The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 246 Negotiations

Chapter 246 Negotiations
The sea lion team sailed towards the Strait of Malacca with great fanfare, and the black dragon battle flag on the sea lion cruiser was flying and whistling.

Chen Dajiang deliberately passed by the Philippine Islands, especially the Port of Manila, with the sound of drums shaking the sky, and passed by, as if mocking the declining Spanish navy, it was extremely arrogant.

At the same time, he sent a letter to Liu Guoxuan, ordering him not to deal with the British, French and other multinational fleets, but to guard the Strait of Malacca, try to contact the commanders of the British and French and other countries, stabilize each other, and wait for the opportunity.

As for Ipoh Port, let them attack, but ports such as Kuala Lumpur, Malacca and Singapore have nothing to lose.

It turned out that Chen Dajiang finally wanted to understand that the sea lion class cruiser of the empire was not afraid of the opponent's provocation, but was afraid that the opponent would avoid the battle.Because the speed of the Sea Lion-class cruiser is slower than that of the opponent, in this way, the fleets of Britain, France and other countries are much less threatening, and the empire has cement and steel bars, which can build concrete fortresses in a short time. At this time, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca and Ports such as Singapore have built permanent forts, which should be able to defend with a hundred Seal-class cruisers.

However, the Dutch Far East Fleet is in great trouble. If they insist on making trouble, the empire's transport ships will be very dangerous.

As long as the rear is stable, the empire's black dragon fleet is not afraid of any challenges.

So he is ready to destroy the opponent at all costs.

The sea lion team has been away for three days, and the South China Sea is still very calm, but Joseph is anxious. He is hiding among the thousands of islands in the Philippines at this time, thanks to the help of the Governor of Manila.

In fact, Spain and the Netherlands are enemies, but for the newly rising Dahua Empire, the enemies may also shake hands and make peace.

Joseph has been lurking for more than a month and has not been dispatched yet. He is waiting for news from Britain, France and other countries. In fact, as long as there is a battle between Britain and France and the Black Dragon Fleet, and it is a fierce battle, his strategy will be more than half successful. He just needs to wait. The arrival of a larger combined fleet in Europe will do.

At that time, there will be at least a hundred battleships and hundreds of cruisers participating in the battle. With such a huge strength, Joseph does not believe that they will not be able to defeat the Black Dragon Fleet, which was established less than ten years ago.

But at this time there are hundreds of warships following him, and the daily consumption is countless. Dahua has repeatedly put pressure on the Governor of Manila, and even issued an ultimatum, saying that if Spain is found hiding the Dutch Far East Fleet, the Dahua Empire will Undeclared war, but if you take the initiative to inform, the Great China Empire and Spain will not invade each other.

This is an ultimatum issued by the general of the Black Dragon Fleet. The governor of Manila, Pedro, had to weigh in. Who told the Philippine fleet to be sent into the sea by the Dutch, so that the Philippines became an undefended colony.

Pedro was also for the safety of the Philippine colony at the beginning. He was moved by Joseph and the gold and silver treasures before putting down his hostility and cooperating with the Dutch side.

But at this time, he was a little scared, afraid of getting caught up in the fire. If the Black Dragon Fleet had a reason to invade the Philippines, Pedro was about to tip off the news.

Joseph had already received the news that the main Black Dragon Fleet had returned to the Strait of Malacca. In fact, he did not believe in the Spaniards, and he did not intend to stay in the Philippines. plan.

The warships of the Black Dragon Fleet are all gathered in Southeast Asia, so the Great China Empire must be empty. When the Dutch Far East Fleet takes advantage of the void, it may have unusual effects.

And at this time, the main battleship of the Black Dragon Fleet is gone. It stands to reason that Britain, France and other countries should also come at this time.

And he heard that Japan is now a colony of the Great China Empire and is being oppressed miserably. Isn't the enemy of the enemy a friend?

With this thought, Joseph could no longer calm down. On the same day, the whole fleet set sail from the Philippines directly to Honshu, Japan.

It was because he had this idea that he avoided being surrounded and wiped out by the Black Dragon Fleet.

He took the Dutch Far East Fleet to travel all over the remote sea lanes. For several days, he did not encounter any warships from the Great China Empire. As for the small boats he encountered, they were sunk by ruthless artillery fire.

Fortunately, there are not many ships in this sea area.

When the Dutch Far East Fleet sailed to the waters outside Edo Castle in Honshu, Japan, the Imperial Navy was taken aback. Through the telescope, they had already discovered that it was a foreign warship. At this time, there were only [-] Zheng's cruisers in the military port The ship and thirty frigates are not opponents at all.

However, the Imperial Navy was not panicked. They still had a trump card. While opening the gun bays of the warships, they made the fortresses on the shore ready to bombard the enemy ships at any time.

The effective range of the coastal fortress guns is more than 3000 meters, but for the accuracy and power of shooting, it is generally chosen to fire at about 1500 meters. Fortress artillery, this is because of the colony, if it is a large port such as Hangzhou and Lushun, it has at least 320 cannons with a caliber of 150 mm or more.

However, the combat distance of the Dutch Navy is generally set at 500 meters to 300 meters. When the Dutch fleet approaches 1500 meters, the fortress guns on the Edo shore immediately rang.

dong dong dong...

As soon as the shells shot away, more than ten warships of the Dutch Far East Fleet were shot, and huge holes were smashed in the hull, and sawdust flew, stabbing many sailors.

Joseph only frowned. He didn't expect the opponent's first round of salvo to have such a great result. At this time, the Netherlands' strength in Southeast Asia was only so much, and one ship was sinking, and one ship was missing. Waiting for reinforcements from the United Provinces to support, At least one year later.

He came to Japan this time to stir up the anger of the Japanese Tokugawa shogunate and make them resist the Great China Empire. It would be best for the Great China Empire to send heavy troops to suppress the Japanese rebellion. How many Japanese nationals died is out of his consideration.

In fact, he has also considered the way forward. As long as Edo is occupied and the Tokugawa shogunate is in contact, Joseph will present a batch of artillery to Japan, and then he will retreat into the vast Pacific Ocean after a little supply.

Although the Netherlands has declared sovereignty over Australia, it has no energy to develop it. At this time, there are no other forces intervening here. The Far East Fleet just hid here, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from the motherland.

Thinking of this, Joseph made all the battleships and intact cruisers retreat, and the other 1500 or so cruisers were responsible for attacking Edo Port. These cruisers were more or less injured, but they could fire [-] missiles in a salvo. With more than one shell, the combat power is not weak. Joseph decided to take this port even if he tried to damage some of the warships.

When the more than fifty warships approached a distance of one kilometer from the harbor, there were more than a dozen dull explosions, and eight cruisers were bobbing up and down for a while, and then the hull began to tilt, the bow sank, and the sailors on board panicked. Get lost.

At this moment, the fortress artillery of the Dahua Empire stopped shelling. Joseph could see clearly through the binoculars. He couldn't figure out why his warship sank, did it hit a rock?
Impossible, he is very familiar with this sea area.

However, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen cruise ships trembled as if they were suffering from epilepsy, and then a similar situation happened-the sea water poured back and began to sink.

The faces of the Dutch navy officers and soldiers on the remaining cruisers were all pale with fright. After a while, twenty cruisers sank for no reason, as if they were cursed by the devil. .

But there are still a few cruisers under the spell.

Joseph was dumbfounded, there must be something strange, he would not believe in the curse, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and suddenly thought that the landmines that European countries had already started to use were related to this, could it be that there are a large number of water mines in this sea area ?

How can this be?

Joseph suddenly became cloudy and uncertain. He considered for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to stay longer. He delayed until the afternoon, rescued all the sailors, and then sailed to the vast Pacific Ocean.

He didn't dare to look for trouble again, so he had to choose to preserve his strength, because the opponent had dangerous firearms, and secretly said: "We must report this matter to the United Provinces, the Dahua Empire is too dangerous, and we must defeat the opponent as soon as possible, otherwise the Netherlands will have to withdraw from this area." sea ​​area."

After the Dutch Far East Fleet had been away for three days, the sea lion unit led by Chen Dajiang arrived, but it was too late, and the opponent ran away again, and the opponent ran to the vast Pacific Ocean.

He received the news from the governor of Manila and hurried back with all his strength. He thought that the other party would attack Lushun Port, but in order to ensure the stability of the capital, he delayed for several days.

Chen Dajiang sighed, handed over the letter of injustice to Emperor Dahua, and headed towards the Strait of Malacca with the sea lion team.

At the same time, special envoys from Britain, France and other countries were negotiating with Liu Guoxuan in Kuala Lumpur.

At this time, the ports of Alor Setar and Ipoh on the Donglai Peninsula have been occupied by the coalition forces of Britain, France and other countries, and they also captured the Medan Port in Sumatra Island, and dispatched more than [-] armies from various countries to Sumatra Island. Holland territory.

At this time, the opponent's multinational fleet sailed to the waters ten miles away from the port of Kuala Lumpur.

The special envoys of Britain, France and other countries took out a treaty, in which the Netherlands gave up the colonies of countries such as the Strait of Malacca and the strongholds of countries such as Annan, and transferred them to Britain, France and other countries.

The British special envoy Henry said with a playful smile: "Thank you for the help of the Dahua Empire, but your country has occupied the colonies of our five countries, please evacuate within ten days, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

They didn't mention Spain, obviously abandoned.

Liu Guoxuan suddenly realized that it was the Dutch who deliberately lured wolves into the house and wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. However, the empire is not the time of Ming Dynasty, but now it is the Dahua Empire. He glanced at the envoys and said with a sneer: "Then everyone Do you want to stand on the side of the Netherlands?"

The envoys of Britain, France and other countries looked at each other. The French envoy shrugged and retorted: "No, general, you are wrong. We are allies with the Dahua Empire. The Netherlands is a defeated country. The treaty he signed with us is valid. How about this, the strongholds of Annan and other countries will be given to Emperor Dahua, but the Strait of Malacca is the spoils of war after the five countries defeated the Netherlands, please be careful, general."

Seeing that what they said was well-founded, Liu Guoxuan was polite on the surface, but they were actually threatening him, and when did they defeat the Netherlands?
Liu Guoxuan felt an unknown fire in his heart. If the Sea Lions hadn't come back, he really wanted to turn his back on him. Although he can now gather a hundred Seal-class cruisers, he would definitely suffer heavy losses in a fight, and the outcome would be hard to tell.

He thought of the order of the navy general Chen Dajiang, and he said with a stiff smile: "Okay, since we are allies, we can talk about it, but the navy general of my Great China Empire has not come here yet, this general can't make the decision, everyone might as well wait for a while , but my Dahua Empire has a boundless territory, so I don’t think I care about these barbaric lands, haha.”

Although Liu Guoxuan said with a smile, but he couldn't say it firmly.

Speaking of this, all the special envoys began to feel uneasy. The Dahua Empire is very close to this place. If this matter is not discussed as soon as possible, once the reinforcements from the other side arrive, their own side will not have the advantage.

But they didn't expect that the Netherlands would be willing to give such a big gift. They were only doing business with the Dahua Empire, but if they want to start a war at this time, the outcome is really hard to tell, and they are not ready.

After all, I heard that the Black Dragon Fleet defeated the Dutch Far East Fleet, which is a symbol of strength, although the Dutch Far East Fleet had fought against Britain, France and other countries before this.

However, the Strait of Malacca is extremely important, and they don't want to give up, let alone the Great China Empire to intervene in the affairs of this place. The five countries unite with others, and all countries feel that it is too much.

The special envoys of Britain, France and other countries hesitated suddenly, should they turn their faces or greet them with a smile?
(End of this chapter)

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