The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 180 Summary and Reorganization

Chapter 180 Summary and Reorganization

Looking outside the bloody Zaozhuang city, the yellow land has been stained black and red by the blood, and a sense of murder permeated the air. Jiang Tao sighed and muttered to himself: "Aspirations have not been rewarded, rivers and mountains have not recovered!" , loyal soul martyr, immortal.”

All the soldiers surrounded him, they were all silent, after a while, Jiang Wuji broke the silence: "My lord, the last general is incompetent, please punish me!"

"This king underestimated the strength of the Qing army. You have committed any crimes, so cheer up and immediately fight to Linyi to avenge your brothers!"

Jiang Tao yelled up to the sky, and the morale of the tens of thousands of soldiers around him was lifted, and they all echoed loudly: "Revenge! Revenge!"

Three days later, the city of Linyi was broken, and more than 3 green battalion soldiers surrendered, and the rest died in battle.

In the Yamen of Linyi City Government, Jiang Tao glanced at the generals, and said seriously: "In every battle, all the generals and soldiers have to gain something. Everyone talks about their views on this battle. After everyone goes down, let the captain who participated in the battle Summarize the generals above the first rank, and let the generals learn new tactics, improve old tactics, and improve the combat effectiveness of the army."

Although more than [-] Qing troops were wiped out and more than [-] prisoners were captured in this battle, the Qing army was already wounded, but Jiang Tao was not happy, because one-third of the [-] elite soldiers under his command suffered casualties, which he did not expect arrived.

Moreover, the Qing army still has tens of thousands of iron cavalry, which is extremely difficult to deal with. He initially estimated that there are about 20 in the Manchu Eight Banners alone. Qingqi, the Qing Dynasty should be able to gather more than 25 cavalry. If these cavalry were to fight mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare with the Black Tiger Army, Jiang Tao would definitely not be able to bear it.

All the generals looked at each other, especially Luo Feng and Yao Jun. Although they knew a lot of words under Jiang Tao's pressure, they didn't like learning Chinese by nature.

Jiang Wuji thought for a while, then sighed: "My lord, the general thought that the sharp spear guards plus the artillery battalion would be invincible in the world. After this battle, he found out that his subordinate Meng Lang is now. The general thinks that when the trenches are built in the future, the first row of trenches will be invincible." It was built a hundred meters away from the camp, and troops with cold weapons and fire and thunder were still deployed in the trenches, so that the enemy cavalry's rushing method would hardly hurt the sharpshooter guards in the camp."

"The second row of trenches is dug shallower, and sharpshooter guards with Mielu blunderbuss can be arranged. The sharpshooter guards can rely on the trenches to shoot at the Qing army. They don't need to require salvos, but can shoot in bursts; and the sharpshooter guards with Mieqing rifles can be in the camp. Inner array volley, because the rifle has a long range, so the enemy will face at least three layers of blows, and will not be able to get close to the camp, and the casualties of our army will be significantly reduced, even if the Man Qing uses the method of rushing , and it must have been smashed into the head."

Jiang Tao was shocked. The skirmish line is the future development trend. Jiang Wuji really put his heart into it, and was about to praise him, but he continued: "Moreover, the Qing army produced a large number of Lumi blunderbuss, Huo Leibo, and red cannons, as well as The rifle is exactly the same as the Dutch-style rifle, so our army has wiped out part of the main force of the Qing army, and it happened to go straight to Huanglong to capture and kill the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Advantage."

"The same Dutch-style rifle?" Jiang Tao snorted. It must be the ghost of these damned Dutchmen. ,Next person!"

"My lord, the general thought that although the tiger squatting gun has a short range, it is easy to move, has a fast rate of fire, is used intensively, and is extremely powerful. It can be mass-produced and equipped for all armies."

"Everything is very good. In the future, every battle will be summed up. Major Mei University will record all the speeches of the generals. After the king approves, let the whole army learn. It will also be used as a textbook for the military academy in the future. There is no need to be formal. It should be concise and easy to understand." Jiang Tao nodded upon hearing Jiang Wushang's suggestion, it seems that he is also very concerned about the formation of the Marine Corps.

Mei Wending is the scholar of Mei University. He is proficient in astronomy and geography, and he has a good literary talent. In fact, he was originally a senior professor of Huaxing College. This time, Jiang Tao specially asked him to accompany him.

When Mei Wending heard that King Huaxing called him a bachelor, he was so happy that his beard trembled, and he took a pen to record it, but Daming didn't have the title of a bachelor for the time being, it was just Jiang Tao's mistake, it seemed that he was going to be happy for nothing.

"If you say something bad, wouldn't it make the 80 soldiers laugh at you?" The generals became even more nervous when they heard this, and each of them fell into deep thought.

At this time, Han Yong also suggested: "My lord, the combat vests and helmets are very effective. If the armies were not equipped with this item, the entire army would have killed at least 2 soldiers. Another point, if the artillery skills are high enough , the infantry can charge while being covered by artillery fire, which can reduce casualties, and the enemy will inevitably lose sight of one another."

"Well, this is a bit risky. The requirements for the artillery battalion are very high. Jiang Yan, the artillery training still cannot be let go." Jiang Tao commented casually, not wanting Luo Feng to smile bitterly: "My lord, what should be said will be said by them It's over, I really can't think of what to say."

"Hahaha, okay, record it and announce the whole army." Jiang Tao joked, and then said seriously: "Forget it, what do you guys have to say?"

Luo Feng was dumbfounded, and when he heard the word "That's all", he felt relieved, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and thought to himself: "If the whole army finds out about this, they will lose all face."

The generals discussed for a long time, Jiang Tao was very happy, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "All the generals and soldiers are right. Only by constantly learning lessons can we make continuous progress and our army can be invincible in the world. Well, the navy The general rushed back to the shipyard immediately, received the soon-to-be-built Seawolf-class cruiser, trained it strictly, and was ready to go to battle at any time!"

"Obey!" Chen Dajiang, Jiang Wushang and others hurriedly accepted the order, but they all looked at Jiang Tao in embarrassment.

Jiang Tao suddenly understood, and said: "How about this, the left and right navies merge, Chen Dajiang will be the admiral of the navy, and the rest will be generals. Everyone should let go of their prejudices and act as one."

King Huaxing has spoken, who dares to speak too much, Jiang Tao is about to let the generals go down for training, Jiang Wuji didn't want to see that Jiang Tao didn't talk about attacking the Qing army, so he hurriedly interjected:
"My lord, now that the Qing army has injured more than 20 people, it is difficult to be the edge of our army. In the end, the general is willing to fight to the death."

Hearing Jiang Wuji's categorical plea, all the generals also pleaded: "The last general is willing to fight to the death!"

Jiang Tao shook his head again and again, the Qing army was far more powerful than that, and the most casualties in this battle were the Green Battalion soldiers.

What's more, the pensions for the casualties of this battle plus food, grass and ammunition have consumed a total of more than 500 million taels of military expenditure, and the soldiers are physically and mentally exhausted, and they are temporarily unable to fight anymore. Jiang Tao is just waiting for Wu Sangui's movement. It will be repaired for half a month before the Northern Expedition.

The development of the Qing army is good, but he has always disliked reckless actions. In fact, he already has a better idea. He can knock down the Qing army in one fell swoop, but it will take time.

I was thinking about how to appease the generals, and I didn't want the order to report out of breath: "Report, the day before yesterday, Wu Sangui sent 40 troops to attack Fuzhou and Jiujiang in Jiangxi."

Jiang Tao was overwhelmed with surprise immediately, but said calmly: "Wu Sangui, this old fox is really looking for death. All the soldiers obeyed the order. Jiang Wuji was in charge of guarding Linyi and reorganized the sharpshooter guards. The establishment is based on 5000 people, equipped with 300 Huaxing Type I infantry guns, 100 tiger squatting guns, 4000 Lianzhu fire guns, 1 Mieqing guns, 2 Mielu guns, 3 pistols, and several other firearms. Add one thousand logistics battalions, two thousand spearmen and two thousand saber shields, and train three teams according to this scale. They are named the [-]st Division of the Sharpshooter, the [-]nd Division of the Sharpshooter, and the [-]rd Division of the Sharpshooter. The commander of the division is still the general. The rest of the armies remain unchanged."

"Han Yong set up the 4th Division of the Sharpshooter in Jiangning, and directly selected officers from the original sharpshooter guards. The Marine Corps first established a division, called the 1st Division of the Marine Corps. First, set up the framework and train strictly. No one should slack off."

"Jiang Yan is responsible for enriching the artillery manpower of the four divisions of the sharp gun, and forming the artillery corps under the direct control of the king on the spot, including 100 150mm infantry guns, 2000 1mm infantry guns, 1 tiger squatting guns, and [-] guns. There are [-] gunners, [-] swordsmen and shields, and [-] logistics battalions, a total of [-] people, called the [-]st Shenpao Division, temporarily stationed in Shandong to assist Jiang Wuji in defense."

"Follow orders!" Although the generals did not know the meaning of "teacher", King Huaxing's words were military orders, and no one could change them.

Only a few people like Jiang Wuji understand the meaning of this division, because a division-level unit with such powerful firepower can completely fight independently. The fighting method is both offensive and defensive. With this division, attacks can be launched in four directions at the same time.

As for the 1st Artillery Division, it is an enhanced version of the Artillery Battalion, which can completely defend positions alone.

In fact, everyone knows the pistol. The only difference between this gun and the Mieqing musket is that it is slightly shorter and has no bayonet. The gun is one foot long and weighs about two catties. It also uses Minie bullets and has rifling. It can kill within 35 meters The enemy army wearing heavy armor has an effective range of 70 meters, which is extraordinary, and the cost is only eight taels, and the manufacturing speed is also fast, but the only flaw is that the recoil is too large, but for soldiers who have been training all year round, this is nothing.

After Jiang Tao arranged everything, he rushed to Jiangning with hundreds of Black Tiger Guards. As for Han Yong and other generals, he stayed to select officers. In fact, Jiang Tao was not afraid of Wu Sangui's 40 troops, because he had been on guard against Wu Sangui for a long time. If Wu Sangui defeated With Wang Dashan's 15 soldiers and horses, it is believed that Wu Sangui has not many soldiers left.

Jiang Tao didn't drive his horse to gallop at full speed. He was thinking about how to solve the problems of the Qing Dynasty and Wu Sangui as soon as possible. The scale of the war is expanding step by step, and the number of casualties is also increasing sharply. However, the people who bleed the most are Han Chinese. He is very uncomfortable when he thinks of this Comfortable, after this battle, the Manchu Qing had a chance to breathe, and they would inevitably recruit troops, and the victims would still be the Han people.

Although he had 80 troops, he was strategically passive and could not mobilize many troops for the Northern Expedition.

But he had already thought of a way a few days ago, and when he thought about it now, he became more determined. Thinking of this, he felt the spring breeze blowing away his exhaustion, and as he waved his whip, he couldn't help shouting up to the sky, and the guards hurriedly accelerated their horses , protecting Jiang Tao in the middle, but they don't know that a terrible conspiracy is being born in Jiang Ning's city guard mansion.

PS: I have something to do today, I will update it, I will make it up tomorrow, please support, please ask the sub-moderator, please help to advertise. Thank you butcher.
(End of this chapter)

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