Chapter 218
When the sailors on the flagship deck of the Black Dragon Fleet looked up, they saw dozens of small Japanese warships gathered in front of them, approaching Seal 1, trying to seize the battleship, so they did not fire.

The main reason is that they found that Seal 1 was shining with a dark metallic light, which reminded them of the North Korean turtle ship. Fortunately, although the warship was very tall, it did not affect their boarding.

bang bang bang...

The sailors were taken aback. At this time, the ammunition for the artillery had not been loaded, so they had to lie on the side of the ship and shoot at each other. The ten tiger squatting guns on the ship began to show their power. Most of the Japanese sailors were immediately cleared by shotguns.

Boom boom boom...

Dozens of fire and thunder explosions exploded on the two enemy ships adjacent to Seal No. 1. Immediately, the iron pieces swirled and sparks shot out, splashing countless flesh and blood. After a while, one of them found a martyrdom explosion, presumably the fire ignited the gunpowder in the cabin, the hull of the warship was immediately torn apart, flying around like a goddess, and then sank into the sea.

The huge explosion aroused the wildness of other Japanese sailors.

Dang ding ding ding... dong dong dong...

Four more warships approached, and four three-meter-long pure iron harpoons flew towards Seal No. 1. One end of the iron fork was connected to the ballista with an iron chain, trying to hold Seal No. 1 with the iron fork. No.

There were also several bow guns that fired, apparently no longer scruples, and vowed to sink Seal No. 1.

The officers and soldiers of the Japanese navy were cheering, but those harpoons bounced back when they hit the pure steel hull, and fell into the sea, and the lead bullets of about ten catties also hit the upper deck of Seal No. The battleship was not shot through, and Seal 1 shook for a while, and returned to normal after a while.

dong dong dong...

Seal 1 finally loaded the ammunition and adjusted the range of fire. 24 shells shot straight away, immediately piercing the battleship in front and causing a hole the size of a washbasin. However, because the Japanese warships were too short, there was only one The Japanese warship was sunk.

At this time, the sound of gunfire came from the two wings, and the other Japanese warships directly in front of the Black Dragon Fleet were also engaging in boarding battles with other Seal-class cruisers, but at this time there were more than [-] Japanese warships left, not even in number. No advantage.

The Seal-class cruiser is more than a head taller than the Japanese warships. The Japanese sailors finally climbed up, but were stabbed to death by bayonets or shot to death. The cruiser had more than 400 people on board, and only 100 gunners were required to fire on one side. There were enough sailors on the deck Deal with the samurai climbing up the battleship.

Moreover, under the bombardment of a large number of fire, thunder, and tiger squatting guns, there are too few Japanese samurai who can climb the Seal-class cruiser.

However, dozens of cruisers were also injured under the approaching bombardment of Japanese warships. However, the power of Japanese artillery was not enough.

Very few shells were fired into the gun bays, which only caused the cruiser to lose some gunners.

dong dong dong...

The rest of the cruisers also began to fight back. Suddenly, the sky was full of gunfire and smoke filled the sky. More than 2000 artillery pieces sprayed sparks, most of which used shotguns. After the shotguns were covered and fired, the Japanese sailors suffered heavy casualties.

Chen Dajiang was furious. Due to the problem of the shooting angle, the salvo did not achieve the desired effect. He saw that the enemy ship could not do anything to his own warship, so he boldly ordered the flagship to turn the rudder to be at the same level as the enemy ship. This time the battleship's 48 All cannons can be used.

dong dong dong...

This was beyond the expectations of the Japanese warships, and three Japanese warships farther away were sunk immediately.

The rest of the cruisers also followed suit, but in order to prevent accidental damage, each of them fired selectively. In this way, the regular battle immediately turned into a melee.

However, to deal with Japanese warships with weak attack methods, the melee method is more effective. However, within a quarter of an hour, hundreds of Japanese warships directly in front were sent to the bottom of the sea.

The small gunboats on the two wings, relying on their speed and flexibility, had long been fighting with the Japanese warships. They were evenly matched for a while, but more than ten small gunboats were hit by the incendiary boats and sank to the bottom of the sea.

When the main battleship of the Seal class was free, the remaining Japanese warships had no chance to escape, and during this period, the commander of the Japanese navy Yoshiyuki Shimadzu had already been sent to the bottom of the sea.

Half an hour later, the entire sea returned to tranquility.

In this battle, the entire Japanese navy was wiped out, and thousands of ships of various types were sunk. Most of the Japanese warriors who fell into the water were shot and killed by the sailors of the Black Dragon Fleet. Nearly a hundred thousand sailors and samurai selected by the shogunate survived. .

In addition to the loss of thirteen small gunboats, the Black Dragon Fleet did not lose a single seal-class cruiser. Of course, dozens of ships needed to be repaired.

In the next half month, the Black Dragon Fleet bombarded Nagasaki and other coastal cities while sending 20 Korean troops into Japan's Kyushu and Shikoku islands.

It is reasonable to attack Japan's Honshu, but this time the main force of the attack is the Korean Army. The key is that the Korean Army's weapons and equipment are slightly inferior. Attacking Japan's Honshu, which is heavily defended, may die too quickly.

Therefore, Han Yong, the general of the North Korean military region, decided to attack the Japanese islands of Kyushu and Shikoku first.

Since the empire couldn't mobilize a large army, it only asked the navy to mobilize two marine divisions to assist in the battle.

The 2 Korean Army Corps landed on the coast of Nagasaki with excitement, and the [-]nd Marine Division followed behind them.

Another [-] Korean soldiers and the third marine division attacked Tokushima County in Shikoku and built forts to prevent the shogunate from Honshu from coming for reinforcements.

The forts along the coast of Nagasaki had long been smashed to pieces. When North Korean soldiers went ashore to search, they saw that all the wooden houses on the shore had been burned, and some were still smoking, but they didn't even find a hair.

Not far away, Nagasaki City was crowded with people, apparently hiding in the city.

At this time, it was the general Li Gu who was leading the army. In order to fight the first battle well, Li Gu had to ask the artillerymen of the Marine Corps to open the way. To be honest, he really couldn't understand why the prince asked him to be the leader of the Korean army. I would rather be downgraded to be the general of the sharpshooter, not the current general.

dong dong dong...

After ten consecutive salvos, the artillery battalion directly under the 2nd Marine Division fired more than a thousand hot iron bullets into Nagasaki Castle. Since most of the buildings in Japan were wooden houses, countless flames ignited in the city immediately, and the defenders of Nagasaki Castle In order for the people not to be burned to death by the fire, a large number of young and strong people can only be gathered to put out the fire.

At the same time, tens of thousands of Korean soldiers rushed towards Nagasaki Castle carrying ladders. Under the cover of arrows, the Korean Army paid thousands of lives to capture Nagasaki Castle.

After entering the city, the North Korean soldiers had long been red-eyed, killing anyone they saw, burning, killing, looting, and doing everything.

Afterwards, apart from thousands of Japanese girls, more than [-] people in the city were all killed. A total of millions of taels of silver and gold and silver were found. Grinning all the time, pity they've seen so much money.

Li Gu shook his head. These Koreans are really good at learning. It is unbelievable that they have learned it before my teacher has taught them.

After a short rest, the Korean Army attacked Saga County.

In addition to food, the looted materials, gold, silver jewelry, and Japanese girls were transported to Lianyungang or North Korea.

This was a long-discussed plan for distributing spoils. No matter what was obtained, the Ming Empire would get one-third, the king and ministers of North Korea would get one-third, and the soldiers who fought would get one-third.

At the same time, apart from part of the Black Dragon Fleet blocking the coastline of Honshu, Japan, other warships attacked scattered small islands, including Tanegashima and Yakushima, turning countless islands into no-man's land.

However, there are more than 3000 small islands in Japan, and some of the Black Dragon Fleet are busy.

PS: There are no advertisements, so depressed, thank you for your recommendation votes and rewards, and clicks, especially the hardworking sub-moderator Mengguanguan.
(End of this chapter)

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