The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 253 Hard Resistance

Chapter 253 Hard Resistance
When Wang Dashan, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, arrived at the city of Batavia, it was already mid-September in the second year of Huaxing, and it was less than three months until the end of the year. Although he commanded an army of nearly 9 at this time, only 40 could actually be mobilized. about.

In view of the slow progress of this war, Wang Dashan found out a few points after observation, but he deliberately tested Wang Han, his adopted son next to the school, and said: "General Wang Han, if you are a great general, how should you fight this battle?"

Wang Han is only 21 now, but he is a veteran on the battlefield. He dare not neglect, and said sternly: "General, now the imperial army is chasing behind, and the small kingdoms and tribes in Indonesia are hiding in the east and west, and the strength of the empire cannot be exerted. The child thought that the troops could be divided to occupy the ports. The imperial soldiers are strong, and thousands of people can slaughter tens of thousands of native soldiers. Now the imperial army is deployed too conservatively. It must be expensive."

"Well, there is some truth, let's talk about it in detail." Wang Dashan said calmly.

"I thought that two elite troops would be concentrated to attack Batavia and the Anglo-French joint army first, and other armies could completely solve Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Java at the same time. Now two marine divisions are in the Malay Peninsula, and three sharpshooters The division is in Batavia, and two sharpshooters can be concentrated to deal with the Anglo-French joint army. In this way, there are five sharpshooters, and each sharpshooter can be divided into three sharpshooters, each with 5000 people , In this way, there will be 15 combat formations, and each combat formation will be equipped with [-] North Korean soldiers, and each island will be equipped with five combat formations. As long as the logistics can keep up, this place will definitely be resolved by the end of the year."

After Wang Han finished speaking with confidence, Wang Dashan nodded approvingly, but said: "Not necessarily, it seems that you don't know much. There are more than 100 ethnic groups here, and the most are Javanese, Sundanese and Madura. As long as these three nations surrender, other nations can be handed over to them. In this way, it will be much clearer. Well, if you pass on the order, you will first occupy the important ports of these three islands according to your distribution plan, and order the navy Cooperate closely and send another [-] North Korean soldiers, this general will take down Batavia first, as long as the city of Batavia is captured, the rest will be easy."

Although Wang Han was a little unconvinced, he had no choice but to go down and deliver the order.

Wang Dashan did not immediately order to attack Batavia City, but first consulted the sharpshooter generals stationed here, and observed for a while with a binoculars. The more he looked, the more frightened he became. You can see the extraordinaryness of this fortress.

Now the artillery unit has bombed Batavia for nearly 20 days, firing more than [-] rounds of live ammunition and countless scattered ammunition into it, but its structure is not at all capable of being destroyed by the current artillery.

Moreover, it also has a shooting port the size of a watermelon, which can cover the Musketeers of the Dutch defenders. Its layout prevents the Imperial Musketeers from taking advantage of the large corps, and can only compete one-on-one on narrow roads, so that the opponent has an advantage.

Those ramps not only blocked the ejection of shells, but also left the route for our own side to advance. If our side wanted to go up the ramp, they could only be divided into small groups of troops. And the defenders in the concave fort can shoot at the imperial army from the left, right, and high directions at the same time, forming a complete firepower coverage.

Below the ramp is a trench, which is equivalent to a moat, forcing the imperial army not to launch a large-scale charge, lest its own personnel be squeezed into the trench.

Wang Dashan stood several miles away from Batavia and thought about it for a long time, until he was woken up by Wang Han: "Father, it's getting dark, let's go back to camp."

Wang Dashan sighed, and ordered: "Order fifty rocket vehicles to approach each other in the dark, and launch 2000 rockets first."

"Father, if rockets are fired, the inside may be burned to a barren land. The Empire's monthly report said that the empire is currently in a financial deficit. There are many acid scholars who satirize the empire's soldiers for their disadvantages in fighting. I heard that there is a lot of wealth in it. Wouldn't it be better to just present it to the emperor?"

Hearing Yizi's hoarse voice, Wang Dashan nodded heavily: "That's right, now the empire is issuing stocks to raise military expenses, but this fortress is very weird, and it cannot be defeated so easily."

"Father, I heard that there are at most [-] Dutch defenders inside, does father still remember the sniper?" Wang Han reminded softly.

Wang Dashan suddenly became clear, and laughed in a flash: "Okay, immediately select [-] marksmen from each army, and let the brothers start digging trenches, and dig the trenches to a hundred meters away from the enemy's fortress."

"Father is a good plan."

"You kid, don't hurry up." Wang Dashan laughed and cursed, and secretly called it a pity, it would be better if there were thousands of revolver rifles.

After five days of excavation, the surroundings of Batavia City had become winding ditches, each of which was [-] meters away from the castle.

The governor of Batavia just sneered and didn't respond, but the Dahua Empire is really amazing, with non-stop shelling day and night, now only half of the more than 5 Dutch soldiers and civilians in the city are left at this time.

This is mainly because the opponent used a large number of shotguns, covering a very wide area, but now it is all right. As long as the Dahua Empire bombards, the merchants will hide in the underground secret room, and the soldiers will hide in the fortress.

However, the number of troops gathered by the other side is increasing, and there is no news from the fleets of Britain, France and other countries. Let them be too rampant."


"You are carefully selected from the 10,000+ sharpshooters. You are the invincible warriors of the empire. Now take your guns and shoot all the Dutch soldiers in sight."

"Just shoot and kill. Each of you is equipped with five firearms. Each of you will have three sergeants to assist you in reloading. Go and kill the enemy as much as you want. Every time you kill a Dutch soldier, you will get 10 silver dollars as a reward. Immediately Set off."

Under the instigation of General Wang Dashan, the sharpshooter and his assistants sneaked into the front line in batches, under the attack from three sides of the Dutch shooter, and at the same time followed by Korean soldiers.

There are only [-] North Korean soldiers here, and Wang Dashan equipped them with combat vests, steel shields, and Qi family knives in order to make them play their best roles.

This time, the Korean Corps had a special mission, and they were the bait to lure the Dutch shooters to reveal their flaws.

bang bang bang...

Within half an hour, there were crackling gunshots around the city of Batavia. In the first round, the imperial soldiers shot and killed more than 700 Dutch soldiers by surprise, while the empire suffered dozens of casualties.

This shocked all the Dutch soldiers. They didn't believe in evil, and they didn't believe that the Dutch army with the terrain would fail.

But when they showed up, they were called out one after another, and the sharpshooters of the empire were even more handy, and the number of casualties remained within the hundreds.

This is mainly due to the fact that Dutch flintlock guns have almost no power beyond 250 meters, while the effective range of the Empire's firearms is more than [-] meters, and they use Mini bullets, and the barrel has rifling, which makes the gun more accurate. Coupled with a sharpshooter, it is difficult to miss within a hundred meters.

Each sharpshooter has five guns and can fire more than 1 guns in one minute, while the Dutch army can only fire three guns. In this way, the firepower of the empire is almost continuous.

Moreover, the imperial sharpshooters stayed in the trenches, and it was difficult for them to be injured with the protection of steel helmets.

bang bang bang...

Although the Dutch defenders have the advantage of flanking the left and right sides, each imperial sharpshooter lying in the trench is only in charge of a small area. In this small area, the Dutch defenders mainly appear, so the Dutch soldier is already a Foot into hell.

By the afternoon of that day, more than 3000 Dutch defenders had been killed or injured, and no one dared to poke their heads out and shoot, but at this time the North Korean soldiers were dispatched.

They bowed their bodies, held up their steel shields, and marched timidly, but Wang Dashan didn't say anything. After all, the main force to attack this city this time was the [-] Korean soldiers. I hope they will not disappoint the cultivation of the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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