Chapter 275

Ye Xiaohei flew all the way, and the butterfly hid in the horoscope early.Xin Zihuan took out his original imitation and murmured something.Ye Daxian lay on Ye Xiaohei's back, closed his eyes, and took a rest.

"Daxian, are we looking for Yaoshu?"

Ye Daxian closed his eyes and transmitted the voice: "I'm afraid I have to look for it. Anyway, Yaoshu said he owed me. With his help, we will be sure."

"Save some time too." Ye Xiaohei said.

"Well. I always feel bad after falling into a coma for so long. I clearly said at the time that it wouldn't be so long." At the end of the speech, Ye Daxian seemed to be muttering to himself.

"Since Honggu gave Danfang, no matter how rare these things are, they can still be found. Haven't we already found quite a few of them?"

"Well, I hope that the treasure place of Qingxuan Palace will surprise me this time." Ye Daxian sighed leisurely.

After a long while, Ye Xiaohei asked cautiously: "Then what are you going to do with the Suzaku Neidan?" Have you eaten?Surely not, isn't this equivalent to mutilating the same kind?Refined?That's even worse.give away?This is the inner alchemy of Suzaku, the inner alchemy of a race.Now that the inner alchemy is in Ye Daxian's hands, it is undoubtedly a hot potato, the kind that cannot be shaken off.

Ye Daxian was silent for a while, then slowly got up, and took out Qi Lin's storage bag.

More than half of the storage bags were various clothes of female cultivators. Ye Daxian directly picked them out and burned them clean.The rest are some pills, weapons and the like.It has to be said that this Qi Lin should be favored, the pills are not of ordinary grade, and the weapons are all high-grade spiritual weapons.In addition, this Qi Lin actually has a handbook.Ye Daxian is not usually a curious person, but when he saw the letter, he couldn't help but took it in his hand, opened it and read it.

The letter is not about the woman's sad spring and autumn, but some secrets of the Huofeng clan.Some of the intertwined relationships in each family are also listed.Ye Daxian blushed for a while looking back at the matter of the good night under the moon.This Qi Lin already coveted the position of Feng Nu, so Feng Nu should learn, and she will not be left behind.This is how this handbook came into being.

Ye Daxian turned back quickly, and when he turned to the last page, there was a treasure map sandwiched between them.The treasure map is as thin as a cicada's wing, Ye Daxian gently picked it up, carefully placed it in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully.The more I looked at it, the more frightened I became. The dot marked on the map marked a fiery red bird.This little bird does not look like a fire phoenix, but a vermillion bird.This turned out to be Suzaku's treasure trove.

No, Suzaku was exterminated at that time, but it has never been reported that anyone got anything from Suzaku.So these things of Suzaku were still put somewhere.But the Huofeng family is the only one who knows its existence.Putting away the treasure map, Ye Daxian looked a little ugly.

On the last page of the letter, there is this line of writing: It is said that Suzaku's treasure will be discredited by all relatives, but almost everyone in the Huofeng clan has a copy of the treasure map, but no one has found it for so many years.I don't know if this treasure map is true or not.I don't know if Feng Nu can know more.

A cluster of flames burst out from the center of Ye Daxian's palm, burning the letter completely.Those things in the storage bag are all of the best quality, but Ye Daxian doesn't like them.Except for the elixir left behind, all the rest were burned clean.However, a large number of spirit stones were harvested.

After removing the storage bag, Ye Daxian held the jade box in his hand.After a long time of silence, there seemed to be a sour feeling in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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