The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 217 Asymmetrical Combat

Chapter 217 Asymmetrical Combat
The special envoy Li Yan sent by Jiang Tao was carried to the flagship of the Black Dragon Fleet by his entourage. Chen Dajiang looked at Li Zhen who was covered in bruises, and his heart was full of anger. It was unforgivable to insult the angel of the kingdom.

Li Yan squeezed out a smile and said: "General, you must be the master of your mission, and you must not bypass these people who insult the gentleness."

"Well, come here, send Mr. Li back to Jiangning immediately, so I can take care of him." Chen Dajiang nodded sullenly and said, the navy has made great achievements many times, Chen Dajiang has been appointed as a general, and Gan Zhi, Shi Lang, Jiang Feng, Liu Guoxuan, etc. were all appointed as admirals by Jiang Tao, and Jiang Wushang and Gong Kaijun who had not yet returned were also appointed as admirals.

Li Yan was sent back to Jiangning, and since then he has been on the rise, and has been a senior official of the overseas governor, and he is an iron-blooded governor, who has made a lot of contributions to the empire, and finally won the title of duke.

Before that, he was just a small official. By chance, Jiang Tao saw that he was eloquent and courageous, so he asked him to act as a special envoy. The main reason was that Jiang Tao was afraid that the Japanese would be extremely vicious, so he did not dare to send heavyweights. Afraid of being assassinated by the Tokugawa shogunate.

The ministers didn't think so. They thought it was the prince's far-sightedness and deliberately angered the Tokugawa shogunate so that the empire had a reason to attack Japan.

Of course, this is something to say later. Chen Dajiang gathered 100 seal-class cruisers and fifty small gunboats this time, and asked Jiang Feng, who came here to help the battle, and said, "Brother Feng, it seems that I can't scare little Japan. The opponent's warship Although not strong, but the number is extremely large, is there a perfect plan?"

Jiang Feng said with a confident smile: "General, with our current strength, we can fire 2400 iron bullets in one salvo. When the opponent rushes forward, we will fire at least three rounds. The Japanese navy is nothing more than an arsonist ship in front, a small With the gunboat behind, how many hundreds of tons of small boats can be sunk by 7200 shells? Moreover, it is very difficult for the opponent's warship to sink our cruiser."

"Well, it makes sense, but the wind direction is not right now, let's wait." Chen Dajiang nodded with a smile.

"General, there's no need. Look, the other party is here." Jiang Feng pointed to a black cloud six miles ahead.

Chen Dajiang put down the binoculars, snorted and said: "There are thousands of ships of all kinds, it's amazing, even the merchant ships are here, it seems that they want to fight to determine the outcome, we are against the wind, so we have to fight. "

"Pass down the order and line up to meet the enemy."

Jiang Feng shook his head, and said to himself: "If the wind is favorable, there is no need to play in such an old-fashioned way."


Shimadzu Yoshiyuki put down the telescope. The Black Dragon Fleet was much more powerful than the Dutch fleet. His original intention was to stick to the coast, increase deterrence, and delay time to accumulate strength.

But the damn boss Sakai Zhongqing insisted on asking the navy to fight, a bastard who didn't understand water warfare at all, Shimadzu Yoshiyuki cursed secretly, and ordered the standard bearer to issue an attack order: Long live the emperor, long live the general, and the operation of Yusha begins.

When the Japanese on the warships received the flagship's order, they all looked ferocious and screamed wildly, as if the Black Dragon Fleet on the opposite side was made of paper.

In the lead were [-] arson ships, followed by more than [-] small gunboats and more than [-] troop carriers and merchant ships of various sizes.

Those small gunships only had a few twelve-pound guns, and the rest were some iron guns for sea use. These iron guns were also matchlock guns, but their caliber and power were larger than those for land use. Man Qing raised his gun.

The reason why those small gunboats only have a few cannons is because Japan's shipbuilding technology is backward, and the hull is not strong enough to withstand the reaction force of multiple cannon salvos.

Thousands of warships are densely packed on the sparkling sea. When they approached the Black Dragon Fleet for two miles, the thousands of warships were divided into three parts. It must be to attack from three sides. A few years ago, Shimadzu Yoshigyu used this Tactics repelled the Portuguese and Dutch warships, though they had only a few of them.

This time the Black Dragon Fleet is powerful, but the Japanese warships are ten times larger than the opponent's. Yoshiyumi Shimadzu felt a little more confident thinking of this.

Chen Dajiang from the Black Dragon Fleet sneered, it was a little troublesome to arrive like this, and it was too late to make a temporary change. Except for the threat of the arsonist ship, it would be difficult for other warships to sink the seal-class cruiser even if they approached. I think it will end without loss Fighting seemed impossible.

He hurriedly sent orders to the small gunboats not far away, ordering them to divide into two groups to block the enemy ships on both wings. At this time, the cruisers lined up in a straight line, while the small gunboats were on the non-engaging side.

It was too late to say, but it was soon, Seal One quickly fired, and the remaining Seal-class cruisers also fired successively.

dong dong dong...

2400 shells came one after another, hitting the dense queue of arson ships one after another.The fragile arson ship can't stand the impact of the shells at all. One shell is enough to cause fatal injuries to it. If several shells hit at the same time, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

Originally, at a distance of more than 900 meters, the hit rate of the Black Dragon Fleet was not high, but the opponent's formation was too dense. The first round of salvo hit 13.00%, and [-] shells hit the Japanese navy. Sinking more than [-] ships of various types wiped out one-twentieth of the strength of the Japanese navy at once.

Some poor arson ships were sent to the bottom of the sea before they were lit, which immediately shocked the officers and soldiers of the Japanese navy, but after that, none of the Japanese navy retreated. Get ready for boarding.

At this time, the smoke was lingering, and Chen Dajiang's sight was also covered by gunpowder smoke, and the entire Black Dragon Fleet was shrouded in smoke. He couldn't help but sigh secretly. His own artillery skills were still too poor. Such a dense formation can completely reach more than 30.00%. hit rate.

But fortunately, the southwest wind was blowing at this time, the opponent was downwind, and the speed was faster, and the angle of the sail had been adjusted by one's own side, in order to delay the approaching time of the enemy ship, and it was also slowly drifting sideways at this time. Just rest assured, when the ammunition is loaded, it should disappear in smoke.

dong dong dong...

dong dong dong...

Three rounds of volleys were fired in a row, and the hit rate was higher one after another. In a very short period of time, there were only 1 of the more than [-] ships on the opposite side, but they were only [-] meters away from Seal No. [-], and the two wings The [-] warships needed to turn their rudders, and the outflanking was still far away for the time being, while the small gunboats of the Black Dragon Fleet were rushing to the two wings.

The only forty remaining arson ships in front of the Black Dragon Fleet rammed into the fire, and the officers and soldiers of the Seal Class No. 1 were nervous. After all, the flagship was at the forefront, and the admiral of the navy was on the flagship. Even if he wins, there is no glory.

Jiang Feng chuckled lightly and said, "General, our wind direction is not right now, otherwise we could collide with each other."

"What should we do if our battleship crashes? These arson ships are really troublesome. By the way, Commander Hu ordered some sailors to use bamboo poles to hold them against each other to delay the opponent's approach, and ordered some sailors to throw fire and thunder into the arson ship cabin." Chen Dajiang suddenly figured out a way to deal with the arson ship, mainly because the ammunition for the artillery has not been loaded yet, otherwise it would just sink.

At this time, except for the gunner and helmsman, the rest of the sailors of Seal No. 1 gathered on the deck. Hearing the order, he immediately acted. The arsonist ship braving flames several meters high was suddenly blocked by more than ten bamboo poles, and could no longer approach. Immediately afterwards, dozens of fire and thunder explosions were thrown into the cabin of the arsonist ship.

Boom boom boom...

There was a continuous burst of explosions, and countless sparks flew up from the ship, and then there was a chi-chi sound, and green smoke was emitted, and the sea water poured back in a moment, and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

The sailors on SEAL No. 1 were lying on the deck when they suddenly heard a ghostly chirping and whistling, and immediately screamed inwardly, as another enemy ship was approaching.

Indeed, there was more than one ship, obviously the other party also saw that this battleship was the flagship!
(End of this chapter)

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