Chapter 276

After a while, Ye Daxian put the jade box away properly.Instead, he leaned on Ye Xiaohei's back and said, "Xiaohei, hurry up."

Xin Zihuan put away the horoscope in his hand a little decadently. When he only had this horoscope before, he regarded it as a treasure, and every time he deduced it, he was full of confidence.But ever since I used the genuine product, I have always been obsessed with it, but in the natal chart, the soul of the colorful butterfly resides temporarily.You can't use it as you like, which really makes Xin Zihuan a little uncomfortable.It seems that Xin Zihuan's emotion was heard by Cai Die, only to see a puff of green smoke curling up from the fate chart, and Cai Die's figure appeared outside.

As soon as Xin Zihuan saw the butterfly coming out, he immediately excitedly said, "How long can you last?"

Cai Die glanced at Xin Zihuan and said, "It's been a long time." After speaking, she sat next to Ye Daxian.

Xin Zihuan immediately held up the horoscope, and drew a few strokes on it with his fingers.After glancing at Xin Zihuan, Caidie lost interest, turned to look at Ye Daxian and asked, "Do you have any more?"

Ye Daxian was happy when he heard the words, sat up and said, "Do you want poison?"

"I guess you have." Cai Die stretched out her hand in front of Ye Daxian with a smile.

Ye Daxian smiled and shook his head.

Cai Die was disappointed for a while, after a long time, Cai Die gritted her teeth, as if she had made up her mind and said, "Give me a jade slip."

Ye Daxian tapped the storage bag, a jade slip appeared in Ai's hand, and handed it to Caidie.

Cai Die lightly pasted the jade slip on her forehead, took it off after a while and handed it to Ye Daxian: "Ten prescriptions."

Ye Daxian was surprised when he heard the words: "Did you study it yourself?"

Seeing Cai Die nod her head proudly, Ye Daxian couldn't help sticking the jade slip on her forehead.After a while, Ye Daxian took down the jade slip and said: "It seems that you really like poison." After finishing speaking, Ye Daxian took out a storage bag from the phoenix bracelet and handed it to Cai Die, saying: "Send it to you. "

Cai Die glanced at it with her spiritual sense and was quite happy. "After arriving in Qingqiu, if you need any help from me, just tell me directly."

Ye Daxian nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Xin Zihuan suddenly yelled, which startled the two girls.Seeing that the two women's expressions were not looking good, Xin Zihuan had no choice but to quickly say, "Qingqiu is in danger."

Ye Daxian frowned and glanced at Xin Zihuan, "Didn't you know this from the beginning?"

"No, that's not what I said." Xin Zihuan shook his head. "I remembered something Master said."

Ye Daxian had a bad feeling, but still motioned Xin Zihuan to continue.

Xin Zihuan was a little embarrassed, secretly thinking that he was careless and forgot such an important thing.

"Although Qingqiu is famous as a fox clan, there are many other races living here. For Qingqiu's stability, Qingqiu holds a grand meeting every ten years..."

Hearing what Xin Zihuan said, Ye Daxian understood.This Qingqiu grand meeting is a competition in disguise. Whoever is stronger will have more places and more resources.Surpass other races and become the king of Qingqiu.Such a grand event, not only Qingqiu, but also many people from other races will come to participate, the purpose is to settle in Qingqiu.At that time, the scene must be extremely grand.

But what Ye Daxian and the others needed most was to be able to hunt for treasures quietly, and this conflicted with the grand event.It may be as difficult as going to heaven to act secretly.For a while, everyone was silent, and couldn't think of any good way for a while.

Ye Daxian had a sound transmission with Ye Xiaohei, and finally smiled wryly.The secret path really needs to ask Yaoshu for help, but after such a long time, there is another place where there is a treasure, and I don’t know if Yaoshu will... Forget it, it’s useless to think about it now, Ye Daxian glanced at Xin Zihuan and said: "How? Is it a blessing or a curse?"

(End of this chapter)

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