Chapter 263

"Maybe something, a bunch of miscellaneous birds, and they still want to seek the position of the beast." Thinking of this, Ye Daxian said with a grim expression: "Huofeng knows that I am in Fengcheng?"

"I probably know it." Pu Ming said, "But there are strict orders in Fengcheng. So..."

Putin didn't say anything else.Ye Daxian understood.

Ye Daxian only felt that the anger in her heart was uncontrollable, she wanted to take revenge, wanted to trip people up, wanted to kill those people.But why, without strength, without backup, there is no way to stir up the fire phoenix.But Huofeng wanted to move himself easily.

"How about collecting some interest?" Caidie looked at Ye Daxian with a smile and said, "When Suzaku was wiped out, it must have contributed to strangling those fish that slipped through the net."

"Yes." Ye Daxian replied simply.

Cai Die smiled again: "You didn't ask me?"

"You have a plan, I have a request."

"Forget it, I'll give it to you."

Cai Die suddenly got up, looked at everyone and said, "I'll go out for a while."

Everyone looked puzzled, but they didn't ask much.They are aborigines, so everyone is not worried.

Ye Daxian poured himself a cup of spirit tea, and just as the spirit tea was finished, Caidie came back.He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Daxian, then stopped talking.Quietly poured himself a cup of spirit tea and sipped it leisurely.

The auction will continue, and the things that follow are really getting better and better.The sounds of the auction also came one after another without stopping.The price is getting higher and higher.It's a pity that Ye Daxian didn't fancy the one, Pu Ming didn't plan to buy it, Caidie didn't need it, and Xin Zihuan was not interested in the current auction.

At the beginning, those who often participated in the auction suddenly stopped, making everyone guess whether the spirit stone was gone.That's a pity.However, this idea was quickly thrown out of the mind, because the enthusiastic atmosphere of the bidding could no longer allow anyone to think about anything else.

"Everyone, the following auction item is an ancient sacred artifact. A horoscope."

The words of the abbot who bid for the auction were powerful, but they did not cause any reaction.Xin Zihuan, who was sitting next to Ye Daxian, suddenly looked ecstatic, and his body shook involuntarily.Exciting.

"What is a fate chart?" Ye Daxian asked.

"With this horoscope, I can fully display my strength." Xin Zihuan said, and took out a disk that was very similar to the one on the auction stage. "This is the imitation horoscope."

"To determine good and bad luck, measure life pulse." Cai Die said, "I can't tell, you are indeed a divination."

Xin Zihuan didn't care about Caidie's tone, she was still a little excited. "I must take this fate chart down."

"Don't be too happy." Pu Ming shook his head and said, "As far as I know, many people are interested in life cards."

"Great Immortal, lend me some spirit stones when the time comes." Xin Zihuan said, "I will repay you twice in the future."

Ye Daxian nodded immediately, it was necessary.The interest is huge.

"Perhaps those who know the horoscope don't need me to say anything more. As for not knowing what it is, it doesn't matter, because this thing is tasteless to you. Alright, the auction starts, one thousand top-quality spirit stones, one time Increase the price by [-] top-grade spirit stones."

The voice Ganluo said, the auction has already started, and it has increased to [-] in about ten breaths.

Ye Daxian patted Xin Zihuan's arm and said, "I won't participate for the time being, those who are capable will come later."

Xin Zihuan nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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