Prehistoric Gourd Supreme

Chapter 151 Killing

Chapter 151 Killing

In front of the Yaochi rooftop, there were two people standing.

A stunning beauty with a mature figure, she is exactly Yao Chi.

Standing next to her was a handsome young man in a blue Taoist robe, and there was a makeup mirror in front of them.There is a simple mirror on the makeup mirror table.

There are divine patterns all over the mirror, and there is a lotus imprint on the top of the mirror. There is a blue light emitting from the mirror. In the blue light, it looks like a TV. A picture appears, which is Zhang Yang beheading the Holy God.

"Why don't you save Holy Spirit?" asked the young man beside Yaochi.

"Holy Spirit is exhausted, saving him is in vain."

Yaochi sighed softly, showing a trace of regret, looked at the young man beside her and said: "Haotian, you are here this time not only to participate in my Yaochi grand event, right?"

She still has important things to do, and she doesn't want to offend a monster that can absorb other people's luck. Although she can see luck, she can't control it.

"I came to ask you for help."

Haotian was full of helplessness, spread his hands, showing a wry smile, looked at Yaochi and said: "The catastrophe of the world is coming, my teacher asked me to help him find the fragments of the jade butterfly."

"The Fragment of the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly? With your teacher Hongjun's cultivation, it shouldn't be difficult to find it. Why did you ask me to find it?"

Yaochi frowned, and looked at Haotian with twinkling eyes.

"Who knows? I don't understand either. Since the teacher told me, I'll just do it."

Haotian showed a look of helplessness, Hongjun's thoughts were so unpredictable that he could not figure it out at all.

"The good fortune jade butterfly is the treasure of good fortune. Most people can't find it at all. Even if it is a fragment, no one can find it. I am still powerless about this matter. What's more, even if someone gets it, it is impossible to let others know , Finding a jade butterfly is harder than dropping a needle in the sea! I can't help you with this."

Yaochi's eyes flickered, and finally he sighed helplessly and shook his head.

The scene of the Fairyland Fair.

Mugong let out a roar, and hundreds of great Luoxians around him rushed up one after another, surrounded Zhang Yang, and each of them circulated profound kung fu, their magic power came out of their bodies, and they performed divine channeling techniques.

"Mugong, I didn't kill you, but you came to seek death!" Zhang Yang snorted coldly, and looked at the crowd indifferently with a black knife in his hand.

After walking all the way, he had eaten a lot of spiritual fruits and fine nectar. At this time, his mana had already recovered, and he was still diligent. He was not afraid of hundreds of Daluoxians on the opposite side.

"Do it, kill him!" Mu Gong roared angrily.

There was no need for Mu Gong's reminder, Tsing Yi brought hundreds of Da Luo Xian, attacking like a torrential rain, attacking Zhang Yang crazily.

"Gourd Taoist is dead, he is dead after being attacked by hundreds of Da Luoxians."

"Hundreds of great Luoxians teamed up, even in the early days of Dao Zhunsheng, maybe they would have to hate it, let alone a gourd Taoist of a big Luoxian."

"This gourd Taoist should have died a long time ago. Relying on his supernatural power to seize treasures, he is too arrogant and doesn't take anyone seriously. This time, hundreds of great Luoxians join forces, and it is his death."

The people around looked at Zhang Yang and gloated with sneers. They wished that Zhang Yang would die soon. Who would not be afraid of the treasure-hunting magic power?
"Calabash Taoist, this time you were attacked by hundreds of Da Luoxians, how can you escape? Brother, this time I can finally avenge you."

Lang Tianlei clenched his fists tightly, and his face showed a happy look, he was slightly regretful that he couldn't do it himself.

"Taoist Calabash, aren't you a bull? You have offended Yaochi, how can you be a bull this time!" Mo Ling had a sneer on his face.

Di Xingchen, Lang Fanyun, and Mo Wuhui were still sitting there, some with wine glasses in their hands, and some with spiritual fruits on the table, watching the fight below with relish.

"Since you are looking for death, I will give you a ride first."

Zhang Yang circulated his profound arts, mana was poured into the black knife, red lines appeared on the black knife, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he was chased by this group of people with nowhere to hide.

As soon as the saber was swung, the aura of heaven and earth surged in an instant, and wind and thunder billowed in the sky in all directions, converging towards the black saber in Zhang Yang's hand, and with a final bang, it broke through the sky, bursts of wind and thunder.

There is no wind and wind in the sky, and there is no snow on the clouds.

Seeing the attacks all over the sky, Zhang Yang let out an angry roar, and with a movement of his body, the sky and the earth moved and spread out, rushing towards Mugong like a wolf entering a flock of sheep.

Before he could take a few steps, attacks all over the sky, like rain, fell towards Zhang Yang with endless murderous intent.

"Death to me!"

In fact, Zhang Yang's whole body was in high spirits, his long hair was flying, and he was full of fighting spirit. Looking at the attacks all over the sky, he mustered his black knife and slashed down fiercely.

A knife fell, accompanied by snowflakes flying all over the sky, as if opening up the sky and the earth, in the dense attack, a hole was forcibly split.

Zhang Yang's great movement of heaven and earth unfolded, and he entered through the split opening in an instant, leaving afterimages of his body, approaching Mu Gong, less than ten meters away from him.

"Gourd Taoist, don't be rude, I, Tsing Yi, will kill you!"

Before Zhang Yang could get close to Mu Gong, Tsing Yi let out a roar and turned into a ray of light, holding a high-grade Xiantian Lingbao long sword, blocking Zhang Yang's way.

"You want to stop me too?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Zhang Yang's eyes. The black knife in his hand brought up a vision of wind and snow, sweeping away thousands of troops like a mat, and locked onto Tsing Yi with a murderous intent to dispel the cold.

At the same time, with a movement in his heart, a ray of treasure-hunting divine light flew out soundlessly, like a spirit snake, as fast as lightning, and went straight to the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Qingfeng long sword in Tsing Yi's hand.

"Qingfeng pierces the sky with a sword!"

Tsing Yi sneered, seeing Zhang Yang attacking with a black knife, he stabbed Zhang Yang with a sword.

A sword stabs out, please lightly, harmless to animals, the sword energy is restrained, across the void, there is no trace of ripple at all, soundless.

After stabbing out this sword, Tsing Yi felt complacent for a while, this is the most peak sword used, and with the sword in hand, there is a feeling of peace in the world.

But then, his face froze, because he felt that his hand was empty, and his top-grade innate spiritual treasure Qingfeng Sword was gone, and a murderous intent came over him, making him feel as if he had lost his strength in an ice cave.

At this time, the black knife in Zhang Yang's hand had come to him, Tsing Yi turned around and ran away without thinking, but no matter how fast he was, he was not as fast as Zhang Yang.

With one step, he came behind Tsing Yi, and the black knife followed, followed by the knife, and a huge human head flew up.

At this moment, other people also gathered around again, forming a tight circle, and the overwhelming attack came again.

"Tai Chi Eight Diagrams, come out!"

With so many attacks from the opposite side, Zhang Yang couldn't take care of using the black knife this time, so he directly used his supernatural powers, and a rotating Tai Chi Eight Diagrams appeared, exuding a precious light.

"Hey, this supernatural power is so mysterious!"

Lang Fanyun, who didn't care about it at first, showed surprise on his face after seeing the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram, and then stared at the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram tightly, his eyes flickering.

Di Xingchen and Mo Wuhui also showed shock. They all stared at the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams, feeling very mysterious. Every time he looked at it, he was inspired. The more he looked, the more shocked he felt.

In front of the Yaochi rooftop.

Haotian also stared at the Taiji gossip diagram next to Zhang Yang, with a look of horror on his face. He knew better than anyone else that this pattern was exactly what his teacher was studying in private.

Moreover, his teacher Hongjun hasn't researched it thoroughly, and there is no rumor at all. He also saw it by accident. He didn't expect to encounter someone using it by accident today. How could he not be shocked.

"What a mysterious supernatural power!"

Yao Chi also showed surprise, staring at the Taiji gossip diagram in Zhang Yang's hand, his beautiful eyes sparkled, and he murmured: "This gourd Taoist is not simple!"

As soon as the Taiji gossip diagram came out, it spun crazily, and the Taiji yin-yang fish turned into a black hole, like a long whale absorbing water, accepting attacks from all directions.

The attack of hundreds of Da Luoxians is so huge that even if Zhang Yang has Tai Chi supernatural powers, he can't stand it a bit. He feels that he has eaten too much Tai Chi Bagua Tu, he feels swollen, and his mana is consumed so badly that he still can't control Tai Chi Tu.

"It's not rude to come and go!"

Zhang Yang sneered, since he can't control it, he should release it, and with a movement in his heart, the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams stopped and turned in reverse instead.

In an instant, yin and yang were separated.Turning into Wuji, the Taiji Bagua Diagram opened a hole, and the attack just sucked in had not had time to digest, and it was released again.

As if a flood had been lifted, following the rotation of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram, it was thrown out like water on a Frisbee and rushed in all directions.

Boom boom boom!
The sudden change made Da Luoxian, who was besieging Zhang Yang, didn't react at all, and was attacked by overwhelming attacks, which landed on those who had no time to dodge, and instantly devoured the fruit.

The screams were endless, and a large area fell down in an instant, and many people turned into birds and beasts, scattered and fled...

(End of this chapter)

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