Chapter 245
In the blink of an eye, it was mid-May of the second year of Huaxing. Guangxi was on the battlefield.

But in front of the barbed wire and the muskets and artillery, all of these seemed so powerless, it was as many as they came and died.

During this period of time, Annan and other countries had suffered more than [-] deaths and injuries. This time, Annan and other countries were dumbfounded, and their hearts were even more terrified. They no longer took the initiative to attack, and began to build passes to confront the fifteen imperial sharpshooters.

Wang Dashan, the chief general who suppressed the rebellion, saw this, and began to select some elite shooters to use Mieqing guns to snipe and kill the rebels. Due to the accuracy and range of the Mieqing guns, he killed [-] rebels in just a few days.

The rest of the rebels were panicked, their morale was greatly reduced, and they dared not show their faces at all.

But at this time, it was reported that Annan's Haiphong, the capital Thang Long and other cities had been breached, and the North Korean soldiers were burning, killing and looting, and were preparing to attack the back of more than [-] rebels.

It is also due to the bad luck of Annan. At this time, the rebellion, King Annan sent 25 troops to the Guangxi battlefield, and at the same time crusade against Champa, another 15 soldiers. , while the Korean Corps was invincible and invincible in Annan.

If it weren't for the imperial supervisory army intervening in this matter and prohibiting random massacres, I am afraid that the place where the Korean Corps passed by would become a barren land.

In fact, Annan and Champa are later generations of Vietnam, and they have a deep connection with China.

During the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuang sent troops to conquer Baiyue, and Vietnam was placed under the jurisdiction of Xiangjun.During the Peasant War at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Zhao Tuo, a captain of Longchuan County in the Qin Dynasty (from Zhengding, Hebei Province), established the Nanyue Kingdom in the south of Lingnan, with the capital Nanhai (now Guangzhou). For a long time, the Nanyue Kingdom was still a vassal state of the Western Han Dynasty.

In 113 B.C., the Nanyue Kingdom openly rebelled against the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to conquer, and defeated the Nanyue Kingdom in 111 B.C., setting up nine counties in its land.Since then, Vietnam has been included in the territory of Chinese counties and counties, and has been under the direct rule of China for more than 1182 years. Since then, a large number of people from the Central Plains of China have immigrated to Vietnam to escape natural disasters and wars.

During the feudal period in the 10th century AD, during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Vietnam rebelled and established a country, but it has always been a vassal state or vassal state of China, named Dayue, Annan, and Vietnam. In 1010, the capital was moved to Thang Long (now Hanoi) to establish a centralized feudal state.

From 1407 to 1428, Cheng Zu of China's Ming Dynasty took advantage of the civil strife in the Vietnamese dynasty and sent troops to occupy Vietnam, and set up the Chief Secretary of Cochin (province) in Thang Long to directly rule.

However, after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Vietnam rebelled again and split into two countries, Annan and Champa. Finally, seeing the power of the Dahua Empire, it became a vassal of the Dahua Empire.

Now being bewitched and lured by Wu Shifan, there are actually reasons for suddenly attacking Dahua. First, fighting Wu Shifan fiercely for more than a month is not only useless, but it will also cost a lot of money, but if it stops, the Emperor Dahua will never allow it. It is better to strike first, with so many countries opposing it, the Great China Empire may not be the opponent.

The second is the large-scale invasion of goods from the Great China Empire, which crushed their small domestic workshops and damaged the interests of the nobles in Annan and other countries.

The third is that the treasuries of Annan and other three countries are empty, and they want to make a fortune in the empire. After all, the Dahua Empire is very rich.

But I didn't expect that the defense of the Dahua Empire was impenetrable and impenetrable, and it also used the lackeys of the Dahua Empire, the Korean Corps.

Today, the Korean Corps is well-known in Asia, and their cruelty and greed are obvious to all. Most of the prostitutes in the heaven and earth chain brothels opened in Asian countries are Japanese girls. This is all thanks to the Korean Corps.

No country wants to be invaded by the Korean Corps, after all, it is too cruel.

King Annan passed out on the spot, and his small treasury was in the capital, so it must have been looted.

At the critical moment, the empire's anti-rebel army in Guangxi launched a fierce offensive. Under the bombardment of more than 2000 infantry artillery, the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were defeated and retreated steadily within a few days.

The Korean Corps also stopped looting and besieged the back of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms with all their strength. The situation in the south of the Dahua Empire suddenly reversed. The news spread back to the empire, and the whole country celebrated. Jiang Tao was also happy.

At this time, Huang Zongxi came to tell Jiang Tao the allusions of Annan and other countries. He believed that after the victory of the empire, it could directly occupy Annan and Champa, and asked Laos and Siam to hand over their coastal areas extending three hundred miles inland. Territory, including the lands in the Malay Peninsula, which will become the direct territory of the empire.

This way, the empire can enclose Laos and Siam, leaving them without access to the sea, nor access to advanced technology, and will remain colonies of the empire forever, with Burma resolved of course.

Jiang Tao frowned. What Mr. Huang said made sense, but wouldn't it be cheaper for Annan's citizens?

He thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Huang Lao is really scheming, so let's do it according to Huang Lao's wishes, but the territories ceded by countries such as Annan, Champa, and Laos are collectively called Vietnam Special In the administrative area, the Chinese in the area and the people who have learned Chinese have special privileges, the Chinese do not have to pay agricultural tax, and the people who have learned Chinese only need to pay an agricultural tax of [-] Fu."

"Except for the Chinese who copy the treatment of the empire, the rest of the people have to pay heavy commercial taxes. Those who don't know Chinese will pay eight taxes and one agricultural tax. They must also perform military service. This is unconditional. A Vietnamese army of 20 people is going to be formed. , responsible for the expedition, the treatment is worse than that of the Korean Army, and the construction of heavy industry is not allowed in this area, the people are not allowed to own weapons, and the people are not allowed to own horses, and the minerals, forests, etc. in this area are owned by the state. As for the law, you must Severe punishments and punishments will be used, and those who dare to rebel will be implicated in the nine clans!"

Huang Zongxi agrees with promoting Confucianism and educating all living beings, but in this way, will the people in the Vietnam Special Administrative Region rebel?

Hearing Huang Lao's question, Jiang Tao said sternly: "Rebellion is fine, but you must be prepared to implicate the nine clans, and you will also establish an armed force similar to the Korean Legion. If you dare to rebel, send them there. At that time, the iron-blooded lions of the empire will come out again, as long as they persist for 50 years, I believe that these places will be assimilated by the empire, and if they speak Chinese, they will receive good treatment from the people, and by then the new emperor will implement benevolent governance, and there should be no problem."

"The emperor is wise, but what if the emperor's descendants practice tyranny?" Huang Zongxi said bluntly.

Jiang Tao was greatly surprised, and then remembered that Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Fang Yizhi, Wang Fuzhi, and Zhu Shunshui were collectively known as the "Five Masters of the Early Qing Dynasty" and also known as the "Father of Chinese Ideological Enlightenment".

Jiang Tao sighed secretly in his heart, and said solemnly: "If there are really unworthy descendants, you should, you should... well, the cabinet should take the common people of the world into consideration, and should take the prosperity of the Han people into consideration, take back the supreme power of the emperor, reform the new policy, and advocate Dahua The empire reigns over the forest of the world."

Huang Zongxi knelt on the ground at once, with tears streaming down his face, he said: "Your Majesty is really a British Lord who will not be seen for thousands of years. He should be a model for the people of the world. The old minister is presumptuous. I also ask the Emperor to punish the crime of disrespect."

Jiang Tao was stunned again, he hurriedly helped Mr. Huang up, moved his lips a few times, but he didn't say anything. In fact, he wanted to say: "Mr. Huang, you don't know. In more than 100 years, this ancient oriental empire will become Everyone can share a piece of undefended fat, and sooner or later the imperial power will decline. Suppressing the imperial power may save the lives of the descendants, at least the strength of the empire. As long as there is no civil strife in the empire, which country dares to against it."

He took a deep breath and sighed: "Old Huang, I will slowly expand the power of the cabinet, but the cabinet represents all businessmen, farmers, workers, and students. As long as the cabinet is not in chaos, the empire will not fall. "

After Jiang Tao said this, he was a little afraid. If a cabinet minister controlled the cabinet, wouldn't he control the whole country, no different from the emperor?
At this moment, Huang Zongxi sighed: "The emperor is overwhelmed. At this time, it is better for the empire to centralize power. Only when the strength of the whole country is unified can it resist other powerful countries. After the emperor has laid a solid foundation, the law will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are laws to follow, so that future emperors, ministers, and generals will not dare to cross the border. If the army is not chaotic, the empire will not be chaotic, and the emperor will not plan to levy agricultural taxes. It is difficult for the people to rebel."

"As for the military issue, we must control it well. Veteran ministers will discuss with important ministers to find the best solution so that the generals of the empire will never have the chance to rebel."

"Yeah." Jiang Tao nodded. This world will always be the world of the strong, and future generations will decide for themselves. As long as they don't extort money, that's all. How not to be bullied is the key.

As for the affairs of the soldiers, first, we must emphasize military orders, second, we must emphasize loyalty to the emperor and the people, and third, we must strengthen ideological education and improve the cultural level of soldiers so that they are not reckless.

He thought of this, and prepared that after the empire wiped out the surrounding threats, it would no longer launch large-scale wars of annihilation. era.


At the same time, in the vast South China Sea, the Sea Lion Squadron of the Black Dragon Fleet was cruising in it, but they still haven't harvested anything yet.

The Imperial Intelligence Department used countless manpower and material resources, but still failed to find the way out of the Dutch Far East Fleet.

The Dutch Far East Fleet seemed to have evaporated in the world. Chen Dajiang was puzzled, and secretly said: "At this time, only the Philippine Islands (Luzon) have not been searched. Either they ran into the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, or they were in the Philippine Islands. I’m not afraid of running away, if I’m in the Philippine Islands, I’ll be in trouble, there are many islands in the Philippine Islands, now the Dutch are defeated, the imperial navy is rising, and the governor of Manila is in a state of panic all day long, it’s really difficult to deal with if the other side unites.”

Thinking of this, Chen Dajiang is leading the sea lion team to Manila, the center of the Philippines. After half a day, Liu Guoxuan sent a clipper to send a message: Britain, France, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and other five countries have re-established a multinational fleet. Twenty battleships and 60 cruisers have sailed into the Strait of Malacca and are bombarding Ipoh Port in an attempt to seize the stronghold in the Strait of Malacca from the Dutch.

At this time, the three marine divisions of the empire have marched into the Malay Peninsula in three ways, and have captured the seaport cities such as Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. They have almost occupied the whole of Malaysia and are approaching Ipoh Port. Britain, France and other countries are completely at the tiger's mouth at this time. Therefore, Liu Guoxuan asked for support and asked to attack the fleets of Britain, France and other countries.

After all, the warships under his command are all Seal-class cruisers, so he might not be his opponent.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Dajiang's mind, and he wondered secretly: "Britain, France and other countries want to take advantage of it, or have they already colluded with the Dutch? If the Sea Lion Squadron goes to deal with the fleets of Britain, France and other countries, will the Dutch Far East Fleet take the opportunity to make trouble?"

Chen Dajiang only felt that it was possible. He thought that the emperor would hand over the Southeast Asian offensive to the navy. If it failed, he would have no face to face the emperor and his ancestors. What should we do at this time?

He really wanted to keep things simple, but the responsibility was too great, so he had to be cautious, pondered for a while, and smiled, wondering if the other party would be fooled?
(End of this chapter)

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