Chapter 179
When Jiang Tao rushed to the Qing army blocking the way, he only frowned. The cavalry of the Qing army did not know where they were, but there were more than ten trenches in front of them, and the trenches were crowded with people. Obviously, it was not easy to capture.

The trench is more than 3000 meters long, just blocking the road to Zaozhuang.

While lamenting the learning ability of the Qing army, he ordered more than 15000 tigers and leopards to guard their backs, but obviously the opponent's trench was not deep. Now only Jiang Yan is by his side, and Jiang Tao has no good way to ask Jiang Yan to prepare artillery fire , and ordered the 5000-knife shield hand to be in front, the sharp spear guard to be in the middle, and the [-]-knife shield hand to guard the artillery battalion.

Just slowly approaching the opponent's trench, the Qing army did not respond at all. Jiang Tao was relieved and ordered the forward to drive 200 meters to the enemy. At this time, the Qing army began to draw bows and shoot arrows. On the ground in front of the shield hand, the sword shield hand could not be shot at all.

Jiang Tao sneered, and directly ordered two hundred infantry guns to fire shotguns, covering the trenches of the Qing army.

Another hundred tiger squatting guns were also carried to the front line, bombarding the Qing army positions with all their strength.

dong dong dong...

300 large and small cannons had bombarded each other for ten rounds, and the screams from the opposite side could be heard endlessly. With a wave of Jiang Tao's big hand, the 15000-knife shield hand rushed towards the Qing army with all its strength.

The Qing army's position suffered at least 60 iron beads, and the casualties were extremely heavy. How could it stop 15000 fierce swordsmen and shields? Besides, most of the green battalion soldiers were not equipped with armor, while the black tiger army was equipped with combat vests and steel helmets. With a steel-clad wooden shield with excellent defensive power, the Green Battalion soldiers are no opponents at all in close combat.

After half an hour of fierce fighting, except for a part of the green battalion soldiers who fled, the rest were killed and captured. At this moment, the cavalry of the Qing army appeared, with tens of thousands of horses galloping, unstoppable.

And Jiang Xin's messengers also came to report: more than ten thousand cavalry of the Qing army appeared ten miles behind, and they were fighting with all their strength.

Jiang Tao was shocked. Although the [-] Qing cavalry could not eat him, his tiger and leopard cavalry were in danger. Although the tiger and leopard cavalry were very powerful, they had never fought against the Manchu cavalry on a large scale. There is no advantage in numbers.

But it is impossible to change formation in such a hurry, what should we do?
At the same time, Jiang Wuji was also in danger, [-] cavalry quickly moved around the perimeter of the camp where Jiang Wuji was located, and kept shooting towards the camp.

This time they didn't use heavy arrows, and they didn't think about the aim, they just kept shooting at the place where Jiang Wuji was.

The black iron arrows immediately occupied the entire space, and there were feathered arrows stuck in the ground everywhere in the trenches and around the camp.

Although hundreds of cannons and more than ten thousand sharpshooters fired with all their strength against the rain of arrows, the entire position was still in jeopardy. However, in an instant, the Northern Expeditionary Army suffered tens of thousands of casualties, and not many of them were directly shot to death. All thanks to the steel helmet and combat vest.

However, the cavalry of the Qing army were directly exposed to artillery and muskets, and the casualties were even more severe, with more than a thousand casualties every second.

It's a pity that the cavalry of the Qing army were all 30 meters away from the trenches, and the explosive thunder of the Black Tiger Army also lost its effect. Because the explosive thunder was too heavy, it could only throw more than 20 meters at most.

It wasn't until the soldiers in the trenches took precautions, some clinging to the trenches, and some putting their shields on their heads, that the casualties dropped sharply, while the sharpshooter guards in the camp were shooting against the rain of arrows, Jiang Wuji saw that something was wrong, He hurriedly ordered all the soldiers to hide beside the camp and shoot instead of lining up.

The only one that was not injured was the Artillery Battalion. The soldiers of the Artillery Battalion saw the miserable appearance of the brother troops, their veins bulged, and they fired with all their strength with their bare upper bodies, and they used shotguns.

Every time a fire is fired, it can devour thousands of cavalry of the Qing army. After a few minutes of stalemate, the cavalry of the Qing army can't bear it. Iron cavalry, he could no longer raise a trace of fighting spirit, looked up to the sky and said sadly: "Withdraw the troops!"

The remaining [-] iron cavalry were so happy that they burst into tears when they heard the sound of gold, and they all scattered away, but hundreds of cannons were still roaring, sending the Qing army away respectfully.

Jiang Wuji's whole body was already drenched in sweat. He scanned the audience and saw only 1 of the [-] marksman guards left. Among them, there were still many soldiers who fought with wounds. It took a long time before he said with difficulty: "Clear the battlefield immediately, and the doctor's battalion will immediately rescue the wounded."

After a while, the results came out. In this battle, more than 6000 people were killed, more than 9000 were seriously injured, and [-] were slightly injured, almost half of the casualties.After this battle, everyone was depressed, and many comrades who ate and slept together lay down, lying down forever.

Because the generals of the armies were wearing steel armor, no one died, but Luo Feng, Jiang Wushang, Yao Jun and others were all slightly injured.

At this moment, the Qing army in Zaozhuang City surrendered. Jiang Wuji snorted, counting you as acquainted, and ordered: "Let the Qing army leave the city immediately, otherwise... hehe!"

When he led the soldiers into the city, he saw thousands of Manchu-made fire and thunder explosions on the top of the city. He was inexplicably horrified and sighed. In fact, there were more than [-] Qing troops in the city. If they attacked hard, they would surely suffer heavy casualties. If every city of the Qing army had a large number of fire and thunder explosions, it would be difficult to fight in the future.

The reason why Zaozhuang was not captured in time this time was because of the explosion of fire and thunder. Jiang Wuji looked at the north in a daze for a while, and it seemed that he had to advise the prince: "We must send heavy troops to attack the Qing Dynasty, otherwise the Qing army will become stronger and stronger." ...

This side is over, but the other side has just begun. Jiang Tao has no one-size-fits-all plan, so he has to be ruthless and order eight thousand sharp spear guards to resist the iron cavalry in the direction of Zaozhuang, and let the tiger and leopard cavalry face the iron cavalry behind.

He also ordered Jiang Yan to personally lead the artillery battalion to attack the second half of the enemy cavalry, and cooperate with the tiger and leopard cavalry to fight.

After a while, Tu Hai rushed over with the [-] Eight Banners cavalry, Jiang Xin also pulled down the cover of the helmet, and led the tiger and leopard cavalry to charge up.

If the steel helmet equipped by the tiger and leopard riders is pulled down, only the eyes are exposed.

At 60 meters, the Eight Banners cavalry in the front row shot heavy arrows, and without looking at the results of the battle, they pulled out all kinds of weapons and screamed.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry directly brandished the 1.2 Qi Family Knife, facing the rain of arrows, and rushed over without giving way. Only hundreds of people were shot down and sacrificed.

In a blink of an eye, the two groups of cavalry collided like two torrents, and there was a sudden sound of slashing and screaming. At this moment, either you die or I die. There is no trickery, the comparison is equipment, martial arts and courage.

The tiger and leopard cavalry are heavy cavalry built by Jiang Tao with a lot of money. Each of them wears [-]-jin steel armor and a steel helmet that can protect the face. Even the horses wear armor. Although the speed is slow, there is no problem with short-distance impact.

Jiang Tao stood watching the battle from a distance, and saw that the two sides were evenly matched. The key point was that the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry did not show the slightest fear in the first battle. Everyone has three war horses, but the tiger and leopard cavalry only has one, and they can't catch up with each other. Fortunately, hundreds of cannons can kill more than a thousand enemy cavalry in each salvo, otherwise the tiger and leopard cavalry are in danger of being wiped out.

But in 3 minutes, the Eight Banners cavalry couldn't stand it anymore. Tu Hai looked around and wanted to kill himself. At this moment, there were only [-] soldiers left among the more than [-] Eight Banners warriors. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry rushed over, and then they wanted to cry without tears: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Jiang Tao sighed, and ordered: "There is no need to chase, order the tiger and leopard cavalry to clean up the battlefield, and the artillery battalion to bombard the enemy cavalry in the direction of Zaozhuang."

The cavalry of the Qing army in the direction of Zaozhuang also suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the tiger squatting guns and platoon guns. Seeing that Tu Hai ran away, the remaining [-] cavalry also left in a hurry.

After a while, Jiang Xin came to the front and said with a mournful face: "Young master, the tiger and leopard cavalry lost 2315 people, my brother is so incompetent, please be punished by the younger master."

The tiger and leopard rider's equipment is about 100 taels. Jiang Tao felt uncomfortable, and he didn't blame him for his title. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "If the blood doesn't bleed, you won't let it die. Brother, alas, the soldier bleeds." Don't cry, the tiger and leopard cavalry stay to clean up the battlefield, guard against the remaining Manchu cavalry, brother must rush to Zaozhuang as soon as possible, otherwise the brothers will suffer more casualties."

"Obey!" Jiang Xin also knew that he had lost his composure, so he hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and regained his usual composure.

Jiang Tao nodded, and rode his horse and shouted: "Let's go!"

He knew that no matter how good the training was, there would be no effect of a bloody battle. Regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, the soldiers would learn more than they lost.

(End of this chapter)

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