Chapter 233
After five days, the position outside Shengjing City was built. Fortunately, the preparations were sufficient this time, and the cabinet mobilized hundreds of large cargo ships of more than [-] tons to transport a large amount of combat materials.

It is obvious that it will save a lot of effort to transport military supplies by sea.

Jiang Tao didn't dare to wait. The situation of the battle was unclear at this time, and the main force of the Qing army could not be captured. The empire was very passive. A powerful tool for other countries.

Once the position is completed, it is equivalent to taking root in the Liaodong area. Jiang Tao no longer has any worries, and immediately led 20 cavalry, the 1st Artillery Division, the Special Warfare Division, and two sharpshooter divisions across Shengjing and swept away.

Since all elite troops were used in this battle, and even the two sharpshooters had horses, although they were dragged down by cannons and rocket vehicles, the marching speed was not slow, with a daily march of 120 miles.

The Qing soldiers blocking the way, as well as all the villages and towns were burned. Except for those who died in resistance, the rest were taken to warships by [-] local garrison troops who came to help, and transported to Taiwan, Ezo and other islands. Some of those who committed serious crimes were taken to the mining area and sentenced to lifelong labor reform.

But three days later, not only did they not find the main force of the Manchu Qing, but they couldn't even see anyone.

Nothing was left in the desolate villages and towns, as if they had entered a ghost, and there were very few landmines sounding from time to time, causing some casualties.

Jiang Tao had no choice but to drive the horses to open the way. The more he walked, the more he went wrong. He smiled wryly in his heart.

If Kangxi cannot be wiped out before the severe winter, this year's battle will be in vain.

After the next day, Jiang Tao joined the Second Route Army, and they encountered the same situation.

Jiang Tao stopped his progress and hastily held a military meeting to study the current problem.

The war is fought with manpower and material resources. According to statistics, Shengjing is surrounded at this time, and the opponent's population has been weakened by a million, while the opponent still has a population of about 400 million. The strength is still not small, and the opponent does not attack directly. Such a vast It is very difficult to disintegrate the opponent in one go.

In this battle, our side has used nearly 6000 troops, and the war has lasted more than a month, and it has already consumed [-] million silver dollars. In addition, it has spent about [-] million silver dollars on the acquisition of various Mongolian ministries. I still have no idea.

Jiang Tao said seriously: "Do you generals have a solution?"

Han Yong, Wei Donglai, Jiang Wuji and others were all silent.

After a while, Han Yongcai said: "Your Majesty, we have already expelled the Qing troops in Liaoning and Jilin, only the Heilongjiang area has not entered. One can send some small warships along the Heilongjiang River and send some elite troops to patrol the opponent's main force. Now It's already the beginning of July, we can continue to march into the Heilongjiang area, we still have two months, if we can't wipe out the opponent in two months, we can only retreat, and try to wipe out the Manchus next year."

Jiang Tao knew this was right, but if the Manchu affairs were not resolved, the empire would not be able to do whatever it wanted, so he nodded and said, "Very well, Han Yong, you stay in Jilin and take charge of building fortifications. Looking for trouble, most of our soldiers and horses are not tolerant to severe cold, this is the truth, but we have to keep the front line of Jilin, the other party does not have this year's farming support, let's see what the other party eats, hehe, the food and grass planted by the other party happened to be prepared for us. The autumn harvest will be over in a month or so, everyone should pay attention, North Korea is near here, so more North Koreans will come over, if the other party comes to grab the grain, if they can’t keep it, the first thing to do is to burn the grain.”

"Your Majesty is wise." All the generals also laughed, if they looked at it this way, their side might be able to win without a fight.

However, Wei Donglai raised his concerns: "Your Majesty, Heilongjiang has dense forests and many mountains. The Qing army occupies the terrain. We can't take advantage of our firearms. If we can't deal with the Qing Dynasty this year, there will definitely be changes in Myanmar, Mongolia, and Japan. At that time, the empire will be in endless wars, and the strength accumulated over the years may be wiped out, but I have a plan, but it is a bit harmful?"

"Oh!" Jiang Tao was surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Come quickly."

"The purpose of the other party's removal of the people is very simple. It is to keep the people. With the people, we can fight with us. We have cavalry. The other party must not dare to hide the people on the plains, so they can only hide in the mountains. Now that autumn is crisp and clear, all the Qing soldiers will have nowhere to hide with just one fire, and then they will have to fight us decisively."

On a hot day, everyone couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, and Jiang Tao's heart was like a stormy sea. Once the fire was set off, the virgin forest would turn into a gray land, and the animals and people in it would die without a place to bury them. The key is that there are many Han Chinese among them, and it is really difficult for him to choose.

The largest mountain range among them is the world-famous Greater Khingan Mountains. Jiang Tao had a premonition that the other party was hiding in it, otherwise these millions of people would not disappear for nothing. This is really despicable, but the protracted and fierce battle will be very detrimental to the empire. .

Jiang Tao closed his eyes and thought for a long time, finally sighed and said: "If there is really no other way to send troops to Daxing'anling, then we have to make a bad move, and those who stand in the way of the empire will die."

When they arrived in Daxing'anling, they found the traces of the people, but the people on the other side were all soldiers, and they hated the empire extremely. Although the empire had advanced firearms, it was struggling every step of the way. The Qing soldiers still occupied the ground, but the imperial cavalry was inconvenient to fight, and the sharpshooters could not give full play to their superiority in strength, and the battle situation became stalemate for a while.

However, the main cavalry of the Qing Dynasty did not appear, which greatly exceeded Jiang Tao's expectations.

At this time, Kangxi was also sighing. He didn't expect that the other party went straight to the hiding place of his own people. He was watching hundreds of miles away, and every move of the bandit army could not escape his sight.

Kangxi felt a little uneasy, the Black Tiger Army was too powerful an opponent, so strong that he could only avoid it, could the people in the mountain hold it?
Kangxi was not absolutely sure, he was at a loss.

Tu Hai came close, knelt on the ground and advised, "Long live, let's fight the bandit army. At this time, the army's morale is shaken. If all the people in the mountains are lost, the Qing Dynasty will also be defeated."

"No, if you don't hold your breath, they won't be able to take down those mountains, not even the gods." Kangxi reprimanded loudly, appearing confident.

Tuhai sighed, and then suggested: "My lord, at this time, the Qing Dynasty can outflank the rear of the bandit army. It's just a feint, so that the bandit army can gallop back and forth. crisis."

"Good plan, let's go, this time I want to scare the other party. I heard that the thief leader is also here. He is a troublemaker, so how can he win the Central Plains? It was really a mistake." Kangxi sighed, and said regretfully, Now hiding in Tibet, it is really better to die in battle.

"Ah, Your Majesty, why is there so much thick smoke, this!!!" Tu Hai shouted dumbfounded.

According to legend, the thick smoke for hundreds of miles must be a fire.

"Impossible, the other party is too cruel, God!!!" Kangxi was also stunned, and immediately shouted with a blue face: "Bastards, I will fight them."

At the same time, Jiang Tao looked at the burning mountain with shame on his face, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Wei, will the fire really stop halfway?"

Wei Donglai was shocked, and said with sincerity and fear: "Your Majesty, I dare not lie to the Emperor. I have already studied it, and it will only burn one-third of the forest. A big river will block the flames."

"I hope that Kangxi will come. The fighting power of the mourning soldiers cannot be underestimated. Order everyone to form a formation on the river, and send scouts to pay attention to the movement of the place. This is the only way to kill Kangxi. I hope this time I can leave some seeds for the cavalry .”

Jiang Tao let out a long sigh, and said in a flash: "Damn, this rocket is really powerful. Such a big fire cannot be extinguished by manpower. These 12000 rockets are simply a weapon for setting fire. Hey, it's a pity that there are only 8000 left." Once it’s fired, immediately send an order to the Ordnance Department to produce another [-] rockets, which will be used in the future.”

Wei Donglai had calmed down at this time, and persuaded: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this matter is all the idea of ​​a humble minister. In order to wipe out the Qing Dynasty, the minister will not hesitate to die. Besides, the casualties of the other party will not be too great. In such a large mountain forest, the other party does not care about it." The meeting will be concentrated in this area, since I have followed the emperor, the emperor has obeyed, and at this time there is no serious trouble in the Qing Dynasty, I implore the emperor to allow this minister to return to his hometown!"

"What!" Jiang Tao looked at Wei Donglai in disbelief, puzzled, and reprimanded him, "Brother Wei is only in his 40s, in his prime, how could he have such an idea? But I have treated you badly?"

"This!" Wei Donglai was speechless in a hurry.

Jiang Tao laughed and said in a flash: "Haha, I actually want to retire and return to my hometown. In fact, I want to travel all over the world, but this empire has just started. There are many powerful enemies, and the king is like a tiger. We can't do this, legally. According to the regulations, the emperor has no right to do anything wrong, don't worry, when it's time to retire, I will notify you, I haven't retired, and neither can you."

Wei Donglai's lips moved, tears streamed down his face, but he didn't say any more...

PS: There have been no advertisements for several months in a row, and I can collect them all. Will it make me happier if I collect them and make them healthier?

(End of this chapter)

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