Chapter 263
After more than half a month's long journey, the empire's iron cavalry has invaded the territory of the Mughal Empire from the northwest.

There are hundreds of thousands of cavalry, including 25 cavalry from the regular army, and more than [-] noble guards.

Because the leaders of Mongolia are all conferred titles, only the Mongolian nobles are not. If these nobles want to obtain titles, they can only lead their guards to make contributions under the leadership of the empire.

So this time the Mongolian nobles are still very active. Jiang Tao has already counted them and granted their request to accompany them in the battle. After all, they still have to hand over one-third of the spoils to the empire, and the logistics are self-financed, but Jiang Tao I have always been worried about them, and just sold some light steel armor and swords to them.

That's it, these nobles are still grateful to Dade, because there is almost no danger in this battle. After all, they are following behind the main cavalry of the empire, and they can still make a fortune and accumulate military exploits. Why not do it?
The main force of this dispatch is 22 Mongolian iron cavalry and [-] cavalry cavalry, with Jiang Xin as the main general and Jiang Lang as the assistant.

"This time, we want to give the arrogant Mughal Empire an indelible memory. We will implement the policy of killing, looting, and burning all the way to their capital, Delhi, and try to let the Mongolian cavalry do it. Thirty thousand cavalry are the empire You must not act rashly, and another 30 herdsmen will go to meet you. They will drive cattle, sheep, horses, ammunition, etc., and bring back spoils by the way, and try their best to attack the Mughal Empire. The Dahua Empire is not around. Such a huge empire is allowed, but the army must be withdrawn before winter comes."

This is the imperial decree secretly summoned by the emperor to Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin fully implemented the emperor's imperial decree. It has been ten days since he entered the Mughal Empire. 22 Mongolian cavalry have shot all the two hundred feathered arrows in their hands. The steel armor on each of them turned black and red, but fortunately most of the arrows were still usable, otherwise they would have no arrow supplies.

That is to say, in just ten days, the Mongolian iron cavalry killed millions of soldiers and civilians of the Mughal Empire, creating a terrifying record, and of course the wealth captured was countless.

The imperial cavalry traveled thousands of miles without encountering a decent opponent. During this period, more than ten cities surrendered, and eight cities were still defending.

For the city that surrendered, Jiang Xin chose preferential treatment, that is, by handing over enough property and beauties, he could avoid the treatment of massacring the city. As for the city that was defending to the death, the city wall was blown down by a large number of explosives, followed by a horrific massacre. Everything is done by the Mongols, and they will leave enough people to bury the corpses. It is not because of his kindness, but because he is afraid that the plague will spread rampant and harm his own men.

Under the bloody swords and bows of the Mongolian iron cavalry, any enemy trembled. They were all born knights, suppressed by the Qing Dynasty for decades, and at this time they finally recovered the bravery of the Genghis Khan era.

Jiang Xin suppressed the discomfort in his heart. To be honest, he was somewhat repulsed by such a cruel massacre, but he was a soldier, and he was the chief general of the army. Most of them have only been trained for less than a year, but they do not hesitate to execute any military order meticulously, and they are really natural fighters.

In front of a large number of explosive packages, the towering city can no longer be a barrier for human beings. Amidst the rumbling explosions, pieces of the city walls crashed to the ground. There have been slaughters.

Immediately after, the Fortress was exposed in front of the empire. This is one of the big cities of the Movor Empire. Except for a small number of rangers and noble guards riding behind, the rest of the cavalry are gathering here. Jiang Xin's strategy, with the speed of Mongolian iron cavalry, can completely attack the city of Delhi within one and a half months, of course, without attacking the city.

But if this is the case, the city in between will become the counterattack base of the Movor Empire. Over time, millions of strong people will take up arms to resist under the threat of their lives.

Although the fighting power of these people cannot be very strong, the value of imperial knights is far higher than these cannon fodder. What Jiang Xin wants is a low-loss battle. He does not allow unnecessary sacrifices by his subordinates, and he does not allow any changes in the future. or question.

What's more, the wealth in villages and towns is far lower than that in cities, which is one of the reasons.

However, he still made some preparations, destroying all long-range weapons in the occupied area, and even confiscated iron objects, and found that the Mughal Empire who carried weapons would be attacked,

And Jiang Xin is waiting, waiting for the reaction of the Movor Empire. This kind of looting with the more bullying the less and the strong bullying the weak is meaningless. He hopes to see the main force of the Movor Empire, relying on the powerful cavalry under his command Divide and annihilate them, and then the Morvor Empire will become a ostentatious empire, and the Great Hua Empire can play as it wants.


In fact, Aurangzeb, the emperor of the Mughal Empire, is already terrified, and his subjects are secretly blaming Aurangzeb in their hearts, complaining that he should not provoke the Dahua Empire, and now that he has received such severe retaliation, the governors of the provinces have also acted in other ways. Thoughts, decided that if the Dahua Empire came, they would decisively surrender.

Because the cruelty of the Great China Empire has spread, the fate of not surrendering is very tragic.

And now the Mughal emperor mobilized millions of troops to encircle and suppress Wu Shifan in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Not only did he win less than he lost, but he suffered heavy losses, and some feudal lords also secretly flirted with Wu Shifan, which further stimulated the governor with ulterior motives.Of course this is only a small part.

At this critical point, the Dahua Empire stabbed the knife in the back, and aimed at the heart of the Mughal Empire.

Emperor Mower Aurangzeb only felt that he had fallen into the trap of the Dahua Empire. Maybe Dazhou and Dahua had united long ago, but he was kept in the dark in order to snatch such a huge territory.

The point is that the empire doesn't have many troops to call at this time. Dahua's cavalry is less than a thousand miles away from the capital Delhi. Aurangzeb is really panicked this time. He doesn't understand why the empire's guards are so late Wu Shifan, who is undefeated and has no foundation, doesn't even understand why dozens of cities in the empire fell in just over a month. Can Delhi survive with such a speed of destruction?
"Shickley, how many soldiers can the empire deploy?" Aurangzeb roared furiously. He has always been a great tyrant, and he was a very powerful one. Unfortunately, now, he is a little afraid.

Shikli was the head of Mir Bakshi of the Mughal Empire, and Mir Bakshi was the minister in charge of military affairs of the Mughal Empire.

A man over half a century old looked terrified, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, at most one hundred thousand cavalry and 20 infantry can be dispatched, but after half a year, the empire can add millions of new recruits."

Aurangzeb snorted, and said coldly: "Xickli immediately took these people to defeat the hateful Dahua, otherwise you will not come back."

"Your Majesty, calm down." Shickley immediately broke out in a cold sweat. The opponent has 30 cavalry, and they have broken through more than 20 cities in less than two months. How can they be easily defeated?The other party is simply born from the evil god, and the iron rides pass by, not a single blade of grass grows, so who is the opponent with his old bones?
Hey! It's not good for your majesty to provoke anyone, why should you provoke the Dahua Empire!

Xikli sighed in his heart with a bitter face. Seeing the emperor's face became even uglier, he hurriedly knelt down and said more respectfully: "Your Majesty is the holy king of the Mughal Empire. Although Dahua and Dazhou are not very good, they are united. It’s not normal, now you can make peace with the Dahua Empire first, even if it delays for a while, it’s good, besides, these soldiers and horses have been transferred, and there are only [-] old and weak soldiers left in the capital Delhi.”

"Thirty thousand soldiers?" Aurangzeb's eyes widened, wishing he could eat Shickley, and said unwillingly, "Bastard, why don't you just give up thousands of miles of land like this?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the veteran guarding Fort *** is now Abuel. He has gathered a hundred thousand troops in Fort *** when he learned of the atrocities committed by the Great China Empire, and recruited another hundred thousand recruits. He will definitely be able to defend it *** Fortress, but for the safety of the imperial capital, please call back another 20 soldiers and horses. After all, it is important to guard the emperor. As long as your majesty guards the imperial capital, the Mughal Empire will have the hope of rising. It is not too late for the king to take revenge in ten years. "

Xi Keli said earnestly, after all, Dahua's iron cavalry is only more than 900 miles away from the imperial capital at this time. If they gallop at full speed, they will be able to reach the city in only three days. The situation is extremely critical.

Aurangzeb sighed, and for the sake of his own safety, he had no choice but to agree with Xikli's opinion, and said sternly: "Immediately increase the number of troops, and another 50. I want revenge, and I want to take revenge on the Dahua Empire, but I still have to hurry up." Send an envoy."

In this way, the million-strong army that besieged Wu Shifan was reduced by 20, and they were the elite of the Mughal Empire, including [-] cavalry and [-] armored infantry.

Wu Shifan finally breathed a sigh of relief. According to the strength of the troops, Da Zhou now had more than one million troops, and even more than 20 firearms troops. Although thousands of artillery pieces of various sizes had run out of shells, the muskets still had ammunition.

After fighting Dahua for so long, although Dazhou's firearms troops are not as good as Dahua's, they far surpass the Mughal Empire, especially in terms of defense.

At this time, Wu Shifan personally led 30 elites and 30 militiamen to confront the Mughals' more than [-] soldiers and horses. The remaining Zhou army was stabilizing the rear, and the Bingzhang Division was also under preparation.

In order to fully gain the support of millions of Han people, Wu Shifan learned from the experience of the rise of the Black Tiger Army. The Han soldiers will obtain the corresponding land with their military exploits, and these lands are hereditary and will never be taxed. Zhou Empire.

When it is implemented, no one will say that Wu Shifan is dishonest, because these things have already convinced the common people.

To achieve this point, it can be said that Wu Shifan went all out, but his strategy succeeded. In order to survive in a foreign country, those people who could take up arms all clenched their weapons, and everyone fought desperately for land and treasure.

Wu Shifan first overthrew all the feudal lords in the occupied area, but did not target civilians and slaves, but reduced some miscellaneous taxes, which was actually one-third less than the excessive taxation of the Mughal Empire. One, let the Indians in the occupied area be honest.

Xia Guoxiang even had an idea, and fooled the slaves: "If you join the army of the Great Zhou, if you can make military exploits, the Great Zhou will not only release their status as slaves, but also grant them land."

At this moment, slaves flocked to join Da Zhou's army. In just two months, Da Zhou had built a slave army of 20, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. Of course, it meant hand-to-hand combat ability. In fact, they were Da Zhou's cannon fodder.

In the past few months, Da Zhou has shown great power, occupying thousands of miles of land and having a population of tens of millions.

When Wu Shifan learned that the Dahua Empire sent hundreds of thousands of cavalry to attack the Mughal Empire, he was not happy but worried, because he knew that if the Dahua Empire sent troops to attack the back of Dazhou at this time, Dazhou's national fortune would not last long.

For this reason, he decided to vomit some blood, and asked the ministers under his command to bring a batch of generous gifts to plead guilty to the emperor of the Dahua Empire. Of course, he would not submit to the black tiger, this was just his tactic to delay the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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