The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 270 True Strength

Chapter 270 True Strength

The vast Yellow Sea is sparkling, but the sky is gloomy, and the piercing cold wind howls, making it even more chilling.

Fifty flying scissor warships lined up, shooting towards the 120 battleships from European countries like arrows flying off the string.

In an instant, it was close to 1000 meters. God helped Dahua, and the speed of the clipper warship reached [-] knots due to the wind.

At this moment, the flying-scissor flagship slowed down, about three knots lower. It was Shi Lang's suggestion: "The speed is too fast, it must be lowered, or it will affect the battle to come."

"Why do you say that?" Jiang Wushang asked in surprise.

"Hehe, it is very likely to hit the opponent's warship if it is too fast. The flying scissor warship is not afraid of collision, but the opponent's wooden warship is wider than the flying scissor warship. The opponent is arranged horizontally. Our The battleship is very likely to embed into the opponent's warship, and the consequences will be unpredictable, it is better to play steadily, um, slow down." Shi Lang smiled lightly through the small window of the captain's room.

Jiang Wushang also understood, through the binoculars, he found that the opponent's ship-mounted gun had already pushed out of the gun bay, and the battle was about to start.

Seeing that the flagship had slowed down, the surrounding warships also lowered their sails to slow down.

However, the speed of the flying scissor warship just now directly shocked the commanders of European countries.

Dutch commander Van Dyke remembered Joseph's advice, and suddenly had an ominous premonition. At this time, the battleships of the Netherlands, Britain and France were confronting the Dahua Empire. However, seeing that the opponent only had fifty warships, he suppressed his heart again. Even if the other [-] battleships did not participate in the battle, he really couldn't think of any possibility for the opponent to win, so he simply watched with cold eyes.

"Hey, what kind of battleship is this? There are only twelve cannons?" Van Dyke then noticed that the opponent's battleship not only had a weird style, but also had only one deck. The entire battleship was painted black except for the white canvas. , when the ship is advancing rapidly, it is really strange that these artillery can be used.

Ah, this time he was more relieved. Although the opponent's warship was more than [-] meters long, it only had twelve cannons, and it could only be counted as a sixth-class frigate, although the frigate was a bit huge.

The Dahua Empire used frigates to fight battleships, and there was only one dead end. Oh, the emperor of the Dahua Empire must be crazy.

Van Dyke was very surprised to think that because he was the commander-in-chief of these 120 battleships, it was not his turn. However, since the Netherlands had fought against the Great China Empire many times and knew the Great China Empire best, the British commander took the initiative Abandoning the post and recommending Van Dyck, although the French commander was very reluctant, was clearly isolated.

Only 500 meters left.

dong dong dong...

The 54 guns on the Dutch flagship "Republic" fired first. This ship is a first-class battleship with four decks and has a total of 110 large and small guns. It is also a relatively advanced warship in the whole of Europe.

Immediately, tens of thousands of guns were fired, and the other 119 battleships also fired one after another. When the hot shells streaked across the sky, they left white traces, like a rain of meteors hitting the clipper warship of Commander Jiang Wushang.

In an instant, there were at least [-] shells flying in the sky, and the already gloomy sky became even darker.

"Huh, this round destroyed at least half of the opponent's warships." Van Dyke showed a smug smile, and his heart relaxed. He heard that the Dahua Empire captured tens of thousands of Dutch soldiers and civilians. This time, the Dahua Empire will pay ten times the price. Come to repay, and then they will release the captives obediently.

Immediately, white smoke billowed on the sea surface, stirring up countless water jets, but the fifty clipper warships did not stop at all. However, it was either bounced away, or leaped past with a trace of sparks, only a few shells smashed some white marks on the hull.

However, the sails of some warships were damaged to a certain extent, which was the biggest damage to the flying scissor warships by the European fleet.
dang dang...

However, the shell hit the steel body of the battleship, and the piercing and long sound spread out, and the sailors hiding below the deck were deeply shocked.

However, Jiang Wushang felt unprecedented peace of mind when he heard the violent impact, his side was already invincible, it all depended on the effect of the torpedo.

In the first round, Dahua's local fleet was unharmed.

Seeing that the battleship of the Dahua Empire has not turned the rudder, but is still rushing straight, like a vigorous snake, weaving through the waves and gunpowder smoke, Van Dyke's mind is full of question marks, is the Dahua Empire going to take over the ship?
However, seeing that the opponent's battleship was more than a head shorter than the battleship, Van Dyke shook his head again, regardless of the current situation, the victory is settled.

Eh, now that the other party has a favorable wind, could it be that these frigates are just attracting the poor fellows of the commander?

Van Dyke suddenly woke up. If this is the case, the opponent's main fleet will definitely outflank the battleship fleets of other countries. However, considering that his own side has two hundred battleships, even an idiot commander can easily defeat any conspiracy.

In the face of absolute strength, the conspiracy is so ridiculous, Van Dyke sneered again, for some reason, he, who has always been stable, lost his wise heart many times today.

Only 200 meters away, 50 flying scissor warships showed agile figures, and 120 British, French, and Dutch warships hurriedly adjusted the angle of their muzzles, preparing for the second firing.

100 meters in a blink of an eye.

The Dutch flagship "Republic" fired first, and the rest of the ships also fired. In such a short distance, nearly [-] cannons fired at almost the same time.

At the same time, the fifty flying scissor warships of the Dahua Empire also fired secret weapons, and each warship fired two torpedoes at the same time at the battleship [-] meters ahead.

Immediately, 100 white waves appeared on the entire sea, rushing straight to the opposite battleship.

After each ship was launched, they immediately turned their rudders. This was to prevent the ships from colliding with the wooden warships on the opposite side. Fortunately, the flying scissor warships had a deep draft and no accidents capsized occurred.

dang dang...

Boom boom boom...

The fifty flying scissor battleships were immediately baptized by the rain of bullets, and each warship was hit by more than fifty shells almost at the same time. Some battleships were pushed back tens of meters abruptly, and the sailors inside the ship were all in their throats. After all, such a huge shaking was very likely to capsize.

Immediately afterwards, there were hundreds of huge explosions, and 47 tall and long battleships shattered at the waterline with openings in a radius of more than ten meters. Only three were lucky and escaped the torpedo.

Immediately, sea water poured into it desperately. With such a big hole, it will sink sooner or later. However, some battleships hit two torpedoes at the same time, and some even exploded inside the battleship, causing chain explosions immediately.

With a bang, the huge battleship was torn apart, and huge flames erupted instantly, and the surrounding battleships were hit one after another.

In just a short while, the 120 battleships of European countries lost more than 50 battleships, of which 13 were severely damaged, and 47 were either sunk or were sinking.

Countless European sailors who fell into the water struggled in the icy sea...

Van Dyke was dumbfounded. This must not be true. The French commander was even more horrified. What happened?
And the British commander is screaming in panic in the sea...

(End of this chapter)

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