in the world, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle, and he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses: "What is this Manchu Tartar going to do? Could it be that he wants to kill all the Han people? Could it be that the Kangxi Tartar is crazy? "

Xia Xiangguo also showed a look of impatience, and said angrily: "My lord, you must send troops overnight, otherwise Hubei will become a land of injustice, and Hubei will become a tasteless place. It is useless to ask for it, and it is a pity to abandon it."

"Confused!" Wu Sangui glanced at the generals coldly, and said angrily: "This must have been planned by the Manchu Tartars and the Black Tiger Army. Damn it, they are all standing by and not acting rashly. Look what they want to do!"

When all the soldiers heard this, they also cursed, so that's the case, no wonder the Black Tiger Army doesn't want Hubei, they thought it would be beneficial, but now that Hubei is in chaos, that's still beneficial.

In fact, Wu Sangui already understood Man Qing's plan in his heart. What he set his sights on was a prosperous Hubei, not a scorched Hubei.


Three days later, Wu Sangui learned about the situation in the whole of Hubei, and was immediately disappointed. Seeing that there was no profit to be made, he would be troubled by countless hungry people, so he voluntarily withdrew from Hubei, and ordered Hu Guozhu to recruit 20 troops to wait for an opportunity to take revenge. The tiger army recovered several times the money and food.

However, the 20 troops under Jiang Tao's command had swelled to 50 at this time. In fact, he didn't dare to increase his troops at all, but the desperate people took the initiative to move closer.

Some have no weapons, just cut wood into soldiers, have no combat skills, and some have only mortal hatred.

In the past few days, the Black Tiger Army has been divided into three groups, with Jiang Tao, Jiang Shi, and Qi Datou as the main generals, chasing and beating the Qing army all the way, even going to Ezhou, Wuhan, Xiaogan, Tianmen, Qianshan and other places to wipe out 13 Qing troops. Ten thousand, more than [-] prisoners, these Qing troops have reaped enough benefits, and they all fled back to Henan in a daring battle.

After days of bloody battles, the Black Tiger Army had lost stamina and stopped attacking. In the past few days, all the soldiers have been fighting to the death without fear of death. Every day they ran for more than a hundred miles. Although they won successive victories, their casualties were also high. More than 10 people are mainly caused by too many recruits and poor equipment.

Moreover, the food of the common people was plundered and burned. Han Yong organized a food transportation team of 5 people, but it still couldn't withstand the consumption of millions of people.

Jiang Tao was also in conflict for a while, and rationally told him to withdraw from Hubei as soon as possible, but looking at the desperate eyes of millions of pairs, he couldn't give this order. At this moment, he realized that war is cruel and ruthless, and there is no room for it affection and kindness.

At this time, there were still remnants of the Qing army fleeing in Hubei. Jiang Tao was cruel, and in order to drive the remnants of the Qing army out of Hubei, he mobilized another 20 people to attack the Qing army.

When the Qing army in Jingzhou and Yichang heard about the Black Tiger Army, they no longer dared to wait any longer and fled upon hearing the news.

It took another seven days for the Black Tiger Army to wipe out the remnants of the territory. The Qing army lost nearly 20 troops and had no strength left to attack the Black Tiger Army. Even if the Black Tiger Army went all out to feed Hubei, many women and children starved to death. There are 500 million people, but in half a month, there are only more than 300 million people left.

However, the only good news is that due to the rapid advance of the Black Tiger Army, one-fifth of the rice fields in Hubei have not been burned, and in a few days, it will be the rice harvest season. More than 1000 million shi, although the Black Tiger Army has silver, it is difficult to buy so much grain, even if Wu Sangui and the Qing Army have it, they will not sell it.

Jiang Tao finally made up his mind: since Wu Sangui doesn't want Hubei, then the Black Tiger Army does. Even if they are strategically passive, they can't let millions of people live or die.

On the one hand, he asked people to bury the dead to prevent the plague. At this time, only 20 of the 15 soldiers who attacked Hubei were left. Jiang Tao left [-] elite troops to return to Anhui to relieve the food pressure in Hubei.

He also organized the common people to harvest rice and distribute all of them equally. As for the remaining grain, the Black Tiger Army will figure out a way.

Regarding Hubei's defense, Jiang Tao was powerless. Although there were hundreds of thousands of strong soldiers joining the Black Tiger Army, the Black Tiger Army's financial resources could not afford to support millions of soldiers.

At this moment, Wang Fuzhi came to Jiang Tao sick and pleaded: "General, this is a trick of the Qing army. Now the general has hundreds of thousands of troops, and his successive victories have caused panic among the Manchu Tartars and Wu Sangui. I am afraid that in a few months, the Qing army and Wu Sangui will attack the Black Tiger Army, and may attack the Black Tiger Army together. At that time, no matter how good the general is, he will definitely lose sight of the other. In this way, Hubei will become a flying area. No one wants to mess with the land. If the general trusts me, he can be appointed as a high-ranking official in Hubei, and there will be more than [-] elites and a general. I am willing to run Hubei for the general. I must save these millions of people General, please return to Jiangning as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tao looked at Wang Fuzhi gratefully, and asked with some concern: "How did Mr. Wang stop the Qing army and Wu Sangui?"

"Don't worry, general. One is that they dare not come, and the other is that thousands of people are eager to eat the flesh and blood of the Qing Tartars. As soon as the Qing army comes, they can immediately recruit hundreds of thousands of strong men who can fight to the death with all their strength. Without defense, the old man can still train at least 40 reserve troops for the general, this time the Qing army and Wu Sangui both failed." Wang Fuzhi blushed and said confidently.

Jiang Tao patted his thigh and praised loudly: "Okay, I will leave everything to Mr. Wang. Jiang Shi and Qi Datou will stay here. This general will only give you [-] troops. You will go deep into the village and let the people help themselves. It is the autumn harvest season, and wild fruits, birds, animals, fish and shrimp are all edible. As for the remaining shortage, the general will find a way, and there is also a need to distribute the fields. This year, our Black Tiger Army will surely flourish. If the Qing Army dares to seek trouble, this general will relieve your pressure in other directions. You don’t have to care about the gains and losses of the prefectures and counties. As long as the people are protected, the victory will be our Black Tiger Army of."

"I would like to obey the general's order." Wang Fuzhi and others hurriedly responded.

Jiang Tao let out a long sigh and rode away. The Black Tiger Army must look for a way out, otherwise this year will be difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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