The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 234 Revenge of the Empire

Chapter 234 Revenge of the Empire

blah blah blah...

More than 30 Manchu iron cavalry spanned dozens of miles. Kangxi was blown by the autumn wind, and suddenly calmed down. Seeing that it was evening, he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to pause and prepare to rest for two hours before moving forward. To eat and drink.

After calculation, Kangxi's mind became clearer. He knew that this battle had to be fought, and it was necessary to fight a sneak attack and a night battle. After all, the opponent's artillery could not play a decisive role in a night battle, so the opponent's advantage would be weakened.

It is very difficult to sneak attack the opponent, but when attacking in the middle of the night, the opponent sleeps most in a daze and just wakes up when the combat power is definitely not strong. Kangxi knows that the opponent's cavalry is the main opponent in this battle, as long as he takes the opportunity to wipe out the opponent's cavalry , At that time, the Qing Dynasty will be able to deal with the bandit army at will.

Relying on the warriors of the Qing Dynasty's familiarity with the region, even in the dark night, everyone can find each other's camp. Kangxi said bitterly in his heart: "This time, the blood of the warriors of the Qing Dynasty will be used to kill the bandits. The blood of the bandit leader will be returned."


It was getting dark, and the Qing army hadn't come yet.

Jiang Tao always felt that something was wrong. Isn't Kangxi's cavalry nearby?

"Everyone is talking about how to deal with it now?"

Wei Donglai took a deep breath, and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, it is impossible for the other party not to know about such a big fire and smoke, unless they are attacking the Jilin area, if so, there is no need to worry, but the little Kangxi Tartar will never do anything to it." Millions of people ignored them, among them there must be the parents of Manchu cavalry, etc. Even if Kangxi didn't want to come, those soldiers of Manchu Eight Banners would not allow him, so I am [-]% sure that the other party will come, but so far there is no news, The other party must be hundreds of miles away."

"We've only deployed scouting horses within a hundred miles, so don't worry about it for the time being."

"But now the soldiers and horses are exhausted, and their combat power has dropped sharply. We can't wait forever." Jiang Tao nodded, thinking that it is better to let most of the soldiers and horses rest for a while, and relax one by one.

"Your majesty is wise. At this time, there are [-] scouts divided into small groups to investigate outside, and they are equipped with signal flares. The enemy cavalry cannot clear our eyes. We can arrange for the soldiers to rest. Your majesty, I think the enemy cavalry will come in the middle of the night."

Wei Donglai boldly speculated.


Wei Donglai continued: "The middle of the night is the best opportunity to fight, and if the cavalry of the two sides are stuck together in the middle of the night, it will be difficult for the gunners of the Artillery Master to distinguish between the enemy and us, and it will be difficult for them to assist in the battle. Without the assistance of the Artillery Master, our army will be at a loss. at a disadvantage."

"That's right, it's right to take precautions before they happen."

Jiang Tao sighed secretly in his heart. This is reverse thinking. This is also one of the weaknesses of the imperial army. He added: "Wei Donglai is up to you to arrange. You must destroy the main force of the Qing army. It is best to save Kangxi's little life." Down."

"Observe the order!" Wei Donglai took over the order of the golden tiger, and hastily issued a series of orders.

He plans to rely on the camp to set up a crab formation, and the sharpshooters, sharpshooters, and special warfare divisions are the main body of the crabs, and the 20 cavalry are the two big pincers of the crabs. When the enemy cavalry approaches, the sharpshooters and the rocket battalion will First fire, inflict heavy damage on the enemy, and then rely on cavalry to fight. Wei Donglai did not set up an ambush, mainly because he was not strong enough, and if he was forced hard, the casualties would be heavy.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of imperial troops moved into action...


It was already three o'clock, and the bright moonlight shrouded the earth. Kangxi was leading hundreds of thousands of cavalry towards the camp of the bandit army. After a while, his elite vests came to report: the camp of the bandit army was twenty miles away.

Kangxi was overjoyed, the bandit army hadn't reacted yet, the battle was definitely won, but he still didn't dare to be careless, and ordered the cavalry to approach slowly, and when they got closer to ten miles, they would charge with all their strength, this time to take this opportunity to wipe out the black Tiger Army, so that they have no chance to stand up.

quiet!The surroundings are too quiet, there is not even the sound of insects screaming, and there is a smell of gunpowder smoke, which is too familiar.

Tu Hai beside Kangxi suddenly had a bad premonition, it is impossible for the bandit army to have not found his side by this time, the bandit army is not so stupid, so there is only one possibility, the bandit army is waiting for his side to come forward, he hurriedly said in horror : "Your Majesty, it's possible that I've been tricked."

Kangxi stared at Tu Hai, and said softly, "What happened?"

"It's too quiet around here!" Tu Hai drew out his big knife and said cautiously.

"Withdraw or fight?"

Kangxi hesitated for a moment, but at this moment, all the Qing cavalry were still driving their horses forward.

In fact, every move of the Qing soldiers at this time has long been known by Jiang Tao and others, in order to let the main force of the Qing soldiers enter the range of the cannon.

Kangxi's heart was in a mess. If he withdraws from this battle, his prestige will drop to the peak. Jie Shu and others may take the opportunity to revolt, but if he loses, he just needs to find a scapegoat. He hurriedly called Prince Kang Jieshu He and Prince Jian Sebu ordered their respective [-] cavalry to charge from the left and right flanks.

Originally, Labu led 10 people to attack from the right wing, and Kangxi himself led 13 people to attack from the middle. But since he suspected that the other party was prepared, Kangxi had the idea of ​​giving up his car to protect the handsome, and Jie Shu repeatedly provoked, Just use this person.

Before La Bu had gone far, he was grabbed by Tu Hai. Tu Hai showed his token, and after only one sentence, La Bu turned pale with fright, and Tu Hai successfully took over the military power.

The earth was shaking, and the knights were shouting.

In an instant, Prince Kang Jieshu led one hundred thousand cavalry and began to speed up. Thousands of horses galloped towards the camp where Jiang Tao was located. And dispatch horses to the Quartet.

But Jie Shu didn't notice all this. Seeing that he was only five miles away from the enemy camp, Jie Shu was overjoyed and cursed secretly in his heart: "These bandit troops are obviously not very good, but that kid Xuan Ye is as fearful of bandits as a tiger. Hmph, wait until we win." This battle, I will trouble you again."

In a blink of an eye, it was two miles closer.

Jie Shu woke up suddenly, and his intuition told him that the opponent was very dangerous, but his horse had already accelerated to the peak, and he couldn't stop for a short time.

While Jie Shu was hesitating, the cavalry in the front row got closer.

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There was a strange sound right in front of the left wing, and dozens of signal flares shot up into the sky, shining like a morning star in the dark night. In a blink of an eye, flames were lit up everywhere in the camp, obviously it was well prepared.

Jie Shu was inexplicably horrified, and shouted, "I've been tricked, get out!"

But it's too late...

dong dong dong...

Boom boom boom...

Thousands of cannons and [-] rockets were fired almost at the same time. Iron and fire immediately enveloped the Qing soldiers on the left wing. Who told them to get closer? Only this round of bombardment destroyed the Manchu cavalry on the left wing. Poor The Jie Shu was directly burned to coke by the rocket.

Nearly [-] cavalry were wiped out at once.

The rest of the survivors were frightened, some fled like headless chickens, and some continued to move forward, but under the double attack of bullets and tiger squat guns, no one could take a step forward.

Originally, Kangxi wanted Jieshu to lure out the bandit army, so he and Jie Shuli should cooperate with the bandit cavalry to deal with the bandit army. In this way, the probability of defeating the bandit army is more than [-]%.

However, Kangxi did not expect Jieshu to lose so quickly, he was dumbfounded, and all the cavalry were also stunned, no one could survive under the destructive flames.

While Kangxi was hesitating, there were overwhelming shouts of killing from the left and right, and the waves were higher and higher. Kangxi saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly ordered the remaining [-] troops to withdraw.

However, after all, the Manchu iron cavalry was a long-distance attack, and most of its horsepower was consumed, so how could it run past the imperial cavalry regiment who had rested for most of the night.

In less than half an hour, the soldiers of the Imperial Cavalry caught up with the fleeing Qing soldiers. Immediately, many Qing soldiers were cut off from their horses. In front of thousands of horses, the power of a small group of people is weak.

Seeing the heavy casualties of the warriors of the Qing Dynasty, Tuhai wanted to cry, so he quickly suggested to Kangxi, "Your Majesty, you can't go on like this. Sooner or later, the whole army will be wiped out. This servant is willing to take fifty thousand horses to stay. Your Majesty, let's go."

Kangxi knew the consequences of leaving, and thought of Tuhai's contribution, with tears in his eyes, he said sincerely: "Tuhai, come back alive, I will kill the nine clans of the black tiger, so as to comfort the souls of the warriors of the Qing Dynasty."

Tu Hai nodded heavily, and roared: "Warriors, let's kill to the fullest."

Immediately, 5 people turned back, or fought, or fought hard, and were not wiped out until the afternoon of the next day. All these people fought desperately to block the offensive of the Imperial Cavalry. robbery.

He took 16 cavalry and fled to the Waixing'an Mountains before stopping, and the people in the mountains also came to join them, and there were more than 300 million people left.

After this defeat, Kangxi no longer has the intention to contend with the bandit army. He saw that the Raksha army was very easy to deal with. He must have not caught his breath in the previous defeat. He should be able to stand on the opponent's territory before the severe winter comes. With a firm footing, with the vast Siberia blocking, the cavalry of the bandit army will definitely not be able to get through, and the Qing Dynasty will have a breather.

Kangxi glanced at Heishan Laolin for the last time, and said bitterly in his heart: "Zhen, Aixinjueluo Xuanye will come back."

Kangxi is not dead?

Jiang Tao was furious, this kid is not dead yet!

"Pursue, chase for another ten days, if you can't catch up, then let it go, pass down the order, and those who kill this person will be promoted to three ranks, and will be rewarded with tens of millions of silver dollars."

Jiang Tao thought for a while and gave a more sensible order.

Unexpectedly, three days later, news of Ge Erdan's rebellion came again. Jiang Tao had no choice but to withdraw [-] northwest cavalry regiments to return to the army, and the rest of the troops stayed in place to completely occupy the place.

"Another order was sent to the various ministries and governments of Mongolia, saying that I have occupied the entire Northeast, that Kangxi is far away, that Galdan is no more than a minor character, and I don't bother to take care of it. Whoever wiped out Gerdan, I will reward 3000 million silver dollars and become king."

Everyone gasped, only to feel that the emperor was spending money more and more recklessly.

Money is easy to come by and fast to spend. What Jiang Tao cares about is not money, but the potential threat of the empire, so he is very worried about Kangxi, but this person is too cunning, and now he has lost his whereabouts. Jiang Tao checked the map, It is found that the other party has only one way to go, and that is to enter Siberia, and only Siberia, the empire has not yet searched.

In the battles of the previous few days, due to the dying struggle of the Manchu Qing cavalry, the empire lost about 12 cavalry, and another [-] were sent away, leaving about [-]. The cavalry Jiang Tao was not absolutely sure to kill the opponent, and the sharpshooter fought extraordinary , but can not catch up with each other.

However, it would be a good idea to expel the Qing army, and let them harm the Russians. When they are fattened up and the cavalry of the empire become really strong, it will not be too late to kill them.

Jiang Tao nodded, ordered the cavalry to continue the pursuit, but not too hard, and ordered five cold-resistant sharpshooters to defend on the outer Xing'an Mountains and build defensive positions.

After Jiang Tao was busy with all these, he returned directly to Beijing and moved hundreds of thousands of people from both sides of the lower reaches of the Yellow River to the northeast.

As for Sheng Jing, it was their choice whether to die or live.

When Jiang Tao returned to Beijing, the cabinet ministers reported that the soldiers and craftsmen sent to the Netherlands were detained. The emperor was very angry and the consequences were serious. Hundreds of cargo ships and warships came to Hangzhou for business, and captured about 3 people, but most of them were employees of the Dutch East India Company, many of them were Indonesians, and there were only a few thousand authentic Dutch.

However, this was a major event. Jiang Tao sent a special envoy to severely warn the Dutch side, ordering them to return their personnel as soon as possible, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Southeast Asia is thousands of miles away from the Netherlands. Joseph, the Dutch commander in the Far East, did not expect that Emperor Dahua's revenge would come so fast and so violently.

Among the more than a hundred ships, there were ten cruise ships and twenty frigates. Unexpectedly, none of them escaped. Apart from the rigorous design of the other party, it shows that the navy of the Great China Empire is also extraordinary.

Joseph was a little depressed. Why did the Dutch side provoke the other party? Not only could they not make money at this time, but they also offended the other party. The gain outweighed the loss.

He didn't dare to take the Far East Fleet to ask people, mainly because he didn't dare to expand the situation. In fact, he was not afraid of Dahua's navy. It is not the enemy of the Dahua Empire.

On the one hand, Joseph entertained the special envoy of the Great China Empire, and on the other hand, he reported to the highest ruler in the Netherlands, hoping that peace would be the most important thing in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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