Chapter 195
All 60 Seal-class cruisers were launched, and Jiang Tao was overjoyed to see the huge fleet. He often dreamed of sailing on the sea on a battleship, but unfortunately he couldn't because he had too many things to do.

The navy officers and men responded well to the new warships. Jiang Tao has no hesitation in expanding his armaments. He was about to approve the Navy Command’s shipbuilding plan for 40 Seal-class cruisers, but the chief minister of the cabinet ran over with a bitter face: "My lord, you can’t The warships have been built again, and the internal treasury has run out of money.”

Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment. He remembered that the transaction with the Dutch this year alone made a net profit of 1 million taels of silver. Although it cost 3000 million taels to buy grain, cattle, sheep, and horses, other than horses, cattle, sheep, etc. changed hands. How could the national treasury be empty if it was sold to the people under the rule for a small profit?
Seeing Jiang Tao's disbelief, Cheng Zhang said solemnly: "The Northern Expedition consumed 3000 million taels of silver. In the province, it cost more than 500 million taels to distribute relief materials for free. Now the national treasury seems to have nearly 3000 million taels, but now there are nearly 5000 million soldiers and tens of thousands of officials, and the monthly payment is as high as 130 million taels. My lord, I am unconscious Be careful, I’m afraid we won’t even be able to pay the salary by then.”

"So how many months can the national treasury last? 40 seal-class cruise ships are only a few million taels, and you can save one province." Jiang Tao knew what Chengzhang was thinking. In fact, he hadn't calculated the commercial tax in the country. Although Daming now monopolizes overseas trade, Jiang Tao does not rely solely on domestic trade. The market is very prosperous, and the monthly tax revenue is as high as more than 300 million.

Seeing Jiang Tao's insistence on this, Cheng Zhang sighed, "The navy is a big money eater now, the prince should concentrate his financial and material resources to defeat Wu Sangui first, but the cabinet has come up with a way to withdraw from the part that the navy turned over to the national treasury. Half of it is used to build ships, so that others will not say anything."

Jiang Tao was startled. It seems that the navy's high seizure has stimulated the ministers and army generals. This is not a good thing, so he nodded and said: "That's fine, but just pass a message to Chen Dajiang, don't spread it, the shipbuilding plan But there is no delay, the empire's dangers and wealth are at sea, and no matter how expensive the navy is, it must persist."

"As for the attack on Wu Sangui, let's wait for a while, the cold weather is not conducive to combat, and besides, the national treasury really cannot afford to spend it now."

Cheng Zhang nodded, and then suggested: "My lord, there are now 60 troops gathered in the four northern provinces, and the logistics pressure is very high. Why don't you withdraw some?"

Jiang Tao had an idea, and quickly agreed: "The First Army remains unchanged, and I can rest assured that they will stop Manmeng's attack. Niu Mang's 2 troops will withdraw to Xuzhou. The Second Army will be the same as the 4th Division and 2nd Division. All withdraw to Jiangning, take the water route, add [-] tiger squatting cannons to the [-]th Division of the Magic Gun, and enter North Korea, with Han Yong as the main general, ready to attack the remnants of the Qing Dynasty at any time. , defend the four provinces, and cooperate with the First Army to fight."

"Your Highness is wise!"

Jiang Tao smiled wryly, even the third uncle was more respectful to him, but he grew a lot more, and at the same time sighed, he was a little tired, and said seriously: "Third uncle, there is no need to be like this, the third uncle's character is trustworthy, three Uncle's credit and nephew also remember, but you have to beat some old brothers, you can't protect them. Although Daming is the most powerful now, it is easy to conquer the country and difficult to defend the country. This king’s adopted brother, but as a high official in Hangzhou, he knows how to break the law. If you are short of money, you can tell my brother, but you can’t take bribes and rob people’s daughters. It must be made public and strictly dealt with. There is no need to be taboo!”

"My lord!" Cheng Zhang sighed in fear and trepidation: "At that time, there are only about [-] of the surviving younger brothers of the lord, all of whom are generals or local officials, and many of them wrote letters as guarantors. Hey, lord, go It's fine if the officials are dismissed, so as not to hurt the peace."

"Nonsense! This king can promote them, or turn them into ordinary people in a blink of an eye!" Jiang Tao was furious immediately, and asked with a dark face: "Who are there?"

Cheng Zhang said with a bitter face: "Headed by General Pingnan Jiang Dazhuang! They are all children that the old man watched and grew up, why bother?"

"It's him!" Jiang Tao was furious, and said in his heart, "Third Uncle is loyal, but he just indulges these arrogant soldiers too much. It won't work like this."

He suddenly remembered that Jiang Qiao was one of the two righteous brothers that Jiang Dazhuang took away. Jiang Dazhuang pacified Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces, and he made great contributions and could not be moved easily.

Jiang Tao took a deep breath, was stunned for a while, and secretly said: "Ruling the country according to the law is the right thing to do. If you think about it and indulge your soldiers repeatedly, I'm afraid they will turn their noses up. It won't be long before the general No country."

Only then did Jiang Tao understand the reason why the founding emperors wanted to kill his former brothers and heroes, and he hurriedly said firmly: "Jiang Qiao violated the law of the country, cut off his decision, and announced to the world that Jiang Dazhuang, as a general, blatantly interfered in the government. Everyone is downgraded and retained."

"My lord, is the punishment a bit too severe? I'm afraid that kid Da Zhuang will not accept it." Cheng Zhang said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, if you don't accept it, you have to withdraw from the stage of history, and Jiang Bao will take over the army in Guangdong." This time, Jiang Tao wanted to warn the world that the prince's crime is the same as that of the common people, not empty words.

Besides, the political commissar system he established by himself is not for nothing. Even if the generals of the army are going to rebel, there will not be many soldiers following them. In fact, he has already placed cronies beside the generals of the army. Some small actions, he did not take them seriously. After all, it is a time of war, but it is not good to go too far.


A few days later, in the study room of Prince Shang Zhixin's mansion, a young general in steel armor said with a piercing spirit: "General, do it. In a few days, you will have no military power in your hands."

The rest of the people also echoed: "The general treats me like brothers and sisters, and I am willing to die for the general!"

Jiang Dazhuang's face suddenly turned red and he was annoyed, and he said angrily: "Young Master has repeatedly guarded against himself, and the equipment of the 6th Division of the Sharpshooter is far inferior to other sharpshooters. Depriving oneself of military power is really deceiving."

He glanced at the cronies present. They were all made of gold and silver treasures. In fact, he didn't dare to trust these people completely. He knew that as long as one of them was a spy arranged by Jiang Tao, he would become a cup of loess. After seeing his own strength, wealth and prestige, he found that even if he had complete control over the 15 troops under his command, he would not be a lesser opponent. What's more, he could control more than 3 people at most, and there were still many uncertain factors.

Jiang Dazhuang has always been cautious. Thinking of this, he scolded angrily: "Brothers, if you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame this general for turning your face and denying others. Bar."

He smiled again in a flash: "Hahaha, Jiang will become an important member of one party in the future, and he can also think about Qingfu. You must not disagree again, otherwise, everyone will be angry."

Speaking of this, all the generals were inexplicably terrified, this matter was spread, no one would end well, and secretly blamed Jiang Dazhuang, since he did not rebel, why did he call us here?

All the generals left in a hurry, only Jiang Gu, the chief general of the 6th Division of the Sharpshooter, heaved a sigh of relief. He wanted to rot today's events in his stomach and never let others know...
Because one side is his brother who fought side by side, and the other side is his righteous brother who treats him with great kindness and trust, and he doesn't want to hurt either side.

(End of this chapter)

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