Chapter 120

Yun Mo is Master Yun in the eyes of everyone.Indeed, as Ye Daxian said, he is a genius who breaks through formations, but it's a pity that his talent is limited.It is difficult to take a step into the Nascent Soul in a lifetime, and throughout his life, he can only linger in the late stage of alchemy.He was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do.Just when he decided to give up and serve in Tianji Pavilion for life, a piece of news rekindled his hope.He has studied countless formations, and is even more obsessed with them.Therefore, when the people of Tianji Pavilion discovered this place, they drew a few diagrams and came back to invite those who are extremely skilled in formations to refer to them, and he is one of them.

With just one glance, he concluded that this was the immortal-level grand formation in ancient times.With just one glance at this formation, one knows that it is not easy to break through.Moreover, the rings are interlocked and connected layer by layer, and a single hair can move the whole body.If one is not careful, falling into the formation is also an ordinary thing.All the masters shook their heads, not only because the formation was extremely difficult, but also because the formation was full of strong murderous aura, and something was sealed. If a disaster was released, it would not be a good thing for Tianji Pavilion.

So the owner of Beimo Tianji Pavilion thought of a compromise method, sharing this thing with others.The map alone has made a lot of money, and it can let other people go to find out the truth before talking about it. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden for people from Tianji Pavilion to intervene.But Yun Mo violated the order and left the Tianji Pavilion, because there might be something in it, something that allowed him to break through his talent.

It is impossible for Yunmo to give up everything because of such illusory guesses, but because he has seen a jade slip, he knows where this place is.

"In this way, there will be Master Lao Yun." Elder Qin said softly, interrupting Yun Mo's meditation.

"It's just for mutual benefit." Yun Mo waved his hands indifferently, and walked ahead alone.Everyone hurriedly followed behind, about an arm's length away from Master Yun.A moment later, Mo Yan also brought a mighty group of demons to meet and reconcile, some distance away from Renxiu, he only saluted Yun Mo from a distance, and Yun Mo returned the salute.

Behind all the monsters, two birds, Ye Xiaohei and Ye Daxian, followed from a distance. They concealed their aura and looked like harmless beautiful birds.None of the monsters noticed Erniao's existence, and Renxiu didn't even bother to look back.Luo Shixuan stood aside, with a pensive look on his face, the three Youzai followed the main force for about 200 meters, Renxiu stopped first, and Mo Yan also waved his hand to stop the monsters.Ye Daxian and Ye Xiaohei hurriedly hid, using the thick leaves to cover their bodies, and their own aura to cover up subtlely, they were perfectly hidden.

"The map points to this place," Yun Mo said.

"Master Yun, this is what I don't understand. How can this huge open plain be the final destination. Of course, we bought this map because we trust the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, but this last point..." Qin Before the elder finished speaking, the meaning was self-evident.

"The map is correct, it is indeed here." After Yun Mo finished speaking, his right hand suddenly pointed forward, and he shouted loudly, "Now!"

The huge plain, which was originally calm and waveless, suddenly turned up countless circles of light, the brilliance was gorgeous, and there was a faint sound of fairy music.The plain suddenly changed into a scene, the white mist was hazy but could be seen clearly, on the green grassland, dozens of figures dressed in pure white and flawless clothes were dancing, having fun and composing poems.Listen carefully, only the curling voice of Xianle is left, but not the slightest bit of conversation.

The celestial music hits people's heart directly, surrounds the ears, and makes people feel peaceful. They have no desires or desires. They just want to immerse themselves in this celestial music, relax their bodies and dance and play music with the group of celestial beings.

"Roar!" A long roar of the tiger resounded, causing Xianle to be in chaos, everyone couldn't help frowning, and then slowly woke up from the state of being unable to extricate themselves.

"Elder Qin, Elder Qin?" Yun Mo called softly.

Elder Qin opened his eyes, and then his old face flushed a little, like a junior, he also fell into this delusional realm. "Master Yun, thank you."

Yun Mo immediately waved his hand and said, "Elder Qin, please don't thank me. You are all relying on Fellow Daoist Mo Yan. A roar of a tiger will wake everyone up."

Elder Qin is not someone who can't let go, so he immediately thanked him: "Thank you, fellow daoist."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Mo Yan said. "It's just that the first layer is so difficult to break through, so it must be in the end..."

"Fellow Daoist Moyan is probably joking. What is this level? I haven't even found the door yet." Yun Mo smiled wryly and shook his head.

Mo Yan was shocked when he heard the words, and tentatively said in a low tone: "Master Yun, this big formation..."

"The previous one was just a warning, but it also convinced me that this big formation is here. Breaking this formation is like pushing away the clouds and mist, and seeing the true face of this place." After a wry smile, Yun Mo His fighting spirit was high.The place has been found, as long as you take one step forward, just one step, your life will be very different.

"Master Yun, if you need any help, just ask." Mo Yan said, patting his chest.

Elder Qin also hurriedly said: "Master Yun has something to tell directly."

Yun Mo was not hypocritical, and directly stated his request: "Elder Qin, Fellow Daoist Moyan, you two are the ones who can make decisions, and that Yun will not take Joe. I need a few fellow Daoists to hold the formation flags, according to The five elements stand up, and I need to..."

Both Elder Qin and Mo Yan nodded repeatedly, and gave orders without hesitation. For a moment, this serious matter of breaking the formation seemed rather lively.

Ye Daxian watched from a distance for a while, then silently looked away.

"How?" Ye Xiaohei asked.

"He intends to use the formation to break the formation. This method seems dangerous but there is a chance of life, but this chance is too slim." Ye Daxian shook his head and said.

"No, Daxian, you are wrong." Luo Shi said, "This place is full of vitality."

Ye Daxian looked again in disbelief, looked carefully at Luo Shidao: "I have only studied the formation for a short time, but I can clearly see that it is not easy to use the method of breaking the formation."

"Who said he was going to break the formation." Luo Shi shook his head and smiled, "He is offering sacrifices to the formation."

"Sacrificing the formation?" Ye Daxian wondered, why hadn't she heard the senior brother talk about this method of breaking the formation.

"Sacrificial formation, if you understand it this way, it is equivalent to giving something and getting something in return."

"How can the formation be broken like this?" Ye Xiaohei asked.

"Some formations are fine, for example, the place where we got the underworld fire last time." Luo Shi said.

Ye Daxian's eyes widened suddenly, and she suddenly remembered that Ye Chun'er was also involved here.And combined with all the previous things, Ye Daxian suddenly had a guess, a guess that became clearer and clearer the more he thought about it.

"Luo Shi, can you feel something wrong with Ye Chun'er's aura?" Ye Daxian asked.

"I can't." Luo Shi shook his head, "It's strange, but there's nothing strange about it. What's wrong?"

"I suspect that Ye Chun'er is an evil cultivator." Ye Daxian said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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