Chapter 15

Dharma King Ruyibao told us through his precepts and deeds: As long as we don't give up the kindness in our hearts, each of our lives can be an endless treasure.

The life of Dharma King Ruyibao is an endless treasure, and everyone who has a relationship with him will get his benefits.

I dare not and am powerless to fathom the guru's knowledge and enlightenment state, but I have followed him for 20 years, and I still have a good understanding of his square and harmonious way of life.It is no exaggeration to say that from Dharma Wang Ruyibao, just being a human being is enough for me to learn for a lifetime.

When I first arrived at Wuming Buddhist Institute, I came with the purpose of seeing the Dharma King. I didn't expect to be able to stay in the institute as a permanent resident, because I only had 45 yuan in total at that time.His Holiness saw my heart at a glance and knew my wishes and difficulties. Without saying a word, he took the initiative to let me live in the college, and immediately asked for bedding, food and necessary daily necessities. His sister Ali Meizhu Dakini and her niece Mentso Dakini mother sent them to the hut he prepared for me.

At that time, His Majesty's own living conditions were not rich, but as long as others had difficulties, he often helped them without waiting for them to ask, as if everything was taken for granted.A poor student like me, following the Dharma King, not only benefits from the Dharma, but also his kindness, material and financial help.

He was busy teaching the Fa and giving lectures all day long, but with so many disciples around him, he noticed and kept in mind the little things in everyone's life.Then, seemingly completely inadvertently, help you figure things out.If something should be done, Dharma King Ruyibao will do it on his own. No one has ever said anything bad about anyone.

In 1985, His Holiness advocated the rectification of local temples, correcting violations of the precepts, and purifying the ethos of the Sangha.This action received the response and support of many temples, but it inevitably violated the interests of some people, causing their dissatisfaction and attacks, and the ensuing disputes continued for ten years.

During this period, His Holiness did not complain or criticize anyone, nor did he argue or defend with anyone, but just firmly did what should be done.Only once, he said lightly: "If we let the current situation of the Sangha go, the future of Tibetan Buddhism will be bleak and precarious. In order to continue to promote Buddhism, I will not retreat even if I give my life, let alone just Facing some senseless slander."

In my impression, His Holiness is extremely gentle and courteous to everyone.He likes to crack jokes, but even when he teases you, you can still feel his respect for you.It's not just thoughtful etiquette, but a kind of compassion from the heart that doesn't hurt people or things.

In front of His Majesty, no matter how humble people are, they will feel that they are valuable, and no matter how frustrated people will feel that there is no dead end under their feet.I think the so-called dignity in the world is just like this.

His Holiness knows everything and understands the faults of others, but he will not reveal anything that is not serious and can be taken seriously. Everyone has a sense of shame, and he can tolerate everything.Sometimes when he made indirect remarks to his disciples, he seemed to be unbearable afterwards. He was afraid that what he said would hurt people's hearts, so he always had to comfort him with extra kindness.

Although the Dharma King is extremely generous, the college is large in scale and has a large number of personnel, and the management is not strict enough to maintain the normal learning, thinking and practice activities of the Sangha.Occasionally, when someone violated the precepts and was punished or even had to leave the academy, the butler was responsible for handling it.His disciples leaving the academy because of breaking the precepts is the last thing the Karmapa wants to see. Whenever this happens, his tears can't dry up.The housekeeper reported the results to him, and as long as he was a little more specific, he quickly stopped him and said, "Don't tell me, don't tell me!" He really couldn't bear to know more.

When Dharma King Ruyibao was in class, the students were not divided into seats. Those who arrived first sat in the front, and the Living Buddha, no matter how high the status was, could only sit in the back if he came late.This style of freedom and equality often surprises those who come to visit and listen to the academy, but His Holiness has always been like this in his life, treating everyone equally, regardless of whether he is high or low.If it is necessary to say that there is a difference, it is that he will give more preferential treatment to the poor and weak.

He lost his father at the age of nine, and suffered from bullying, hunger and cold since he was a child, so he knows very well the anxiety and sorrow in the hearts of people without parents.When he was young, once he was bullied and beaten by other children, he ran home crying in the heavy rain, his whole body was drenched.That night, he was wrapped in wet clothes, shivering from the cold, thinking sadly that his loving father had left so early, and felt that the world was too painful!He fell asleep in a daze full of grievances, but when he was half asleep and half awake, he saw the shining golden Guru Rinpoche coming to him with a smile and said: "Don't be sad, and don't hate this world. When you grow up, you will help many people. They get real benefits." When the Karmapa awoke, his lamentation disappeared.

The sad experience of losing his parents in his childhood made him more generous and kind, and he was more eager to protect and help others.He regards himself as an omnipotent treasury, taking whatever others need, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.To be a human being is to be so imposing!
Dharma King Ruyibao said that to learn Buddhism, one should first learn to be a human being.Character is the foundation of practice, without a foundation, practice is like building a building in the air, not solid.

Asanga Bodhisattva only examines one thing before accepting a disciple, that is, whether the disciple's character is good or not.If you have a good character, no matter how heavy your karma is, you will be accepted under the door; if you have a bad character, you will be sent back to learn how to be a human being before you come to seek the Dharma.

There are many criteria for judging a good person in the world.King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet once promulgated sixteen moral codes for lay people.These norms are deeply rooted in the hearts of Tibetans, and have been the code of conduct for Tibetans for more than 1000 years.In Tibetan tradition, the essence of a good person boils down to one thing: a kind heart.Kindness can be said to be the core personality of Buddhist practitioners.

People in today's society hope that they are smart, capable, decisive, powerful, rich, and free and easy, but not many people hope that they are kind, because kind people are soft-hearted, and if they are too soft, they are easily hurt.It is true that no one wants to suffer and be hurt, but if we look around, we will find that even if we protect ourselves with a heart of stone, we still cannot avoid the invasion of pain.Therefore, Buddhist practitioners choose to open up and completely open their soft hearts to the outside world. It doesn't matter whether it is spring breeze or ice knife or frost sword.

Venerable Langri Tangpa sang in "Eight Verses on Cultivating the Mind": "I will give you success, joy, and happiness, and leave sadness and loss to myself." Suffering pain, failure, always so naive and loyal to plan for others.A kind heart is the source of all worldly merits.

In the past, virtuous teachers of the Kadampa sect greeted each other when they met, and they always asked each other: "Are you kind in your heart?" When they met in the morning, they asked, "Did you be kind in your dream last night?" When they said goodbye, they said, "I hope you keep your kind heart! Once, Venerable Atisha's hand hurt, he put his hand in the arms of his disciple Zhong Dunba and said: "Please bless this hand for me, you have a kind heart."

A kind person has no hurting heart, and he or she will always try to avoid causing pain to other sentient beings.The so-called not hurting people or things, broadly speaking, means not causing confusion and troubles for other sentient beings.A word, if it will make others feel troubled, I would rather not say it; an action, if it will make others confused, I would rather not do it.

Of course, in this world, good intentions do bad things from time to time.You should think carefully before doing anything. If you do your best out of good intentions, but the result is still not satisfactory, this kindness will still accumulate blessings.

Kindness is followed by a compassionate heart for all sentient beings, hoping that they will be free from suffering and find happiness.When others do good deeds, they sincerely praise and rejoice.When you see others doing bad things, bad luck, or suffering, you will never stand by and gloat, but do your best to stop, help, and sincerely hope that the situation will get better.

Buduoba, Zhong Dunba's fellow teacher and brother, never felt hatred or harm to any sentient beings in his life.He said to everyone, "I hope you are well." A kind-hearted person would not talk about friendship in the world while hurting other beings, because his benevolence is aimed at all sentient beings equally.

I always remember that whenever Dharma King Ruyibao saw animals suffering or being killed, he would be so sad that he would cry and would do his best to save them.Under the influence of His Holiness, his disciples are enthusiastic about releasing lives wherever they go, bringing freedom, peace and fearlessness to the rescued beings, and giving compassion, warmth and confidence to those who participate in the release.

Kindness and integrity always go hand in hand.Kind people are not necessarily smart and capable, but they must be upright.They may look a little clumsy, and they don't know how to be cute, but they say what they say, they respect their masters and fellow Taoists in person and behind them, and they never violate the teachings of their masters.In the world, only a kind heart can bloom the flowers of happiness.

Master Tsongkhapa said: "A kind-hearted person will live happily in this life and the next." If a kind-hearted person is firm and stable, once he starts to practice, liberation will not be far away.

Dharma King Ruyibao told us through his precepts and deeds: As long as we don't give up the kindness in our hearts, each of our lives can be an endless treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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