Chapter 251
As soon as the cabinet ministers arrived, before Jiang Tao could express his opinion, Cheng Zhang put on a bitter face and panted, "Think twice, your majesty, the empire here owes Huaxing Bank 2.5 million silver dollars, and the national war debt owed to the people amounts to 1 million silver dollars. The taxation of the tax plus the income of the colonies can only cover the expenditure of the empire, and the debt repayment is far away.”

"Hey, the emperor of the Great China Empire, who owns a vast land, more than 8000 million subjects, and many vassal states, owes money to others. No one will believe it."

Jiang Tao sighed in his heart, and said calmly: "It's okay, the American fleet is coming back soon, and it will definitely bring tens of millions of silver dollars. When Indonesia is pacified, the empire can collect hundreds of millions of silver dollars just by collecting poll taxes. Well, the empire After fighting for so many years, it is true that I am unable to conquer the Mughal Empire for the time being. I know this, but who can tell the information about the Mughal Empire?"

Wei Donglai replied with an unusually serious expression: "Your Majesty, the Mughal Empire can be traced back to the thirteenth century. After the Great Mongol Empire established by Genghis Khan split, Timur, the descendant of Genghis Khan, established the Timur Empire. At the end of the fifteenth century, Timur After the division of the empire, Babur, a descendant of Timur, was expelled from Central Asia by the Uzbeks, and led his army to occupy Afghanistan in the south. In 1526, he invaded northern India and destroyed the Delhi Sultanate.

"Now is the reign of Aurangzeb, the sixth emperor of the Mughal Empire. He actively carried out military expansion, and his dynasty covered almost the entire South Asian subcontinent. It can be called a strong enemy."

Jiang Tao shook his head. He didn't expect this to be a militant. He seems to remember that after Aurangzeb's death, the governors of various provinces became independent, and the Mughal Empire was torn apart. Should the empire declare war or withdraw from Burma?
But it will take more than 20 years for this guy to die, and the empire can't afford to wait.

It's really troublesome, Jiang Tao secretly said: "Wu Shifan is really not a thing, he surrendered to the Mughal Empire, if he surrendered to himself, what should he do to keep him rich and honored forever, hmph."

Cheng Zhang saw that Jiang Tao's face was getting worse and worse, so he quickly reminded him softly: "Your Majesty, according to the investigation of the spies, the Mughal Empire now has a population of hundreds of millions, and it can mobilize millions of troops. It cannot be defeated in a short time."

On the contrary, Jiang Tao became even more angry, but finally suppressed it, and sighed: "The primitive accumulation of the empire is too weak. After only a few years of fighting, the empire can't bear it."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Wang Fuzhi nodded approvingly, and said calmly, "If the war ends at this time, it may not be a good opportunity."

Jiang Tao was surprised and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, the financial situation of the empire is now beyond its means, and it is all caused by the war in Burma. For a moment, the situation is calm, and the sea and the sky are brighter. At this time, Burma has contained 18 sharpshooters and 15 Korean legions in the empire. It consumes countless military expenses. There are more than 20 main forces, including more than [-] firearms troops. The strength should not be underestimated. If the Mughal Empire intervenes again, it will definitely be a lose-lose situation. Moreover, Western powers such as Britain, France, and the Netherlands will come to take revenge next year. It's going to be more difficult, but just wait until the next spring and the tide will turn."

Jiang Tao and all the cabinet ministers stared at Wang Fuzhi intently, indescribably surprised.

Wang Fuzhi continued to speak loudly: "Your Majesty, in the spring of next year, the Mongolian cavalry of the empire will be trained and equipped. At that time, the guard cavalry of the Mongolian prince will be recruited. There are a total of 50 cavalry. Let them directly enter the Mughal Empire. This is not difficult for them, and the empire can still take a third of the spoils, and it must be the Mughal Empire that will regret it."

"The Kazakh Khanate and Bukhara have surrendered. These two countries are not small in size and are too far away from the central plains of the empire. The empire has not had time to intervene in their internal affairs and military affairs. However, they can be strictly ordered to attack the Mughal Empire at the same time. If they dare It’s perfunctory, and we’ll count it together later.”

"Hahaha, well said." Jiang Tao laughed, how could he forget this.

"Old Wang is brilliant." All the ministers also praised him.

"Moreover, the empire can transfer the Korean Legion and three sharpshooters to the Indonesian battlefield, and the remaining [-] sharpshooters will deploy their defenses on the spot. The imperial sharpshooters are the best at defending, and they will be safe. When the next spring begins, as long as the empire solves the entire Indonesian , you can get a lot of wealth, and then gather troops to deal with Burma, then the Mughal Empire will have no time to take care of itself, so there is no time to intervene in the war in Burma." Wang Fuzhi continued.

Jiang Tao sighed secretly: "Jiang is still old and spicy, if you take a step back, the pressure on the empire will be much easier."

Seeing that Wang Fuzhi was not there, Wei Donglai also smiled and said: "Your Majesty, it's wonderful. In the spring of next year, the revolving rifle can be equipped with one hundred thousand infantry, and it will be used to deal with Burma, and the Laotian and Siamese servants are both You can go to the battlefield, and then the empire will have 60 free new troops."

"Well, very good." Jiang Tao praised, and turned serious: "The Ministry of Rites will select a special envoy to contact the Mughal Empire as soon as possible, and try to delay the time. Burma will be handed over to General Jiang Wuji, and General Wang Dashan will lead the Korean Corps Support the Indonesian war immediately with the three sharpshooters, and try to end the Indonesian war within this year."

Thinking of the inconvenience of transporting ammunition, Jiang Tao ordered: "Build ammunition factories and firearms repair factories in Kunming, Guangzhou and other places. If the empire has no money, it must ensure the ammunition supplies for the frontline soldiers."

"According to the order."


When the empire was making strategic adjustments, Wu Shifan was dejected. He didn't want to be a vassal state of the Mughal Empire at all, but he had no choice. If Da Zhou didn't have foreign aid, he would be doomed.

He really didn't want to become an eternally infamous traitor like his grandfather, but for the sake of his wealth and status, he had to obey Xia Xiangguo's arrangement.

Originally thought that the Great Zhou could win the Central Plains, but now it seems that it is difficult for the Great Zhou to protect itself. In this war, the Great Zhou has lost two-thirds of the land and one-half of the population. Now the morale of the army is unstable. The horse is tired and the situation is precarious.

And this time for peace, Wu Shifan exhausted all the treasures of Dazhou to impress the Mughal emperor, but Dahua did not retreat, but only built fortifications.

Wu Shifan asked with blank eyes: "Prime Minister, is there still hope for my great Zhou?"

Xia Guoxiang secretly sighed in his heart, and on the surface he was still calm: "Don't worry, your majesty. At the beginning, Emperor Dahua was just a leader of bandits with hundreds of people, but after a few years, he became a powerful figure in all directions. There is indeed something extraordinary about him. , Hey, the Taishanghuang really was born at an untimely time, and now the emperor still has hundreds of thousands of troops, and occupies a large area of ​​land, it is not difficult to achieve great things."

"But now Dazhou is sandwiched between Dahua and the Mughal Empire, and none of them is invincible to us." Wu Shifan said weakly.

"The emperor must not lose his fighting spirit. You see, the Emperor Dahua is not a good talker, and the Mughal emperor is also a cruel lord. When two tigers fight, one will be injured, and my Dazhou happens to be a fisherman. I heard that the Emperor Dahua has surrendered all the Mongolian tribes, and now the Mughal Empire will suffer." Xia Guoxiang said with a smile, if the Supreme Emperor had not arranged some spies, I am afraid that he would have no idea at this time.

"Oh." Wu Shifan raised his spirits, opened his eyes wide and said, "Prime Minister, what about Da Zhou?"

"Wait, wait until the Emperor Dahua and the Mughal Empire fight, then we will talk about it." Xia Guoxiang said succinctly.

"However, Annan, Laos and other countries have been defeated by the Dahua Empire. Dahua's strength is even greater, and the seaports are also occupied by the Dahua Empire. Can we beat the Dahua Empire?"

"The emperor must be prepared to conquer the world. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. At this moment, it is really a bad idea to confront the Great China Empire. The Mughal Empire looks terrible, but it is not. As long as the Great China Empire strikes at him , let’s just add insult to injury.” Xia Guoxiang sneered.

Wu Shifan was shocked and said, "What about Myanmar?"

"I don't want it anymore. Now the Great Zhou has been developing slowly, mainly because of strong enemies. Let's fish in troubled waters in the Mughal Empire. This is a risky move. If we go well, the Great Zhou will become stronger, otherwise we will be destroyed. But It's better than being killed by the enemy." Xia Xiangguo sighed.

Wu Shifan's eyes lit up, his expression became firm, he took revenge, he wanted to avenge his grandfather, and he must not die at the hands of the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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