Chapter 252
At this time, the special envoy of the Great China Empire also arrived in the territory of the Mughal Empire, and then slowly walked towards Delhi, the capital of the Mughal Empire.

This was calculated by the cabinet ministers long ago. As long as the envoys of the Dahua Empire arrived in the Mughal Empire, the Mughal Empire would suspend its military operations to give Dahua's sharpshooters in Burma time to prepare.

And these special envoys also shoulder special missions.

With the entry of special envoys, the intelligence of the Mughal Empire was continuously sent back to the empire. Now the Mughal Empire has many rebel forces, including Rajput feudal lords, Sikhs and Marats, etc. The Mughal emperors enforced a communist political system and resumed a policy of persecution of Hindu subjects.

Moreover, the firearms of the Movor Empire were far less advanced than that of the Empire. Although there were many troops, their combat power was uneven.

Secondly, the Mughal Empire has gathered 30 troops and horses on the Burmese border, including 15 cavalry, [-] musketeers, and [-] infantry with cold weapons.

The musketeers still use matchlock muskets.

When Jiang Tao got these, he finally let go of his heart, and said with a playful smile: "It is really audacious to dare to oppose me with such a little strength, hehe, if it weren't for the empire's war every year, let's see how I deal with them!"

"Your Majesty, do you want to turn the Mughals into a colony of the empire?" Chengzhang asked in surprise. It seemed reasonable to deal with small countries such as Annan and North Korea. After all, this was a vassal state of the empire, but the Mughal Empire and the There is almost no intersection in the Central Plains, and the current Mughal Empire has a vast territory and a population of hundreds of millions. This is why he does not want the emperor to have a war with the Mughal Empire.

"Hehe, if the Dahua Empire wants to grow and develop, the surrounding countries will be subject to checks and balances and oppression. I may not retaliate, but I will never retaliate." Jiang Tao chuckled and said firmly.

"Your Majesty, although the empire is very powerful, it cannot withstand all countries. Countries such as Britain and France have advanced firearms and warships, and the Mughal Empire has a large population. If countries such as Britain and France support the Mughal Empire, the two will Combining and fighting against the empire at the same time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Hearing Cheng Zhang's idea, Jiang Tao also paid attention to it. It is not impossible. You must know that in 1764, Mughal Emperor Aram Shah surrendered to the British East India Company in the Battle of Buksar, and the Mughal Dynasty fell into the British colony. A vassal of the former, nominally in existence until 1858.

This is only a few decades later, which shows that the Western power in the Mughal Empire is already very large at this time, and it is also possible that the Mughal Empire is putting on airs this time, and there may be Western colonists.

After all, the Black Dragon Fleet of the Empire bombarded and looted many ports of the Mughal Empire a while ago. Although the strongholds of Britain, France and other countries were destroyed, many people escaped.

Jiang Tao sneered, if the Mughal Empire, which had the support of the western powers, really had the strength to entangle with the Dahua Empire, if the empire hadn't unified all the Mongolian ministries, the consequences would be really incalculable.

"Forget it, I've thought about it carefully, as long as the empire can stand up to this for a while, the empire will be truly reborn from the blood, and when it's hard to find opponents around, the empire won't be so restrained."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. As long as the empire wins Indonesia, the empire can concentrate its main force to occupy the whole of Myanmar. Ten sharpshooters will be deployed on the border of Myanmar. Even a million enemy troops will be difficult to capture. Then use Yarkand as the base and use Mongolian iron cavalry. As the main force, we will continue to attack and plunder the Mughal Empire, and then the empire will fall into a virtuous circle.”

"Above the sea, the empire's navy has the ability to block western warships from the Straits of Malacca and the Java Sea. Their countries are thousands of miles away. We have a great advantage. New battleships will be available in a few months. Construction, the empire's navy will only become stronger and stronger, while the opponent will only fight less and less."

Jiang Tao finished speaking with a firm expression, and then continued: "Well, in order to win Indonesia as soon as possible, I decided to add [-] Lancers to the expeditionary force, and strive to send the Lancers to the Indonesian battlefield within a month."

"Abiding by the order." Cheng Zhang nodded respectfully, and said with some concern: "Your Majesty, the expeditionary army commanded by Wang Dashan already has twelve sharpshooters, plus two Lancers and the Korean Corps. The total force is nearly 2. The think tank has deduced that at least 40 million silver dollars need to be borrowed from the bank to pay for the expeditionary army. But as long as next year, the Spaniards in Mexico may stop trading with the American fleet. finances will be even tighter.”

Jiang Tao rubbed his temples, and asked suspiciously, "Can't the income of the colonies offset all the military expenditures?"

"Your Majesty, Japan, Laos and other three countries can collect a head tax of more than 9000 million silver dollars every year. Even if Indonesia is pacified within this year, it will have a maximum income of 4 million silver dollars. However, the empire has owed more than [-] million national debts. Now the commercial tax is only [-] million silver dollars. It is enough for the military and political expenses of the empire, and if a war is launched, it needs to be calculated separately. The key is that there will be a war next year. Without the support of maritime trade, the situation next year will be even worse."

Cheng Zhang was a little dejected and said, the emperor is really, a lot of money goes into the treasury, but a lot of money is spent, the emperor himself has some treasures, only a few million silver dollars in the small treasury, he just feels that he is very incompetent .

It's money again!That is to say, without the support of sea trade, the empire would have to pay off the national debt of war after two years, even if there was no war.

Jiang Tao was going crazy, wishing he could become a bandit again. After thinking for a while, he said seriously: "Well, now that more than half of Myanmar has been occupied, the Myanmar Special Administrative Region will be established, just like the Vietnam Special Administrative Region. This will reduce some of the financial pressure. Mines, forests, etc. are all nationalized, and some mines in special administrative regions are properly sold.”

"Well, there are almost no major battles in the Black Dragon Fleet right now. Sixty seal-class cruisers can be assigned to escort the merchant ships to the Americas for sea trade, and try to sell all the accumulated goods."

"Your majesty is wise, in this way, the empire can earn hundreds of millions of silver dollars this year." Cheng Zhang raised his spirits.

"Well, let's see, now the empire has three large steel factories, two large military factories, and several large coal mines and Longjiang shipyards. These large enterprises used to be state-owned enterprises, and now they can be restructured. Into Empire Holdings Co., Ltd., Empire will always hold more than 50.00% of the shares, and all the rest of the shares will be sold. These shares are only allowed to be owned by the citizens of the Empire, otherwise they will be void."

"For example, Jiangning Ordnance Institute, let's assume that its current total assets are 4900 million silver dollars, then we will issue 1 million shares, one share is worth [-] silver dollar, and the factory will distribute dividends every year according to its profitability. The dividends are at least higher than bank interest, and These stocks can be traded in securities companies, and the major shareholders of this company have voting rights and can also participate in the management of the company.”

Jiang Tao thought of a way to make money quickly based on the stocks in his previous life.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not. If someone with a heart takes control of the steel factory and the ordnance factory, the empire will suffer endless troubles." Cheng Zhang said with a bitter face and his eyes widened.

"Well, of course there must be restrictions. The firearms produced by the military factory can only be sold to the empire, and the empire holds more than 50.00% of the stock and is the largest shareholder. Repurchase."

"As for other strategic materials, you can't sell them at will. Only the empire can do it, and there are many benefits of implementing share restrictions. With private capital injection, the strength of these companies will be even greater, but the money should be embezzled by the empire first, ha ha , these enterprises no longer rely on the empire's funding to survive, but rely on the company's performance, that is, orders to survive. Recently, the military factory has undergone a comprehensive transformation, using steam engines in large quantities, and producing advanced continuous-fire rifles, which will not last for at least 30 years To reduce production, the cabinet will immediately go down to liquidate the assets of these large factories, and I will issue them to the people after inspection.”

After Jiang Tao finished speaking briskly, he revealed some little secrets by the way.

"Observe the order." Cheng Zhang hesitated, and finally heaved a long sigh and stepped back, but he didn't realize the importance of this little secret.


Half a month later, Jiang Tao was very dissatisfied with the cabinet liquidation report. The assets of Jiangning Ordnance Institute, Longjiang Shipyard, Ma'anshan Iron and Steel Plant and other factories were seriously underestimated.

Jiang Tao sighed secretly in his heart, and said with a light smile: "Mentors, this is not acceptable. This is equivalent to digging into the corner of the empire. For example, the Jiangning Ordnance Institute has various production machines worth 3000 million silver dollars, the factory building is worth 3000 million silver dollars, and the raw materials in stock are 1000. 500 silver dollars, the finished product is worth 500 million silver dollars, which is only [-] million silver dollars, but the factory covers an area of ​​tens of hectares, has [-] skilled craftsmen, and has advanced technology. Counting these, these are the most valuable, um, plus the growth of the factory, it is estimated that the assets of the factory are worth at least [-] million silver dollars."

"Ah!" Cheng Zhang and others were stunned. After this calculation, wouldn't the empire be too dark?

Jiang Tao secretly laughed in his heart. In fact, this is nothing. The manufacture of ordnance, including guns, artillery, ammunition, fire, thunder, rockets, etc., produces more than 7000 million munitions a year, and now that wars are raging, ammunition is in short supply. , With such a high growth rate, it only costs [-] million silver dollars, which is already very little.

And in a few years, the stock may double for one silver dollar a share.

The ministers did not dare to refute the emperor, so they had to deduce it in this way. Finally, they concluded that the total assets of the Beijing Ordnance Institute were 2.3 million silver dollars, the Longjiang Shipyard was worth 1.3 million silver dollars, the total assets of the three large iron and steel factories were all above 1.8 million silver dollars, and the total assets of the Jiangnan Machine Factory were all over 3 million silver dollars. Assets of [-] million silver dollars are generally overestimated by double.

Jiang Tao nodded. Under the propaganda of the Empire Monthly, various joint stock companies and securities companies were launched at the same time. However, the people of the Empire generally had doubts and dared not take risks. Only some big merchants bought a small part.

In the end, under Jiang Tao's suggestion, the generals of the empire began to buy the stocks of various companies, which in turn affected more than a million field troops and naval officers, who all subscribed more or less.

But what they bought were stocks in military factories and shipyards.

Immediately after this affected the local garrison and police forces.

This was beyond Jiang Tao's expectations. The common people bought tens of millions of stocks, while the imperial soldiers bought more than [-] million silver dollars in stocks.

In particular, the navy officers and soldiers bought stocks worth hundreds of millions of silver dollars.

Jiang Tao was very grateful. If the soldiers of the empire did not trust the empire and take the lead in purchasing, I am afraid that his busy work would be in vain.

However, Jiang Tao is confident that as long as the empire does not fall, these companies will not go bankrupt and will continue to develop.

However, according to the data of Huaxing Bank, the assets of imperial soldiers in the bank exceed 25 billion silver dollars, which is one of the manifestations of the imperial policy of preferential treatment of soldiers.

Jiang Tao ordered 80 revolving rifles and [-] revolving lances in one go in order to repay the love of the soldiers of the empire. As for the order of warships, he had to declare by the end of the year.

At this moment, the businessmen and officials of the empire discovered the clues and began to snap up the stocks of various companies. The common people also began to follow suit, which directly caused the price of the original stock to rise, and it rose to 1.1 to 1.2 silver dollars a month later.

If Jiang Tao hadn't used Huaxing Bank's power to control the rise of each stock, it would have doubled in less than a year.

Fortunately, the biggest beneficiary of this matter is the empire. The empire can finally pay off its debts, and its finances are also looser.

According to the last statistics, the empire raised more than 30 billion silver dollars from the private sector within two years by means of illegal fundraising.

Fortunately, Jiang Tao has a conscience. He did not let a joint stock company go bankrupt. He strictly scrutinized listed companies and used the power of banks to attack the so-called market makers. As long as the stock is lower than the issue price, the empire will take the lead in buying it. He took the lead in selling, and the profiteers who wanted to set up traps lost a lot.

Moreover, when the empire became rich, the empire tried its best to take back the shares that were originally issued, so that all those who held the shares made a small fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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