Chapter 150
"God envoys help!"

A shrill cry made everyone present stunned. Everyone turned around and looked towards the door.

I saw a man with disheveled clothes and fluffy hair rushing in from the outside, eyes full of excitement, tears in his eyes, staring straight at the four highest cloud beds on the high platform.

The people around didn't know why, so they all looked at the embarrassed figure rushing in, to see what he was going to do?
Zhang Yang looked at the person who came, with a strange look on his face, and thought to himself, why did he come here?But when he saw the person kneeling directly in front of Lang Fanyun, the Taiyin protoss, his eyes tightened.

"Lang Tianlei, why are you in such a mess?" Taiyin God Envoy Lang Fanyun looked at the visitor, frowned, and said displeasedly.

"Mystery, I was chased and killed by Taoist Gourd. Taoist Gourd also killed my younger brother Lang Dilei, and he also took away our accompanying spirit treasure. You must be the master for us..."

Looking at Lang Fanyun, Lang Dilei burst out all the grievances in his heart, with tears in his eyes, crying miserably and heartbroken.

"To shut up!"

Lang Fanyun looked at Lang Tianlei crying, with Taidi Xingchen and Mo Wuhui watching the joke beside him, he couldn't stand it, he roared and said: "A big Luoxian, what a shame to cry, what's the matter?" matter, tell me quickly?"

Looking at Lang Fanyun with a gloomy face, Lang Tianlei was so frightened that he quickly stopped crying, and told the story of how they met Taoist Hulu.

Of course, he also added fuel and vinegar, saying that Taoist Calabash was too arrogant, and he took a fancy to their brother's companion spirit treasure, but if they refused to give it, Taoist Calabash snatched it, killed Langdi mine, and then chased him all the way.

Sitting in the corner and hearing Lang Tianlei's words, Zhang Yang's nose was so out of breath that his nose was crooked, and Lang Tianlei would also be added to him if there was nothing wrong with him.

What do you mean by looking at the Lingbao on their brothers?They were obviously the ones who wanted to covet the primordial purple energy and the Penglai Immortal Island on their bodies, and they had no way to get off it, so they took away their spiritual treasures for self-protection.

How did he get into Lang Tianlei's mouth, how did he become a complete bastard? He has been in a shameless person before, but he has never seen such a shameless person.

But the next scene made Zhang Yang dumbfounded, and he instantly became a scolded, heinous bastard.

"This gourd Taoist is too arrogant. Relying on his treasure-hunting supernatural powers, he goes around snatching other people's spiritual treasures. It's too abominable!"

Hearing Lang Dilei's words, some people became dissatisfied with Zhang Yang and spoke out directly.

"That's right, this gourd Taoist is simply lawless. Do you really think he can be lawless if he has the treasure-hunting supernatural power? He even dares to snatch the Lingbao of the Taiyin God Clan. He is really tired of life!"

One person burst out with dissatisfaction, spoke out of righteous indignation, and flattered the Taiyin God Clan.

"That's right, this gourd Taoist is too arrogant and conceited, and he doesn't even take the Taiyin God Clan seriously. We must show his color, otherwise no one will be able to cure him in the future."

"What a gourd Taoist, he is really bullying too much. Do you think my Taiyin God Clan is easy to bully? You want to die!"

Lang Fanyun's face was livid, his eyes burst out with murderous intent, causing the surrounding temperature to drop dozens of degrees in an instant.

Zhang Yang shook his head. What else could he say when he met such an unreasonable person who likes to please others and intentionally smear others?Picked up the flagon and took a sip.

"That's right, bastards like Calabash Taoist shouldn't live in this world, just like a rat droppings, ruining everyone's practice."

Suddenly a person came out from the outside again, followed by hundreds of people behind him, said in a cold voice.


Zhang Yang had just taken a sip of Yulu fine wine, when he heard what the person said, he spit it out in one gulp, anger rose in his heart, a murderous look appeared on his face, and he looked up.

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Yang's face became even more gloomy, and he thought to himself, it's really a narrow road, I let you run away last time, I didn't expect you to dare to provoke me, damn it, Zhang Yang stood up, and walked towards the Holy God.

As soon as the Holy Spirit appeared, his words were so absolute that he instantly attracted the attention of everyone on both sides.

Di Xingchen, Lang Fanyun and Mo Wuhui also looked at the Holy Spirit with little interest, thinking about what to say next.

"Everyone, I'm afraid you don't know that this gourd Taoist not only possesses the treasure-hunting supernatural power, but also possesses..."

Seeing everyone, Holy Spirit looked at him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he continued, but before he finished speaking, a voice suddenly remembered.

"Made, who are you talking about rat shit!"

Zhang Yang had already taken out the black knife, which was covered in blood streaks, and slashed at him fiercely with crazy murderous intent.

Sensing the fierce murderous intent, the Holy Spirit suddenly turned his head to look, but when he looked, he happened to see the hateful person in his mouth, less than three meters away from him, full of murderous intent, and was killing him.

"Daoist Gourd, this is the grand festival of Yaochi, I advise you, it's better not to do anything, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Sensing Zhang Yang's murderous intent, the Holy Spirit showed no fear on his face, he didn't even move his body, and his face showed a mocking look. He didn't believe that Zhang Yang dared to kill him here.

But the facts are often unexpected. The Holy Spirit thought that Zhang Yang would not dare to kill him, but Zhang Yang really wanted to kill him this time, but when he felt something was wrong and tried to hide, it was already too late.

However, he is not someone who just sits and waits to die. With a move in his heart, the Sixiang Myriad Transformation Cauldron flew out of his body, exuding a shining precious light, and directly met the black knife in Zhang Yang's hand.

But since Zhang Yang wanted to kill him, there would be a chance for him to react. With a move in his heart, the divine light of seizing the treasure came out through his body, directly swept away the Sixiang Wanhua cauldron, and the black knife fell on the head.

A black light flashed across, and the face of the Holy Spirit froze with horror, and then his whole body was split in half, and finally turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

"This... killed people..."

Things happened too fast, when everyone reacted, their expressions changed drastically, and they instinctively fled away, staying far away from Zhang Yang, fearing that they would have something to do with Zhang Yang.

In the whole field, only Zhang Yang was left standing alone, holding a black knife in one hand and a tripod of four images and ten thousand transformations in the other, looking so abrupt.

"Ren Taoist Gourd, he is Taoist Gourd!" Suddenly someone shouted.

"What? He is Taoist Calabash?"

A word from the Holy Spirit was like a land mine unfolding, and many people exclaimed, looking up and down at Yang Yang.

"This Calabash Taoist dared to kill people at the Fair in Yaochi. He is really daring. This time he is dead."

"Isn't it? If you want to play wild, you don't even look at this place?"

"Especially the killing at the Fairy Fairy, the Queen Mother is most annoyed, this time Taoist Calabash is dead."

Many people looked at Zhang Yang, and then whispered to each other, all showing gloating looks, looking at Zhang Yang as if they were looking at a dead person.

"God's envoy, he is Taoist Calabash, and he killed the master."

Mo Ling, who was standing behind Mo Wuhui, saw Zhang Yang, his eyes instantly turned red, and he quickly leaned over in front of Mo Wuhui, and said through gritted teeth.

"It turns out that he is Taoist Calabash, how dare he come to the grand meeting in Yaochi? Sure enough, he is rampant!"

Lang Fanyun showed a hint of surprise, just now he felt flamboyant and interesting, but he didn't expect that he was the person he was looking for, but there was no murderous intent on him, and there was still a faint smile on his face.

"Calabash Taoist, you die for me!"

Lang Tianlei looked at Zhang Yang, his eyes turned red again, full of murderous intent, he rushed towards Zhang Yang crazily, with Lang Fanyun here, he felt confident,

"Tian Lei is back." Lang Fanyun hurriedly called Lang Tianlei to stop.

"God's envoy, Calabash Taoist killed my younger brother, and I want to avenge him."

Tianlei stopped and turned to look at Lang Fanyun with hatred on his face.

"This is a grand event in the fairyland, so don't be presumptuous."

Lang Fanyun's face darkened, his eyes turned cold, he knew more about the horror of Queen Mother Xi than anyone else, and in Yaochi, he didn't want to offend Queen Mother West.

"Yes." The envoy spoke, and he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only answer unwillingly.

"Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect to come to the Fair in Yaochi this time, and there will be unexpected joy."

Di Xingchen also had a smile on his face, with interest on his face, sitting still on the cloud bed, with the mentality of watching a play.

At the door, Mu Gong just walked to the door and saw Zhang Yang killing the Holy God with a knife. His expression froze for a moment, and then turned into infinite anger.

"Well, you gourd Taoist, you actually killed the holy god, I will not let you go, come, catch him for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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