The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 176 Shelling the Fortress Group

Chapter 176 Shelling the Fortress Group

At noon, Jiang Tao rushed to the camp, only to see dozens of black dragon flags whistling by the wind, and more than a thousand corpses of Qing soldiers were still lying chaotically a hundred meters in front of the camp. Obviously, a small incident just happened fighting.

bang bang bang...

Dozens of shells smashed over, splashing a lot of dust, but no one was injured.

Nearly 5000 people were digging five long and narrow trenches in front of the camp. Jiang Tao laughed and said, "It's not rude to come and go, and our cannons are also fired for this king."

"100 shotguns, 500 live ammunition. Damn it. Three hundred tiger squatting cannons were brought to the camp to block the Qing army's cavalry."

"Your subordinates take orders!" Jiang Yan accepted the order with a smile on his face, all the generals also laughed, and some even ran to join in the fun.

dong dong dong...

Now that the cannons have all been dragged into the camp, Jiang Yan divided the 10 cannons into six battery groups, and after test-firing more than ten rounds each, he nodded in satisfaction and made people wave the command flag: [-] rounds of salvo!
Boom boom boom...
Six hundred cannons rang out together, and the smoke filled the air immediately, like dark clouds. The roar of the cannons was like thunder and lightning, and the whole earth shook slightly. Tens of thousands of bloody elites were stunned, staring blankly at the flames. cannon.

For ten rounds, in less than a quarter of an hour, the artillery battalion fired 60 lead bullets weighing more than [-] catties and [-] thumb-sized iron balls at the fortresses of the Qing army.

As long as the fortress of the Qing army is hit by the live ammunition of the 150mm new artillery, it will fly to the wall and fall. The shooting range is 150 meters, which is just enough to attack all the fortresses of the Qing army. If the artillery uses live ammunition, the effective range is more than 28 meters.

Shells fell like raindrops, and the 70.00 Qing troops stationed in the fort seemed to have been sieved through a sieve. Most of them were killed or injured. [-]% of the fort was ruined, and many forts collapsed directly. The sound became one piece, making one's scalp numb.

"This? Prince An!" Tuhai stared blankly at the ruined fortresses, and was speechless for a while. The boundless frustration pushed his heart into the abyss. It took three months to repair it, and I didn't want to become like this in an instant.

Yue Le, who was riding on a war horse, looked at the fortresses uncertainly, raising and lowering the whip in his hand. When he heard Tu Hai's report, he immediately rushed over with the remaining [-] cavalry, and now there are [-] of them. Iron cavalry, I don't want to have just come here, the bandit army gave him a huge blow.

"What are you panicking about?" Yue Le saw that all the generals were horrified, and shouted loudly: "The Qing Dynasty has not yet been defeated, everyone is crying, I still have [-] cavalry and [-] infantry under my command, It is enough to wipe out all the bandits. As long as the bandits break through the fortresses, the king will let them taste the power of the Mongolian iron cavalry. They all return to the camp to wait for the battle. Tuhai will send [-] green battalion soldiers to dig trenches between the fortresses. Everyone stays inside for this king, no matter who retreats, he will be beheaded!"

Hearing this, the generals of the Green Battalion turned pale with fright, some timidly trembled directly, Yue Le swept them away in disgust, and said gloomyly: "Come here, pull Zongbing Chu and Zu Guerzilla down and behead them to show the public ,Humph!"

"My lord, please forgive me... ah!"

This time all the generals did not dare to show their cowardice, but in fact they were even more afraid in their hearts. Yue Le knew that coercion was not the answer, so he laughed and said: "Don't panic, the bandits obviously have no shells. As long as they defeat the bandits, everyone will be defeated." reward."

"Zail!" The generals of the green battalion dared not show their dissatisfaction, and they drove towards the fortress listlessly. Under the threat of death, they had other thoughts in their hearts. Damn, this bastard is calling us Han people in front If you die, you will turn against his mother sooner or later.

They talked with each other with their eyes, but no one dared to stand up. After all, their hands were all covered with the blood of their comrades. I heard that the bandits on the opposite side killed each other when they saw each other. Besides, maybe the bandits really had no shells. However, if they fight with real guns and real knives, the bandit army may not be able to do anything to them.

When they faced the horrors of the fortresses, they realized how powerful the Black Tiger Army was. There were 2 Green Battalion soldiers, and only [-] were left alive in this quarter of an hour. This battle is out of the question.

When Yue Le returned to the cavalry camp, Tu Hai was silent for a long time before saying: "My lord, we can also concentrate the red cannons to bombard the bandits, or attack at night, otherwise this battle will be difficult to fight."

"There are only a hundred red-clothed cannons in the concentration, but there are hundreds of them in the bandit army. I'm afraid they are no match. Besides, the red-clothed cannons weigh several thousand catties. Most of them are on the top of Linyi City, so it's hard to carry them." Yue Le wrinkled Frowning, he said worriedly: "I'm not afraid of anything else, but I'm afraid that the green battalion soldiers will not dare to fight to the death. Is there a proper way?"

"My lord, since those fortresses have lost their meaning, they can continue to waste the ammunition of the bandit army. They will definitely be exhausted when they break through the fortresses. The iron cavalry can win in one battle!" The Green Battalion abandoned.

"That's the only way to do it. Let all the soldiers be on alert, um, call all the Shenji Battalion here, I have a hunch that the decisive battle will be in these few days!" Yue Le said with a straight face, looking at the sky, a little disappointed.

"Zha!" Tu Hai retreated, and Yue Le felt that all the strength in his body was exhausted, and he almost fell down. It took him a long time to stand still. Fortunately, there was no one around, and he shouted weakly in his heart: "Oh my god, is it true Want to quit this flamboyant world?"

"No, absolutely not. Since there is no money, the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty should also do their best. This has risen to a battle for the survival of the Qing Dynasty!"

"When did the barbarians bring their muskets and cannons..."

After the shelling, the camp was filled with the aroma of food. Everyone ate two big bowls of rice, bacon and radish.

In the big tent of the camp, Jiang Tao wiped the grease from his mouth, took a sip of tea, and said with a light smile, "Do you have any thoughts on this battle?"

Han Yong's heart moved, and he replied seriously: "With such artillery, the peace of the world is just around the corner, but why doesn't the prince let his subordinates take the opportunity to capture the fortress of the Qing army?"

"Good question, logically we want to attack, but I feel that today's bombardment density is not enough, a hard attack will inevitably cause heavy casualties, the main reason is that we want to use this battle to make the Qing army terrified and make all the Han people If you don’t dare to resist our army, send some letters of surrender first, and if the opponent does not surrender, then continue to fire until the opponent surrenders.”

Jiang Tao applauded loudly, and then said the tactics of infantry and artillery coordination.

"Your Highness is wise!"

This battle not only shocked the Qing army, but even the generals under Jiang Tao's command were also shocked, especially Luo Feng, Yao Jun and other melee warriors. They knew that even if their martial arts were ten times stronger, they would not be able to withstand countless The bombardment of hundreds of cannons, from then on, the navy and army generals began to believe in the cannon doctrine. No matter what, they were bombarded first. As a result, the Minister of the Household Department complained to Jiang Tao repeatedly, demanding to reduce the military expenditure of the navy and army.

Indeed, Jiang Tao’s 3 taels of silver was spent on the bombardment for just a quarter of an hour. This is because the ordnance factory, steel factory, and minerals are all Jiang Tao’s private property. If the raw materials are all purchased, the artillery shells and gunpowder alone are worth 20 taels .

Seeing Chen Dajiang, Jiang Wushang and other admirals thinking deeply, Jiang Tao coughed lightly and said seriously, "The Seawolf-class cruiser is about to be built, do the admirals have any ideas?"

"My lord, the Seawolf-class cruiser has 42 cannons. My lord means that in the future, the navy will directly fire from a distance, and no more hand-to-hand combat." Jiang Wushang spoke first, and Chen Dajiang said pleasantly: "My lord, with such strength, Who in the world can stop it?"

Jiang Tao shook his head. The navy has just started, and he knows almost nothing about the world. He has to think of a way. He sighed and said, "The Seawolf-class cruiser can only fight pirates, but the Dutch battleship has 74 ships. More than artillery, the top battleships have hundreds of artillery pieces, and our cruisers are only slightly stronger than their frigates."

Jiang Tao explained the situation of the Western warships to them by the way. Seeing that everyone was curious and shocked at the same time, he laughed and said, "Actually, it's nothing. After a while, this king will also build similar battleships, even stronger. Therefore, the navy must strengthen training. This time you are called here to form the marine corps. Jiang Wushang will be the general of the marine corps. He needs to communicate with Jiang Wuji more and learn more. After the warship is built, Er Go back immediately, the king has high expectations for the navy."

"Of order!" Jiang Wushang answered bravely, although he was very puzzled.

"Hehe, the Marine Corps is the army at sea. It specializes in landing operations. It is a part of the navy. The Marine Corps is first set at 1 people. You can choose elites from other armies, but don't get seasick. Equipped with 100 100mm artillery , 150 100mm artillery pieces, 100 tiger crouching guns, 3000 Lianzhu firecrackers, 6000 Mieqing muskets, [-] Mielu blunderbusses, and a number of explosive mines and mines."


While the generals envied Jiang Wushang, they couldn't understand why the prince attached so much importance to the navy even though the Qing army hadn't been defeated yet.

Our army only has more than 2 musketeers. After so many battles, the generals know the sharpness of muskets and artillery, and wish they could have such a unit.

After Jiang Tao finished talking about the navy, seeing the expressions of the generals, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, generals. From now on, all the soldiers will gradually change their outfits. New tactics and tactics must be memorized. Jiang Wuji hasten to choose Elite train the generals."

It was already afternoon, and Jiang Tao knew that he would not be able to conquer the forts today, so he simply stopped bombarding the opponent. The letter of surrender had already been sent with arrows, and if there was no reply tomorrow, the bombardment would continue. It would depend on the reaction of the Qing army.

In fact, whether to surrender or not has nothing to do with the outcome of the battle. Jiang Tao has prepared [-] live ammunition and [-] sets of shotgun bags for each cannon this time, and there are still a large amount of gunpowder shells on the way.

Seeing that the trenches had been dug, he ordered 50 spearmen to stand firm in the trenches, and arranged for sharpshooters to plant a hundred mines [-] meters in front of the trenches and mark them to prevent the Qing army from attacking at night.

And asked the soldiers to prepare a lot of firewood 30 meters in front of the trench, and ignite it at night. Jiang Tao didn't want the gun guards to shoot muskets in the dark. With these arrangements, he was not afraid of the Qing army's night attack. After all, there is no big mistake in being careful. .

(End of this chapter)

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