The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 265 The Declining Mughal Empire

Chapter 265 The Declining Mughal Empire
After questioning those trembling captives, they found out the whole story. It turned out that it was all caused by the evil Dahua people. These people were survivors of the killing by the Dahua Empire. If they did not rush to kill them, their families would be in danger.

So vile.

Abel suddenly fell into a state of trance. There were really only [-] cavalry outside the city, and the rest of the cavalry really went to attack the imperial capital.

Thinking of Aurangzeb's cruelty, Abur couldn't help but shudder. His son was a hostage in the imperial capital. The key is that the other party has a large number of captives, who can attack the city wall day and night, waiting for the arrows and wood in the city to wear out. How can you defend yourself if you are exhausted?

"No, all the clansmen must be rescued. If the fight continues like this, all the people from the Mughal Empire will die, and they will die from cannibalism. It is too unworthy. Now there are [-] armored cavalry under the command, plus five Ten thousand armored infantry, twenty thousand archers, and one hundred thousand spearmen will definitely be able to defeat the sixty thousand enemy cavalry."

Abel roared in his heart, and immediately summoned all the generals, this battle will be fought to the death.

On this first day, more than [-] captive soldiers were killed or injured in the siege, and the city has become a hell on earth.

As the sky darkened, Jiang Xin still stubbornly ordered the captive soldiers to attack the city. In the middle of the night, there was a deafening shout of killing, and the sound spread for dozens of miles. The captive soldiers who were attacking the city were immediately swept away .

Thousands of Mongolian iron cavalry maintaining order all sneered, ignored the defeated captive soldiers, and galloped away briskly on their horses.

When Abulu came out to explore the horses, he did not find a Mongolian cavalry or a large Chinese. After asking the captives, he learned that there were only [-] Mongolian cavalry in custody, and the rest of the cavalry had left at the moment of darkness.

Abul was furious when he heard that there were only [-] Mongolian cavalry holding more than [-] captives, these spineless guys.

At this moment, a captured soldier came on horseback and handed over a letter of war, with only eight words on it: The decisive battle is tomorrow, dare you?

Abu Er sneered, tore up the letter of war, and hurriedly ordered the generals under his command to reorganize the captured soldiers, and secretly said: "Could it be that there is some trick? If the decisive battle is really scheduled for tomorrow, it is feasible. With these captured soldiers, there will be nearly 30 soldiers under his command." With an army of [-], five people can't beat even one?"

However, he still spewed out a large number of probing horses, and he was not relieved until he was sure that the opponent's main cavalry was indeed not within two hundred miles in front of him.


The plain with a radius of more than a hundred miles is the place for the decisive battle between the two sides.

This place is five miles away from the Fortress City, so close that they can easily evacuate even if the battle situation is unfavorable. Abel led the army to form a thick formation more than ten miles long.

In fact, the more than [-] captive soldiers were also given to Abuel by Jiang Xin, in order to lead him to a decisive battle with the Dahua Empire.

However, just to be on the safe side, Jiang Xin made other preparations. The [-] Mongolian iron cavalry in the rear had already been transferred from the rear, but Abu Er didn't know it, because his probing horse was not the opponent of the Dahua Empire's iron cavalry at all.

However, Jiang Xin brought [-] Lancers this time, and at this time, the more than [-] captive soldiers were displayed on the opposite side of the Lancers, five miles away. The opponent rushed to the front, I really don't know how much strength is left, this is the biggest advantage of the cavalry, and behind the captive soldiers are more than [-] soldiers and horses of Abul.

This is Abuel's chance to atone for the captive soldiers. On the opposite side of the cavalry, they can only fight to the death. Even if they are defeated, they can stop the cavalry of the Dahua Empire.

Abel was very surprised. He didn't expect that the other party only used [-] cavalry. He sneered in his heart and said, "How about [-] cavalry? That's fine, let's eat the [-] cavalry first."

"Kill, warriors of the empire, kill all the big Chinese in front, and reward one gold coin for each person killed, kill."

Following Abul's order, more than [-] infantry rushed towards the Lancers where Jiang Xin was located, and [-] heavy cavalry each surrounded them from both wings.

Abul's strategy is very simple, use the speed of [-] cavalry to hold the enemy's cavalry, and then defeat the opponent with the advantage of the number of infantry.

What he didn't know was that at this time, [-] Mongolian cavalry were outflanking their backs.

Seeing this, Jiang Xin was overjoyed, as long as he killed the opponent's cavalry, the remaining infantry would become chickens and ducks waiting to be slaughtered.

When the opponent's cavalry was only two miles away from his own side, Jiang Xin issued a combat mission. Ten thousand people on one side greeted the heavy cavalry of the Mughal Empire.

Abel was overjoyed, light cavalry against heavy cavalry?Isn't this courting death?
But within a few minutes, when the two armies were 60 meters apart, there was a sudden bang bang bang bang.

I saw that the heavy cavalry of the Mughal Empire seemed to have encountered obstacles, and fell off their horses in pieces, or fell down with their horses.

All the heavy cavalry were stunned, and Abel was also stunned. He forgot to withdraw the only remaining cavalry in his hands. The flying blood spattered with the gunshots, making people tremble on the spot.

Jiang Xin was very satisfied. At this time, the Lancers in a team of one thousand fired the bullets of the wheeled cavalry in a very short time, and they forcibly blocked the opponent's impact.

When this group of Lancers finished firing the bullets of the wheeled cavalry, they would quickly move to the two sides to make room for the second thousand-man team, and they would skillfully clean the barrels and load the bullets. On the galloping horse, it is as easy as flat ground.

bang bang bang...

That is to say, the 1 people on the right and left wings were divided into ten thousand-man teams. When the ninth thousand-man team was used, the [-] heavy cavalry were completely eliminated. At the same time, people couldn't help but feel chilled, but the [-] Lancers returned to their original positions, almost unscathed, and all looked indifferently at the charging infantry.

In fact, the Dahua Empire had already fired nearly 20.00 rounds of bullets, and the hit rate was only [-]%. However, they were dealing with heavy cavalry after all, which is already commendable.

The gunfire stopped, the [-] heavy cavalry were all gone, and the infantry of our own side had only rushed halfway, and Abel was uncertain at times, withdrawing?or continue?

Looking through the binoculars, those cavalrymen didn't wear iron armor, but their faces were covered by iron helmets, only revealing a pair of sharp eyes, and each of them was holding a one-meter-long iron crutches, but those iron crutches could emit white blood. Smoke and sparks can also kill heavy cavalry.Are these cavalry the incarnation of the devil?
Abel shook his head. He knew that this must be a new type of musket. Now that the arrow was on the string, he had to fire it. He didn't dare to withdraw. If he withdrew, his army would be defeated. The opponent had cavalry and could chase and kill him at will.

So there is only Chong, and there are [-] armored infantry and [-] archers around him, which are enough to deal with any danger. Trouble, although he doesn't understand why [-] heavy cavalry can be easily solved by [-] light cavalry, but he firmly believes that victory will definitely belong to the righteous side.

At this moment, Abel suddenly jumped up in fear, and the spies who had been scattered would come to report in half an hour, why haven't they come yet?
But when he saw that the fort was safe, he was relieved. After all, there were still [-] infantry left in the city.

At this time, Dahua's most elite cavalrymen galloped again.

The formation, which was originally very neat, suddenly divided into dozens of teams, rushing towards the Mughal Empire's army from all directions like waves.

blah blah blah blah...

The iron hooves were galloping, splashing pieces of dust, but there was no shouting. The horse was clearly barking, but it gave off a terrifyingly quiet feeling.

Abel squeezed his sweat and sighed softly: "You must hold on."

Then he ordered loudly: "The rest of the army is slowly approaching, and those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

The cavalry approached a hundred meters in front of the infantry phalanx in just a few minutes.

bang bang bang...

The continuous gunshots rang out again.

Able howled like a wounded beast: "No, this is a massacre, this..."

Unaware that the binoculars fell to the ground, Abuel was dumbfounded again on his vigorous horse. White smoke passed by, causing piles of casualties.

But the massacre continued. The 18 cavalry fired 7 bullets in one go, killing more than [-] people on the spot.

The combination of war horses and revolving lances is simply a nightmare for infantry.

Those captive soldiers had no room to resist, and they fell down in pieces like this. When they were dying, they remembered the Mongols' warning: if you dare to betray the Dahua Empire, you will die.

The moment the Lancers dispersed, the remaining soldiers of the Mughal Empire came to their senses and began to rush towards the rear of the main formation recklessly.

Before they touched Abul's main formation, they were shot and killed by the returning Lancers one after another. The corpses spread for several miles, covering a thick layer, and a bloody aura shot straight into the sky.

Abel wanted to cry but had no tears. The 15 forward infantry died in less than a quarter of an hour. This is too exaggerated.

He only felt a little dizzy. Could it be that he was fighting ghosts and gods?Looking through the binoculars at the black dragon flag with claws and claws, I feel uneasy.

The strong willpower immediately pulled him back to reality, he bit the tip of his tongue, and sighed in his heart: "Can the armored infantry stop the opponent?"

Abel suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and wanted to withdraw, but knew that the armored infantry could not run away from the opponent.

blah blah blah blah...

The boundless sound of horseshoes sounded from far to near behind him, and suddenly Able was driven into the abyss. He knew that the cavalry behind him must not belong to the Mughal Empire.

A quarter of an hour later, the [-] armored infantry did not escape the embrace of death just like the [-] archers. The armor could not stop the sharp bullets, and the arrows released by the archers before they died could not cause effective damage to the Lancers.

When the [-] Mongolian iron cavalry came, they all had complicated expressions. Could it be that the corpses of these hundreds of thousands of Mughals were all the masterpieces of Lancers?

The Great China Empire is mighty!Long live the Great China Emperor!
The hearts of the Mongolian cavalry officers and men were filled with awe.

In the afternoon of that day, Fort *** surrendered!Jiang Xin was very satisfied with the countless seizures made by the empire, and drove towards Delhi with more than [-] Lancers and [-] cavalry.

The remaining [-] Mongolian iron cavalry and [-] noble guard cavalry will be responsible for maintaining the security of the entire rear.

Fortunately, each Lancer is equipped with 200 rounds of ammunition, and there is no need to replenish ammunition.

At this time, the empire's transportation brigade also arrived, and they would be responsible for transporting a large amount of treasure and materials back to the mainland. Unfortunately, the 30 herdsmen were obviously a little short.

(End of this chapter)

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