Chapter 254

Governor Batavia hid at the crenel, sweating all over from fright. He didn't expect the Dahua Empire to use such a strange and difficult tactic, and his thoughts turned sharply, and he didn't think of an appropriate defensive method.

The Dutch soldiers had no choice but to stay away from the crenel and wait for the opponent to climb up in the fort. Although they still had an advantage, they were not as absolute as before.

If the opponent attacks with all its strength, it is likely to cause a war of attrition.

As long as the other party is determined and willing to suffer a large number of casualties, our side will definitely not last for a month
The old governor of Batavia was horrified immediately, but he would not be willing to let it go. Batavia city is the center of the Netherlands in Southeast Asia. As long as Batavia falls, the Netherlands will lose its foundation to counterattack Southeast Asia.

Although the Netherlands now has the strongest naval strength in the world, the navy of the Great China Empire should not be underestimated.

Now in the city of Batavia, there are more than 9000 Dutch soldiers and more than 12000 Dutch merchants. About 8000 of these merchants can participate in the battle.

The old governor immediately ordered all the Dutch soldiers to deploy defenses on the fort. The spearmen squatted in the front row to make room for the musketeers. The musketeers were behind the spearmen. Expose your body, otherwise you may be shot by the enemy.

He also ordered the Dutch merchants who could participate in the battle to prepare their weapons and prepare to go to the castle at any time.

But the old governor waited for a long time, but still no one climbed up to the top of the city, and people sneaked a look, only to find that Chinese soldiers were filling the trenches below the slope.

bang bang bang...

The young man who was visiting outside had already been hit by three lead bullets, and his face was immediately changed beyond recognition, with blood splattered, which was horrible. All the Dutch soldiers around were dumbfounded, and some timid ones started crying.

Immediately, everyone's morale plummeted, and everyone was downcast.

The old governor sighed softly, and ordered: "All soldiers are not allowed to lean out again. Brave warriors, hold your spears and muskets tightly. What you are facing is the evil black dragon demon. As long as these cruel demons If the castle is breached, not only everyone’s property but also their lives cannot be protected. They will definitely massacre, just like we massacred the natives here. Reinforcements are coming."

The old governor had no choice but to scare the soldiers, otherwise these soldiers would surrender in a few days, after all, the opponent this time was too strong.

When the surrounding soldiers heard this, they became even more terrified, and their complexions became even paler, but they tightly held the muskets and spears in their hands, thinking to themselves: "We must defeat the evil black dragon."

In fact, those who filled the trenches were Korean soldiers, and they were supposed to attack directly, but seeing that those trenches would hinder the fierce offensive of the empire, Wang Dashan had no choice but to take it step by step.

Fortunately, because one's own side was too close, the artillery on the other side's fortress almost lost its effect, and the other side's musketeers did not dare to poke their heads out again, and it was done by the morning of the next day.

Wang Dashan adopted the tactics of the main attack, and the other tactics were just feints.

Mainly attacking this side, the [-] artillery pieces of the empire fired [-] rounds in salvo first, and as soon as the drums sounded, the Korean soldiers rushed towards the slope of the fortress with knives and shields.

bang bang bang...

As soon as the North Korean soldiers rushed up the slope, they were shot one after another. Many were directly knocked down by the powerful impact, and some North Korean soldiers rolled directly down the slope.

The Dutch spearmen on the city wall were cheering, but those North Korean soldiers who had been knocked down climbed up again and slashed with their knives, killing several spearmen immediately.

The Dutch soldiers were stunned, and at this time more North Korean soldiers rushed up.

It turned out that although the Dutch musketeers fired at close range, most of them hit the steel shields in the hands of North Korean soldiers. Although these steel shields were only the size of washbasins, they were as thick as 12mm. They were all forged from good steel, soft lead Bullets can't go through it at all.

Although the mouths of the North Korean soldiers holding steel shields were split open, blood was flowing, and they might be injured by the powerful impact, but under the dual pressure of harsh military laws and high rewards, most of them roared and rushed forward. The neighboring Dutch spearmen.

The Dutch musketeers in the back row turned pale with fright and reloaded in a panic, but they couldn't reload at all in a short time. During this period, hundreds of North Korean soldiers rushed up.

bang bang bang...

The sporadic gunfire could not stop the crazy North Korean soldiers. North Korean soldiers kept falling down, but more North Korean soldiers approached the Dutch soldiers and fought head-on. Obviously, North Korean soldiers with combat vests occupied the ground. excellent.

However, the imperial soldiers attacked the triangular forts on both sides at the same time. Under the cover of sharpshooters, they set up ladders and threw fire and thunder directly into the crenels of the fortress.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, shrapnel flew across and the smoke spread, and the Dutch soldiers without armor directly became sieves.

Wang Dashan didn't expect things to progress so quickly, and hurriedly ordered tens of thousands of sharpshooters to climb up to the fortress to support the offensive of the North Korean soldiers and prevent the Dutch from counterattacking.

bang bang bang...

The entire battle lasted for two hours. More than 8000 Dutchmen were killed, and the rest were captured. On the imperial side, the Korean soldiers suffered more than 2000 casualties, and the imperial soldiers suffered more than [-] casualties. , I saw that he had swallowed a gun and committed suicide in the basement full of gold and silver treasures.

All the wealth of the Dutch was confiscated by the empire. A total of 2.3 million silver dollars worth of gold and silver treasures were found in the Batavia Fortress. Wang Dashan sealed all the boxes and let the Black Dragon Fleet return to the empire in time. They will have special personnel to deal with it.

The rewards of all soldiers will be uniformly paid by the empire.

The city of Batavia was captured in just a few days, which was beyond Wang Dashan's expectations. At this time, the port troops who divided their troops to attack the three big islands including Sumatra had just begun.

Wang Dashan immediately spread the news of the empire's victory over the Batavia fortress to the whole of Indonesia, and then summoned the leaders of the Javanese, Sundanese, and Madura tribes.

As a result, the Madura tribe on Java Island did not come, and the Javanese and Sunda tribes were willing to surrender. Wang Dashan immediately led his troops to wipe out the Madura tribe. There were more than 40 people on the Java Island. The men were all slaughtered, and the rest of the women and children were sold to North Korea as slaves.

North Korea actually didn't want it, but it was the will of the Great Hua Empire, and no one dared to resist.

Now the entire Java Island will be pacified within a month, and Indonesians will enjoy the same treatment as Japan, that is, each person will have to pay a poll tax of five silver dollars per year, and if there is no money, they will use food and property as collateral. Then the head will fall, and the handover will start this year.

On the other hand, the gold mines, silver mines, and copper mines on Java Island all belong to the private property of the empire. In the past, the manors and industries of the Dutch were also completely inherited by the empire. The Dutch are more powerful colonists, and they have no desire to resist.

Moreover, the goods from the empire were shipped over later, and Indonesian specialties such as spices, palm oil, pepper, cinchona, and kapok were also shipped back to the empire in large quantities, because the natives on Java Island rarely could afford silver dollars. Then only special products can be used to pay off debts, and these special products are very cheap.

Seeing the Dading of Java Island, Wang Dashan hurriedly mobilized troops to Sumatra Island. As long as Sumatra Island is completely occupied, the empire can complete the strategic encirclement of Southeast Asia.

(End of this chapter)

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