The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 220 Gambling Fight 1

Chapter 220 Gambling Fight 1
All of a sudden, the empire sent troops on three sides. Even though the empire had huge financial resources, it couldn't afford such consumption. In the end, Jiang Tao had to borrow 5000 million silver dollars from Huaxing Bank, which relieved the financial pressure, but the money had to be repaid.

Fortunately, Huaxing Bank now has 11 branches, and the deposits of ordinary people have exceeded 5000 billion silver dollars, and [-] million silver dollars will not cause major confusion.

What Jiang Tao was most worried about was the Shaanxi-Gansu battlefield. After all, dealing with nomads was the last thing to be taken lightly, so he gave Jiang Xin and Jiang Shi a death order, not to come back until the three tribes in the west were settled.


At the same time, Jiang Xin had brought [-] cavalry to Lanzhou, the headquarters of the Shaanxi-Gansu Military Region.

The great general Jiang Shi didn't come out to greet him, the cavalry general, Jiang Xin gave a wry smile, and secretly said, "Now that you are only twenty this year, you brothers have all become generals commanding hundreds of thousands of troops. As the head of the family, I am afraid that I will either be killed by the officers and soldiers, or rob the big family..."

He thought about it unbelievably for a while, settled in the camp, and went directly to meet Jiang Shi. He has always been very guilty about Jiang Shi's arm injury.

When he came to the General's Mansion, he saw that Jiang Shi was like a sharp sword, which made people dare not look directly at him. Jiang Xin didn't dare to neglect, and with a smile on his face, he said straight to the point: "Brother Shi, my brother is late. , now that the autumn harvest is over, is there any movement from them?"

Although Jiang Shi was only 20 years old, since he was defeated and broke his arm, he changed from his former impatience. After so many years, he has already figured it out. In fact, he blamed himself back then. If it wasn't for Jiang Xin, he might have died Although he was still a little pissed about Jiang Xin, his expression finally calmed down, and he said sternly: "It's business, this is not the time to reminisce about the old days, the general has received the order from the prince, although it is at all costs, but I will try my best To reduce losses, the prince has only allocated 2000 million silver dollars for military expenses for the time being, do you have a perfect plan?"

"Hehe, my little brother has been walking all the way and thought of two strategies. The first strategy is to wait for the rabbit, withdraw the soldiers and civilians hundreds of miles away from the border, use a lot of labor to implement the clearing of the wall, and at the same time set up a huge pocket formation, just waiting for the opponent to take the bait. The opponent is willing to come, my cavalry blocked the opponent's retreat, and my brother defended in Lanzhou and other places, and wiped them all out."

"Another strategy is to lure the snake out of the hole. The [-] light cavalry in my cavalry harass the opponent's camp around, irritate the opponent, lead the opponent to a specific position, use advanced firearms to defeat the opponent first, and then our cavalry will vigorously pursue and kill the opponent until the opponent surrenders."

Jiang Xin said two strategies in a row, Jiang Shi nodded in admiration: "Good strategy, but in order to subdue the other party, the lord had better use an upright method to defeat the other party, so they will be convinced, because they have upright personalities, and they are the most proud of them." Let’s use cavalry against cavalry to break their pride and make them never dare to fight against the prince again, but what is the combat effectiveness of your light cavalry? I’m afraid it’s not enough to rely on [-] tiger and leopard cavalry.”

Although Jiang Xin disapproved, he did not refute, saying: "Our Qingqi is very extraordinary. They use thickened combat vests, which are named bulletproof vests by the prince. They weigh 22 catties, almost twice the weight of the combat vest times, now only light cavalry and spear cavalry are worn, and they have good defense against all kinds of weapons. They can even defend against the shooting of Milu guns from a hundred meters away, and their defense against arrows is even better. It is heavy weapons such as mace, and their riding and shooting are also good, definitely not worse than the opponent's."

Jiang Shi secretly shouted "Okay", but said calmly: "Okay, let's challenge these three tribes, as long as they win our cavalry, food, gold, silver, and supplies will be given for free. If they lose , you must listen to us, if they dare to go back on their word, we will bring the army to chase and kill them, and they will never die!"

"This? Gambling?" Jiang Xin didn't expect Jiang Shi to be serious, and asked suspiciously: "Will they come? What if they send another part of cavalry to take this opportunity to loot the people on the border, and the prince blames it, we can't bear it rise."

"It doesn't matter, the lord has given us full responsibility for this matter. The other party came to plunder only for winter supplies. As long as your cavalry can win, I don't know if you have confidence? And the brother of the **** heard about this and sent Fifty thousand cavalry support us to defend the border, after all Ningxia and other places have become our territory, they have benefited from tax exemption, and they want to repay the great kindness of the prince." Jiang Shi looked at Jiang Xin squarely, and said confidently.

Jiang Xin's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat. If the cavalry failed, his years of hard work would be in vain. Even if the prince didn't blame him, he would have no face to take charge of the cavalry. He didn't want to show weakness at this time, after all, he had his pride.

If the gambling fight can be carried out smoothly, and if one side can win, it is indeed a good way to conquer the opponent. In this way, the opponent has no reason to hold grudges against the empire, and casualties can be reduced.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xin smiled lightly and said, "Brother Shi, is sister-in-law coming? Alright, let me show you the majesty of our cavalry."

Jiang Shi gave a wry smile. He never thought that he could be liked by the princess with a disability. It was a trick of fate. That woman often came to harass him, causing all the soldiers in the army to know about it. The prince even nodded in agreement. I issued a military order that I must marry her back. If the other party does not agree, I will rob the marriage. However, according to the rules of the government, I and her can only become a good memory.

Jiang Shi shook his head, dispelled the unhappiness in his heart, and said with a stern face: "Don't talk nonsense, if you are under the general's command, you would have been locked up for ten days. Well, in fact, since I received the order from the prince, I have been against you. These tribes wrote a letter of war and reported this matter to the prince, you have to agree if you disagree."

Jiang Xin laughed loudly and said, "Okay, Brother Shi has not changed, he is still so stubborn and domineering, but although this strategy is a bit risky, it is of great benefit to the empire to win over the hearts of these tribes, with [-]* *The help of the cavalry will surely relieve some of the pressure."


But at this time, the Tatar Tumed tribe was the first to receive the war letter, and the whole tribe was furious. Daming actually wanted to compete with him in a horse riding battle.

Regarding the spoils after the victory, the tribal leader Tudar Khan was very moved and worried that this was a scam by the Han people. It took him a long time to calm down and asked the nobles in the tooth tent: "Tell me, what should I do about this matter?" ?”

Among them, Ubashi, the head of the ten thousand husbands, said respectfully: "Khan, if you don't get anything this year, the tribes and cattle and sheep will be reduced. Now it seems that the other party has prepared. The Ming Empire has defeated the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. It must not be underestimated, let’s take this gauntlet, first, it’s not hurtful, and second, it’s good for winning or losing. If we win, we’ll take the spoils. It’s what the Khan says.”

Another person laughed loudly and said, "Well said, can our cavalry still beat the opponent's cavalry?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid this is a trick of the Han people, so we must guard against it!" Tudal snorted coldly.

"The outside of Xining City is endless. We can gather [-] cavalry, so what's the use of tricks? By the way, if you don't feel relieved, we can contact the Turpan Ministry and go to Xining City together." Ubash said bluntly.

"Well, very good, today is different from previous years, so let's go to contact the other party, so that we can take care of each other if we go together." Tudal nodded.

The Turpan tribe also received the letter of war. When they heard Tudal's invitation, they felt that it was feasible, so they led [-] cavalry to Xining.

Half a month later, the two tribes merged with some small tribes, gathered enough 20 cavalry to gather outside Xining City, and Jiang Tao's [-] cavalry, two sharpshooters, and half a sharpshooter had been waiting for a long time.

As for the Yarkand tribe, they did not come because of the harassment of the Geldan Khanate. Yarkand King Ismail Khan had other ideas about this. He was going to play by ear. Seeing the opportunity, he begged Daming to send troops to deal with the rising Geldan Khan. If the Turpan tribe and other tribes won, he would recruit some cavalry and demand money and food from Daming. I believe Daming would make a wise choice.

PS: Ask for recommendation tickets and collections
(End of this chapter)

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