Chapter 197
On the vast expanse of blue waters of the Yellow Sea, the roar of artillery was deafening, and the smoke filled the air and covered the sky and the sea.

This time, Chen Dajiang personally commanded the battle on the cruise ship Seal No. 1. Given Shi Lang's understanding of Zheng's navy, Shi Lang also stayed with him at this time.

"Vice Admiral Shi, our Black Dragon Fleet will soon be flanked by Zheng's Fleet on three sides. I'm afraid these sixty warships won't be able to withstand it!"

At this time, the gunpowder was densely covered with smoke, and Chen Dajiang couldn't see the enemy ships ahead clearly, so he said worriedly.

"Don't worry, general, the enemy ships will fight with us. As long as we hold the Zheng family's fleet for half an hour, the enemy ships will definitely be wiped out. However, according to the general's speculation, the two large pincers of the enemy ships look strangely thick. In fact, it is not so, you can first knock out the two pincers of the enemy ship, and then deal with the main force of the enemy ship."

Shi Lang stood at the window of the captain's cabin and shouted loudly. Chen Dajiang was choked by the gunpowder smoke and burst into tears. At this time, the 60 Seal-class cruisers were all arranged in a straight line, stretching for seven or eight miles to the left and right, and densely covered with gunpowder smoke. Changing the combat mission is a very dangerous thing, but why is Shi Lang so confident that the Zheng family will fight with him instead of fighting with all his strength.

He didn't fear anyone in the artillery battle, so he simply shouted: "Commander Hu will go down immediately to deliver the order."

Commander Hu, who was standing beside him, immediately went down to deliver the order. At this time, the Seal Class No. 1 was in the middle of the 60 cruisers. The orderly sent the order to the two adjacent warships through the tall mast. These two battleships were the battleships on both sides. After the two of them fired at the pirate ships on both sides, the captains of the warships on both sides learned the order and aimed their cannons at the pirate ships on both sides.

In fact, even if Chen Dajiang didn't say anything, the captains have also discovered the threat of the pirate ship. They have already filled the deck with sailors, half of them are well-prepared hand-to-hand fighters, and the other half are musketeers holding clearing rifles and throwing fire and thunder. sailors.

Boom boom boom...
A round of volleys smashed the tightly formed pirate ships to pieces, and the few pirate ships approaching the Black Dragon Fleet were also repelled by the sound of muskets.

Liu Guoxuan saw that the pirate ship that was hit by a round of bombardment was defeated, so he immediately changed his strategy and let the pirate ship detour to the back of the Black Dragon Fleet to contain the opponent.

The pirate ships were overjoyed when they heard the news, and finally managed to avoid the deadly artillery fire, but at this moment, these pirates were panicked and forgot about the cannon on the other side of the warship.

dong dong dong...

The red-clothed cannon on the bow of Zheng's fleet also fired, and there were more than a hundred explosions, stirring up a boundless water column. Three piercing metal collision sounds entered the ears of Shi Lang and Chen Dajiang.

The two were inexplicably horrified and helpless. Unexpectedly, in the first round of bombardment by Zheng's fleet, three shells hit the flagship of the Black Dragon Fleet. The entire hull shook violently, and the gunners and sailors on board fell several times on the spot. ten people.

"Go and check the damage!"

Hearing the Admiral's stern shout, the deputy commander of the flagship stumbled out of the captain's room, came back after a while, and said happily: "General, it's all right, only five people were killed or injured, and the shells were all bounced off. It was smashed into three pits, but it was not smashed through."

Chen Dajiang was relieved now, he didn't expect the enemy ship to touch a dead mouse blindly, and hit his own ship in the first round of shelling, he hurriedly said: "Fire, fight back!"

dong dong dong...

At this time, Zheng's fleet had rushed to 300 meters and was changing formation. The captains of the Black Dragon Fleet unanimously used chain bombs, and more than 1000 chain bombs flew towards Zheng's main fleet in the middle.

Just this moment, Liu Guoxuan turned into a bitter face, and the hard sails of more than [-] warships on the spot became leaky sails, and they became living beggars' clothes.

Liu Guoxuan was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. He knew that if the battle was not won, these dozens of warships would not be able to run away, so he couldn't help but retreat at this time.

He was indeed irritated, since the Black Dragon Fleet was going to fight, he would stay with him to the end.

He has his pride. At this time, he has forty main battleships and 80 small gunboats, and more than a hundred other warships.

These forty main battleships are all warships with a displacement of over a thousand tons. They are the housekeeping treasures of the Zheng family against the Dutch barbarians. There are red-clothed cannons weighing [-] jin at the front and back, and there are forty [-]-jin Francine cannons on the left and right. , as well as Shenji Qiang, Qianhuarui, Baizihua Qiang, Shotgun, Deer Mill, Lianzhu Rocket, Spray Can, Cupping Can, Lou Dao, Yunnan Broadsword, Bukonggui Wooden Stick, etc., for close combat.

The Qianjin Frang machine cannon has six sub-systems, and can fire two to three 1-jin shells in one minute, but the range is relatively short, the effective range is only more than 26 meters, and its power is not as great as the red cannon, but its rate of fire makes up for it. All the cons.

The small gunboat has a displacement of only more than 300 tons. There is a red cannon at the front and back, and a total of eighteen thousand-jin Franco cannons on the left and right. The power is also extraordinary.

Other warships are not good at artillery battles. Among them, the black-tailed boats, bird-dragon boats, and blunderbuss boats have a draft of six to seven feet and a capacity of fifty or sixty soldiers, and are used for offshore operations.The fast whistle has a shallow draft and 16 oars on the left and right sides. It is fast and maneuverable, and is suitable for reconnaissance and communication;

He placed these ships behind the main battleships, and Liu Guoxuan withstood two rounds of salvos from the Black Dragon Fleet. Then he adjusted his formation and shouted coldly: "Fire!"

The sailors held back their stomachs and got impatient for a long time, so they quickly lit the fuse.

dong dong dong...

All of a sudden, tongues of flame burst forth, like a dragon king roaring.

Thousands of shells rained down on the formation of the Black Dragon Fleet, stirring up columns of water, and the sea water boiled violently.

dang dang...

Almost every Seal-class cruiser was hit several times and suffered varying degrees of damage.

This is because Zheng's fleet was bombarded by four rounds and suffered a lot, otherwise the artillery fire would be even more violent.

At such a short distance, there is no room for dodge at all, and warships of this era are extremely inflexible, and it takes at least a few minutes to change formation temporarily.

However, the unlucky Seal No. 1 was hit by thirteen shells in this round of volley only because it was in the middle. Fortunately, both Chen Dajiang and Shi Lang were still alive. The iron sheet of the ship was smashed and pitted, but the gunners were still alive and kicking. Only the sailors on the deck lost dozens of people.

Chen Dajiang was very depressed. He thought that his Black Dragon Fleet was strong enough, but the fierce artillery fire told him that it was still unknown who would win the battle.

The only thing he can do now is to stay in the captain's room and wait, waiting for victory or defeat. This battle depends on who will survive to the end. As for the enemy ships that are outflanking the rear, he has no choice but to stop fighting and escape now. It must be unbelievable, King Huaxing despises cowardice the most.

However, at this time, Lianyungang was only more than ten miles away, and there were still twenty small frigates and more than a hundred other old-fashioned warships there. They should come to rescue, because the coach of Lianyungang was Gan Zhi, and Chen Dajiang trusted his brother.

dong dong dong...

At this time, the gunners of the Black Dragon Fleet were quickly loading ammunition, and Zheng's fleet fired again.

Listening to the piercing sound of metal rubbing, Chen Dajiang's eyes were red, and his flesh ached. Regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, all the seal-class cruisers had to be repaired for a while.

"Don't worry, general, the Black Dragon Fleet has a winning rate of more than [-]%, which can reduce the number of sailors on the deck to reduce casualties!" Shi Lang did not change his face, grabbed the window with one hand, looked out of the window firmly, and encouraged him loudly.

For the shells flying all over the sky, he didn't even have the slightest intention to dodge.

"Why are you so confident? Zheng's fleet clearly has a huge advantage at this time!"

Shi Lang smiled, and said as if recalling: "Because the general is too familiar with the opponent's ships, as long as the opponent is fighting with us, even if their artillery fire is twice as dense, it will be useless, because the opponent is fighting less and less. The guns are strong, but the opponent's ships can't stop our shells, and they can't afford to lose. Even if we lose more than half of our fleet, with King Huaxing's power and strength, we will definitely form an even larger fleet within half a year. !"

Hearing Shi Lang's emotionless words, Chen Dajiang became angry, and reprimanded him: "This is the hard work of King Huaxing and this general. In the past three years, this general has been strict with himself and the soldiers all the time, in order to display the prestige of the navy. How can you lose so easily? This battle must not only be won, but also completely won!"

Shi Lang remained silent directly, he knew that war is about life, the life of the enemy, or the life of one's own people, there is no kindness in the slightest.

Chen Dajiang took a breath and calmed down. He had a little more confidence in the war, but he had a prejudice against the aloof Shi Lang, and he hated Shi Lang's cold blood in his heart.

Since then, the two have been at odds, but Chen Dajiang failed to suppress Shi Lang's rise. After many large-scale naval battles, Shi Lang became a world-renowned admiral. Of course, Jiang Tao's promotion and reuse. It's all for later.

dong dong dong...

The Black Dragon Fleet finally loaded the ammunition, and more than 1000 iron bullets mixed with anger slammed on the surroundings of Zheng's fleet. The shells that fell from high altitude smashed Zheng's small gunboat upside down in an instant, and the sea water When it arrived at Guan, the warship tilted rapidly and capsized immediately.

This round of volley sank eight small gunboats, and more than a dozen were severely damaged and left the ranks of the battle, which immediately shocked the generals of the Zheng fleet.And the sixty warships of the Black Dragon Fleet are still the original sixty warships.

dong dong dong...

Liu Guoxuan stood straight on the bow of the flagship, his eyes shot out flames, his own artillery fire was obviously weakened, but the artillery density of the Black Dragon Fleet was almost not weakened, which was incredible to him, even if it was a warship of the Dutch Can't withstand such a violent shelling, why can the Black Dragon Fleet?
The arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Liu Guoxuan has no choice but to hold on, or he will win in the next second. Naval battles are so wonderful, strength does not determine everything, and the artillery fire of one's own side is much more intensive.

There are more than 200 pirate ships quickly surrounding the Black Dragon Fleet. As long as the enemy ships reveal their flaws, the Black Dragon Fleet will be finished.

At this time, all the pirate leaders showed ferocious smiles, and they were about to approach the Black Dragon Fleet 300 meters away, but the Black Dragon Fleet did not move.

Thinking of capturing such a powerful ship, everyone's heart skipped a beat. A warship is the life of a pirate, and owning a warship means having everything.

The pirates took off their cotton coats, revealing their robust bodies, brandishing their knives and guns, wishing they could jump on the battleship of the Black Dragon Fleet immediately.

dong dong dong...

Little did they know, the captains of the Black Dragon Fleet had noticed them long ago and were waiting for them to approach.

Now that they were approaching, the guns on the side of each Seal-class cruiser opened fire violently.

More than 1000 shells slammed into the densely packed pirate ships. The fragile pirate ship could not withstand the impact of the shells. One shell was enough to cause fatal injuries to it. If several shells hit at the same time, they would be hit instantly. fall apart.This round of short-range salvo caught the pirates by surprise. The various pirate ships that were originally in a neat formation were defeated after some blows and turned around to avoid them.

All the pirate leaders were stunned. This round of salvo sank more than 200 pirate ships, and more than [-] were severely damaged. The original fleet of more than [-] ships lost half at once. combat effectiveness.

They don't belong to each other, some go forward, some come first, in a mess.

At this moment, more than a hundred small warships appeared behind them, and Gan Zhi was on one of them. At this time, he was holding a pistol in one hand and Qi's knife in the other, and was sneering.

He really missed the previous battles, like now, all fighting with cannons, but this time the situation is special, and it may be the last hand-to-hand combat at sea.

PS: Brothers who read books support some, vote more, this result is really terrible
(End of this chapter)

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