Prehistoric Gourd Supreme

Chapter 149 The Three God Races Gather

Chapter 149 The Three Great Protoss Gather
When Mu Gong met Mu Gong, Mu Gong was trying to persuade the furious Holy God, and as a friend of Holy God, he could only comfort him.

"You're not at the gourd market, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Tsing Yi, Mu Gong frowned, with a look of displeasure on his face, and asked.

"Senior, I have something important to report to you."

Facing Mugong, Tsing Yi was cautious, even though Mugong's cultivation level was similar to his, he never dared to underestimate him.

Although his cultivation base was not much different from Mugong, he never dared to underestimate Mugong, because it was because of Mugong that he could be what he is today in Tsing Yi.
It was also Mu Gong who gave him the attention to open the gourd market. It was because of the opening of the gourd market that he amassed a lot of money, so he broke through from a Taiyi Immortal to a Daluo Immortal in the middle of hundreds of years.

As he got to know Mu Gong, he became more and more fearful and awed, so even though his cultivation was similar to his gaze, he often used the title of senior.

What's more, Mugong also has a terrifying elder sister with unfathomable cultivation. Although he only glimpsed it from afar, he still remembers the horror of shattering mountains and rivers.

"It's not something important, so don't talk about it." Mu Gong was a little impatient.

"It's important."

Seeing that Mu Gong was in a bad mood, Tsing Yi was so frightened that his forehead was sweating, and hurriedly said: "It's about the Gourd Taoist. We chased and killed the Gourd Taoist and found that he entered the Yaochi."

"What? Taoist Calabash has entered Yaochi?"

This sentence made Mugong startled, just seeing the power of Calabash Taoist, he was a little frightened, and peeked at the sitting Holy God.

"Okay, that's great. I was looking for him, but he came to my door."

The Holy Spirit slapped the table and was furious, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and he was almost tormented insane these days.

Drinking cold water for nothing, stuffing his teeth, not to mention falling down while walking on the steps, and being struck by lightning for no reason, which made him go out now, feeling more and more angry.

For this reason, he also specifically asked the Queen Mother of the West how to solve the consequences of the loss of luck and the addition of bad luck. Will be back."

After getting the answer, the Holy Spirit was so excited that he was about to leave Yaochi to kill Taoist Gourd, but what Queen Mother Xi said made him feel cold.

"You are now in bad luck. A small accident will make you irreversible. In Yaochi, with me suppressing the world, your backlash will be very light. Once you leave, all the one in ten thousand possibilities will happen to you. On him, life is like thin paper."

Now when he heard the news of Calabash Taoist, the depression, depression, despair, bitterness and other emotions accumulated in the Holy Spirit's heart for a long time seemed to find an outlet, and the volcano was about to erupt.

"What a gourd Taoist, he dared to come to my Yaochi to play wild, today I will not let him run away."

Mugong was also full of anger. His sister suppressed Ziyang's kidnapping, so he didn't dare to go out to seek revenge from Taoist Calabash, but Taoist Calabash came to his door on his own initiative, arousing his murderous intent again.

"Go, take me to you, I will kill him with my own hands!"

Shengshen stood up suddenly, with a strong murderous intent on his body, he grabbed Tsing Yi's hand and walked out.

Seeing that Mu Gong was so angry, Tsing Yi nodded, and led the two of them in Yaochi, constantly looking for Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang didn't know that Tsing Yi had already led people to chase him to Yaochi, and he was looking for him with Mu Gong, and he was eating and drinking at this time.

While eating, suddenly a voice came from outside: "Sun God Envoy, Emperor Xingchen has arrived."

"Sun God Clan? What race is this?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, he had never heard of the Sun God Clan at all, then he raised his head and looked out curiously.

I saw a young man in a golden robe, his eyes were like stars, and he walked over imposingly. His body exuded a strong aura of the real fire of the sun, scorching hot, and exuded an aura that surpassed Da Luo Jinxian. In the early stage of Dao Slashing, there was a look of arrogance in his eyes.

"I've seen the Sun God Envoy."

The other people around felt Di Xingchen, and they all came over to say hello with respectful faces.

Di Xingchen nodded slightly, with arrogance on his face, and the people around him didn't have any dissatisfaction, and felt that it was a matter of course, Di Xingchen took a step to walk to the highest cloud beds in front of him.

"What a profound cultivation, Sun God Envoy? What race is this?"

Zhang Yang put down the jug, looked at Di Xingchen, felt the sea-like breath on his body, his eyes narrowed, and at the same time he became curious about his identity.

"Taiyin Protoss, the waves are coming." Then he shouted again.

"The Taiyin God Clan is here too?"

The people around exclaimed one after another, not daring to be negligent, and rushed forward again, showing a respectful look, to welcome the visitor.

"The Taiyin God Clan appeared again? Waves turn over the clouds? This name is really good enough. Waves and waves are not enough, and they turned all the clouds. How far can this wave go?"

Hearing that the Taiyin God Clan was coming, he showed surprise, and lamented that the Taiyin God Clan is so pervasive and can be encountered everywhere, and then laughed at his name.

I saw a man wearing a silver robe, with silver hair all over his head, well-groomed, handsome and extraordinary, exuding an extraordinary temperament, and also had the cultivation base of the early stage of Dao Slashing. Lang Fanyun stepped onto the high platform
"Entered the Lunar God Envoy!"

People who had already stood at the intersection, seeing Lang Fanyun's figure, all showed respect and saluted him continuously.

"Not enough waves, you didn't come earlier than me this time, haha."

Sitting on the cloud bed, Di Xingchen looked at Lang Fanyun approaching with a mocking look on his face.

"Three-legged bird, you haven't heard of it. You came late because of your noble status."

Lang Fanyun's face remained unchanged, but his mouth was tit for tat. He flew onto the cloud bed and sat down separately from Di Xingchen, four seats side by side, with the two sitting on one side.

"As far as your status is distinguished, a gatekeeper is enough, and a wave is not enough. Thanks to you, you still have to say it."

Di Xingchen was also blunt when speaking, and looked at Lang Fanyun contemptuously, pointing the needle at Maimang.

"You...Di Xingchen, you are courting death!"

This sentence seemed to poke Lang Fanyun's pain, he couldn't help being furious, his handsome face was full of murderous intent.

"Come on, who is afraid of whom? You think I'm afraid of you."

Not to be outdone, Di Xingchen burst out with murderous intent, and the two looked at each other coldly.

Zhang Yang looked at the two of them while eating the spirit fruit and drinking the nectar. He was very curious that the Sun God Clan and the Taiyin God Clan came from there, and they had such a high level of cultivation.

When the others saw Lang Fanyun and Di Xingchen fighting, they dared not show any airs. They hid far away, fearing that they would be unhappy if they accidentally heated up the noodle soup.

Suddenly there was a laugh from outside.

"Haha, why are you two still the same, fighting each other when they meet!"

"There's another one."

Zhang Yang looked up, he was very curious as to who it was.

As soon as the words fell, a young man in a black robe appeared in front of everyone, exuding a soul-shaking aura, and more importantly, his eyes were not black and white, but colorful, and there was a person behind him.

Seeing this person, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed, because he knew this person, and he was very familiar with him. He was Hongyun's servant Mo Ling.

"Why is Mo Ling here? Zhen Yuanzi is also here? This fairyland event is far from as simple as imagined."

Looking at Mo Ling, his eyes fell on the young man with colorful pupils in front of Mo Ling, Zhang Yang felt more and more that this time Yaochi was not easy.

"Entered the Heavenly Demon God Envoy!"

When people on both sides of the road saw the young man with colorful pupils, their faces were full of fear. Compared with the former two, they were in awe, and they were all saluting from afar.

"Mo Wuhui, I didn't expect you to come too." Di Xingchen snorted coldly.

"Your Emperor Xingchen can come, why can't I come?"

A smile appeared on Mo Wuhui's face, and he came to a cloud bed and sat down next to Lang Fanyun. The two nodded to each other, and Mo Ling followed Lang Fanyun, standing respectfully.

After Mo Wuhui sat down, he glanced down, and inadvertently saw Zhang Yang who was eating and drinking, he was taken aback for a moment, then laughed dumbfoundedly, and shook his head.

"Brother Wuhui, why are you laughing?"

Lang Fanyun, who was sitting beside him, turned his head to look at him, and asked suspiciously.

"I saw an interesting person." Mo Wuhui smiled slightly.

Lang Fanyun showed curiosity, and Lang Fanyun felt that interesting people must be chosen in different places. He followed Lang Fanyun's eyes and saw a different kind of publicity at a glance.

"Hey, where is this starving ghost? Why did he get mixed up in the fairyland festival?"

Lang Fanyun laughed dumbly, shook his head, and then looked away.At this moment, a man in embarrassment suddenly ran over from outside, and ran directly to Lang Fanyun: "God envoy help!"

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed, and his expression was a bit ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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