Chapter 194

While Jiang Tao was negotiating with the envoys of the powerful landlords, the ministries of the Second Army Corps and Jiang Shi, Niu Mang and other ministries did not stop attacking.

The landlords and powerful armed forces on the edge were wiped out one after another. When the special envoys Xingye rushed back and heard the harsh conditions of King Huaxing, all the powerful wanted to turn their faces immediately. The strong army is oppressing at a speed of more than sixty miles a day.

Unless they fled overseas or to the Northwest, it would be better to disarm and surrender.

In fact, the powerful landlords now have more than 40 troops, but the powerful landlords, large and small, refuse to accept each other, and they are not in harmony at all. Even if they are in harmony, they are not the opponent of King Huaxing.

Even the Mongolian iron cavalry is no match, let alone them?

Under strong pressure and rumors spread everywhere, the common people were all beaming when they heard that King Huaxing was coming to divide the land, and even their armed forces were affected.

In desperation, they had no choice but to agree to King Huaxing's request. At least this time, King Huaxing was not so thorough. They still had one-tenth of the land in their hands. Compared with the powerful landlords in the south, it was already a great gift.

We must know that some big tycoons own hundreds of thousands of acres of land, keep one-tenth of it, and there are tens of thousands of acres. Although it is less than half, it is better than ruining the family.

Jiang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief when the matter was settled. He really didn't want to compromise, but not compromising meant that more blood would be shed, and it was the blood of his compatriots.

In the past, they were forced to have no choice but to abandon some people and be cruel to the powerful landlords. Now the land is sparsely populated, and the pressure on the land is not great. When the Manchus retreated, a large tract of land was left, plus the land handed over by the powerful landlords , definitely enough points.

Fortunately, after several years of development, he has trained a group of loyal officials, who were transferred to the north successively to serve as the heads of states and counties.

As for the armed forces of powerful landlords, Jiang Tao handed over to Jiang Shi to reorganize them. The old and the weak were given silver taels and returned to their hometowns. The remaining 30 troops were trained by officers drawn by Jiang Tao, supervised by Jiang Shi, and they were not expected to be able to compete with the Manchu iron cavalry. , as long as the north can be stable.

As for the division of land, Wei Donglai led the Second Army Corps and thousands of officials to proceed in an orderly manner. The Second Army Corps still has an urgent job to eliminate the bandits in the four northern provinces, and it is expected that the division will not be completed until the end of the year.

As for the bandits, Jiang Tao was generous this time, giving two-thirds to the soldiers and one-third to the state treasury. He didn't want to take his cousin and Jiang Lang back in this bandit-suppressing operation, and let his elderly uncle I am very happy.

The north wind was howling, and the weather was getting colder day by day, but the hearts of the common people were hot. This earth-shaking change felt very unreal, but the actual land deed in their hands was not fake.

Moreover, Lao Cai, a proud landlord in the past, thanked guests behind closed doors, and no longer dared to rob people's daughters by force.

Because they know Huaxing King's methods best, they will never be polite to powerful landlords like them.

The north settled down, but the Huaxing Palace also had happy events. Jiang Tao's concubine gave birth to two princes and a little princess.

Among them, the eldest prince Jiang Tianba has a thick head and a thick head, and his skin is a bit dark. He looks very much like Jiang Tao, but he was born by Xian'er.

The second prince, Jiang Tianhao, has delicate features and fair skin, similar to his biological mother Huang Shuya's eyebrows. Jiang Tao is very ashamed. The dragon has nine sons, and it is really different.

As for the little princess Jiang Tianrou, she was born to Fang Tong'er. Fortunately, she didn't have the same virtues as Jiang Tao, otherwise Jiang Tao would have died of guilt.

Jiang Tao's frown was finally relaxed, but even so, Jiang Tianhao and Jiang Tianrou were often scared to cry, only Jiang Tianba often stared at Jiang Tao curiously, which made Jiang Tao even more happy with him.

Only Princess Tang Yanyu was unhappy, and Jiang Tao had no choice but to spend more time with him.

On this day, after Jiang Tao finished handling the memorial, he went to visit Xian'er, not expecting Tang Yanyu to be there.

Xian'er glanced at Jiang Tianba in his arms, forced a smile and said, "My lord, Tianba likes my sister very much, why don't you adopt Tianba to my sister."

Tang Yanyu immediately looked at Jiang Tao nervously. Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment and understood what they meant. One was for the sake of having children, and the other was for the sake of the children's future. Huang Shuya's three grandfathers are now high officials in the imperial court, and their potential power is even greater. It is huge, far from being comparable to Xianer's background.

If Jiang Tianba was adopted by Zheng Wangfei, Jiang Tianhao would be overwhelmed in terms of status.

Jiang Tao sighed in his heart. The thing he was afraid of really came. The most ruthless is the royal family. Now he is thinking about fighting for power and profit, and there may be disasters in the future. As for the selection of heirs, he has his own opinions in his heart, but it is inconvenient to say them out. He had no choice but to sigh: "They are all our children, why divide them up, I don't care, you can figure it out."

After Jiang Tao finished speaking, he kissed Xiao Tianba and left. He felt a little bored in his heart. Everyone is changing in the face of power, so why not himself?

Thinking of this, he finally felt better.

At this time, the cabinet handed over Wu Sangui's latest information: Wu Sangui took Xia Xiangguo as the main general, raised 15 troops, attacked Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces, and added [-] troops in Guangxi.

Jiang Tao immediately put aside his personal affairs, frowned and thought hard: "Why is Wu Sangui so courageous? Does he want to go to war?"

He thought over and over again and found that only Zhejiang's defense was not safe, so he directly dropped the 10th Division of the Sharpshooter. As for Shaanxi, Gansu and other places, he really couldn't make a move, so he had to send hundreds of elite troops to develop the guerrillas.

Three days later it will be the day when the Seal-class cruiser will be launched. Jiang Tao thought of the important task of the navy and felt that he had to go and see it, just to relax.


Wu Sangui, who was in Hengzhou, was cursing Jiang Tao. He wanted to take advantage of the dire situation between Da Ming and Da Qing to deal a fatal blow to Da Ming, but when he was ready and about to attack, he didn't want the Manchu Tartars to escape , the armies of the Ming Dynasty captured the four most important provinces in the north in just two months, almost without bloodshed.

This time, Wu Sangui did not dare to look for trouble, but he found that the land of Shaanxi and Gansu had become an unoccupied vacant land, and the emperor of the Qing Dynasty had sent an imperial edict. They robbed and increased troops in Guangxi, threatening Ming's Guangdong.

After busying with this series of things, Wu Sangui only felt dizzy for a while, this has often happened recently, could it be that he is old and frail, and his life is not long?

Wu Sangui was immediately terrified, once he left, his grandson would certainly not be the opponent of King Huaxing, and it would be empty talk for thousands of years.

At this moment, he knew why King Huaxing attacked the mighty Man Qing first, but ignored Da Zhou all the time. Could it be that he was waiting for himself to die of old age?

The more Wu Sangui thought about it, the more frightened he became. He didn't want to die, but now he would definitely not live for a few years with this appearance. Hundreds of thousands of Qing cavalry died at the hands of King Huaxing. .

"A decisive battle! Defeat King Huaxing in one go!"

Wu Sangui immediately gave up on this tempting idea. The previous defeats had taught him how powerful King Huaxing is. Will fight to the end, but now!
His face was full of pain, and he couldn't help but shed two lines of dirty tears. People are about to die, and the country will also be lost. How can I bear it?
There is also the possibility of losing children and grandchildren.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a plan. Now that King Huaxing occupies a large area of ​​land, it will not be digested for a while, and he still has time to prepare.

He ordered Xia Xiangguo to plunder and retreat to Sichuan and other places for defense, and ordered his grandson Wu Shifan to raise 20 elite soldiers to attack Burma. With Ma Bao and Zhang Guozhu as generals, he must take the whole of Burma. Even if the army is defeated in the future, there is still a way out.

After the grandson has trained for a few years and has mastered the military power, even if something unexpected happens to him, he will definitely not be caught off guard.

This time, Myanmar suffered again.

(End of this chapter)

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