The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 226 Kangxi VS Peter the Great's Dad

Chapter 226 Kangxi VS Peter the Great's Dad
Compared with the tranquility of the Great China Empire, Siberia at this time was in full swing, with dead bodies everywhere.

The contemporary Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov is also an extraordinary person. Seeing that he can't fight for a long time and the supply line is stretched, he has the intention to retreat. He also learned a lot at this time, but What was exchanged for blood was mainly the intensive use of artillery. Since Man Qing had more artillery than him, he took advantage of this battle.

He secretly vowed that he must increase the artillery force under his command.

If it wasn't for his cautious nature and the desperate fighting of his soldiers and horses this time, his expeditionary force might have been completely defeated.

But it is not optimistic at this time. He has gathered more than 30 troops this time, including 10,000 infantry. He fought fiercely for several months. The subsequent pursuit and killing must also be a scene of great defeat.

Originally, the area around Lake Baikal had become Russia's sphere of influence, but it was unexpected that the Manchus would use troops against Siberia without warning, killing all the Russians around this place, making this place the Manchu's sphere of influence. , Russia's remote combat is very unfavorable to Russia's situation.

Moreover, Tsar Alexei had received accurate information at this time, and the Qing and Mongolian ministries had recruited another 30 Mongolian cavalry, which means that the enemy on the opposite side already had nearly 80 cavalry, and the combat effectiveness of the opponent was not as imagined so weak.

Only then did Alexei know that he had stabbed a hornet's nest. The shadow of the brutal Mongolian cavalry many years ago was still deeply imprinted on the hearts of Russians. The reason why he dared to come here was because he learned that Mongolia at this time had been divided. Dozens of tribes, big and small, fought against each other, and they were not afraid at all. Who knew that the emperor of the Qing Dynasty had such great ability, and he could recruit such a huge number of Mongolian cavalry. This was the most incomprehensible thing for him.

Being blown by the cold wind and snow, Alexei couldn't help shivering, cursing secretly in his heart: "These hateful Jurchens, Da Ming didn't want to grab such a huge territory, but instead came to grab the cold Siberia, they are really greedy savages!" The wolf, but it hurts me, and it is hard to get off the tiger at this time, what should I do?"

In the end, he was ruthless and ordered the remaining [-] Cossack cavalry to stay behind to block the enemy. He led [-] elite royal cavalry to retreat first, while the remaining [-] infantry retreated slowly.

In fact, he knows that this battle has already failed, and most of the soldiers and horses will be abandoned, but he must return to Moscow with [-] elite cavalry, otherwise after this defeat, the country will definitely be unstable, and those nobles must be stealing Laughing, thinking of his beautiful wife and the five-year-old little Peter (the future Peter the Great), Alexei felt warm and wanted to go back no matter what.

Alexei did not delay any longer, and withdrew first with [-] elite troops, while the remaining soldiers and horses were all terrified. How could they dare to withdraw slowly? One fast, even lost hundreds of precious cannons, but unfortunately they are only infantry, no matter how hard they run, they can't outrun the cavalry.

Only the strong Cossack cavalry stayed, and they wanted to run away too, but the commander refused to agree. First, Tsar Alexei promised a lot of benefits. For their professional ethics, honor, and countless wealth, they had to stay. The second is that the Cossack generals did not think that they could not stop the opponent's offensive for three days, because they were great dragoons and great Cossack knights, and they had experienced all kinds of cruel and bad wars.

So they must stay, or die, or have a lot of wealth.


Kangxi knew the big movement on the other side clearly. He had just arrived at the front line. Some time ago, he personally visited Kulun Living Buddha in Mongolia. Since Kangxi was proficient in Mongolian and believed in Lamaism, the two formed a deep friendship as a matter of course. .

With the help of Kulun Living Buddha, Kangxi showed love to the leaders of the Mongolian tribes and lured them with benefits. Finally, the leaders of the Mongolians were both tempted and worried. After that, the leaders of the Mongolians once again recruited 30 troops, vowing to wipe out the land. Raksha people, and prepare to use troops against Raksha people next year in order to retaliate against Raksha people's provocation.

At this time, Kangxi came with reinforcements. He didn't want the other party to want to escape. Kangxi actually admired the Cossack cavalry on the opposite side. Their combat effectiveness was not weaker than the elite cavalry of the Manchu Eight Banners. However, Kangxi was confident to keep the other party , because it was snowing, and the other party became a lone army, the vast Siberia could not be left in a day or two.

On the one hand, he ordered Tuhai to lead 20 Manchu Eight Banners cavalry to chase and kill the fleeing Raksha people from the right wing, and he also ordered Kang Prince Jieshu to lead 20 Mongolian cavalry to outflank the left wing to kill the fleeing Raksha people.

Kangxi himself led 30 Mongolian cavalry to confront the Cossack cavalry.

At this time, the sky was freezing and the snow was falling heavily. Cannons, muskets, and even bows and arrows lost their original functions.

The only reliable things are the scimitar in hand and the war horse under his crotch.

Fortunately, the officers and soldiers of Mongolia and the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are very cold-resistant, and not many people were frozen to death. Although the Mongolian soldiers at this time were all wearing thick and loose robes, with only a pair of eyes exposed, it was inconvenient for them to wield a scimitar. But the same is true of the Cossack cavalry on the opposite side. They are still wearing heavy armor, which is even more unbearable.

In order to reduce losses, Kangxi did not launch a general attack, because the cold winter snow was the greatest weapon. As long as the heavy cavalry on the opposite side dared to escape, the Mongolian light cavalry would pursue them. If the opponent came to attack, Kangxi did not intend to fight desperately. Youdou is the biggest method, until the opponent is exhausted, and he is waiting, waiting for the good news from Tuhai and Jieshu.

When they return victoriously, it will be the time of the decisive battle. At that time, these Raksha people have only two paths to go, either become slaves of the Manchu Empire, or be buried in ice and snow, and become fertilizer to moisten weeds.

These few months of traveling have broadened Kangxi's horizons, and the hatred of being driven back to the customs by the black tiger bandit army has always inspired him, and his mind has become clearer. He knows that the strength of Man Qing alone is no match for the black tiger The guns of the army, let alone regain the fertile Central Plains, but if you add the Mongolian tribes with a population of 800 million, it is another thing.

It's a pity that he still can't mobilize all the power of the Mongolian tribes, and the nobles of the Mongolian tribes are used to living a luxurious life, and they are not enthusiastic about the gathering of troops to enter the customs and the desperate affairs of the Black Tiger Army. Infiltrating into Mongolia, they sold large quantities of cheap materials and bought Mongolian people's hearts. This was the biggest threat to the Qing Dynasty. Although Kangxi repeatedly obstructed this matter, all Mongolian ministries were openly or secretly defending it.

Kangxi is very distressed. If he wants to enter the customs again, he needs the support of various Mongolian ministries. However, the current loose model will not play a big role. Recently, he has been thinking about how to properly annex the various Mongolian ministries. However, since the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Back outside the customs, the prestige of the Qing Dynasty was greatly challenged. Although the Mongolian ministries at this time belonged to the Qing Dynasty in name, they actually had great autonomy. The Ministry didn't even want to give the nine white tribute. If it wasn't for the relationship with Mongolia Kulun Living Buddha this time, I'm afraid this battle would not be so smooth.

This is very bad, and it is extremely detrimental to the Qing Dynasty. If all the ministries are completely annexed by force, it will not be possible in a short time. At that time, the Mongolian ministries will definitely be pushed to the side of the Black Tiger Army. This is what worries Kangxi the most.

But Mongols worship heroes most, and Kangxi is trying to make himself an omnipotent hero.

With the strength of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi was sure to defeat the invading Rakshas, ​​but he still let the Mongols participate, firstly, to reduce the loss of the Qing Dynasty, and secondly, under the banner of Genghis Khan, he wanted to restore the Mongolian ministries to the past. Bloody, let me recall those glorious histories, and take this opportunity to show the Mongols the strength of the Qing Dynasty and the heroism of the Qing Emperor.

In fact, Kangxi also has another purpose, which is to let the Black Tiger Army go out to deal with him. At that time, people will definitely panic. Kangxi is [-]% sure that all the Mongolian ministries will follow his arrangement. He didn't believe that the Black Tiger bandit army could defeat the Manchurian and Mongolian allied forces with millions of riders. When the bandit army was defeated, the Qing Dynasty would have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Because everyone knows the reason why the lips are cold and the teeth are dead, it is a pity that the Black Tiger Army did not move, but now Kangxi has another idea, which is to use the Mongolian ministries and the Qing Dynasty to plunder Russia. Capital, the second is to gradually disintegrate the prestige of the Mongolian nobles during the war, gain the trust of the huge Mongolian soldiers, and finally unknowingly erode the entire Mongolian tribe, completely inheriting and unifying the strength of the various Mongolian ministries.

For this reason, Kangxi rewarded and rewarded the brave Mongolian soldiers, gave them a lot of gold and silver and foreign women, and even selected a large number of Han women to reward the Mongolian officers and soldiers. He saw that as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he He doesn't need anything but military power. With an army, he can grab anything. Isn't that how his ancestors got rich.

For Kangxi's generosity, the Mongolian soldiers were very convinced and loved. Kangxi took the opportunity to recruit many supporters, most of whom were Mongolian herdsmen. As for the leaders of various Mongolian tribes, they were not in the mood to fight everywhere.

For this strategy, Kangxi would also like to thank Jiang Tao, because he was inspired by the Black Tiger Army. Kangxi believes that in a few years, he will enter the customs again with millions of cavalry. , all Han Chinese who resist must die.

In the evening of the same day, hundreds of thousands of cavalry led by Tu Hai and Jie Shu caught up with the fleeing Rakshasa people, and 40 cavalry rushed in like an overwhelming sea. Under the wave of hundreds of thousands of scimitars, within two hours, The rout soldiers who spread for tens of miles were killed without any armor left, and steaming blood splashed on the snow, like blossoming blood-red plum blossoms, gradually forming blood-red ice crystals.

In fact, most of these Russian infantrymen were trampled to death by horses, and a few were hacked to death. The battlefield for tens of miles became a field of Shura, and there were very few survivors. With these delays, Russian Tsar Alexei finally escaped, but after that The news of the failure of the Eastern Expedition spread, which not only caused some civil strife, but also saw that the powerful Ottoman Empire had an opportunity to take advantage of it, and it was ready to move on the Russian border.

The battered Russian Tsar Alexei no longer cared about revenge.

The remaining 80 Cossack cavalry were surrounded by the [-] Manchurian cavalry. They neither fought nor let go, but continued to consume their physical energy. In the end, the Cossack cavalry had to take off their heavy armor and fight with the Manchurian coalition forces. In a decisive battle, all of them were killed in the end, which made Kangxi sigh, but the Manchu-Mongolian coalition suffered more than [-] casualties, half of them were frostbitten, so he had to withdraw his troops.

He pondered that the strength of the Qing Empire next year must be even stronger.

On the 1676th day of the twelfth lunar month in [-], information about the victory of the Manchu Qing over the Russian Expeditionary Force was sent to Jiang Tao. Jiang Tao was taken aback. He did not expect that Kangxi would be forced to go outside the pass, and he would be able to show his power. Not only did he not sign the Nerchinsk Treaty with Russia. , but almost wiped out the Russian Expeditionary Force. At this moment, Jiang Tao had to re-plan the country's strategic deployment. The previous strategy of driving away wolves and tigers gave Kangxi a chance to develop his strength. , He immediately ordered the female officials around him to summon the cabinet ministers.

The border is not stable, the empire is not stable, let alone rich and powerful, Kangxi was originally forgotten by Jiang Tao, but now he is paying attention to him again: "Kangxi is really extraordinary."

PS: Please recommend and collect.
(End of this chapter)

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