Chapter 198

The pirates saw another wave of Black Dragon Fleet appearing in the rear, and were afraid of the fierce artillery fire of the Seal-class cruiser. The reaction is to run away.

This is also the pirate's way of life. Fighting against a large-scale fleet is completely courting death. As for whether Prince Zheng will blame him afterwards, they didn't even think about it.

The remaining forty or so pirate ships were stuck with Gan Zhi's fleet in no time.

Among the arrows like rain locusts and guns like popping beans, the rockets showed their power, and the sails of several warships on both sides were set ablaze.In the blazing fire, the sound of cracking masts, drums, shouts, howling, the collision of warships, the sound of hand-to-hand combat, and the noise of the big waves are mixed together.

The fierce battle lasted only a quarter of an hour, and all the pirate ships were captured or sunk except for five fast boats that fled.

The white military uniform on Gan Zhi's body had turned blood red. Looking at the iron balls flying in the sky like raindrops in front of him, he felt a sense of powerlessness. He gasped and said, "Send the order, all of them have broken down, and are ready to fight at any time!"

After all, if you rush up now, not only will you not be able to help, but you will also be hit by shells, as evidenced by the hundreds of water jets splashed from time to time.

At this time, the main fleets of the two sides had been fighting fiercely for a long time, and the Black Dragon Fleet still fired at a leisurely pace. Only one warship was hit by the ammunition depot and died, and three warships were hit by dozens of shells. He was severely damaged and withdrew from the ranks of the battle, while more than one-third of the battleships of Zheng's main fleet were sunk or severely damaged, and only more than [-] battleships were still fighting, and the artillery fire had obviously stopped and weakened.

It's all because of the artillery. The artillery of the Black Dragon Fleet is a copper core iron artillery, which can fire [-] rounds in a row without blowing the chamber, and the barrel will not deform easily.

The cannons of Zheng's fleet are mostly copper cannons. The barrels of copper cannons are relatively soft. When round shells are fired many times, the shells pass through the barrels in a non-circular manner, which is easy to deform. You need to rest for a while to cool down, this is because the Buddha wolf cannon, if it is a red cannon, it must stop for at most eight rounds.

Regarding this fatal weakness, Liu Guoxuan was very helpless. He was terrified of the Black Dragon Fleet, and at the same time deeply regretted. The winning rate of the troops is at least [-]%, but now it is obvious that they can't resist anymore, but they are in a dilemma, how should they explain to the prince?

Thinking of the prince, Liu Guoxuan hurriedly stepped on the deck full of sawdust and holes, and walked towards the inner cabin, only to see Zheng Jing's face turned pale, holding the wine bottle tightly, gulping down the wine to suppress his shock, he didn't even notice that he had arrived .

Liu Guoxuan couldn't suppress his disappointment, and sighed: "My lord, all the sea merchants either died or fled, and we also suffered heavy losses, so let's withdraw."

"Withdraw?" Zheng Jing muttered to himself, glared at Liu Guoxuan, and snorted again: "Three generations of my king have been rampant in the sea, and I haven't scared anyone, how can I withdraw? Hit..."

dong dong dong...

At this moment, the Black Dragon Fleet fired another salvo, and several shells hit the warship Liu Guoxuan was on. Suddenly, the entire hull shook violently, and the people on board felt the world spinning like an earthquake. Zheng Jing and Liu Guoxuan lay on the ground at the same time. On the deck of the cabin, it took a long time for the hull to balance.

Zheng Jing's face turned green and red, he wasn't surprised that he couldn't beat Huaxing King on land, but he couldn't beat Huaxing King at sea, so what capital did he have?

Although he hid in the inner cabin, he was very clear in his heart. More than [-] shells hit his flagship. If his flagship was not extremely strong, far superior to other main battleships, it would have been sunk long ago. Thinking of the terrible end of failure, he shouted hoarsely: "Why don't you use the five-point plum blossom formation that the former king Dubuhai has? Tell me!"

The "five-five system" battleship formation and command system of Zheng's navy is unique in the sea, that is, to use the "five-point plum blossom formation" to divide the opponent's "linear formation" into several sections, and after forming a partial siege, use light and fast boats to set up heavy artillery Do a stern shot.This method of warfare predates the similar "Nelson touch" (Nelson touch) used by the British Navy to dominate the world by more than 100 years.

Liu Guoxuan felt very powerless, so he simply continued to lie on the deck, and said desolately: "My lord, alas, the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood, let's withdraw! The end will be punished!"

Zheng Jing glared at Liu Guoxuan, and after a while he shouted at the messenger: "Withdraw!"

Then he yelled at Liu Guoxuan: "I will deal with you when I go back!"

Liu Guoxuan was completely disappointed, he could no longer raise his fighting spirit, and felt very tired...

After a while, the sailors standing on the mast discovered the movement of Zheng's fleet. Chen Dajiang was shocked when he heard it, and hurriedly ordered him to pursue it with all his strength.

However, although the seal-class battleships were not seriously damaged, the damage to the canvas was huge and they had to be replaced. Chen Dajiang was terrified. At this time, the squadron led by Jiang Feng was encircling the rear of Zheng's fleet, and it was probably about to appear. Although they have more than a hundred gunboats, their strength is far inferior to that of the Seal-class cruisers.

"No, we must encircle the opponent as soon as possible, otherwise Jiang Feng's squadron may be in danger!"

Chen Dajiang sighed, and quickly ordered: "Order the ships to change the canvas immediately, change the formation, and chase the enemy ships!"

When Chen Dajiang rushed to the battle area, it was already a quarter of an hour later, and the Black Dragon Squadron and Zheng's Fleet were strangled together, each with damage, and the seal-class cruisers hurried forward to help.

The battle lasted for three full hours. Seeing that most of the navy under his command had been lost, Zheng Jing had no choice but to leave the battle area with more than [-] main warships and dozens of other warships.

However, the Black Dragon Fleet seized more than [-] large and small warships and won a complete victory. Since then, the Zheng family has declined.

A month later, the Black Dragon Fleet was refurbished, broke through Penghu in one fell swoop, and blocked and bombarded Taiwan's Treasure Island.

Zheng's fleet suffered heavy losses and was unable to fight. The people on the island were very timid and even Chen Yonghua, who was heavily used by him, suggested surrender. Zheng Jing was really heartbroken, drunk and unconscious all day long.

The royal spirit is exhausted in the Central Plains, and the clothes stay overseas.

The ambition is not over yet, and the spears are adjusted day and night.


The dust of Hulu is all over Kyushu, and loyal ministers and righteous men are sad.

Since there is no Bo prodigal son's house attack, we must follow the example of the middle class ancestor Di Zhou.

The mountains and rivers of the old country have changed their colors, and the palaces and palaces in the old capital have turned into hills.

Vengeance and shame will never come, and I will never stop if I don't kill Loulan!

Drunken and soundly asleep, Zheng Jing suddenly remembered the pride and passion of his prime, woke up suddenly, and drank a mouthful of cold tea. At this time, Huaxia had recovered, so how could he still fight against Daming for his own self-interest, even if King Huaxing was a treacherous minister? , but he is a Han Chinese after all, that's all, for the sake of future generations and thousands of people, he must surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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