Chapter 264

Everything was as Ye Daxian expected, as the time went by, the number of competitors began to decrease, but the number doubled.

"Do you know who are in those private rooms?" Ye Daxian looked at Pu Ming and asked.

Pu Ming shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

"In the end, there are three people left to compete." Xin Zihuan said.

"Don't you know how to divination?" Cai Die smiled, "Why don't you do the divination to see if you can get it?"

Xin Zihuan shook his head with a wry smile. When Caidie was still holding grudges, he tested her with a trigram. "Can't figure it out."

"These are the three left, get ready to bid." Ye Daxian turned to look at Xin Zihuan and said.

"Well, I'm bound to win." Xin Zihuan said firmly.

"1000 million top-quality spirit stones, okay, the price of private room No. 1000 will be increased by 2000 million, for a total of [-] million spirit stones. Anyone else want to increase the price?"

The host's voice sounded, and just as Xin Zihuan was about to speak out, the host said again, "The bid for private room No. [-]...a hundred yuan of immortal jade."

boom.Xin Zihuan felt as if he had been hit hard, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Also because of the appearance of these hundred pieces of immortal jade, there was a moment of silence.Immediately afterwards, there was an unusually lively discussion.The buzzing sound made Xin Zihuan's complexion pale, and his face was full of disappointment.

Ye Daxian looked like he hated iron but steel, ignored Xin Zihuan, and asked the price directly: "200 yuan."

The discussion below was even louder, and those eyes were fixed on Ye Daxian and his private room.It turns out that it's not that they don't have spirit stones anymore, they just don't like those things.Listen, 200 yuan of immortal jade is really a big deal and a waste of money.

On the contrary, in this private room, except for Ye Daxian, all three people were in a dazed state.Until Ye Daxian coughed twice, interrupting the silence.

"Zhanfeng doesn't have this kind of property." Pu Ming said in surprise.

Xin Zihuan clenched his fist and said, "Thank you."

"Okay, 200 yuan of immortal jade is offered in private room No. [-], but who needs to increase the price. This horoscope will shine in the hands of those who know how to use it."

The host said in detail, but Xin Zihuan frowned. He only felt that the voice of the host was terrible, but he didn't know it.And there was a lot of delay.

The host looked around and saw that no one was involved, so he made a final decision. "200 yuan immortal jade deal."

After finishing speaking, he handed over the fate chart to the young man and ordered him to get the No. [-] private room.It's not the first time for the boy to bring things to the private room. When Ye Daxian had frequent auctions before, it was the boy who took things up.This Fengcheng auction has Fengcheng's rules.They all handed over the money with one hand and the goods with the other, and the handover was completed at that time.In order to prevent malicious bidding.The servant is very clear about Ye Daxian's big handwriting.So without any hesitation, he quickly ran up to the second floor with his life card.Come to the private room.

Everyone also stared intently at the tenth private room and listened carefully to the sound.See in the end is, deal, or hands.

It wasn't long, but everyone was waiting anxiously.

After a while, the boy respectfully exited the private room, and quickly ran to the depths of the auction hall with his things.Seeing this scene, the host laughed loudly and said, "Deal. Next, let's look at the next item." The host waved his hand and asked someone to present an item.

The auction for the next item has already started, but the buzzing discussion has not stopped.Not many people paid attention to a lot, which almost caused the lot to fail.

"The target is obvious now." Caidie shook her head and said.

"It was quite obvious in the first place, and it's not bad." Ye Daxian said.

However, Xin Zihuan's guilt became more and more obvious.He secretly swore in his heart that he would protect Great Immortal Ye fully.

The subsequent auctions are all rare and rare items, but unfortunately, none of them are what Ye Daxian needs.This makes people who pay close attention to private room No. [-] disappointed again and again.

"This last lot must have been known to many people in advance. I can assure you that the news you have received is true." The host smiled and waved for someone to bring something up.This object was held onto the stage by a woman, surrounded by four powerful people.

The woman gently put down the object in her hand, and lifted the red silk on it.A square box made of jade was revealed.The four men stepped back a little, but did not leave the area around the jade box.Just to allow people to see the box more clearly.The woman gently opened the box, and a bright red bead appeared.The temperature in the auction venue suddenly rose a lot, and everyone looked at the things in the box with more enthusiastic eyes.

Suzaku inner alchemy!

This inner alchemy looks like a living thing, with a brilliant red light emitting from its whole body.One of the Suzaku figures can be faintly seen dancing.The pure fire energy continuously radiated, making the fire monks present flushed with satisfaction.

Crack, the jade box closes.

Everyone couldn't help being a little disappointed, but more of them were determined to win.

The host looked at the situation of the auction with satisfaction, and was silent for a while before slowly opening his mouth to say: "I think everyone already knows the authenticity of Suzaku's inner alchemy."

"Where did you get the Suzaku Neidan?"

"Yes, who doesn't know that Suzaku has been exterminated for a long time."

"I won't get a white tiger inner alchemy next time." It seemed to be teasing, but there was some expectation. It seemed to be a male cultivator of water attribute.

The host raised his arm and pressed it down. After the scene was almost quiet, he continued, "I don't know the origin of Suzaku Neidan. Someone sent this photo. And the person who sent it, Shenlong Jianshou No end, and we don’t know the whereabouts of this person at the auction. It’s just an appointment with that person to hand over the spirit stone.”

"What time."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone roared with laughter.The female cultivator who asked this question also had flushed cheeks, ashamed.How could it be possible to reveal the time? Isn't it obvious that people would come to intercept him?

However, the appearance of the Suzaku Neidan suppressed the voices of those discussing the sender, and everyone focused all their attention on the Suzaku Neidan.The inner alchemy of the divine beast, not to mention the increase in cultivation, but the effect it will bring to the user, is also making everyone feel itchy.And just from the moment it was opened, it can be seen that the inner alchemy is very well preserved.Not even a hint of that power leaked.

Room [-] was freezing cold.Ye Daxian bit his lip and looked at the square jade box in the middle of the auction venue.

"Take a picture of it then." Pu Ming broke the silence.

"This is the worst policy." Caidie shook her head and vetoed it.

Xin Zihuan held the horoscope and said after a long while, "There is good luck in the evil, but the great evil!"

"You don't need to worry about it, I have a countermeasure." After finishing speaking, Ye Daxian glanced at Cai Die secretly.

Cai Die nodded slightly.

Ye Daxian curled his lips into a smile, Huofeng!Try grabbing my stuff if you can.

(End of this chapter)

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