The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 219 Three major problems

Chapter 219 Three Big Questions
When the Korean royal family got a large amount of gold, silver, jewels and materials, they realized the benefits of the war of aggression, and the people of North Korea were also moved when they saw the gold, silver and treasures in the boat, and they were eager to try.

The Kingdom of Korea has been economically plundered by the empire and has to bear the military pay of the Korean military region. Now it is clinking poor and dissatisfied with such small fights. It begs the empire to allow them to increase the strength of the Korean army and intensify their invasion of Japan.

Japan's battle report and North Korea's request were sent to the cabinet together, and the cabinet ministers immediately submitted it to Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao was overjoyed. The harder Japan and North Korea fought, the better. Anyway, the empire didn’t spend a penny, and there were still benefits to be gained. He quickly sent an order to the North Korean military region to recruit another [-] servants and send them to Japan after a little training. battlefield.

As for the young Japanese girls sent back, Jiang Tao is not interested. Japanese girls in this era are not as beautiful as imagined, but presumably the soldiers at the Seattle base should be interested. Jiang Tao plans to sell some of the Japanese girls to brothels and implement strict regulations. The control does not allow it to flow into the people, and some of it is sent to overseas colonies to comfort the soldiers who are fighting abroad, which is also one of the benefits of the overseas colonial army.

As for whether they like it or not, Jiang Tao doesn't care, it's better than buying some African girls as military prostitutes.

Cheng Zhang was very dissatisfied with the total income of only several million taels of silver, which was only enough for the maintenance cost of the naval warships and the pensions for the fallen soldiers. , can greatly deter countries such as Southeast Asia, and now Annan, Laos, Champa and other countries will pay tribute in the future, and they must send troops to conquer."

Jiang Tao smiled wryly. Unexpectedly, the third uncle also became a militant. At this time, Huang Zongxi had a different opinion: "Your Majesty, there are three major issues that are unresolved now, so there should be no more incidents. The Korean Army is the main force in the conquest of Japan, so let's not talk about it." , but the imperial court has been fighting for a long time, and when Yunnan and Guizhou are settled down and these three major issues are dealt with, it is time to recuperate."

Jiang Tao saw that he had forgotten about Mongolia, Northeast China, Tibet, and the Great Northwest, and he knew it well, so he didn't refute that these places would be recovered sooner or later. He just asked, "Old Huang can be blunt, what are the three things?"

Huang Zongxi said lightly: "First, the prince is in charge of the power of the empire, which is what people want, but if he doesn't want to win the world, it's hard to guarantee that someone will gossip, and the world will eventually be unstable!"

"Secondly, the Yellow River is flooded. Millions of silver dollars are spent every year to control the river, but it is ineffective, causing people to be displaced and the court's burden increased."

"Thirdly, in the northwest and southwest regions, the nearest ones are the Tatar Tumote tribe in the northwest of Xiningwei, the Turpan tribe at the end of the Suzhouwei Great Wall, and the Congling Yeerqiang tribe in the desert. When the Ming Dynasty was established, they had surrendered to Ming Dynasty. However, when the Tumu Fortress Incident, which changed the prestige of Ming Dynasty, the three tribes began to rebel, making life difficult for the frontier people. Since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, they have calmed down a bit, and After the Tartars left, they began to rebel again. They invaded Shaanxi and Gansu last year. Now that the autumn harvest is coming, we must guard against them. In addition to these three tribes, there are also two tribes controlled by the Qiang, the Duogansi Xuanweisi and the Uszang Xuanweisi. Big tribes. These two tribes are entrenched in Sichuan, controlling the entire Tibet, and behind them is the Mughal Empire. Because of their condescending position, they pose a serious threat to the safety of the Ming Empire."

Jiang Tao was taken aback. He didn't expect there to be so many problems, and the problems were so serious. Fortunately, there was no large-scale foreign military use, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Now the Shaanxi-Gansu Military Region has only two sharpshooters and one part of the second sharpshooter division, and there are tens of thousands of places for defense. It looks like a lot, but it can't defend a territory as large as the northwest. The main reason is that these tribes have a large number of cavalry. Run away, hard to guard against.

In fact, Jiang Tao knew that Huang Zongxi hadn't mentioned the powerful Geldan Khanate, so he thought about it for a while and said calmly: "You can send an order to General Jiang Xin to lead [-] tiger and leopard cavalry and [-] spear cavalry Immediately rush to help Shaanxi and Gansu, and we must not let the year-long hard work of the people be in vain."

He sighed again: "When the Zhou army takes Yungui, this king will be proclaimed emperor. As for the flooding of the Yellow River, can you elders have a solution?"

"My lord, in this way, the symptoms will not be cured. The Qiang people are nomadic people. When the empire is strong, they will pay tribute to them. Once the empire is weak, they will fight against each other. Why don't you gather troops to sweep the northwest and make it an empire?" In this way, there is a way to deal with the various ministries of Mongolia. As for the colonial affairs, we can gradually figure it out. The only way to deal with the flood of the Yellow River is to control the river. There is no other way. Keep the banks of the Yellow River stable for decades." Huang Zongxi said earnestly.

Jiang Tao knew that Huang Zongxi and others felt compassion for the conquest of Japan, but if the empire wants to be strong, it must be stained with the blood of foreign races. Only by vigorously developing colonies can the empire have the money to build places, develop industry and commerce, and have the money to conquer rebellion. Now that the northwest is unstable, it is a serious problem, and he ordered again: "Taking advantage of the opportunity of the other party to plunder, we just wiped out all the invaders and regained the northwest, making it a sharp blade of the empire, not a plundering horse thief, come! , Immediately sent an order to General Jiang Xin to command [-] cavalry to make the three tribes of Tatar Tumed and Turpan surrender, and the cavalry of the empire should show their swords."

"My lord is brilliant, as long as the imperial court uses [-] cavalry to defeat the opponent, the opponent will definitely surrender, then let them fight for the empire and make enemies everywhere, so that they can only rely on the imperial court in the future, and they will be completely attached to the imperial court to achieve enlightenment Purpose!" Cheng Zhang kept pointing.

"The prince's plan is feasible." Even Huang Zongxi and other great scholars agreed.

Jiang Tao nodded. In fact, he was also learning from the experience of later generations.When the Russian Empire dealt with the nomadic Cossacks, it adopted a policy of soft use.That is, the Russian government is legally the ruler of the Cossacks, but it has an employment relationship with the Cossacks.The Cossacks produced people, the Russian government provided money, and then expanded eastward.

The Cossacks are the sharp sword of Russia's external expansion. In this way, the Cossacks made enemies all over the world, and eventually completely belonged to the Russian Empire. At the same time, they helped the Russian Empire to lay down a vast territory of Siberia.

Jiang Tao was determined that as long as he won this battle, the empire would have qualified cavalry and horse ranches. As for the flooding of the Yellow River, he had other ideas.

If you want the country to have long-term stability, you must immigrate to the northwest, assimilate the local tribes, and make them a member of the empire. If you want to develop a colony, you must also immigrate overseas. Jiang Tao really does not know where to find such a large number of immigrants. .

Now the empire not only has enough land for every household, but also does not need to pay taxes. Who would like to go to the Northwest to suffer, let alone go to the distant America.

Now that the floods on both sides of the Yellow River have caused hundreds of thousands of refugees, it is just time to increase immigration from the Americas, so that people on both sides of the Strait can avoid places where floods are frequent. In fact, Jiang Tao knows that the only way to control the Yellow River is to start from the upper reaches. The loss caused the water of the Yellow River to entrain a large amount of silt, and when it flowed to the downstream, the silt was continuously deposited, causing the river bed to rise, so the embankment had to be raised continuously.

But now the upper reaches of the Yellow River are not under Jiang Tao's control, and the problem of water and soil erosion is very serious. Especially in order to develop in later generations, a large number of deep forests have been cut down, resulting in environmental degradation. Now that the imperial court is loose in finances, he ordered the cabinet to issue a decree that the people do not understand : "Set up a forest protection team to put an end to illegal logging by the people, implement quota felling, strictly prohibit felling towering trees, set fire to the forest and rebel with life imprisonment, encourage tree planting, plant a tree, and survive one cent of copper coins."

Quota felling refers to the selective felling of a forest, rather than comprehensive destruction, and must be replanted in time after felling.

In addition to mobilizing the people, Jiang Tao also asked the local guards to plant trees on both sides of the road or on the hills on a regular basis. Each soldier must plant ten trees a year.

In this way, the rural areas will not be affected, mainly because most of the rural areas have straw and wheat stalks that can be used to start fires, and some dead wood and branches are enough. However, the supply of firewood in the cities has become tense. Fortunately, Jiang Tao did not put an end to felling. No chaos was caused, and briquettes became prevalent in some areas.

Many years later, afforestation has become a traditional virtue of the empire. Everyone must plant a tree when they are adults, when they get married, they must also plant trees, and when they have children, they must also plant trees...

However, this also caused bad consequences, that is, in the entire Central Plains, except for cultivated land, there was no open space to plant trees, which made a lot of jokes.

PS: Ask for recommendation tickets and collections
(End of this chapter)

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