The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 177 Immune to Night Attacks

Chapter 177 Immune to Night Attacks

When the chief soldiers and guerrillas of the Green Battalion received Jiang Tao's letter of surrender, they all dared not say anything for a while, and all looked at Glenn defensively.

Glenn is a prince and aristocrat of the Eight Banners, and he is an army supervisor. He is only in his early twenties, but he has never participated in such a large-scale battle.

However, he is the second son of his family, so he was sent to such a dangerous place. He is the most adept at observing people's words and expressions, and he knows that something is wrong when he sees the faces of the generals. Now he has only about a thousand people under his command. The key thieves sent hundreds of surrender letters, and now all the green battalion soldiers basically know about it, what should they do?

"Hehe, the Black Tiger Army has always killed people without blinking an eye. You should think carefully, and don't regret it later." Glenn winked at the guards on the left and right, and smiled casually, as if he was free to leave. .

All the Han generals were also hesitant, thinking of the hundred thousand cavalry and their families behind them, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "The emperor's kindness is mighty, how can the general surrender, Lord Belle is too worried."

"Very good." Glenn laughed loudly, finally relaxing in his heart.

"Lord Baylor, when it gets dark, we will lead our troops to sneak attack on the bandit army and snatch the cannon from the bandit army. It will be a great achievement then, and we will be able to relieve the crisis of the fortress."

Hearing Li Zongbing's suggestion, Glenn's confidence increased greatly, and he nodded heavily: "Okay, I heard that the bandit army is very rich, and ordered all the soldiers to avenge the brothers, and all the spoils belong to the individual, sir. No money will be taken!"


As night fell and the spring breeze blew, it was very cool. At midnight, Glenn led [-] elite soldiers to fill up the trap in front of the fortress, and slowly dispatched.

Seeing dozens of piles of flames from a distance, Glenn felt very depressed, but he also knew that there was only one way to die. He was one of the survivors of the daytime bombardment, and the overwhelming round bullets could not be stopped by flesh and blood .

Only close combat can offset the artillery advantage of the thieves.

The striker was only 150 meters away from the bandit camp, and if he walked any further, he would be spotted. Glenn yelled, "Warriors, kill!"

But he himself stood there without moving. The green battalion soldiers rushing in front were startled, and immediately came to their senses, and rushed towards Daming's camp like a cheetah. .

However, within a dozen or so breaths, there were dozens of explosions. Glenn was horrified to find that the Qing soldiers rushing in front had been killed hundreds of people in an instant. His body couldn't help shaking, and he forgot to run away. Secretly said: "Could it be discovered by the bandit army?"

"Kill, kill, kill!" Thinking of his situation, Glenn yelled three times in a row, and ordered the Manchu warriors under his command to supervise the battle, and killed dozens of people in a row. rush forward.

At this time, the tens of thousands of spearmen in the trenches woke up early, each of them clenched their spears tightly and stared upwards.

da da da da da...

The first sound was 200 Lianzhu firecrackers. These firecrackers were mounted on the trench near the camp, that is, the fifth trench. This trench was 1.4 meters deep, and the shooters and spearmen stood in the trench with only their shoulders exposed The location does not affect the shooting range of the rear sharpshooter guards, so you can block the enemy with peace of mind. 200 tongues of fire swept towards the Qing army that was rushing towards them.

5600 rounds of bullets poured out in a very short period of time, and the Qing army fell one after another, but some people still rushed into the trenches, and after a while they were killed together with the soldiers in the trenches.

bang bang bang...

The sharpshooter guards in the camp also started shooting. Jiang Tao specially kept [-] shooters on guard for the night. According to Jiang Tao's arrangement, the shooters were divided into [-] shooting groups. Five people formed a group. If a war broke out, the best shooters among the five would shoot. , and the other four loaded ammunition, so that the sharpshooter guards could fire almost continuously.

dong dong dong...

After a while, 200 tiger squat guns also rang. These new tiger squat guns have a caliber of 80mm and a barrel length of 1.2 meters. , and then put in a hundred iron balls and lead bullets, ignited the fuse, and the large and small bullets flew together. The shells all fell 300 meters away from the camp, and immediately cut the Qing army's offensive into two parts.

In the face of such powerful firepower, the remaining Qing troops ran away, because Glenn also ran away, but under the blow of the Qing fire guns, the Qing troops continued to fall.

In fact, Jiang Tao woke up when the Qing army stepped on the landmine. He didn't see him seeing the orderly shooting in front, and he didn't see panic in the rear. He simply watched with cold eyes. up.

"My lord, the last general invites you to fight!" Jiang Yan said angrily, obviously wanting to retaliate against the sneak attack of the Qing army.

"My lord, hit his grandma."

Jiang Tao saw that the generals were arguing endlessly, coughed lightly, and shouted: "Okay, the artillery battalion will fire ten rounds, the infantry artillery will use live ammunition, and the rest will use shot ammunition."

The roar of earth shaking and mountain shaking sounded again. As soon as Glenn returned to the fort with the remnant soldiers, he was strung into a sieve by densely packed iron beads in an instant. Inside, all fled backward desperately.

This time, the casualties were even more serious. Only more than ten thousand people escaped, but they ran into General Tuhai who rushed over.

Tu Hai looked at the distraught appearance of the soldiers, and felt sad for a while, when he asked, he was inexplicably horrified, in just one day, more than half of the [-] elite soldiers were lost, and this battle could not be fought.

Fortunately, the artillery bombardment was fierce, but it didn't last long. When the artillery stopped, tens of thousands of people escaped one after another. The soldiers had no fighting spirit. How can we win?
Tuhai gritted his teeth for a while, pondered over a lot, and then shouted gloomyly: "Withdraw the troops!"

When he returned to the camp with [-] cavalry, Yue Le said furiously: "Tu Hai, why do you want to withdraw the army? These soldiers and horses can at least stop it for a while."

"My lord, it's just an increase in casualties. Let's lure out the bandit army earlier, and make a decisive battle earlier. The fortress has been demolished, so what's the use of defense?"

Hearing Tu Hai's justification, Yue Le snorted and said, "Stupid, these defeated soldiers will definitely affect the morale of our army. Forget it, let them retreat to Linyi City. Glenn is such a waste that he attacked the bandit army at night. The leader of the bandit army is in the camp, how can he be easy?"

"The last general got angry for a while and lost his position, please punish him!" Tu Hai regretted it when he heard it.

Thinking that there were only 2 people left in one day, Yue Le let out a long sigh, and comforted him: "Forget it, the key is to rely on [-] cavalry, but we can't rashly attack the musket array of the bandit army. The defeat of the first battle was due to the bandit army's preparations. This failure, the king thought for a while, and left [-] cavalry scattered around to harass the opponent. If Wan Tieqi presses forward across the board, the victory will be determined in one battle, otherwise it will be difficult to defeat the bandit army."

"Ah!" Tu Hai turned pale with shock, and secretly admired Yue Le's mind, and said seriously: "So, will the Holy One blame you?"

"I don't care about that much anymore. Last year, the [-] Banner cavalry were smashed in front of the big formation of the bandit army. The king still has lingering fears. At that time, the bandit army didn't have artillery. Now the bandit army is even stronger. With the support of hundreds of artillery pieces, if there is a frontal attack, even with [-] cavalry, this king will not be sure of victory. There is only one way to retreat to Shanhaiguan." Yue Le finished speaking calmly, but Tu Hai was taken aback, especially in this dark night, feeling very desolate.

Tuhai shook his head again and again, and said loudly: "No, even if one hundred thousand cavalry are killed in battle, the prince must not retreat. We can at least gather 15 cavalry. How can we retreat without a fight?"

Yue Le was no longer entangled with him, and shouted in a deep voice: "Shut up, I haven't reached that point yet, this king will withdraw first, and you will lead more than ten thousand elite cavalry to attack and disturb the bandit army. You must not go head-to-head with the bandit army."

"Will the soldiers and horses in Linyi City be withdrawn?" Tu Hai calmed down after hearing the violent shouting, and asked with his fists clenched.

"If you don't withdraw, Linyi City and these defeated troops will have 5 people, and they will also have [-] fire and thunder bombs that are exactly the same as the bandit army, and there will be hundreds of cannons in red clothes. It is just right to compete with the bandit army."

"The last general will never give up!" Hearing Yue Le's words, Tu Hai understood that Yue Le was going to attack the back of the bandit army when the bandit army attacked Linyi. The encirclement and suppression of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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