Chapter 121

As soon as Ye Daxian finished speaking, Luo Shi thought for a while and said, "What you said is not impossible."

At this moment, Ye Xiaohei yelled and said, "Look, those people seem to be forming a formation."

Ye Daxian looked intently, and sure enough, those people followed Master Yun's instructions and obviously arranged in a formation.And each of them held a bowl-like vessel in their hands.The people who stood still looked at the things they held in their hands with puzzled faces, unable to think of a reason.Among the people forming the formation, there are demon cultivators, human cultivators are concentrated in the outer circle, and demon cultivators are in the inner circle. It seems that there is not much connection, but when you look closely, you can find that these people's cultivation bases are not low.

Seemingly seeing Ye Daxian's question, Luo Shi said softly, "Talent is limited."

Ye Daxian's heart trembled, "Is he an abandoned son?"

"This formation is estimated to be broken very quickly." Luo Shi said.

"This is obviously the way of evil cultivators. What kind of place is this place? You can use this method to break through the formation." Ye Daxian said.

"Follow in and have a look and you'll know where it is." Ye Xiaohei said.

"Look." Luo Shi suddenly said, Ye Daxian and Ye Xiaohei quickly looked over.

I saw beams of light suddenly rising around the few people and demons who were forming the formation, surrounding them.When the beam of light suddenly rose, several people and monsters seemed a little uneasy. They just wanted to escape quickly, but their bodies seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all.The faces of several people gradually panicked, but Yun Mo's complexion looked extremely cold. Without saying a word, he stepped forward alone, took out a jug-shaped vessel, and poured some black liquid into each bowl.

A strong stench came over the face, and the stunned onlookers quickly stepped back a few steps.Only then did he look at the bowl in confusion.What kind of black liquid is this? It is clearly thick blood. It is so thick that it shows its black appearance.When everyone looked at Yun Mo again, their expressions changed slightly.

The faces of Elder Qin and Mo Yan did not change much. Yun Mo explained the truth to them at the beginning.Unavoidable that there are many nights and dreams, the two also agreed to directly break the formation with this fast method.It doesn't hurt to sacrifice a few people.Mo Yan was the one who had discussed with the leaders of all the monsters before, and finally decided on the monsters.Elder Qin, on the other hand, kept his word. He was an elder of the Teng Snake Clan in the Northern Desert. He had a very high right to speak, and no one dared to say anything even if he picked a few to die.Fortunately, they are all insignificant people, and there is nothing unusual about the big families.

After pouring the liquid, Yun Mo put away the jug.Standing alone in the innermost circle, the outer circle is demon cultivators, and the outermost circle is human cultivators.In this way, the formation has been completed.Yun Mo took out another object, a sharp dagger carved with ghost heads.Yun Mo stabbed the dagger into the ground, and at the same time muttered something...

Ye Chun'er watched from afar, and when he saw the dagger, he licked his lips unintentionally with his tongue, and stared straight at the dagger, his eyes were full of greed.The man standing in front of Ye Chun'er turned his head and called softly: "Chun'er?"

Ye Chun'er immediately recovered her bright expression, looked at the man and said affectionately, "Senior Brother Ran Li."

Ran Li chuckled and said, "Chun'er is afraid of these things."

"It's nothing, I'm hiding behind Senior Brother Ran Li." Ye Chun'er suddenly said playfully.

"That's good." Ran Li smiled, turned around, and suppressed the smile.

Ye Chun'er snorted coldly in his heart and said to Si Ling through voice transmission: "It really is the young master of a big family, not like that wimpy Ye Lingtian. It seems to be affectionate and righteous, but it is cold-blooded and indifferent."

Si Ling didn't speak for a while, and Ye Chun'er said anxiously, "Si Ling, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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