Chapter 225
At the same time, the Korean army sent a good news. The Japanese on the two big islands of Kyushu and Shikoku had been wiped out, except for a small number who fled into the mountains. A total of 30 young and strong laborers and more than [-] young women were captured.

Moreover, the imperial army received a large amount of gold and silver treasures, with a total value of more than [-] million silver dollars. Most of them were handed over to the national treasury, and a small part was distributed to the marines and navy.

The North Korean side obtained more materials and gold and silver. The direct result of this was that the goods produced by the empire were sold well in North Korea, and the trade volume surged. In the end, most of the wealth went to the imperial treasury, which further stimulated the industry of the Dahua Empire. Production.

However, the North Korean side didn’t notice it, and instead felt complacent. Anyway, the money came easily, and they asked the empire to allow them to attack Japan’s Honshu again. As for the 13 Korean soldiers who died in this battle, they were directly ignored by the Korean royal family.

The extermination policy of looting, killing, and burning used in this battle, if the cabinet did not intervene in this matter, I am afraid that more than 30 people would not be able to stay. Of course, these people are kept to serve as free labor for the empire and to stimulate the empire. Consumption, these young laborers were left in Japan to engage in production, or mining, or farming, and began a slave-like life, while the slightly attractive women were selected and shipped back to the country, most of which will be shipped to Japan. In North America, the Korean Legion was left in Kyushu and Shikoku to supervise the prisoners and kill the remaining rebels.

During this period, the Tokugawa shogunate tried many times to rescue Shikoku and other islands, but most of the ships that went to sea were sunk by the cruisers of the Black Dragon Fleet, and the few that reached these islands were of no great use.

This incident caused great panic in Japan. The population of Japan dropped to more than 600 million at once, and the other losses were countless.

For this reason, General Tokugawa's mansion has become a mess.

The old man Sakai Zhongqing yelled and said: "Baga, North Korea and Ming Dynasty have deceived people too much. I, the Great Japan, will fight to the death. I would rather die for jade than for everything."

All of a sudden, there was only dull breathing in the entire General's Mansion. After a long time, Masatoshi Hotta retorted: "My lord, absolutely not, now our country is blocked by the Black Dragon Fleet and has become an isolated island, and it has lost nearly 200 million people. And Ming Dynasty has a population of more than 7000 million, if the other party wants to destroy our country, it is a very simple matter, for the prosperity of Great Japan, Your Excellency and all of you must endure."

"Bold, as long as you agree to the conditions of the Ming Empire, Great Japan will really be over." The old man Sakai Zhongqing wanted to slash this person, but he didn't move, and roared angrily.

"Not necessarily. Now that Japan has imposed a sea ban, it is completely self-sufficient. Gold and silver are not of much use. After experiencing this defeat, the common people have already realized the hatefulness and cruelty of North Korea and Ming Dynasty. I believe the common people will agree to hand over their heads. On the surface, we are tolerant and only retain one hundred thousand troops, but secretly manufacture a large number of advanced warships, cast a large number of artillery and train warriors. It only takes ten years to defeat the invading Koreans and Ming people. We need everyone's efforts, maybe we can occupy North Korea and Ming Dynasty, and then return blood with blood." After Masatoshi Hotta spoke impassionedly, everyone nodded in agreement. The demeanor was taken away by Masatoshi Hotta.

The key point is that this person controls an elite army of tens of thousands, and even the boss Sakai Zhongqing dare not offend at will.

At this moment, the third-generation shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna spoke: "That's it, please."

The elder Sakai Zhongqing had no choice but to agree.

Masatoshi Hotta personally acted as a special envoy and arrived in Jiangning with the help of the Black Dragon Fleet.

When Jiang Tao saw the upright Masatoshi Hotta, he was taken aback. He did not expect that the Tokugawa shogunate had such talents, but at this time he was really not sure to rely on the Korean Army to destroy Japan. After all, Honshu now has 60 soldiers and horses, and the power Concentration, single nationality, unity of heart, extremely difficult to deal with.

"Hehe, a truce is fine. If you offend me, you will have to pay a greater price. The previous conditions included a large number of smelted copper ingots, plus 1000 million shi of grain per year and [-] beauties every year. You can't make it up. , it must be the original product, otherwise it will anger me, and you will face the danger of destroying the country."

Jiang Tao sneered and proposed a way to restrict the opponent's population.

Masatoshi Hotta's expression changed. He didn't expect that Da Ming had become Da Hua, and the opponent's conditions were so harsh. After some calculations in his mind, he finally felt that it would be beneficial to go to war after a few years of dormancy, so he bowed to the ground and replied calmly: " The subordinates dare not disobey the imperial decree of Emperor Dahua."

"Okay, very good." Jiang Tao was more cautious in his heart. This is really a difficult nation. Hmph, if you want to play tricks with me, let's wait and see.

So far, Jiang Tao has built military bases in Daban, Yamaguchi, Wakayama, Kanagawa, Aomori and other places in Honshu, Japan. Each military base stationed [-] Korean soldiers. Only the Kanagawa base stationed a marine division and [-] Korean soldiers. Each of the four countries stationed [-] Korean soldiers, and the empire only retained a small number of soldiers and horses.

When Jiang Tao ordered the merchants under his command to go to Japan to dump goods and buy grain, they ran into trouble. The Japanese people were bewitched by the Tokugawa shogunate, and they would not buy goods from the Dahua Empire, nor would they sell the surplus grain in their hands. However, Jiang Tao's cheap items could not be sold.

Jiang Tao was very angry, and once again learned the cunning of the Tokugawa shogunate, he simply withdrew all the caravans. Anyway, with the current harsh conditions, the Tokugawa shogunate could not last for a few years, and they would wait for them to rebel.

Jiang Tao gave one-tenth of the harvest to the Korean royal family. After all, the Korean soldiers are still very useful, and if they want them to work hard in the future, they have to let them taste the sweetness.

In fact, at this time, he could not spare a lot of troops to use in the colonial war and maintain the stability of Japan. The empire can not only obtain a large amount of food reserves, but also obtain stable wealth. With these, the Dahua Empire can be healthy and orderly develop.

As for the secret tricks, they will have little effect in the face of absolute strength.

But Tokugawa took advantage of the empire's aggression, publicized the spirit of Bushido, and was always ready to resist the oppression of the empire.

On the other hand, a large number of fortresses and secret bases were built in the mountains, a large number of people were encouraged to give birth in the country, and the people were called on to save money in order to increase Japan's war potential.

And during the slack season, the system of all the people is implemented. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the empire, most of them gather at night to practice, and choose the strong ones to go to the secret base in the mountains.

As for the warships, because their technology is not up to the mark, they have to imitate the North Korean turtle ships on the basis of the original warships, covering the surface of the warships with iron sheets and spikes. However, their country's iron production is extremely limited. Due to the blockade of the Black Dragon Fleet, They couldn't buy them, and as a result, there were only about [-] iron-clad warships with an annual output of hundreds of tons.

However, Jiang Tao was not concealed from these, because of the strong intervention of the Great China Empire, many Japanese traitors appeared in Japan, and they would report every move of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Jiang Tao sneered, and waited until the border troubles of the empire were resolved before mobilizing Korean soldiers to deal with you.

(End of this chapter)

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