The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 264 Cannon Fodder Battle

Chapter 264 Cannon Fodder Battle

When Aurangzeb was in a state of desperation, the special envoys of Britain, France and Portugal came together and sent 24 high-quality tunnel-fired muskets and ten [-]-pound cast iron cannons.

Britain, France and other countries have some strongholds along the coast of the Indian Ocean. Although they have been hit by the Great China Empire, they have not been completely annihilated. The rights and interests of the country, and united with the Mughal Empire to fight against the Dahua Empire.

Although Aurangzeb vetoed the resolution to unite with the Dahua Empire to go to war a while ago, but at this time the Dahua Empire took the initiative to provoke and killed the Mughal Empire. Coupled with the comprehensive aggression of the Great Zhou, I believe Aurangzeb Will make wise choices.

These are the joint decisions of Britain, France and other countries. The purpose is to overthrow the huge Dahua Empire. Although the Mughal Empire has fallen at this time, it has a huge land and population, and it is completely the best player for cannon fodder. The strength of a part of the Great China Empire is also good.

The power of tunnel-fired guns and artillery has been transmitted back from the front line. The elite armored infantry, longbow troops and heavy cavalry of the Mughal Empire were unable to break through the trenches of Dazhou, and suffered heavy losses in front of the muskets and cannons. Zebu knew very well that his own firearms were not only small, but also outdated and of poor quality. He was very grateful for the kindness of Britain and France: "Okay, a friend in adversity sees the truth, I bought all these firearms, and you I will buy as many as I have."

He also told Shickley: "Immediately train [-] imperial musketeers and place ten cannons on the city wall."

"Hehe, thank you for your generosity, but guns and cannons are very precious. Now we and other countries don't have many guns here, but we do have some artillery, hehe." The Mughal emperor was very repulsive to the British and French countries, but at this time he could hear the Mughal emperor's eagerness, and quickly changed his original intention. It is also a good idea to continue selling artillery to the Mughal emperor.

At this time, the Mughal emperor suffered a heavy blow. If Britain, France and other countries showed special interest, especially surrounding him and the Dahua Empire as enemies, it would arouse the emperor's suspicion. As long as the strength of the Mughal army is strengthened, With their knowledge of Aurangzeb, he absolutely could not swallow this breath.

France also understood, and gave a thumbs up to the British and French envoys.

"Shipping as much as you have, the price is not a problem." Hearing this, Aurangzeb roared firmly, and anyone could feel his joy.

"We are old friends. You only need 200 pounds of silver or 20 pounds of gold to buy a cannon. I can ship [-] cannons in a month and a half. If there are still needs, you have to wait a few months , and I will send excellent instructors to train His Majesty's gunners." The British envoy held back the smirk in his heart, and said solemnly, five times the profit, this is a great achievement, but thinking that these profits will be shared equally with France and others , He couldn't bear the pain again.

"Okay, bring them here as soon as possible. The empire still needs [-] cannons and [-] muskets. The sooner the better." Aurangzeb said with a bold smile without blinking. The imperial palace is full of gold and silver treasures.

He thought to himself again: "With enough cannons and muskets, the Great Zhou will not be able to turn around big waves, but the Dahua Empire has more cavalry in terms of numbers and combat power. Can the cannons deal with the cavalry?"

Aurangzeb had no idea, and hoped that the special envoy sent out this time would bring back good news. As long as the weak and weak Da Zhou was dealt with first, then millions of soldiers from the empire would be gathered, and they must enter the territory of the Dahua Empire. To let the emperor of the Great China Empire prostrate at his feet, thinking of this, Aurangzeb was intoxicated.

The special envoys of Britain, France and other countries also left happily, but the British special envoys had other ideas in their hearts. Now the power of European countries in the Indian peninsula is the strongest in the United Kingdom. Now the Mughal Empire is full of crises. It is entirely possible to take advantage of the chaos to snatch more colonies. If Britain includes the entire Mughal Empire into the scope of colonies, the benefits are simply immeasurable.

No, this is too tempting, and Britain's actions are too cautious, maybe Britain can do better, and must report to the headquarters as soon as possible, His Majesty Charles II will be moved.

"Ah, it's too bad. His Majesty Charles II's main fleet will definitely attack Southeast Asia on a large scale. It is obviously irrational to strangle the newly-emerged Dahua Empire. It is best to let France and the Netherlands go head-to-head with the Dahua Empire. The Mughal Empire is obviously weaker by more than a notch, but I don’t know if it can persuade the upcoming Royal Fleet Commander?”

Too many variables directly disturbed the heart of the British envoy, but how would you know if you didn't try?

On July 7th of the third year of Huaxing, the hot summer made people very irritable.

Jiang Xin did not wait for the Mughal army, but instead waited for some old-fashioned special envoys. He got angry, cut off their left ears, and drove them out. .

However, during the waiting period, Jiang Xin used more than [-] captives to fill up the moat outside the castle.

*** Fort is one of the big cities in the Mughal territory. The city wall stretches for dozens of miles, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The city wall is 12 meters high and three meters wide. The moat outside the city is 50 meters wide and three meters deep. The key Because the city is lined with fortresses, arrow towers, and the inner city walls and urns, the strategy of blowing up the city walls is useless. Jiang Xin only has cavalry in his hands, and obstacles still have a great impact on the cavalry.

And there are 20 soldiers and horses inside. I heard that the guard Abul is a well-known warrior who is good at guarding. Although he is old now, he has great prestige in the Mughal army.

He wrote a blood book to severely condemn the atrocities committed by the Dahua Empire, and vowed to resist to the end.

Jiang Xin was furious when he received the blood letter. He ordered 16 noble guards and [-] Mongolian cavalry to maintain order in the rear. The iron cavalry headed towards Delhi, the capital of the Mughal Empire, with great fanfare, ordering them not to attack the city of Delhi, but to attack the small cities and villages along the way to cut off the wings of Delhi.

Try to lure the main force in the opponent's imperial capital out of the city, use the advantage of the imperial cavalry to kill the opponent's vital forces, and when the fort is broken, Jiang Xin will personally preside over the battle against Delhi.

This was actually Jiang Xin's strategy, leaving a small part of his troops to confront the Fort, while most of the rest went to attack their capital, so that the defenders in Fort had to go out of the city to fight them.

If you don't fight, the Mughal emperor will settle accounts in the future, and he will definitely not be spared.

If you fight, 20 vs. [-] is an advantage. As long as the defenders of Fort *** defeat the Dahua cavalry outside the city, they can return to Delhi to attack the main force of Dahua on both sides. It will become smaller, and maybe it is possible to wipe out Dahua's main cavalry.

This was Jiang Xin's conspiracy, which was based on his trust in the [-] Lancers, but after waiting for several days, the defenders in the city did not intend to go out to fight the Great Hua Army.

With an idea, Jiang Xin began to order more than [-] captives to attack *** Fort in batches.

Batch after batch of Indians rushed towards the city wall with red eyes on the ladder.

Behind them are Mongolian iron cavalry on war horses. As long as they dare to hesitate, what they are waiting for is a rain of arrows. They are afraid of being killed, so they can only climb up the city wall against their conscience.

Of course, only a few people escaped the blows of the wood and arrows, rushed to the top of the city, and were instantly killed by the defenders with many soldiers.

However, only a few of the Indians who rushed to the top of the city knelt and surrendered, and the rest waved their weapons vigorously.

Abel was very puzzled, why did these natives sacrifice their lives for foreigners regardless of life and death?
(End of this chapter)

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