Chapter 269
The United Nations battleship fleet had just entered the inland waters of the Dahua Empire, and they did not attack the port, but only intercepted and bombarded passing Dahua merchant ships.

This is thanks to the Dutch commander Van Dyke who, for the sake of the overall situation, revealed the secret weapon of the Dahua Empire, the mine. Now that the commanders of various countries immediately gave up the decision to bomb the port, they must know little about the intelligence of the Dahua Empire. 80.00% will hit the opponent's mines, it is better to stop statically, at least you can maintain the advantage of the battleship at all times.

Now all countries bring battleships. The cost of a third-class battleship is at least [-] pounds, and a first-class battleship is at least [-] pounds. Countries cannot afford to lose.

They have already obtained accurate information. Most of the Black Dragon Fleet is in Southeast Asia, and the Dahua Empire does not have many warships. As long as the Black Dragon Fleet returns from Southeast Asia and wipes out the fleet of the Dahua Empire, and defeats the Black Dragon Fleet, the overall situation is settled. .

Because as long as the Great China Empire has no warships to compete with other countries, the European countries will take the initiative. Whether it is seizing Southeast Asia or attacking the mainland of the Great China Empire, they can advance and retreat freely.

Moreover, the battleship fleets of various countries do not know the news that the Dahua Empire owns ironclad ships. Under the current situation, it will take at least a few months for the British and French countries to spread the news to the inland sea of ​​the empire.

In just ten days, the Dahua Empire lost more than [-] merchant ships, and the empire lost tens of millions of silver dollars and thousands of sailors. This aroused great resentment among the people of the empire. The Navy has already stopped it.

Jiang Tao didn't even expect that the other party could break into Dahua's inner sea without anyone noticing. According to the report of the survivors, the other party had more than a hundred battleships. It seems that the European countries have divided their forces, if they concentrated their main force to attack and bomb the coast of the empire, the losses would be huge, but they didn't, could it be that they have other schemes?"

Wei Donglai's heart moved, and he said with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty, according to the information, the opponent has been sailing along the Sea of ​​Japan and the Korean coast. Except for bombing some small islands and small ports and attacking merchant ships, he has not aggressively attacked the ports of the empire. It seems that the opponent is It is a bluff, and it is possible to mobilize the empire’s black dragon fleet in Southeast Asia, so it seems that the other party’s spearhead is directed at Southeast Asia.”

"Well." Jiang Tao nodded, and said with a gloomy face: "Pass the order to Chen Dajiang, Southeast Asia must not be lost, no matter what happens to the empire, it is not allowed to return aid, and defending the entire Southeast Asia is the first achievement."

Cheng Zhang sighed lightly, and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, there are only fifty clipper warships and forty sea lion-class cruisers outside Tianjin Port, can they stop two hundred cruisers? You can't ignore the country."

It took several months, but Shi Lang lived up to expectations, and finally defeated the Philippine fleet. At this time, he had already returned.

"Hehe, even if the navy can't defeat the opponent's battleship, the empire still has an army. The opponent's expedition this time, without supplies, won't last long. As long as the empire firmly occupies Southeast Asia, the empire can continue to develop. Now the sea route is not smooth. The empire lost a lot, but it was within the tolerance of the empire. The goods of the empire can still be continuously shipped to Southeast Asian countries. Now eight royal army divisions have been stationed in Hebei, Shandong and other places. Cooperating with the local garrisons, even if Europeans come 50 troops are useless."

After Jiang Tao finished speaking calmly, Cheng Zhang, Huang Zongxi and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, as long as the imperial capital is not broken, this battle will not stop. After more than a month of sea trials, the clipper warship has reached the fastest speed of fourteen knots, and the armor-piercing ability of the conical iron bullet is stronger. The power of the rear-mounted cannon far exceeds that of the front-mounted cannon, and even the Sea Lion-class cruiser is threatened, and the explosive shell is the natural enemy of the wooden warship.

In view of the excellent performance of this ship, Jiang Tao resolutely stopped the plan to continue to build Sea Lion-class cruisers and Seal-class cruisers, and built another 7000 clipper-type warships, which can be completed in July of the fourth year of Huaxing, with an estimated cost of [-] million silver dollars. But this money is nothing to the empire.

Wei Donglai is the youngest minister in the cabinet at this time, and Jiang Tao has great expectations for him: "Donglai, tell me, why does the other party seem to be full of scruples, how can he have the prestige of some maritime powers? If it were me, I would directly gather five hundred An all-out attack on Tianjin Port by a capital ship will at least make the Dahua Empire terrified for a while."

"Your Majesty, I don't really blame them. It should be the sequelae left by the Dutch Far East Fleet's encounter in Edo last time. They must be afraid of the mines outside the major ports, so much so that they think that there are mines along the coast of the empire. The minister is the commander in chief of the other party, so he definitely wouldn't dare to go on the rampage." Wei Donglai narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's fine too. Well, it's time for a decisive battle. Immediately send an order to Jiang Wushang and Shi Lang, ordering them to take fifty clipper-type warships and forty sea lion-class cruisers to destroy each other's warships." The main battleship, and it has to rely on the speed of the flying scissors to chase and kill them with all their strength. Only when these two hundred battleships sink into the sea can I sleep peacefully." Jiang Tao also smiled and said, in front of all the cabinet ministers, he does not have to reason Make majesty.

"Observe the order." All the cabinet ministers hurriedly responded.

However, Wei Donglai continued: "Your Majesty, the No. 57 Sea Lion-class cruiser was captured by Europe. Presumably with the technological level and shipbuilding capabilities of European countries, they will definitely build stronger warships, and I'm afraid they will be difficult to deal with. "

"Well, that's true, but the technical content of the Sea Lion-class cruiser is not high. When the other party imitates it, our new all-steel battleship may have been released, but we can't take it lightly. This is why I have always attached great importance to technology and technology. For the sake of education, I decided that the cabinet will draw out 5000 million silver dollars and three knighthoods every year to reward technological inventions. Well, the cabinet will formulate a five-year education plan. Within five years, all school-aged people in the empire must undergo six-year compulsory education. Education, and to increase the number of places for university education, that is to say, to build more universities.”

Jiang Tao put away his smile, said solemnly, and secretly said in his heart: "Steam engines haven't been popular for many years, and diesel engines with greater power followed. Well, China was an oil-poor country in the previous life. It seems that I should occupy more oil fields. s country."

Jiang Tao was in a daze, but Huang Zongxi, who paid the most attention to education, said: "After the inspection of the veterans, the learning tasks of the six-year compulsory education are very heavy. To learn so many important courses in six years will put a lot of pressure on the children. It is right to have the Tao, and children are the future of the empire, so we can't let them become nerds one by one."

Jiang Tao has also been tortured by cramming education, and he blinked his eyes when he heard this and said: "Forget it, let's change it to nine-year compulsory education, and children over eight years old will receive nine-year compulsory education, and they will be about 16 years old. The customs of our Han people should also come of age. We should know whether to continue our studies or settle down and start a career. By the way, girls’ education is equally important. We can build a special girls’ school first, and gradually popularize it later. "

He also realized that if there is a six-year compulsory education, most children will graduate at the age of 13, and by the time they are 20, they may forget all the knowledge they have learned.

"Emperor Shengming!"

Regarding the establishment of a girls' school, the elders of Zhongge did not refute. After all, they are all enlightened people, not that kind of old feudalism, and the emperor has always said one thing, but there is not much response among the people, and even some old feudalism resisted, but the general trend Underneath, it is nothing more than a mantis arm as a cart.


Five days later, the United Nations fleet dispatched [-] battleships to bomb Jianghua Island. Through some North Korean prisoners, they learned the secrets of the Dahua Empire. It was the important ports of the Dahua Empire that were equipped with mines.

Now it is November of the third year of Huaxing, the weather is getting colder, and the commanders of various countries are getting a little restless.

After all, it took several months, but did not sink a warship of the Dahua Empire, which simply insulted the prestige of the European countries.

In view of the fact that North Korea does not have a navy, and only a few major ports have mines, they decided to intimidate Dahua’s henchman, North Korea, and try to make North Korea surrender. As long as North Korea surrenders, the blow to Dahua will be huge, and it is very likely to collapse. The colonial system of the Great China Empire, for example, Japan and Indonesia have a large number of Korean soldiers, and Laos, Siam, etc. also hold grudges against the Great China Empire.

As long as the important breakthrough of North Korea is disintegrated, European countries will no longer be fighting alone, they can easily obtain supplies, and there is a great possibility of obtaining allies such as Japan, Laos, and Siam.

The king of North Korea received the forced surrender letter, but he tore it into pieces without even looking at it, and snorted coldly: "North Korea now follows the Dahua Empire to eat and drink spicy food. These red-haired ghosts and yellow-haired ghosts are really wishful thinking."

Besides, the king of North Korea clearly knew the strength of the Dahua Empire. In just a few years, even the Mongolian ministries have willingly surrendered. Now that North Korea is rebelling, isn't it courting death?

The king of North Korea has decided to carry forward the spirit of loyalty, and would rather die than surrender to the threats of Britain and France. Besides, at critical moments, he can take refuge in the imperial capital of the Dahua Empire, where is the safest place.

dong dong dong...

The fifty European battleships fired more than 2000 shells in one salvo, and the island was suddenly in chaos.

The North Korean soldiers on Ganghwa Island were lying in the trenches and trembling, hoping that the suzerain country would come to rescue them soon. The warships of these foreign devils were really powerful.

The king of Joseon almost fell when he heard the continuous sound of gunfire, and hurriedly led his guards to seek refuge inland. After all, Kaesong, the capital, was too close to the sea.

However, he was not afraid of losing the capital. After all, there were three elite sharpshooters defending, and there were more than [-] brave Korean soldiers. How could it be so easy to break through.

Ten rounds of volleys from European countries finally stopped, because nearly a hundred enemy ships appeared [-] nautical miles away, obviously the main fleet of the opponent.

The fleet commanders from various countries looked at each other with relaxed expressions. There are only a hundred enemy ships?Emperor Dahua must be crazy.

Originally, they thought that the Great Hua Empire was afraid and did not dare to fight.

The Dutch commander put on a straight face. It was time to recover the interest. After a brief discussion, and in order to express respect for the Great China Empire, all countries decided to dispatch all [-] battleships.

In the end, everyone decided that 120 battleships along the way will meet the Dahua Fleet, and 80 battleships will detour to the side of the Dahua Fleet, and then attack the Dahua Fleet from both sides.

120 ships lined up in a long queue, cut through the wind and waves, and met Jiang Wushang's flying scissors.

At this time, the fifty clipper-type battleships did not raise all their sails, but they still left the forty Sea Lion-class cruisers far behind.

At this time, Shi Lang was on Jiang Wushang's flagship, and smiled enviously: "The flying scissor warship is cool. It will be at sea for decades, and I have never seen such a fast warship. The emperor is really a god." .”

"Brother Shi, don't be polite to younger brother, how will we fight this battle? Brother must know it well!" Jiang Wushang said a little worriedly, having hardly experienced any major naval battles.

"Brother, with these fifty steel warships, we can surely win the opponent. However, this ship is not as tall as the opponent's warship. The opponent can easily jump on this ship. We must prevent the opponent from seizing the ship." Shi Lang also became serious, solemnly Dao, but he secretly praised Jiang Wushang for not putting on an official tone.

"Brother Shi, it's okay. Originally, there were more than 350 people on the ship. For the safety of the ship, now the ship has 50 people on board, including 300 gunners, and the other 500 people are equipped with revolving lances and short sniper rifles. Only a few sailors who steer and control the sails are exposed to the gunfire of the enemy ship, and the artillerymen are protected by armored gun shields, so it is difficult to be injured. Even if the opponent rushes up to [-] people at once, they will not be able to capture the ship. "

"Well, that's good. The opponent is strong, and it's not difficult to defeat the opponent, but it's a bit difficult to wipe out the opponent. If it's my brother, I'll go at full speed and close to the opponent for melee combat. According to the combat power of the clipper warship, Safety can defeat the opponent in a very short period of time." Shi Lang frowned, but said with confidence, he was confident, and the source of confidence was explosive bombs and torpedoes, and for the victory of this battle, the emperor increased the ship's strength. Explosive ammunition reserves, of which each artillery is equipped with 140 explosive ammunition and 160 armor-piercing ammunition.

Jiang Wu sweated sadly, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "Alright, let's pass on the order, wait a hundred meters closer to the opponent, first launch torpedoes at the opponent's warship, and then launch the explosive bombs with all their strength. In this way, at least Knock out [-]% of the opponent's vitality."

"Okay, it's been a long time since we had a bloody battle. It's been decades since we fought against the red-haired ghost." Shi Lang looked ahead with piercing eyes and laughed loudly.

An hour later, the distance between the two sides was only five miles. Jiang Wushang put down the binoculars and asked in confusion, "Why did the other party dispatch more than 100 warships?"

"Hey, the two small plans are nothing more than a two-sided attack." Shi Lang also put down the binoculars, sneered, and sighed in his heart: "I'm old, I'm really old, and my vision is a bit blurred, but it's a pity that I haven't accomplished anything. No, I must meet the emperor after this victory, I don’t have many five years.”

Jiang Wushang suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Brother Shi, isn't the Sea Lion class cruiser dangerous?"

"Although the Sea Lion-class cruiser is not as good as this ship, it is not something that the opponent's wooden warship can sink. At most, it will suffer heavy losses. Haha, now we have nothing to do with the two of us. The order has been conveyed. It depends on the ships. Captain, let's go, go drink." Shi Lang walked into the captain's room with a smile.

Jiang Wushang was very surprised, but it was hard to dismiss Shi Lang's good intentions. After all, Shi Lang was a veteran. In fact, he was still a little nervous. This battle was his first naval battle as a commander. It will be difficult to make a difference in the Navy in a lifetime.

"Hehe." Shi Lang saw it, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother, it's safest in the captain's room. As long as the general doesn't have any accidents, there is no reason for this battle to be invincible. We feel that the general is calm and calm, and there must be no problem in this battle."

"It makes sense." Jiang Wushang also chuckled lightly, that's all for this battle.

Its executive Lang wanted to say: During the war, the gunpowder is full of smoke and shells are flying, and it is difficult to convey many orders in a timely manner. Only when the flagship makes the correct decision can other warships be affected.

But he didn't say it clearly, Brother Jiang will understand later.

PS: Thank you friends for your rewards, recommendations, and clicks.
(End of this chapter)

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